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net.sourceforge.plantuml.zopfli.Deflate Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package net.sourceforge.plantuml.zopfli;

class Deflate {

	static enum BlockType {

	// final static int WINDOW_SIZE = 0x8000;
	// final static int WINDOW_MASK = 0x7FFF;
	// final static int MAX_MATCH = 258;
	// final static int MIN_MATCH = 3;
	// final static int MAX_CHAIN_HITS = 8192; // Should be less than WINDOW_SIZE

	private static void getFixedTree(int[] llLengths, int[] dLengths) {
		for (int i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
			llLengths[i] = 8;
		for (int i = 144; i < 256; i++) {
			llLengths[i] = 9;
		for (int i = 256; i < 280; i++) {
			llLengths[i] = 7;
		for (int i = 280; i < 288; i++) {
			llLengths[i] = 8;
		for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
			dLengths[i] = 5;

	public static void greedy(Cookie cookie, LongestMatchCache lmc, byte[] input, int from, int to, LzStore store) {
		Hash h = cookie.h;
		h.init(input, Math.max(from - 0x8000, 0), from, to);
		int prevLength = 0;
		int prevMatch = 0;
		char[] dummySubLen = cookie.c259a;
		boolean matchAvailable = false;

		for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
			h.updateHash(input, i, to);
			findLongestMatch(cookie, lmc, from, h, input, i, to, 258, dummySubLen);
			int len = cookie.lenVal;
			int dist = cookie.distVal;
			int lengthScore = dist > 1024 ? len - 1 : len;
			int prevLengthScore = prevMatch > 1024 ? prevLength - 1 : prevLength;

			if (matchAvailable) {
				matchAvailable = false;
				if (lengthScore > prevLengthScore + 1) {
					store.append((char) (input[i - 1] & 0xFF), (char) 0);
					if (lengthScore >= 3 && len < 258) {
						matchAvailable = true;
						prevLength = len;
						prevMatch = dist;
				} else {
					store.append((char) prevLength, (char) prevMatch);
					for (int j = 2; j < prevLength; j++) {
						h.updateHash(input, i, to);
			} else if (lengthScore >= 3 && len < 258) {
				matchAvailable = true;
				prevLength = len;
				prevMatch = dist;

			if (lengthScore >= 3) {
				store.append((char) len, (char) dist);
			} else {
				len = 1;
				store.append((char) (input[i] & 0xFF), (char) 0);
			for (int j = 1; j < len; j++) {
				h.updateHash(input, i, to);

	static void findLongestMatch(Cookie cookie, LongestMatchCache lmc, int blockStart, Hash h, byte[] array, int pos,
			int size, int limit, char[] subLen) {
		// # WINDOW_SIZE = 0x8000
		// # WINDOW_MASK = 0x7FFF
		// # MIN_MATCH = 3
		// # MAX_MATCH = 258

		int offset = pos - blockStart;
		char[] lmcLength = lmc != null ? lmc.length : null;
		if (lmc != null && ((lmcLength[offset] == 0 || lmc.dist[offset] != 0)) && (limit == 258
				|| lmcLength[offset] <= limit || subLen != null && lmc.maxCachedSubLen(offset) >= limit)) {
			if (subLen == null || lmcLength[offset] <= lmc.maxCachedSubLen(offset)) {
				cookie.lenVal = lmcLength[offset];
				if (cookie.lenVal > limit) {
					cookie.lenVal = limit;
				if (subLen != null) {
					lmc.cacheToSubLen(offset, cookie.lenVal, subLen);
					cookie.distVal = subLen[cookie.lenVal];
				} else {
					cookie.distVal = lmc.dist[offset];
			limit = lmcLength[offset];

		if (size - pos < 3) {
			cookie.lenVal = 0;
			cookie.distVal = 0;

		if (pos + limit > size) {
			limit = size - pos;

		int bestDist = 0;
		int bestLength = 1;
		int arrayEnd = pos + limit;
		int chainCounter = 8192;
		int[] hPrev = h.prev;
		int[] hPrev2 = h.prev2;
		int pp = h.head[h.val];
		int threshold = h.same[pp];
		int[] hashVal2 = h.hashVal2;
		int marker = hashVal2[pp];
		int p = hPrev[pp];
		pp -= p;
		int dist = pp > 0 ? pp : pp + 0x8000;

		while (dist < 0x8000 && chainCounter > 0) {
			int scan = pos;
			int match = pos - dist;

			if (array[scan + bestLength] == array[match + bestLength]) {
				int same0 = h.same[pos & 0x7FFF];
				if (same0 > 2 && array[scan] == array[match]) {
					int same1 = h.same[match & 0x7FFF];
					int same = same0 < same1 ? same0 : same1;
					if (same > limit) {
						same = limit;
					scan += same;
					match += same;
				while (scan != arrayEnd && array[scan] == array[match]) {
				scan -= pos;

				if (scan > bestLength) {
					if (subLen != null) {
						for (int j = bestLength + 1; j <= scan; j++) {
							subLen[j] = (char) dist;
					bestDist = dist;
					bestLength = scan;
					if (scan >= limit) {

			if (hPrev != hPrev2 && bestLength >= threshold && marker == hashVal2[p]) {
				hPrev = hPrev2;

			pp = p;
			p = hPrev[p];
			if (p == pp) {
			pp -= p;
			dist += pp > 0 ? pp : 0x8000 + pp;


		if (lmc != null && limit == 258 && subLen != null && lmcLength[offset] != 0 && lmc.dist[offset] == 0) {
			if (bestLength < 3) {
				lmc.dist[offset] = 0;
				lmcLength[offset] = 0;
			} else {
				lmc.dist[offset] = (char) bestDist;
				lmcLength[offset] = (char) bestLength;
			lmc.subLenToCache(subLen, offset, bestLength);

		cookie.distVal = bestDist;
		cookie.lenVal = bestLength;

	private static void deflatePart(Cookie cookie, Options options, byte[] input, int from, int to, boolean flush,
			Buffer output) {
		// assert from != to
		switch (options.blockSplitting) {
		case FIRST:
			deflateSplittingFirst(cookie, options, flush, input, from, to, output);

		case LAST:
			deflateSplittingLast(cookie, options, flush, input, from, to, output);

		case NONE:
			deflateDynamicBlock(cookie, options, flush, input, from, to, output);

	private static void deflateDynamicBlock(Cookie cookie, Options options, boolean flush, byte[] input, int from,
			int to, Buffer output) {
		// assert from != to
		LongestMatchCache lmc = cookie.lmc;
		lmc.init(to - from);

		BlockType type = BlockType.DYNAMIC;
		LzStore store = Squeeze.optimal(cookie, options.numIterations, lmc, input, from, to);

		if (store.size < 1000) {
			LzStore fixedStore = cookie.store1;
			Squeeze.bestFixedLengths(cookie, lmc, input, from, to, cookie.lengthArray, cookie.costs);
			Squeeze.optimalRun(cookie, lmc, input, from, to, cookie.lengthArray, fixedStore);
			int dynCost = calculateBlockSize(cookie, store.litLens, store.dists, 0, store.size);
			int fixedCost = calculateFixedBlockSize(cookie, fixedStore.litLens, fixedStore.dists, fixedStore.size);
			if (fixedCost < dynCost) {
				type = BlockType.FIXED;
				store = fixedStore;

		addLzBlock(cookie, type, flush, store.litLens, store.dists, 0, store.size, output);

	private static void deflateSplittingLast(Cookie cookie, Options options, boolean flush, byte[] input, int from,
			int to, Buffer output) {
		// assert from != to
		LongestMatchCache lmc = cookie.lmc;
		lmc.init(to - from);

		LzStore store = Squeeze.optimal(cookie, options.numIterations, lmc, input, from, to);

		int nPoints = BlockSplitter.splitLz(cookie, store.litLens, store.dists, store.size);

		int[] splitPoints = cookie.splitPoints;
		for (int i = 1; i <= nPoints; i++) {
			int start = splitPoints[i - 1];
			int end = splitPoints[i];
			addLzBlock(cookie, BlockType.DYNAMIC, i == nPoints && flush, store.litLens, store.dists, start, end,

	private static void deflateSplittingFirst(Cookie cookie, Options options, boolean flush, byte[] input, int from,
			int to, Buffer output) {
		// assert from != to
		int nPoints = BlockSplitter.split(cookie, input, from, to);
		int[] splitPoints = cookie.splitPoints;
		for (int i = 1; i <= nPoints; ++i) {
			deflateDynamicBlock(cookie, options, i == nPoints && flush, input, splitPoints[i - 1], splitPoints[i],

	static int calculateBlockSize(Cookie cookie, char[] litLens, char[] dists, int lStart, int lEnd) {
		int[] llLengths = cookie.i288a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, llLengths, 0, 288);
		int[] dLengths = cookie.i32a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, dLengths, 0, 32);

		int result = 3;

		int[] llCounts = cookie.i288b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, llCounts, 0, 288);
		int[] dCounts = cookie.i32b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, dCounts, 0, 32);

		int[] lengthSymbol = Util.LENGTH_SYMBOL;
		int[] cachedDistSymbol = Util.CACHED_DIST_SYMBOL;
		int[] lengthExtraBits = Util.LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS;
		for (int i = lStart; i < lEnd; i++) {
			int d = dists[i];
			int l = litLens[i];
			if (d == 0) {
			} else {
				int distSymbol = cachedDistSymbol[d];
				result += lengthExtraBits[l];
				if (distSymbol > 3) {
					result += (distSymbol / 2) - 1;
		llCounts[256] = 1;

		int[] llCountsCopy = cookie.i288c;
		System.arraycopy(llCounts, 0, llCountsCopy, 0, 288);
		optimizeHuffmanForRle(cookie, llCountsCopy);
		Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, llCountsCopy, 15, llLengths);

		int[] dCountsCopy = cookie.i32c;
		System.arraycopy(dCounts, 0, dCountsCopy, 0, 32);
		optimizeHuffmanForRle(cookie, dCountsCopy);
		Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, dCountsCopy, 15, dLengths);

		result += simulateAddDynamicTree(cookie, llLengths, dLengths);

		for (int i = 0; i < 288; ++i) {
			result += llCounts[i] * llLengths[i];
		for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
			result += dCounts[i] * dLengths[i];
		return result;

	private static int calculateFixedBlockSize(Cookie cookie, char[] litLens, char[] dists, int size) {
		int[] llLengths = cookie.i288a;
		int[] dLengths = cookie.i32a;
		getFixedTree(llLengths, dLengths);

		int result = 3;

		int[] cachedDistExtraBits = Util.CACHED_DIST_EXTRA_BITS;
		int[] lengthExtraBits = Util.LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS;
		int[] lengthSymbol = Util.LENGTH_SYMBOL;

		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			int d = dists[i];
			int l = litLens[i];
			if (d == 0) {
				result += llLengths[l];
			} else {
				result += llLengths[lengthSymbol[l]];
				result += lengthExtraBits[l];
				result += 5;
				result += d < 4097 ? cachedDistExtraBits[d] : d < 16385 ? d < 8193 ? 11 : 12 : 13;
		result += llLengths[256];

		return result;

	private static void lzCounts(char[] litLens, char[] dists, int start, int end, int[] llCount, int[] dCount) {
		int[] lengthSymbol = Util.LENGTH_SYMBOL;
		int[] cachedDistSymbol = Util.CACHED_DIST_SYMBOL;
		for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
			int d = dists[i];
			int l = litLens[i];
			if (d == 0) {
			} else {

		llCount[256] = 1;

	static void compress(Cookie cookie, Options options, byte[] input, Buffer output) {
		int i = 0;
		while (i < input.length) {
			int j = Math.min(i + cookie.masterBlockSize, input.length);
			deflatePart(cookie, options, input, i, j, j == input.length, output);
			i = j;

	private static void patchDistanceCodesForBuggyDecoders(int[] dLengths) {
		int numDistCodes = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
			if (dLengths[i] != 0) {
				if (numDistCodes == 2) {

		if (numDistCodes == 0) {
			dLengths[0] = 1;
			dLengths[1] = 1;
		} else if (numDistCodes == 1) {
			dLengths[dLengths[0] != 0 ? 1 : 0] = 1;

	private static void addDynamicTree(Cookie cookie, int[] llLengths, int[] dLengths, Buffer output) {
		int best = 0;
		int bestSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			int size = simulateEncodeTree(cookie, llLengths, dLengths, (i & 1) != 0, (i & 2) != 0, (i & 4) != 0);
			if (size < bestSize) {
				bestSize = size;
				best = i;

		encodeTree(cookie, llLengths, dLengths, (best & 1) != 0, (best & 2) != 0, (best & 4) != 0, output);

	private static void encodeTree(Cookie cookie, int[] llLengths, int[] dLengths, boolean use16, boolean use17,
			boolean use18, Buffer output) {
		int hLit = 29;
		int hDist = 29;

		while (hLit > 0 && llLengths[256 + hLit] == 0) {
		while (hDist > 0 && dLengths[hDist] == 0) {

		int lldTotal = hLit + 258 + hDist;
		int[] lldLengths = cookie.i320b;
		System.arraycopy(llLengths, 0, lldLengths, 0, 257 + hLit);
		System.arraycopy(dLengths, 0, lldLengths, 257 + hLit, hDist + 1);

		int rleSize = 0;
		int[] rle = cookie.i320a;
		int[] rleBits = cookie.i320c;

		for (int i = 0; i < lldTotal; i++) {
			int count = 1;
			int symbol = lldLengths[i];
			if (use16 || (symbol == 0 && (use17 || use18))) {
				for (int j = i + 1; j < lldTotal && symbol == lldLengths[j]; j++) {
			i += count - 1;

			if (symbol == 0 && count > 2) {
				if (use18) {
					while (count > 10) {
						int delta = count > 138 ? 138 : count;
						rle[rleSize] = 18;
						rleBits[rleSize++] = delta - 11;
						count -= delta;
				if (use17) {
					while (count > 2) {
						int delta = count > 10 ? 10 : count;
						rle[rleSize] = 17;
						rleBits[rleSize++] = delta - 3;
						count -= delta;

			if (use16 && count > 3) {
				rle[rleSize] = symbol;
				rleBits[rleSize++] = 0;
				while (count > 2) {
					int delta = count > 6 ? 6 : count;
					rle[rleSize] = 16;
					rleBits[rleSize++] = delta - 3;
					count -= delta;

			while (count != 0) {
				rle[rleSize] = symbol;
				rleBits[rleSize++] = 0;

		int[] clCounts = cookie.i19a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, clCounts, 0, 19);
		for (int i = 0; i < rleSize; ++i) {

		int[] clCl = cookie.i19b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, clCl, 0, 19);
		Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, clCounts, 7, clCl);
		int[] clSymbols = cookie.i19c;
		lengthsToSymbols(clCl, 19, 7, clSymbols, cookie.i16a, cookie.i16b);

		int[] order = Util.ORDER;
		int hcLen = 15;
		while (hcLen > 0 && clCounts[order[hcLen + 3]] == 0) {

		output.addBits(hLit, 5);
		output.addBits(hDist, 5);
		output.addBits(hcLen, 4);

		for (int i = 0; i < hcLen + 4; i++) {
			output.addBits(clCl[order[i]], 3);

		for (int i = 0; i < rleSize; i++) {
			int symbol = clSymbols[rle[i]];
			output.addHuffmanBits(symbol, clCl[rle[i]]);
			if (rle[i] == 16) {
				output.addBits(rleBits[i], 2);
			} else if (rle[i] == 17) {
				output.addBits(rleBits[i], 3);
			} else if (rle[i] == 18) {
				output.addBits(rleBits[i], 7);

	private static int simulateAddDynamicTree(Cookie cookie, int[] llLengths, int[] dLengths) {
		int bestSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			int size = simulateEncodeTree(cookie, llLengths, dLengths, (i & 1) != 0, (i & 2) != 0, (i & 4) != 0);
			if (size < bestSize) {
				bestSize = size;
		return bestSize;

	// TODO: GetRid of RLE
	private static int simulateEncodeTree(Cookie cookie, int[] llLengths, int[] dLengths, boolean use16, boolean use17,
			boolean use18) {
		int hLit = 29;
		int hDist = 29;

		while (hLit > 0 && llLengths[256 + hLit] == 0) {
		while (hDist > 0 && dLengths[hDist] == 0) {

		int lldTotal = hLit + 258 + hDist;
		int[] lldLengths = cookie.i320b;
		System.arraycopy(llLengths, 0, lldLengths, 0, 257 + hLit);
		System.arraycopy(dLengths, 0, lldLengths, 257 + hLit, hDist + 1);

		int[] rle = cookie.i320a;
		int rleSize = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < lldTotal; i++) {
			int count = 1;
			int symbol = lldLengths[i];
			if (use16 || (symbol == 0 && (use17 || use18))) {
				for (int j = i + 1; j < lldTotal && symbol == lldLengths[j]; j++) {
			i += count - 1;

			if (symbol == 0 && count > 2) {
				if (use18) {
					while (count > 10) {
						rle[rleSize++] = 18;
						count -= count > 138 ? 138 : count;
				if (use17) {
					while (count > 2) {
						rle[rleSize++] = 17;
						count -= count > 10 ? 10 : count;

			if (use16 && count > 3) {
				rle[rleSize++] = symbol;
				while (count > 2) {
					rle[rleSize++] = 16;
					count -= count > 6 ? 6 : count;

			while (count != 0) {
				rle[rleSize++] = symbol;

		int[] clCounts = cookie.i19a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, clCounts, 0, 19);
		for (int i = 0; i < rleSize; ++i) {

		int[] clCl = cookie.i19b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, clCl, 0, 19);
		Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, clCounts, 7, clCl);
		clCl[16] += 2;
		clCl[17] += 3;
		clCl[18] += 7;

		int[] order = Util.ORDER;
		int hcLen = 15;
		while (hcLen > 0 && clCounts[order[hcLen + 3]] == 0) {

		int result = 5 + 5 + 4 + (hcLen + 4) * 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
			result += clCl[i] * clCounts[i];

		return result;

	private static void addLzBlock(Cookie cookie, BlockType type, boolean last, char[] litLens, char[] dists,
			int lStart, int lEnd, Buffer output) {
		int[] llLengths = cookie.i288a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, llLengths, 0, 288);
		int[] dLengths = cookie.i32a;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, dLengths, 0, 32);
		int[] llCounts = cookie.i288b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, llCounts, 0, 288);
		int[] dCounts = cookie.i32b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, dCounts, 0, 32);

		output.addHuffmanBits(last ? 1 : 0, 1);
		if (type == BlockType.FIXED) {
			output.addHuffmanBits(2, 2); // 1, 0
		} else { // DYNAMIC
			output.addHuffmanBits(1, 2); // 0, 1

		if (type == BlockType.FIXED) {
			getFixedTree(llLengths, dLengths);
		} else { // DYNAMIC
			lzCounts(litLens, dists, lStart, lEnd, llCounts, dCounts);
			optimizeHuffmanForRle(cookie, llCounts);
			Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, llCounts, 15, llLengths);
			optimizeHuffmanForRle(cookie, dCounts);
			Katajainen.lengthLimitedCodeLengths(cookie, dCounts, 15, dLengths);
			addDynamicTree(cookie, llLengths, dLengths, output);

		int[] llSymbols = cookie.i288c;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, llSymbols, 0, 288);
		lengthsToSymbols(llLengths, 288, 15, llSymbols, cookie.i16a, cookie.i16b);

		int[] dSymbols = cookie.i32b;
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, dSymbols, 0, 32);
		lengthsToSymbols(dLengths, 32, 15, dSymbols, cookie.i16a, cookie.i16b);

		addLzData(litLens, dists, lStart, lEnd, llSymbols, llLengths, dSymbols, dLengths, output);
		output.addHuffmanBits(llSymbols[256], llLengths[256]);

	private static void addLzData(char[] litLens, char[] dists, int lStart, int lEnd, int[] llSymbols, int[] llLengths,
			int[] dSymbols, int[] dLengths, Buffer output) {
		int[] cachedDistExtraBits = Util.CACHED_DIST_EXTRA_BITS;
		int[] lengthExtraBits = Util.LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS;
		int[] lengthExtraBitsValue = Util.LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS_VALUE;
		int[] lengthSymbol = Util.LENGTH_SYMBOL;
		int[] cachedDistSymbol = Util.CACHED_DIST_SYMBOL;
		for (int i = lStart; i < lEnd; i++) {
			int dist = dists[i];
			int litLen = litLens[i];
			if (dist == 0) {
				output.addHuffmanBits(llSymbols[litLen], llLengths[litLen]);
			} else {
				int lls = lengthSymbol[litLen];
				int ds = cachedDistSymbol[dist];
				output.addHuffmanBits(llSymbols[lls], llLengths[lls]);
				output.addBits(lengthExtraBitsValue[litLen], lengthExtraBits[litLen]);
				output.addHuffmanBits(dSymbols[ds], dLengths[ds]);
						dist < 4097 ? cachedDistExtraBits[dist] : dist < 16385 ? dist < 8193 ? 11 : 12 : 13);

	private static void lengthsToSymbols(int[] lengths, int n, int maxBits, int[] symbols, int[] blCount,
			int[] nextCode) {
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, blCount, 0, maxBits + 1);
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, nextCode, 0, maxBits + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		int code = 0;
		blCount[0] = 0;
		for (int bits = 1; bits <= maxBits; bits++) {
			code = (code + blCount[bits - 1]) << 1;
			nextCode[bits] = code;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			int len = lengths[i];
			if (len != 0) {
				symbols[i] = nextCode[len];

	private static void optimizeHuffmanForRle(Cookie cookie, int[] counts) {
		int[] goodForRle = cookie.i289a;
		int length = counts.length;
		for (; length >= 0; --length) {
			if (length == 0) {
			if (counts[length - 1] != 0) {
		System.arraycopy(Cookie.intZeroes, 0, goodForRle, 0, length + 1);

		int symbol = counts[0];
		int stride = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < length + 1; ++i) {
			if (i == length || counts[i] != symbol) {
				if ((symbol == 0 && stride >= 5) || (symbol != 0 && stride >= 7)) {
					for (int k = 0; k < stride; ++k) {
						goodForRle[i - k - 1] = 1;
				stride = 1;
				if (i != length) {
					symbol = counts[i];
			} else {

		stride = 0;
		int limit = counts[0];
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < length + 1; ++i) {
			if ((i == length) || (goodForRle[i] != 0) || (counts[i] - limit >= 4) || (limit - counts[i] >= 4)) {
				if ((stride >= 4) || ((stride >= 3) && (sum == 0))) {
					int count = (sum + stride / 2) / stride;
					if (count < 1)
						count = 1;
					if (sum == 0) {
						count = 0;
					for (int k = 0; k < stride; ++k) {
						counts[i - k - 1] = count;
				stride = 0;
				sum = 0;
				if (i < length - 3) {
					limit = (counts[i] + counts[i + 1] + counts[i + 2] + counts[i + 3] + 2) / 4;
				} else if (i < length) {
					limit = counts[i];
				} else {
					limit = 0;
			if (i != length) {
				sum += counts[i];

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