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org.eclipse.elk.alg.mrtree.p3place.NodePlacer.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 7O -org/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/p3place/NodePlacer java/lang/Object %org/eclipse/elk/core/alg/ILayoutPhase INTERMEDIATE_PROCESSING_CONFIG 7Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration; Signature ?Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration; spacing D xTopAdjustment yTopAdjustment direction (Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/options/Direction; ()V Code
5org/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration create 9()Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration; +org/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/TreeLayoutPhases P2_NODE_ORDERING -Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/TreeLayoutPhases; ! # " Eorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/intermediate/IntermediateProcessorStrategy $ % ROOT_PROC GLorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/intermediate/IntermediateProcessorStrategy;
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N this /Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/p3place/NodePlacer; getLayoutProcessorConfiguration b(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TGraph;)Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration; ?(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TGraph;)Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration; graph )Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TGraph; process [(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TGraph;Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/util/IElkProgressMonitor;)V Y Processor order nodes [ ] \ -org/eclipse/elk/core/util/IElkProgressMonitor ^ _ begin (Ljava/lang/String;F)Z a c b 0org/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/options/MrTreeOptions d e SPACING_NODE_NODE ,Lorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;
g i h 'org/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TGraph j k getProperty @(Lorg/eclipse/elk/graph/properties/IProperty;)Ljava/lang/Object; m java/lang/Double
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? i ? java/lang/Boolean
? ? ? ? booleanValue ()Z
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? ? ? ? getFirst
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StackMapTable ? ? ? e MODIFIER
l ? ? ? valueOf (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
? ? ? ? ? e LEFTSIBLING
? ? ? ? isLeaf ? ? ? e PRELIM
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meanNodeWidth S(Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TNode;Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TNode;)D
? ? ? ? getChildren ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; ? ? ? java/lang/Iterable
? ? ? #com/google/common/collect/Iterables ? ? :(Ljava/lang/Iterable;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
? ? ? ? getLast
? ? ? apportion cN level I lS p child lM rM midPoint ? ? e LEFTNEIGHBOR
? getParent *()Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TNode;
getLeftMost ?(Ljava/lang/Iterable;I)Lorg/eclipse/elk/alg/mrtree/graph/TNode; leftmost neighbor compareDepth
leftModSum rightModSum ancestorLeftmost ancestorNeighbor i prN prL mean moveDistance leftSibling leftSiblings portion newPr newMod
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H V W K(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/LayoutProcessorConfiguration;
SourceFile NodePlacer.java ?Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/eclipse/elk/core/alg/ILayoutPhase; !
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