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org.eclipse.elk.alg.layered.options.LayeredMetaDataProvider.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy

????7?;org/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/options/LayeredMetaDataProviderjava/lang/Object1org/eclipse/elk/core/data/ILayoutMetaDataProviderDIRECTION_CONGRUENCY_DEFAULT9Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/layered/options/DirectionCongruency;DIRECTION_CONGRUENCY,Lorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;	SignaturegLorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;FEEDBACK_EDGES_DEFAULTZ
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	[]\=n be true then the node is placed in the last layer of the drawing. Note that this option is not part of any of ELK Layered's default configurations but is only evaluated as part of the `InteractiveLayeredGraphVisitor`, which must be applied manually or used via the `DiagramLayoutEngine.?Layer ID??Layer identifier that was calculated by ELK Layered for a node. This is only generated if interactiveLayot or generatePositionAndLayerIds is set.	?? HIDDEN?layering.minWidth?'Upper Bound On Width [MinWidth Layerer]??Defines a loose upper bound on the width of the MinWidth layerer. If set to '-1' multiple values are tested and the best result is selected.?8Upper Layer Estimation Scaling Factor [MinWidth Layerer]?;Multiplied with Upper Bound On Width for defining an upper bound on the width of layers which haven't been determined yet, but whose maximum width had been (roughly) estimated by the MinWidth algorithm. Compensates for too high estimations. If set to '-1' multiple values are tested and the best result is selected.?layering.nodePromotion?Node Promotion Strategy?AReduces number of dummy nodes after layering phase (if possible).?Max Node Promotion Iterations?3Limits the number of iterations for node promotion.?layering.coffmanGraham?Layer Bound?.The maximum number of nodes allowed per layer.?crossingMinimization?Crossing Minimization Strategy?#Strategy for crossing minimization.?Force Node Model Order?VThe node order given by the model does not change to produce a better layout. E.g. if node A is before node B in the model this is not changed during crossing minimization. This assumes that the node model order is already respected before crossing minimization. This can be achieved by setting considerModelOrder.strategy to NODES_AND_EDGES.?Hierarchical Sweepiness?>How likely it is to use cross-hierarchy (1) vs bottom-up (-1).	???DOUBLE?!org.eclipse.elk.hierarchyHandling?&Semi-Interactive Crossing Minimization?3Preserves the order of nodes within a layer but still minimizes crossings between edges connecting long edge dummies. Derives the desired order from positions specified by the 'org.eclipse.elk.position' layout option. Requires a crossing minimization strategy that is able to process 'in-layer' constraints.?In Layer Predecessor of??Allows to set a constraint which specifies of which node the current node is the predecessor. If set to 's' then the node is the predecessor of 's' and is in the same layer	???STRING?In Layer Successor of??Allows to set a constraint which specifies of which node the current node is the successor. If set to 's' then the node is the successor of 's' and is in the same layer?Position Choice Constraint?Allows to set a constraint regarding the position placement of a node in a layer. Assumed the layer in which the node placed includes n other nodes and i < n. If set to i, it expresses that the node should be placed at the i-th position. Should i>=n be true then the node is placed at the last position in the layer. Note that this option is not part of any of ELK Layered's default configurations but is only evaluated as part of the `InteractiveLayeredGraphVisitor`, which must be applied manually or used via the `DiagramLayoutEngine.?Position ID??Position within a layer that was determined by ELK Layered for a node. This is only generated if interactiveLayot or generatePositionAndLayerIds is set.?!crossingMinimization.greedySwitch?"Greedy Switch Activation Threshold??By default it is decided automatically if the greedy switch is activated or not. The decision is based on whether the size of the input graph (without dummy nodes) is smaller than the value of this option. A '0' enforces the activation.?#Greedy Switch Crossing Minimization?Greedy Switch strategy for crossing minimization. The greedy switch heuristic is executed after the regular crossing minimization as a post-processor. Note that if 'hierarchyHandling' is set to 'INCLUDE_CHILDREN', the 'greedySwitchHierarchical.type' option must be used.?-crossingMinimization.greedySwitchHierarchical?2Greedy Switch Crossing Minimization (hierarchical)?oActivates the greedy switch heuristic in case hierarchical layout is used. The differences to the non-hierarchical case (see 'greedySwitch.type') are: 1) greedy switch is inactive by default, 3) only the option value set on the node at which hierarchical layout starts is relevant, and 2) if it's activated by the user, it properly addresses hierarchy-crossing edges.?
nodePlacement?Node Placement Strategy?Strategy for node placement.?#Favor Straight Edges Over Balancing??Favor straight edges over a balanced node placement. The default behavior is determined automatically based on the used 'edgeRouting'. For an orthogonal style it is set to true, for all other styles to false.?nodePlacement.bk?BK Edge Straightening??Specifies whether the Brandes Koepf node placer tries to increase the number of straight edges at the expense of diagram size. There is a subtle difference to the 'favorStraightEdges' option, which decides whether a balanced placement of the nodes is desired, or not. In bk terms this means combining the four alignments into a single balanced one, or not. This option on the other hand tries to straighten additional edges during the creation of each of the four alignments.?BK Fixed Alignment??Tells the BK node placer to use a certain alignment (out of its four) instead of the one producing the smallest height, or the combination of all four.?nodePlacement.linearSegments?$Linear Segments Deflection Dampening?IDampens the movement of nodes to keep the diagram from getting too large.?nodePlacement.networkSimplex?Node Flexibility?pAims at shorter and straighter edges. Two configurations are possible: (a) allow ports to move freely on the side they are assigned to (the order is always defined beforehand), (b) additionally allow to enlarge a node wherever it helps. If this option is not configured for a node, the 'nodeFlexibility.default' value is used, which is specified for the node's parent.,nodePlacement.networkSimplex.nodeFlexibilityNode Flexibility DefaultVDefault value of the 'nodeFlexibility' option for the children of a hierarchical node.edgeRouting	Self-Loop DistributioncAlter the distribution of the loops around the node. It only takes effect for PortConstraints.FREE.
Self-Loop OrderingwAlter the ordering of the loops they can either be stacked or sequenced. It only takes effect for PortConstraints.FREE.edgeRouting.splinesSpline Routing ModeSpecifies the way control points are assembled for each individual edge. CONSERVATIVE ensures that edges are properly routed around the nodes but feels rather orthogonal at times. SLOPPY uses fewer control points to obtain curvier edge routes but may result in edges overlapping"Sloppy Spline Layer Spacing FactorPSpacing factor for routing area between layers when using sloppy spline routing.edgeRouting.polyline!Sloped Edge Zone Width#?Width of the strip to the left and to the right of each layer where the polyline edge router is allowed to refrain from ensuring that edges are routed horizontally. This prevents awkward bend points for nodes that extent almost to the edge of their layer.%spacing'Spacing Base Value)QAn optional base value for all other layout options of the 'spacing' group. It can be used to conveniently alter the overall 'spaciousness' of the drawing. Whenever an explicit value is set for the other layout options, this base value will have no effect. The base value is not inherited, i.e. it must be set for each hierarchical node.+ Edge Node Between Layers Spacing-?The spacing to be preserved between nodes and edges that are routed next to the node's layer. For the spacing between nodes and edges that cross the node's layer 'spacing.edgeNode' is used./Edge Edge Between Layer Spacing1?Spacing to be preserved between pairs of edges that are routed between the same pair of layers. Note that 'spacing.edgeEdge' is used for the spacing between pairs of edges crossing the same layer.3 Node Node Between Layers Spacing5?The spacing to be preserved between any pair of nodes of two adjacent layers. Note that 'spacing.nodeNode' is used for the spacing between nodes within the layer itself.7priority9Direction Priority;?Defines how important it is to have a certain edge point into the direction of the overall layout. This option is evaluated during the cycle breaking phase.	=>EDGES@Shortness PriorityBuDefines how important it is to keep an edge as short as possible. This option is evaluated during the layering phase.DStraightness PriorityF?Defines how important it is to keep an edge straight, i.e. aligned with one of the two axes. This option is evaluated during node placement.H
compactionJConnected Components CompactionL>Tries to further compact components (disconnected sub-graphs).N+org.eclipse.elk.separateConnectedComponentsPcompaction.postCompactionRPost Compaction StrategyT=Specifies whether and how post-process compaction is applied.V&Post Compaction Constraint CalculationXhighDegreeNodesZHigh Degree Node Treatment\=Makes room around high degree nodes to place leafs and trees.^High Degree Node Threshold`3Whether a node is considered to have a high degree.b$High Degree Node Maximum Tree Heightd[Maximum height of a subtree connected to a high degree node to be moved to separate layers.fwrappinghGraph Wrapping StrategyjBFor certain graphs and certain prescribed drawing areas it may be desirable to split the laid out graph into chunks that are placed side by side. The edges that connect different chunks are 'wrapped' around from the end of one chunk to the start of the other chunk. The points between the chunks are referred to as 'cuts'.l Additional Wrapped Edges Spacingn?To visually separate edges that are wrapped from regularly routed edges an additional spacing value can be specified in form of this layout option. The spacing is added to the regular edgeNode spacing.pCorrection Factor for Wrappingr#At times and for certain types of graphs the executed wrapping may produce results that are consistently biased in the same fashion: either wrapping to often or to rarely. This factor can be used to correct the bias. Internally, it is simply multiplied with the 'aspect ratio' layout option.twrapping.cuttingvCutting StrategyxbThe strategy by which the layer indexes are determined at which the layering crumbles into chunks.zManually Specified Cuts|#?@&'A

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