gen.lib.cgraph.node__c Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write diagrams from text.
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package gen.lib.cgraph;
import static gen.lib.cdt.dtsize__c.dtsize_;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.attr__c.AgDataRecName;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.attr__c.agnodeattr_init;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.edge__c.agsubrep;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.graph__c.agnextseq;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.id__c.agmapnametoid;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.id__c.agregister;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.mem__c.agalloc;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.obj__c.agmethod_init;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.obj__c.agroot;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.rec__c.agbindrec;
import static gen.lib.cgraph.subg__c.agparent;
import static smetana.core.Macro.AGID;
import static smetana.core.Macro.AGNODE;
import static smetana.core.Macro.AGSEQ;
import static smetana.core.Macro.AGTYPE;
import static smetana.core.Macro.UNSUPPORTED;
import static smetana.core.Macro.dtfirst;
import static smetana.core.Macro.dtnext;
import static smetana.core.Macro.dtsearch;
import static smetana.core.debug.SmetanaDebug.ENTERING;
import static smetana.core.debug.SmetanaDebug.LEAVING;
import gen.annotation.Original;
import gen.annotation.Reviewed;
import gen.annotation.Unused;
import h.ST_Agdesc_s;
import h.ST_Agnode_s;
import h.ST_Agraph_s;
import h.ST_Agsubnode_s;
import h.ST_dt_s;
import h.ST_dtdisc_s;
import smetana.core.CFunction;
import smetana.core.CFunctionAbstract;
import smetana.core.CString;
import smetana.core.Globals;
import smetana.core.ZType;
import smetana.core.__ptr__;
import smetana.core.size_t;
public class node__c {
@Reviewed(when = "13/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="", key="4w89du6uel405pm3vxsr3ayxt", definition="Agnode_t *agfindnode_by_id(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agfindnode_by_id(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, int id) {
try {
ST_Agsubnode_s sn;
zz.dummy.base.tag.id = id;
zz.template.node = zz.dummy;
sn = (ST_Agsubnode_s) dtsearch(zz, g.n_id, zz.template);
return sn!=null ? sn.node : null;
} finally {
@Reviewed(when = "12/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="agfstnode", key="55wopi2gd93zpmycxoywlxm0y", definition="Agnode_t *agfstnode(Agraph_t * g)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agfstnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g) {
try {
ST_Agsubnode_s sn;
sn = (ST_Agsubnode_s) dtfirst(zz, g.n_seq);
return sn!=null ? sn.node : null;
} finally {
@Reviewed(when = "12/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="agnxtnode", key="bek79ccvjys1j9q404i3y6oh8", definition="Agnode_t *agnxtnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agnxtnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, ST_Agnode_s n) {
try {
ST_Agsubnode_s sn;
sn = agsubrep(zz, g, n);
if (sn!=null) sn = (ST_Agsubnode_s) dtnext(zz, g.n_seq, sn);
return sn!=null ? sn.node : null;
} finally {
//3 dzb7m0p5xsngvtyr8zs912og4
// static Agnode_t *newnode(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id, unsigned long seq)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="", key="dzb7m0p5xsngvtyr8zs912og4", definition="static Agnode_t *newnode(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id, unsigned long seq)")
public static ST_Agnode_s newnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, int id, int seq) {
try {
ST_Agnode_s n;
n = (ST_Agnode_s) ((__ptr__)agalloc(g, new size_t(ZType.ST_Agnode_s)));
AGID(n, id);
AGSEQ(n, seq);
n.root = agroot(g);
if (((ST_Agdesc_s)agroot(g).desc).has_attrs!=0)
agbindrec(zz, n, AgDataRecName, new size_t(ZType.ST_Agattr_s), false);
/* nodeattr_init and method_init will be called later, from the
* subgraph where the node was actually created, but first it has
* to be installed in all the (sub)graphs up to root. */
return n;
} finally {
//3 4m26dpgaiw44hcleugjy71eus
// static void installnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="installnode", key="4m26dpgaiw44hcleugjy71eus", definition="static void installnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)")
public static void installnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, ST_Agnode_s n) {
try {
ST_Agsubnode_s sn;
int osize;
osize = dtsize_((ST_dt_s)g.n_id);
if (g == agroot(g)) sn = (ST_Agsubnode_s) n.mainsub;
else sn = (ST_Agsubnode_s) ((__ptr__)agalloc(g, new size_t(ZType.ST_Agsubnode_s))).castTo(ST_Agsubnode_s.class);
sn.node = n;
g.n_id.searchf.exe(zz, g.n_id,sn,0000001);
g.n_seq.searchf.exe(zz, g.n_seq,sn,0000001);
} finally {
//3 3mfxjcaeepn8nitirs3yoqaed
// static void installnodetoroot(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="installnodetoroot", key="3mfxjcaeepn8nitirs3yoqaed", definition="static void installnodetoroot(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)")
public static void installnodetoroot(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, ST_Agnode_s n) {
try {
ST_Agraph_s par;
installnode(zz, g, n);
if ((par = agparent(g))!=null)
installnodetoroot(zz, par, n);
} finally {
//3 85bb9mezhsgtzar3kqz95mq1
// static void initnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="initnode", key="85bb9mezhsgtzar3kqz95mq1", definition="static void initnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)")
public static void initnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, ST_Agnode_s n) {
try {
if (((ST_Agdesc_s)agroot(g).desc).has_attrs!=0)
agnodeattr_init(zz, g,n);
agmethod_init(g, n);
} finally {
/* external node constructor - create by id */
@Reviewed(when = "13/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="", key="1m6sl9df2yaolmufyq5i577a3", definition="Agnode_t *agidnode(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id, int cflag)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agidnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, int id, int cflag) {
try {
ST_Agraph_s root;
ST_Agnode_s n;
n = agfindnode_by_id(zz, g, id);
if ((n == null) && cflag!=0) {
UNSUPPORTED("7zol2448bccu90sqoxkvnbuif"); // root = agroot(g);
UNSUPPORTED("1zcb29h7sxm7axw8qeuz9f38w"); // if ((g != root) && ((n = agfindnode_by_id(root, id)))) /*old */
UNSUPPORTED("9fusma9293koujpr79eyfhxn6"); // agsubnode(g, n, (!(0))); /* insert locally */
UNSUPPORTED("8k75h069sv2k9b6tgz77dscwd"); // else {
UNSUPPORTED("5pefvv55zys4ya7lgh0v8595s"); // if (agallocid(g, AGNODE, id)) { /* new */
UNSUPPORTED("dfn6cx0kwd44mv0ntbzf3p463"); // n = newnode(g, id, agnextseq(g, AGNODE));
UNSUPPORTED("6qcjp92a88ggl3ea7mxel9cn"); // installnodetoroot(g, n);
UNSUPPORTED("45uf6o7ubd9hy5s65g0f0bbgj"); // initnode(g, n);
UNSUPPORTED("afk9bpom7x393euamnvwwkx6b"); // } else
UNSUPPORTED("5l8briolxhuic5avv0112aj90"); // n = ((Agnode_t*)0); /* allocid for new node failed */
UNSUPPORTED("flupwh3kosf3fkhkxllllt1"); // }
/* else return probe result */
return n;
} finally {
//3 4yh1h1cwoitzb1t8869b79e3g
// Agnode_t *agnode(Agraph_t * g, char *name, int cflag)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="", key="4yh1h1cwoitzb1t8869b79e3g", definition="Agnode_t *agnode(Agraph_t * g, char *name, int cflag)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, CString name, boolean cflag) {
try {
ST_Agraph_s root;
ST_Agnode_s n;
int id[] = new int[1];
root = agroot(g);
/* probe for existing node */
if (agmapnametoid(zz, g, AGNODE, name, id, false)!=0) {
if ((n = agfindnode_by_id(zz, g, id[0]))!=null)
return n;
/* might already exist globally, but need to insert locally */
if (cflag && (g != root) && ((n = agfindnode_by_id(zz, root, id[0])))!=null) {
return agsubnode(zz, g, n, (true));
if (cflag && agmapnametoid(zz, g, AGNODE, name, id, (true))!=0) { /* reserve id */
n = newnode(zz, g, id[0], agnextseq(g, AGNODE));
installnodetoroot(zz, g, n);
initnode(zz, g, n);
agregister(zz, g, AGNODE, n); /* register in external namespace */
return n;
return null;
} finally {
/* lookup or insert in */
@Reviewed(when = "13/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="", key="d5farp22buvesyi4pydjam4g2", definition="Agnode_t *agsubnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n0, int cflag)")
public static ST_Agnode_s agsubnode(Globals zz, ST_Agraph_s g, ST_Agnode_s n0, boolean cflag) {
try {
ST_Agraph_s par;
ST_Agnode_s n;
if ((agroot(g) != n0.root))
return null;
n = agfindnode_by_id(zz, g, n0.tag.id);
if ((n == null) && cflag) {
if ((par = agparent(g))!=null) {
n = agsubnode(zz, par, n0, cflag);
installnode(zz, g, n);
/* no callback for existing node insertion in subgraph (?) */
/* else impossible that doesn't belong to */
/* else lookup succeeded */
return n;
} finally {
public static CFunction agsubnodeidcmpf = new CFunctionAbstract("agsubnodeidcmpf") {
public Object exe(Globals zz, Object... args) {
return agsubnodeidcmpf((ST_dt_s)args[0], (__ptr__)args[1], (__ptr__)args[2], (ST_dtdisc_s)args[3]);
@Reviewed(when = "13/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="agsubnodeidcmpf", key="awwiazixy9c76hvyxlkvvb3vo", definition="int agsubnodeidcmpf(Dict_t * d, void *arg0, void *arg1, Dtdisc_t * disc)")
public static int agsubnodeidcmpf(ST_dt_s d, __ptr__ arg0, __ptr__ arg1, ST_dtdisc_s disc) {
try {
int v;
ST_Agsubnode_s sn0, sn1;
sn0 = (ST_Agsubnode_s) arg0.castTo(ST_Agsubnode_s.class);
sn1 = (ST_Agsubnode_s) arg1.castTo(ST_Agsubnode_s.class);
v = (sn0.node.tag.id - sn1.node.tag.id);
return ((v==0)?0:(v<0?-1:1));
} finally {
public static CFunction agsubnodeseqcmpf = new CFunctionAbstract("agsubnodeseqcmpf") {
public Object exe(Globals zz, Object... args) {
return agsubnodeseqcmpf((ST_dt_s)args[0], (__ptr__)args[1], (__ptr__)args[2], (ST_dtdisc_s)args[3]);
@Reviewed(when = "13/11/2020")
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="agsubnodeseqcmpf", key="41fjseux0nxzpr0aq7igym9ux", definition="int agsubnodeseqcmpf(Dict_t * d, void *arg0, void *arg1, Dtdisc_t * disc)")
public static int agsubnodeseqcmpf(ST_dt_s d, __ptr__ arg0, __ptr__ arg1, ST_dtdisc_s disc) {
try {
ST_Agsubnode_s sn0, sn1;
int v;
sn0 = (ST_Agsubnode_s) arg0.castTo(ST_Agsubnode_s.class);
sn1 = (ST_Agsubnode_s) arg1.castTo(ST_Agsubnode_s.class);
v = (sn0.node.tag.seq - sn1.node.tag.seq);
return ((v==0)?0:(v<0?-1:1));
} finally {
public static CFunction free_subnode = new CFunctionAbstract("free_subnode") {
public Object exe(Globals zz, Object... args) {
return free_subnode(args);
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/cgraph/node.c", name="free_subnode", key="a7tb3b1kvq6ykrxzhbaduvg9r", definition="static void free_subnode (Dt_t* d, Agsubnode_t* sn, Dtdisc_t * disc)")
public static Object free_subnode(Object... arg_) {
UNSUPPORTED("e2z2o5ybnr5tgpkt8ty7hwan1"); // static void
UNSUPPORTED("9e4h6d4hxsvsnaiuubzlmccsm"); // free_subnode (Dt_t* d, Agsubnode_t* sn, Dtdisc_t * disc)
UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
UNSUPPORTED("eiac02o593gy0a55vv1w8mkmi"); // if (!AGSNMAIN(sn))
UNSUPPORTED("263bmzd9ilyyeb9w34squ7iw8"); // agfree (sn->node->root, sn);
UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
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