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org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.UnderOverAtom.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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underSpace F overSpace underUnit I overUnit underScriptSize Z overScriptSize K(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;IFZZ)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this +Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/UnderOverAtom; underOver
underOverUnit underOverSpace underOverScriptSize
StackMapTable ? ? o(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;IFZLorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;IFZ)V
Exceptions ? createBox O(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; env ,Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment; b !Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; o u max vBox )Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VerticalBox; c h ? ? t changeWidth E(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;F)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; maxWidth getLeftType ()I getRightType
SourceFile UnderOverAtom.java 7 ? ? ? * + , + . / 1 2 4 5 - + 3 2 0 / 6 5 $org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/StrutBox 7 ? H I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P ? 'org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VerticalBox ? \ ? ? X Y ? ? %org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SpaceAtom 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? &org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXFormula )org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/HorizontalBox (org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXConstants 7 ? [ \ ] \ )org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/UnderOverAtom org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom 0org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/InvalidUnitException org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box *org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment ()V checkUnit (I)V (FFFF)V getWidth ()F subStyle .()Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment; java/lang/Math (FF)F
setLastFontId add $(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;)V (IFFF)V getHeight getDepth setDepth (F)V setHeight abs (F)F &(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;FI)V ! ( ) * + , + - + . / 0 / 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 5 7 8 9 = j*? ? *+? ? 0*? *? *? *? *,? *? *?
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