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com.google.common.math.PairedStatsAccumulator.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 4 ? java/lang/Double
java/lang/Object ()V
-com/google/common/math/PairedStatsAccumulator xStats )Lcom/google/common/math/StatsAccumulator;
sumOfProductsOfDeltas D
add (D)V
! " $com/google/common/primitives/Doubles isFinite (D)Z
$ % & count ()J
( ) * mean ()D?
. $ / "com/google/common/math/PairedStats
. 1 2 ()Lcom/google/common/math/Stats;
4 5 6 addAll !(Lcom/google/common/math/Stats;)V
. 8 *
: ( ; com/google/common/math/Stats
. = 2
? @ 2 snapshot
. B C @(Lcom/google/common/math/Stats;Lcom/google/common/math/Stats;D)V
F G H I J $com/google/common/base/Preconditions
checkState (Z)V
L M " isNaN
O P * sumOfSquaresOfDeltas
R S T ensurePositive (D)D
V W X Y T java/lang/Math sqrt
[ \ T ensureInUnitRange
^ _ ` a b +com/google/common/math/LinearTransformation forNaN /()Lcom/google/common/math/LinearTransformation;
^ d e f mapping M(DD)Lcom/google/common/math/LinearTransformation$LinearTransformationBuilder;
h i j k l Gcom/google/common/math/LinearTransformation$LinearTransformationBuilder withSlope 0(D)Lcom/google/common/math/LinearTransformation;
^ n o l
^ q r l vertical ??
x y z constrainToRange (DDD)D Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this /Lcom/google/common/math/PairedStatsAccumulator; (DD)V x y
StackMapTable MethodParameters '(Lcom/google/common/math/PairedStats;)V values $Lcom/google/common/math/PairedStats; &()Lcom/google/common/math/PairedStats; populationCovariance sampleCovariance pearsonsCorrelationCoefficient xSumOfSquaresOfDeltas ySumOfSquaresOfDeltas productOfSumsOfSquaresOfDeltas leastSquaresFit value
SourceFile PairedStatsAccumulator.java RuntimeVisibleAnnotations 8Lcom/google/common/math/ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault; RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations 0Lcom/google/common/annotations/J2ktIncompatible; /Lcom/google/common/annotations/GwtIncompatible; InnerClasses LinearTransformationBuilder 1
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