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com.google.common.graph.GraphConstants.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 4 G &com/google/common/graph/GraphConstants
java/lang/Object ()V EXPECTED_DEGREE I
DEFAULT_EDGE_COUNT INNER_LOAD_FACTOR F?? INNER_CAPACITY NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH Ljava/lang/String; (Node %s is not an element of this graph. EDGE_NOT_IN_GRAPH (Edge %s is not an element of this graph. NODE_REMOVED_FROM_GRAPH ENode %s that was used to generate this set is no longer in the graph. NODE_PAIR_REMOVED_FROM_GRAPH ! RNode %s or node %s that were used to generate this set are no longer in the graph. EDGE_REMOVED_FROM_GRAPH $ EEdge %s that was used to generate this set is no longer in the graph. REUSING_EDGE ' rEdge %s already exists between the following nodes: %s, so it cannot be reused to connect the following nodes: %s. MULTIPLE_EDGES_CONNECTING * uCannot call edgeConnecting() when parallel edges exist between %s and %s. Consider calling edgesConnecting() instead. PARALLEL_EDGES_NOT_ALLOWED - ?Nodes %s and %s are already connected by a different edge. To construct a graph that allows parallel edges, call allowsParallelEdges(true) on the Builder. SELF_LOOPS_NOT_ALLOWED 0 ?Cannot add self-loop edge on node %s, as self-loops are not allowed. To construct a graph that allows self-loops, call allowsSelfLoops(true) on the Builder. NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_UNDIRECTED 3 ?Cannot call source()/target() on a EndpointPair from an undirected graph. Consider calling adjacentNode(node) if you already have a node, or nodeU()/nodeV() if you don't. EDGE_ALREADY_EXISTS 6 $Edge %s already exists in the graph. ENDPOINTS_MISMATCH 9 PMismatch: endpoints' ordering is not compatible with directionality of the graph Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this (Lcom/google/common/graph/GraphConstants;
SourceFile GraphConstants.java RuntimeVisibleAnnotations 9Lcom/google/common/graph/ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault; InnerClasses E /com/google/common/graph/GraphConstants$Presence Presence 0
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