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net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.Style Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* +=======================================================================
* |
* | PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
* |
* +=======================================================================
* (C) Copyright 2009-2024, Arnaud Roques
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* See https://plantuml.com/professional if you want to remove them
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* There is an exception : if the textual description in PlantUML language is also covered
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* This is the IGY distribution (Install GraphViz by Yourself).
* You have to install GraphViz and to setup the GRAPHVIZ_DOT environment variable
* (see https://plantuml.com/graphviz-dot )
* Icons provided by OpenIconic : https://useiconic.com/open
* Archimate sprites provided by Archi : http://www.archimatetool.com
* Stdlib AWS provided by https://github.com/milo-minderbinder/AWS-PlantUML
* Stdlib Icons provided https://github.com/tupadr3/plantuml-icon-font-sprites
* ASCIIMathML (c) Peter Jipsen http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen
* ASCIIMathML (c) David Lippman http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/dlippman
* CafeUndZopfli ported by Eugene Klyuchnikov https://github.com/eustas/CafeUndZopfli
* Brotli (c) by the Brotli Authors https://github.com/google/brotli
* Themes (c) by Brett Schwarz https://github.com/bschwarz/puml-themes
* Twemoji (c) by Twitter at https://twemoji.twitter.com/
package net.sourceforge.plantuml.style;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.Fashion;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.LineBreakStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.UStroke;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.ColorType;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.Colors;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.HColor;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.HColorSet;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.HColors;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.creole.CreoleMode;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.creole.Display;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.drawing.UGraphic;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.font.FontConfiguration;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.font.UFont;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.HorizontalAlignment;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.shape.TextBlock;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.shape.TextBlockUtils;
public class Style {
// ::remove file when __HAXE__
private final Map map;
private final StyleSignatureBasic signature;
public Style(StyleSignatureBasic signature, Map map) {
this.map = map;
this.signature = signature;
public Style deltaPriority(int delta) {
if (signature.isStarred() == false)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final EnumMap copy = new EnumMap(PName.class);
for (Entry ent : this.map.entrySet())
copy.put(ent.getKey(), ((ValueImpl) ent.getValue()).addPriority(delta));
return new Style(this.signature, copy);
public void printMe() {
if (map.size() == 0)
System.err.println(signature + " {");
for (Entry ent : map.entrySet())
System.err.println(" " + ent.getKey() + ": " + ent.getValue().asString());
public String toString() {
return signature + " " + map;
public Value value(PName name) {
final Value result = map.get(name);
if (result == null)
return ValueNull.NULL;
return result;
public boolean hasValue(PName name) {
return map.containsKey(name);
public Style mergeWith(Style other, MergeStrategy strategy) {
if (other == null)
return this;
final EnumMap both = new EnumMap(this.map);
for (Entry ent : other.map.entrySet()) {
final Value previous = this.map.get(ent.getKey());
if (previous != null && previous.getPriority() > StyleLoader.DELTA_PRIORITY_FOR_STEREOTYPE
&& strategy == MergeStrategy.KEEP_EXISTING_VALUE_OF_STEREOTYPE)
final PName key = ent.getKey();
both.put(key, ((ValueImpl) ent.getValue()).mergeWith(previous));
return new Style(this.signature.mergeWith(other.getSignature()), both);
public Style eventuallyOverride(PName param, HColor color) {
if (color == null)
return this;
final EnumMap result = new EnumMap(this.map);
final Value old = result.get(param);
result.put(param, new ValueColor(color, old.getPriority()));
return new Style(this.signature, result);
public Style eventuallyOverride(PName param, double value) {
return eventuallyOverride(param, "" + value);
public Style eventuallyOverride(PName param, String value) {
final EnumMap result = new EnumMap(this.map);
result.put(param, ValueImpl.regular(value, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
return new Style(this.signature, result);
public Style eventuallyOverride(Colors colors) {
Style result = this;
if (colors != null) {
final HColor back = colors.getColor(ColorType.BACK);
if (back != null)
result = result.eventuallyOverride(PName.BackGroundColor, back);
final HColor line = colors.getColor(ColorType.LINE);
if (line != null)
result = result.eventuallyOverride(PName.LineColor, line);
final HColor text = colors.getColor(ColorType.TEXT);
if (text != null)
result = result.eventuallyOverride(PName.FontColor, text);
return result;
public Style eventuallyOverride(Fashion symbolContext) {
Style result = this;
if (symbolContext != null) {
final HColor back = symbolContext.getBackColor();
if (back != null)
result = result.eventuallyOverride(PName.BackGroundColor, back);
return result;
public StyleSignatureBasic getSignature() {
return signature;
public UFont getUFont() {
final String fontName = value(PName.FontName).asString();
final String family = UFont.getExistingFontFamily(fontName);
final int fontStyle = value(PName.FontStyle).asFontStyle();
int size = value(PName.FontSize).asInt(true);
if (size == -1)
size = 14;
return UFont.build(family, fontStyle, size);
public FontConfiguration getFontConfiguration(HColorSet set) {
return getFontConfiguration(set, null);
public FontConfiguration getFontConfiguration(HColorSet set, Colors colors) {
final UFont font = getUFont();
HColor color = colors == null ? null : colors.getColor(ColorType.TEXT);
if (color == null)
color = value(PName.FontColor).asColor(set);
final HColor hyperlinkColor = value(PName.HyperLinkColor).asColor(set);
final UStroke stroke = getStroke(PName.HyperlinkUnderlineThickness, PName.HyperlinkUnderlineStyle);
return FontConfiguration.create(font, color, hyperlinkColor, stroke);
public Fashion getSymbolContext(HColorSet set, Colors colors) {
HColor backColor = colors == null ? null : colors.getColor(ColorType.BACK);
if (backColor == null)
backColor = value(PName.BackGroundColor).asColor(set);
HColor foreColor = colors == null ? null : colors.getColor(ColorType.LINE);
if (foreColor == null)
foreColor = value(PName.LineColor).asColor(set);
final double deltaShadowing = value(PName.Shadowing).asDouble();
final double roundCorner = value(PName.RoundCorner).asDouble();
final double diagonalCorner = value(PName.DiagonalCorner).asDouble();
return new Fashion(backColor, foreColor).withStroke(getStroke()).withDeltaShadow(deltaShadowing)
.withCorner(roundCorner, diagonalCorner);
public Fashion getSymbolContext(HColorSet set) {
return getSymbolContext(set, null);
public Style eventuallyOverride(UStroke stroke) {
if (stroke == null)
return this;
Style result = this.eventuallyOverride(PName.LineThickness, stroke.getThickness());
final double space = stroke.getDashSpace();
final double visible = stroke.getDashVisible();
result = result.eventuallyOverride(PName.LineStyle, "" + visible + "-" + space);
return result;
public UStroke getStroke() {
return getStroke(PName.LineThickness, PName.LineStyle);
private UStroke getStroke(final PName thicknessParam, final PName styleParam) {
final double thickness = value(thicknessParam).asDouble();
final String dash = value(styleParam).asString();
if (dash.length() == 0)
return UStroke.withThickness(thickness);
try {
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dash, "-;,");
final double dashVisible = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken().trim());
double dashSpace = dashVisible;
if (st.hasMoreTokens())
dashSpace = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken().trim());
return new UStroke(dashVisible, dashSpace, thickness);
} catch (Exception e) {
return UStroke.withThickness(thickness);
public UStroke getStroke(Colors colors) {
final UStroke stroke = colors.getSpecificLineStroke();
if (stroke == null)
return getStroke();
return stroke;
public LineBreakStrategy wrapWidth() {
final String value = value(PName.MaximumWidth).asString();
return new LineBreakStrategy(value);
public ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft getPadding() {
final String padding = value(PName.Padding).asString();
return ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft.read(padding);
public ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft getMargin() {
final String margin = value(PName.Margin).asString();
return ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft.read(margin);
public HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment() {
return value(PName.HorizontalAlignment).asHorizontalAlignment();
public static final String ID_TITLE = "_title";
public static final String ID_CAPTION = "_caption";
public static final String ID_LEGEND = "_legend";
public TextBlock createTextBlockBordered(Display note, HColorSet set, ISkinSimple spriteContainer, String id,
LineBreakStrategy lineBreak) {
final HorizontalAlignment alignment = this.getHorizontalAlignment();
final FontConfiguration fc = this.getFontConfiguration(set);
final TextBlock textBlock = note.create0(fc, alignment, spriteContainer, lineBreak, CreoleMode.FULL, null,
final HColor backgroundColor = this.value(PName.BackGroundColor).asColor(set);
final HColor lineColor = this.value(PName.LineColor).asColor(set);
final UStroke stroke = this.getStroke();
final int cornersize = this.value(PName.RoundCorner).asInt(false);
final ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft margin = this.getMargin();
final ClockwiseTopRightBottomLeft padding = this.getPadding();
final TextBlock result = TextBlockUtils.bordered(textBlock, stroke, lineColor, backgroundColor, cornersize,
padding, id);
return TextBlockUtils.withMargin(result, margin);
public UGraphic applyStrokeAndLineColor(UGraphic ug, HColorSet colorSet) {
final HColor color = value(PName.LineColor).asColor(colorSet);
if (color == null)
ug = ug.apply(HColors.none());
ug = ug.apply(color);
ug = ug.apply(getStroke());
return ug;
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