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org.eclipse.elk.alg.common.RectilinearConvexHull$RectangleEventHandler.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 7 ? Forg/eclipse/elk/alg/common/RectilinearConvexHull$RectangleEventHandler java/lang/Object ;org/eclipse/elk/alg/common/compaction/Scanline$EventHandler rects Ljava/util/List; Signature :Ljava/util/List; minY "Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/common/Point; maxY lastX D queued (Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/math/ElkRectangle; queuedPnt this$0 2Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/common/RectilinearConvexHull; 5(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/common/RectilinearConvexHull;)V Code
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SourceFile RectilinearConvexHull.java sLjava/lang/Object;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/common/compaction/Scanline$EventHandler; InnerClasses Quadrant RectangleEventHandler ? .org/eclipse/elk/alg/common/compaction/Scanline EventHandler NestHost
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