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com.google.common.primitives.Longs.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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9 LongArrayAsList InnerClasses LexicographicalComparator
LongConverter AsciiDigits BYTES I
ConstantValue MAX_POWER_OF_TWO J@ ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this $Lcom/google/common/primitives/Longs; hashCode (J)I value MethodParameters compare (JJ)I a b
StackMapTable contains ([JJ)Z array [J target d indexOf ([JJ)I ([JJII)I i start end ([J[J)I j lastIndexOf min ([J)J max constrainToRange (JJJ)J concat ([[J)[J arrays [[J length result pos x checkNoOverflow toByteArray (J)[B [B ?
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newFirstIndex toArray (Ljava/util/Collection;)[J
collection Ljava/util/Collection;
boxedArray [Ljava/lang/Object; len LocalVariableTypeTable +Ljava/util/Collection<+Ljava/lang/Number;>; ? /(Ljava/util/Collection<+Ljava/lang/Number;>;)[J asList ([J)Ljava/util/List; backingArray &([J)Ljava/util/List;
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Longs.java >Lcom/google/common/primitives/ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault; RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations -Lcom/google/common/annotations/GwtCompatible; java/lang/Long java/lang/Byte o i g i Q R /min (%s) must be less than or equal to max (%s) r p } Y !" Bthe total number of elements (%s) in the arrays must fit in an int# "com/google/common/primitives/Longs array too small: %s < %s$ ? ? ? ?% java/lang/String&' java/lang/Character "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException java/lang/StringBuilder 6radix must be between MIN_RADIX and MAX_RADIX but was ()(*+, Q-./ y0 ?12345 Invalid minLength: %s6 Invalid padding: %s789 Q:(;4< ? ?=>? ? ? ? ? ? 2com/google/common/primitives/Longs$LongArrayAsList@A ?B java/lang/NumberCDEFG Q ? java/lang/Object