h.ST_port Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package h;
import smetana.core.CString;
import smetana.core.UnsupportedStarStruct;
import smetana.core.__struct__;
final public class ST_port extends UnsupportedStarStruct {
public final ST_pointf p = new ST_pointf();
public double theta;
public ST_boxf bp;
public boolean defined;
public boolean constrained;
public boolean clip;
public boolean dyna;
public int order;
public int side;
public CString name;
public void ___(__struct__ other) {
ST_port other2 = (ST_port) other;
this.theta = other2.theta;
this.bp = other2.bp;
this.defined = other2.defined;
this.constrained = other2.constrained;
this.clip = other2.clip;
this.dyna = other2.dyna;
this.order = other2.order;
this.side = other2.side;
this.name = other2.name;
public ST_port copy() {
final ST_port result = new ST_port();
result.theta = this.theta;
result.bp = this.bp;
result.defined = this.defined;
result.constrained = this.constrained;
result.clip = this.clip;
result.dyna = this.dyna;
result.order = this.order;
result.side = this.side;
result.name = this.name;
return result;
// typedef struct port { /* internal edge endpoint specification */
// pointf p; /* aiming point relative to node center */
// double theta; /* slope in radians */
// boxf *bp; /* if not null, points to bbox of
// * rectangular area that is port target
// */
// boolean defined; /* if true, edge has port info at this end */
// boolean constrained; /* if true, constraints such as theta are set */
// boolean clip; /* if true, clip end to node/port shape */
// boolean dyna; /* if true, assign compass point dynamically */
// unsigned char order; /* for mincross */
// unsigned char side; /* if port is on perimeter of node, this
// * contains the bitwise OR of the sides (TOP,
// * BOTTOM, etc.) it is on.
// */
// char *name; /* port name, if it was explicitly given, otherwise NULL */
// } port;
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