gen.lib.pathplan.shortest__c Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write diagrams from text.
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package gen.lib.pathplan;
import static smetana.core.JUtils.LOG2;
import static smetana.core.JUtils.setjmp;
import static smetana.core.Macro.HUGE_VAL;
import static smetana.core.Macro.UNSUPPORTED;
import static smetana.core.debug.SmetanaDebug.ENTERING;
import static smetana.core.debug.SmetanaDebug.LEAVING;
import gen.annotation.Original;
import gen.annotation.Unused;
import h.ST_Ppoly_t;
import h.ST_pointf;
import h.ST_pointnlink_t;
import h.ST_triangle_t;
import smetana.core.CArray;
import smetana.core.Globals;
import smetana.core.ZType;
import smetana.core.__ptr__;
import smetana.core.jmp_buf;
public class shortest__c {
// ::remove folder when __HAXE__
//1 baedz5i9est5csw3epz3cv7z
// typedef Ppoly_t Ppolyline_t
//1 7pb9zum2n4wlgil34lvh8i0ts
// typedef double COORD
//1 540u5gu9i0x1wzoxqqx5n2vwp
// static jmp_buf jbuf
private static jmp_buf jbuf = new jmp_buf();
/* Pshortestpath:
* Find a shortest path contained in the polygon polyp going between the
* points supplied in eps. The resulting polyline is stored in output.
* Return 0 on success, -1 on bad input, -2 on memory allocation problem.
//3 2gub5b19vo2qexn56nw23wage
// int Pshortestpath(Ppoly_t * polyp, Ppoint_t * eps, Ppolyline_t * output)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="Pshortestpath", key="2gub5b19vo2qexn56nw23wage", definition="int Pshortestpath(Ppoly_t * polyp, Ppoint_t * eps, Ppolyline_t * output)")
public static int Pshortestpath(Globals zz, ST_Ppoly_t polyp, CArray eps, ST_Ppoly_t output) {
try {
int pi, minpi;
double minx;
final ST_pointf p1 = new ST_pointf(), p2 = new ST_pointf(), p3 = new ST_pointf();
int trii, trij, ftrii, ltrii;
int ei;
final ST_pointnlink_t[] epnls = new ST_pointnlink_t[] {new ST_pointnlink_t(),new ST_pointnlink_t()};
ST_pointnlink_t lpnlp=null, rpnlp=null, pnlp=null;
CArray trip;
int splitindex;
if (setjmp(jbuf)!=0)
return -2;
/* make space */
growpnls(zz, polyp.pn);
zz.pnll = 0;
zz.tril = 0;
growdq(zz, polyp.pn * 2);
zz.dq.fpnlpi = zz.dq.pnlpn / 2;
zz.dq.lpnlpi = zz.dq.fpnlpi - 1;
/* make sure polygon is CCW and load pnls array */
for (pi = 0, minx = HUGE_VAL, minpi = -1; pi < polyp.pn; pi++) {
if (minx > polyp.ps.get__(pi).x)
{ minx = polyp.ps.get__(pi).x;
minpi = pi; }
p1.___(polyp.ps.get__(((minpi == 0) ? polyp.pn - 1 : minpi - 1)));
p3.___(polyp.ps.get__(((minpi == polyp.pn - 1) ? 0 : minpi + 1)));
if (((p1.x == p2.x && p2.x == p3.x) && (p3.y > p2.y)) ||
ccw(p1, p2, p3) != 1) {
for (pi = polyp.pn - 1; pi >= 0; pi--) {
if (pi < polyp.pn - 1
&& polyp.ps.get__(pi).x == polyp.ps.get__(pi+1).x
&& polyp.ps.get__(pi).y == polyp.ps.get__(pi+1).y)
zz.pnls[zz.pnll].pp = polyp.ps.get__(pi);
zz.pnls[zz.pnll].link = zz.pnls[zz.pnll % polyp.pn];
zz.pnlps[zz.pnll] = zz.pnls[zz.pnll];
} else {
for (pi = 0; pi < polyp.pn; pi++) {
if (pi > 0 && polyp.ps.get__(pi).x == polyp.ps.get__(pi - 1).x &&
polyp.ps.get__(pi).y == polyp.ps.get__(pi - 1).y)
zz.pnls[zz.pnll].pp = polyp.ps.get__(pi);
zz.pnls[zz.pnll].link = zz.pnls[zz.pnll % polyp.pn];
zz.pnlps[zz.pnll] = zz.pnls[zz.pnll];
/* generate list of triangles */
triangulate(zz, zz.pnlps, zz.pnll);
/* connect all pairs of triangles that share an edge */
for (trii = 0; trii < zz.tril; trii++)
for (trij = trii + 1; trij < zz.tril; trij++)
connecttris(zz, trii, trij);
/* find first and last triangles */
for (trii = 0; trii < zz.tril; trii++)
if (pointintri(zz, trii, eps.get__(0)))
if (trii == zz.tril) {
UNSUPPORTED("4ma3y8l4lmjcsw49kmsgknig6"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("source point not in any triangle"));
UNSUPPORTED("8d9xfgejx5vgd6shva5wk5k06"); // return -1;
ftrii = trii;
for (trii = 0; trii < zz.tril; trii++)
if (pointintri(zz, trii, eps.get__(1)))
if (trii == zz.tril) {
System.err.println("libpath/%s:%d: %s\n" + "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c" + 26 + ("destination point not in any triangle"));
return -1;
ltrii = trii;
/* mark the strip of triangles from eps[0] to eps[1] */
if (!marktripath(zz, ftrii, ltrii)) {
System.err.println("libpath/%s:%d: %s" + "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c" + 26 + ("cannot find triangle path"));
/* a straight line is better than failing */
growops(zz, 2);
output.pn = 2;
output.ps = zz.ops_shortest;
return 0;
/* if endpoints in same triangle, use a single line */
if (ftrii == ltrii) {
UNSUPPORTED("2nnkwrdxg0ma2m482dqarlbz6"); // growops(2);
UNSUPPORTED("5penbn9ky80i7jw02belk2zoj"); // output->pn = 2;
UNSUPPORTED("8i925e1tnbqn909027lqcg3fi"); // ops[0] = eps[0], ops[1] = eps[1];
UNSUPPORTED("3rcg6c9s9nmostq9c3r5n6x4h"); // output->ps = ops;
UNSUPPORTED("c9ckhc8veujmwcw0ar3u3zld4"); // return 0;
/* build funnel and shortest path linked list (in add2dq) */
epnls[0].pp = eps.get__(0);
epnls[0].link = null;
epnls[1].pp = eps.get__(1);
epnls[1].link = null;
add2dq(zz, 1, epnls[0]);
zz.dq.apex = zz.dq.fpnlpi;
trii = ftrii;
while (trii != -1) {
trip = zz.tris.plus_(trii);
trip.get__(0).mark = 2;
/* find the left and right points of the exiting edge */
for (ei = 0; ei < 3; ei++)
if (trip.get__(0).e[ei].rtp!=null &&
trip.get__(0).e[ei].rtp.get__(0).mark == 1)
if (ei == 3) { /* in last triangle */
if (ccw(eps.get__(1), zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.fpnlpi].pp,
zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi].pp) == 1)
lpnlp = zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi];
rpnlp = epnls[1];
} else {
lpnlp = epnls[1];
rpnlp = zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi];
} else {
pnlp = trip.get__(0).e[(ei + 1) % 3].pnl1p;
if (ccw(trip.get__(0).e[ei].pnl0p.pp, pnlp.pp,
trip.get__(0).e[ei].pnl1p.pp) == 1)
UNSUPPORTED("2cii65lhw4wb8nyvjv702v7md"); // lpnlp = trip->e[ei].pnl1p, rpnlp = trip->e[ei].pnl0p;
lpnlp = trip.get__(0).e[ei].pnl0p;
rpnlp = trip.get__(0).e[ei].pnl1p;
/* update deque */
if (trii == ftrii) {
add2dq(zz, 2, lpnlp);
add2dq(zz, 1, rpnlp);
} else {
if ((zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.fpnlpi] != rpnlp)
&& (zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi] != rpnlp)) {
/* add right point to deque */
splitindex = finddqsplit(zz, rpnlp);
splitdq(zz, 2, splitindex);
add2dq(zz, 1, rpnlp);
/* if the split is behind the apex, then reset apex */
if (splitindex > zz.dq.apex)
zz.dq.apex = splitindex;
} else {
/* add left point to deque */
splitindex = finddqsplit(zz, lpnlp);
splitdq(zz, 1, splitindex);
add2dq(zz, 2, lpnlp);
/* if the split is in front of the apex, then reset apex */
if (splitindex < zz.dq.apex)
zz.dq.apex = splitindex;
trii = -1;
for (ei = 0; ei < 3; ei++)
if (trip.get__(0).e[ei].rtp!=null &&
trip.get__(0).e[ei].rtp.get__(0).mark == 1) {
trii = trip.get__(0).e[ei].rtp.minus_(zz.tris);
for (pi = 0, pnlp = epnls[1]; pnlp!=null; pnlp = pnlp.link)
growops(zz, pi);
output.pn = pi;
for (pi = pi - 1, pnlp = epnls[1]; pnlp!=null; pi--, pnlp = pnlp.link)
output.ps = zz.ops_shortest;
return 0;
} finally {
//3 73cr7m3mqvtuotpzrmaw2y8zm
// static void triangulate(pointnlink_t ** pnlps, int pnln)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="triangulate", key="73cr7m3mqvtuotpzrmaw2y8zm", definition="static void triangulate(pointnlink_t ** pnlps, int pnln)")
public static void triangulate(Globals zz, ST_pointnlink_t pnlps[], int pnln) {
try {
int pnli, pnlip1, pnlip2;
LOG2("triangulate "+pnln);
if (pnln > 3)
for (pnli = 0; pnli < pnln; pnli++)
pnlip1 = (pnli + 1) % pnln;
pnlip2 = (pnli + 2) % pnln;
if (isdiagonal(pnli, pnlip2, pnlps, pnln))
loadtriangle(zz, pnlps[pnli], pnlps[pnlip1], pnlps[pnlip2]);
for (pnli = pnlip1; pnli < pnln - 1; pnli++)
pnlps[pnli] = pnlps[pnli + 1];
triangulate(zz, pnlps, pnln - 1);
throw new IllegalStateException("libpath/%s:%d: %s\n" + "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c" + 26 + ("triangulation failed"));
loadtriangle(zz, pnlps[0], pnlps[1], pnlps[2]);
} finally {
//3 72of3cd7shtwokglxapw04oe9
// static int isdiagonal(int pnli, int pnlip2, pointnlink_t ** pnlps, int pnln)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="isdiagonal", key="72of3cd7shtwokglxapw04oe9", definition="static int isdiagonal(int pnli, int pnlip2, pointnlink_t ** pnlps, int pnln)")
public static boolean isdiagonal(int pnli, int pnlip2, ST_pointnlink_t[] pnlps, int pnln) {
try {
int pnlip1, pnlim1, pnlj, pnljp1;
boolean res;
/* neighborhood test */
pnlip1 = (pnli + 1) % pnln;
pnlim1 = (pnli + pnln - 1) % pnln;
/* If P[pnli] is a convex vertex [ pnli+1 left of (pnli-1,pnli) ]. */
if (ccw(pnlps[pnlim1].pp, pnlps[pnli].pp, pnlps[pnlip1].pp) ==
res =
(ccw(pnlps[pnli].pp, pnlps[pnlip2].pp, pnlps[pnlim1].pp) ==
&& (ccw(pnlps[pnlip2].pp, pnlps[pnli].pp, pnlps[pnlip1].pp)
== 1);
/* Assume (pnli - 1, pnli, pnli + 1) not collinear. */
res = ccw(pnlps[pnli].pp, pnlps[pnlip2].pp,
pnlps[pnlip1].pp) == 2;
if (!res)
return false;
/* check against all other edges */
for (pnlj = 0; pnlj < pnln; pnlj++) {
pnljp1 = (pnlj + 1) % pnln;
if (!((pnlj == pnli) || (pnljp1 == pnli) ||
(pnlj == pnlip2) || (pnljp1 == pnlip2)))
if (intersects(pnlps[pnli].pp, pnlps[pnlip2].pp,
pnlps[pnlj].pp, pnlps[pnljp1].pp))
return false;
return true;
} finally {
//3 7vf9jtj9i8rg0cxrstbqswuck
// static void loadtriangle(pointnlink_t * pnlap, pointnlink_t * pnlbp, pointnlink_t * pnlcp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="loadtriangle", key="7vf9jtj9i8rg0cxrstbqswuck", definition="static void loadtriangle(pointnlink_t * pnlap, pointnlink_t * pnlbp, pointnlink_t * pnlcp)")
public static void loadtriangle(Globals zz, __ptr__ pnlap, __ptr__ pnlbp, __ptr__ pnlcp) {
try {
CArray trip;
int ei;
/* make space */
if (zz.tril >= zz.trin)
growtris(zz, zz.trin + 20);
trip = zz.tris.plus_(zz.tril++);
trip.get__(0).mark = 0;
trip.get__(0).e[0].pnl0p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlap;
trip.get__(0).e[0].pnl1p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlbp;
trip.get__(0).e[0].rtp = null;
trip.get__(0).e[1].pnl0p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlbp;
trip.get__(0).e[1].pnl1p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlcp;
trip.get__(0).e[1].rtp = null;
trip.get__(0).e[2].pnl0p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlcp;
trip.get__(0).e[2].pnl1p = (ST_pointnlink_t) pnlap;
trip.get__(0).e[2].rtp = null;
for (ei = 0; ei < 3; ei++)
trip.get__(0).e[ei].lrp = trip;
} finally {
//3 6coujw0qksrgu5sxj0r39qm1u
// static void connecttris(int tri1, int tri2)
/* connect a pair of triangles at their common edge (if any) */
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="connecttris", key="6coujw0qksrgu5sxj0r39qm1u", definition="static void connecttris(int tri1, int tri2)")
public static void connecttris(Globals zz, int tri1, int tri2) {
try {
CArray tri1p;
CArray tri2p;
int ei, ej;
for (ei = 0; ei < 3; ei++) {
for (ej = 0; ej < 3; ej++) {
tri1p = zz.tris.plus_(tri1);
tri2p = zz.tris.plus_(tri2);
if ((tri1p.get__(0).e[ei].pnl0p.pp == tri2p.get__(0).e[ej].pnl0p.pp &&
tri1p.get__(0).e[ei].pnl1p.pp == tri2p.get__(0).e[ej].pnl1p.pp) ||
(tri1p.get__(0).e[ei].pnl0p.pp == tri2p.get__(0).e[ej].pnl1p.pp &&
tri1p.get__(0).e[ei].pnl1p.pp == tri2p.get__(0).e[ej].pnl0p.pp))
tri1p.get__(0).e[ei].rtp = tri2p;
tri2p.get__(0).e[ej].rtp = tri1p;
} finally {
//3 3waxf5wy3mwt12wpg5hxg3o9c
// static int marktripath(int trii, int trij)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="marktripath", key="3waxf5wy3mwt12wpg5hxg3o9c", definition="static int marktripath(int trii, int trij)")
public static boolean marktripath(Globals zz, int trii, int trij) {
try {
int ei;
if (zz.tris.get__(trii).mark!=0)
return false;
zz.tris.get__(trii).mark = 1;
if (trii == trij)
return true;
for (ei = 0; ei < 3; ei++)
if ((zz.tris.get__(trii).e[ei].rtp!=null &&
marktripath(zz, zz.tris.get__(trii).e[ei].rtp.minus_(zz.tris), trij)))
return true;
zz.tris.get__(trii).mark = 0;
return false;
} finally {
//3 44szdl31mg8mt5qrfj70kb2sn
// static void add2dq(int side, pointnlink_t * pnlp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="add2dq", key="44szdl31mg8mt5qrfj70kb2sn", definition="static void add2dq(int side, pointnlink_t * pnlp)")
public static void add2dq(Globals zz, int side, ST_pointnlink_t pnlp) {
try {
if (side == 1) {
if (zz.dq.lpnlpi - zz.dq.fpnlpi >= 0)
pnlp.link = zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.fpnlpi];
/* shortest path links */
zz.dq.fpnlpi = zz.dq.fpnlpi-1;
zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.fpnlpi] = pnlp;
} else {
if (zz.dq.lpnlpi - zz.dq.fpnlpi >= 0)
pnlp.link = zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi];
/* shortest path links */
zz.dq.lpnlpi = zz.dq.lpnlpi+1;
zz.dq.pnlps[zz.dq.lpnlpi] = pnlp;
} finally {
//3 572sssdz1se16w790xceiy5vr
// static void splitdq(int side, int index)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="splitdq", key="572sssdz1se16w790xceiy5vr", definition="static void splitdq(int side, int index)")
public static void splitdq(Globals zz, int side, int index) {
try {
if (side == 1)
zz.dq.lpnlpi = index;
zz.dq.fpnlpi = index;
} finally {
//3 9dnrc8vqpffp5t3bmsackgqtl
// static int finddqsplit(pointnlink_t * pnlp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="finddqsplit", key="9dnrc8vqpffp5t3bmsackgqtl", definition="static int finddqsplit(pointnlink_t * pnlp)")
public static int finddqsplit(Globals zz, ST_pointnlink_t pnlp) {
try {
int index;
for (index = zz.dq.fpnlpi; index < zz.dq.apex; index++)
if (ccw(zz.dq.pnlps[index + 1].pp, zz.dq.pnlps[index].pp, pnlp.pp) ==
return index;
for (index = zz.dq.lpnlpi; index > zz.dq.apex; index--)
if (ccw(zz.dq.pnlps[index - 1].pp, zz.dq.pnlps[index].pp, pnlp.pp) ==
return index;
return zz.dq.apex;
} finally {
//3 72h03s8inxtto2ekvmuqjtj3d
// static int ccw(Ppoint_t * p1p, Ppoint_t * p2p, Ppoint_t * p3p)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="ccw", key="72h03s8inxtto2ekvmuqjtj3d", definition="static int ccw(Ppoint_t * p1p, Ppoint_t * p2p, Ppoint_t * p3p)")
public static int ccw(ST_pointf p1p, ST_pointf p2p, ST_pointf p3p) {
try {
double d;
d = ((p1p.y - p2p.y) * (p3p.x - p2p.x)) -
((p3p.y - p2p.y) * (p1p.x - p2p.x));
return (d > 0) ? 1 : ((d < 0) ? 2 : 3);
} finally {
//3 22a9ajg9t8ovqsigk3tyu3rkd
// static int intersects(Ppoint_t * pap, Ppoint_t * pbp, Ppoint_t * pcp, Ppoint_t * pdp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="intersects", key="22a9ajg9t8ovqsigk3tyu3rkd", definition="static int intersects(Ppoint_t * pap, Ppoint_t * pbp, Ppoint_t * pcp, Ppoint_t * pdp)")
public static boolean intersects(ST_pointf pap, ST_pointf pbp, ST_pointf pcp, ST_pointf pdp) {
try {
int ccw1, ccw2, ccw3, ccw4;
if (ccw(pap, pbp, pcp) == 3 || ccw(pap, pbp, pdp) == 3 ||
ccw(pcp, pdp, pap) == 3 || ccw(pcp, pdp, pbp) == 3) {
if (between(pap, pbp, pcp) || between(pap, pbp, pdp) ||
between(pcp, pdp, pap) || between(pcp, pdp, pbp))
return ((!(false)));
} else {
ccw1 = (ccw(pap, pbp, pcp) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
ccw2 = (ccw(pap, pbp, pdp) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
ccw3 = (ccw(pcp, pdp, pap) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
ccw4 = (ccw(pcp, pdp, pbp) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
return (ccw1 ^ ccw2)!=0 && (ccw3 ^ ccw4)!=0;
return false;
} finally {
//3 uh5n18rzyevtb4cwpni70qpc
// static int between(Ppoint_t * pap, Ppoint_t * pbp, Ppoint_t * pcp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="between", key="uh5n18rzyevtb4cwpni70qpc", definition="static int between(Ppoint_t * pap, Ppoint_t * pbp, Ppoint_t * pcp)")
public static boolean between(ST_pointf pap, ST_pointf pbp, ST_pointf pcp) {
try {
final ST_pointf p1 = new ST_pointf(), p2 = new ST_pointf();
p1.x = pbp.x - pap.x;
p1.y = pbp.y - pap.y;
p2.x = pcp.x - pap.x;
p2.y = pcp.y - pap.y;
if (ccw(pap, pbp, pcp) != 3)
return false;
return (p2.x * p1.x + p2.y * p1.y >= 0) &&
(p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y <= p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y);
} finally {
//3 zti1mzm2m7tr2xwnbf7e8u3d
// static int pointintri(int trii, Ppoint_t * pp)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="pointintri", key="zti1mzm2m7tr2xwnbf7e8u3d", definition="static int pointintri(int trii, Ppoint_t * pp)")
public static boolean pointintri(Globals zz, int trii, ST_pointf pp) {
try {
int ei, sum;
for (ei = 0, sum = 0; ei < 3; ei++)
if (ccw(zz.tris.get__(trii).e[ei].pnl0p.pp,
zz.tris.get__(trii).e[ei].pnl1p.pp, pp) != 2)
return (sum == 3 || sum == 0);
} finally {
//3 85wstb60jkjd0kbh9tyninm4h
// static void growpnls(int newpnln)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="growpnls", key="85wstb60jkjd0kbh9tyninm4h", definition="static void growpnls(int newpnln)")
public static void growpnls(Globals zz, int newpnln) {
try {
if (newpnln <= zz.pnln)
if ((zz.pnls) == null) {
if ((zz.pnls = malloc(newpnln)) == null) {
UNSUPPORTED("9zyfc4bjg3i6rrna9vqf8doys"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot malloc pnls"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
if ((zz.pnlps = malloc(newpnln)) == null) {
UNSUPPORTED("1etar0wd2cbbvqo4jnmbvjiz4"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot malloc pnlps"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
} else {
if (((zz.pnls = realloc(zz.pnls, newpnln)))==null) {
UNSUPPORTED("105nogpkt0qqut0yu4alvkk1u"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot realloc pnls"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
if (((zz.pnlps = realloc(zz.pnlps, newpnln)))==null) {
UNSUPPORTED("be84alh84ub40x4um989aj20d"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot realloc pnlps"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
zz.pnln = newpnln;
} finally {
private static ST_pointnlink_t[] malloc(int nb) {
ST_pointnlink_t result[] = new ST_pointnlink_t[nb];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = new ST_pointnlink_t();
return result;
private static ST_pointnlink_t[] realloc(ST_pointnlink_t orig[], int nb) {
if (orig.length >= nb) {
return orig;
ST_pointnlink_t result[] = malloc(nb);
for (int i = 0; i < orig.length; i++) {
result[i] = orig[i];
return result;
//3 c5q8ult6w26jppe5ifzgcoq82
// static void growtris(int newtrin)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="growtris", key="c5q8ult6w26jppe5ifzgcoq82", definition="static void growtris(int newtrin)")
public static void growtris(Globals zz, int newtrin) {
try {
if (newtrin <= zz.trin)
if ((zz.tris) == null) {
if ((zz.tris = CArray.ALLOC__(newtrin, ZType.ST_triangle_t)) == null) {
UNSUPPORTED("5782e28cjpaa3dpf8up4zmtq7"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot malloc tris"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
} else {
if (((zz.tris = CArray.REALLOC__(newtrin, zz.tris, ZType.ST_triangle_t)))==null) {
UNSUPPORTED("d3fgu54pn5tydfhn7z73v73ra"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot realloc tris"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
zz.trin = newtrin;
} finally {
private static ST_triangle_t[] malloc2(int nb) {
ST_triangle_t result[] = new ST_triangle_t[nb];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = new ST_triangle_t();
return result;
private static ST_triangle_t[] realloc2(ST_triangle_t orig[], int nb) {
if (orig.length >= nb) {
return orig;
ST_triangle_t result[] = malloc2(nb);
for (int i = 0; i < orig.length; i++) {
result[i] = orig[i];
return result;
//3 bzym9u6dtatii1vp4hcmofc80
// static void growdq(int newdqn)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="growdq", key="bzym9u6dtatii1vp4hcmofc80", definition="static void growdq(int newdqn)")
public static void growdq(Globals zz, int newdqn) {
try {
if (newdqn <= zz.dq.pnlpn)
if ((zz.dq.pnlps) == null) {
if (!zz.dq.malloc(newdqn)) {
UNSUPPORTED("88fwpb40wz9jc8jiz7u032s4t"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot malloc dq.pnls"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
} else {
if (!zz.dq.realloc(newdqn)) {
UNSUPPORTED("exqx4ck7h15m8whgip6xpnhoo"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot realloc dq.pnls"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
zz.dq.pnlpn = newdqn;
} finally {
//3 d7vtt8xqxbdnx9kwtt1zzof75
// static void growops(int newopn)
@Original(version="2.38.0", path="lib/pathplan/shortest.c", name="growops", key="d7vtt8xqxbdnx9kwtt1zzof75", definition="static void growops(int newopn)")
public static void growops(Globals zz, int newopn) {
try {
if (newopn <= zz.opn_shortest)
if ((zz.ops_shortest) == null) {
if ((zz.ops_shortest = CArray.ALLOC__(newopn, ZType.ST_pointf)) == null) {
UNSUPPORTED("7wxgcgah7iy6vetj5yszoq4k4"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot malloc ops"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
} else {
if (((zz.ops_shortest = CArray.REALLOC__(newopn, zz.ops_shortest, ZType.ST_pointf)))==null) {
UNSUPPORTED("7azrdo5s3kc44taqmtmeu1s33"); // fprintf (stderr, "libpath/%s:%d: %s\n", "graphviz-2.38.0\\lib\\pathplan\\shortest.c", 26, ("cannot realloc ops"));
UNSUPPORTED("1r6uhbnmxv8c6msnscw07w0qx"); // longjmp(jbuf,1);
zz.opn_shortest = newopn;
} finally {
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