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org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.FencedAtom.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ConstantValue ? DELIMITER_SHORTFALL F base "Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom; left (Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom; right middle Ljava/util/List; Signature :Ljava/util/List; u(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this (Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/FencedAtom; l r ?(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;Ljava/util/List;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;)V m LocalVariableTypeTable
StackMapTable ~ ? ? ? ?(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;Ljava/util/List;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom;)V getLeftType ()I getRightType center %(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;F)V box !Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; axis h total createBox O(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; b at (Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/MiddleAtom; i env ,Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment; tf %Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXFont; content shortfall delta minHeight hBox +Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/HorizontalBox; ? ? ? ?
SourceFile FencedAtom.java 9 B 9 ? 2 3 4 3 #org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/RowAtom 0 1 ? ? normaldot ? ? ? 5 6 (org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXConstants ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? U V &org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/FencedAtom ? ? ? L ? ? ? ? ? ? )org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/HorizontalBox ? ? L ? ? &org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/MiddleAtom &org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SymbolAtom ? ? ? N O P Q ? ? %org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SpaceAtom K L ? ? ? M L org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom java/util/List *org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment #org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXFont org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box ()V getName ()Ljava/lang/String; java/lang/String equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z getHeight ()F getDepth setShift (F)V
getTeXFont '()Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXFont; getFactor 0(ILorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;)F getStyle
getAxisHeight (I)F java/lang/Math max (FF)F size get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; ,org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/DelimiterFactory create b(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;F)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; add $(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;)V org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Glue Q(IILorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; ! ) * + , - . / , 0 1 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 : ; U *+,-? ? <