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org.eclipse.elk.alg.layered.components.ModelOrderRowGraphPlacer.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 7 { ?org/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/components/ModelOrderRowGraphPlacer ;org/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/components/SimpleRowGraphPlacer ()V Code
LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this ALorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/components/ModelOrderRowGraphPlacer; sortComponents =(Ljava/util/List;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph;)V Signature i(Ljava/util/List;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph;)V
components Ljava/util/List; target *Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph; LocalVariableTypeTable ; placeComponents ?(Ljava/util/List;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph;DD)V k(Ljava/util/List;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph;DD)V java/util/List iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator; " $ # java/util/Iterator % & next ()Ljava/lang/Object; ( (org/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph
' * + , getSize %()Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/math/KVector; . 0 / !org/eclipse/elk/core/math/KVector 1 2 x D 4 6 5 6org/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/options/InternalProperties 7 8 EXT_PORT_CONNECTIONS ,Lorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;
' : ; < getProperty @(Lorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;)Ljava/lang/Object; >
java/util/Set @ B A %org/eclipse/elk/core/options/PortSide C D NORTH 'Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/options/PortSide; = F G H contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z @ J K D EAST @ M N D WEST
' P Q , getOffset . S T 2 y
V W X offsetGraph /(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/graph/LGraph;DD)V
Z \ [ java/lang/Math ] ^ max (DD)D @ ` a D SOUTH
. c d , reset " f g h hasNext ()Z maxRowWidth componentSpacing xpos ypos
highestBox broadestRow
lastComponent startXOfRow graph size #Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/math/KVector; offset
StackMapTable combine
x v
SourceFile ModelOrderRowGraphPlacer.java ! / *? ?
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