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org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.VRowAtom.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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? elements Ljava/util/LinkedList; Signature :Ljava/util/LinkedList; raise 'Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SpaceAtom; addInterline Z vtop halign I ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this &Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VRowAtom; %(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;)V el "Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom;
StackMapTable | ? setAddInterline (Z)V getAddInterline ()Z setHalign (I)V getHalign ()I setVtop getVtop setRaise (IF)V unit r F getLastAtom $()Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom; add append createBox O(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment;)Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; b !Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box; it Ljava/util/ListIterator; maxWidth boxes interline t env ,Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment; vb )Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VerticalBox; LocalVariableTypeTable ; ;Ljava/util/ListIterator; 9Ljava/util/LinkedList; ? ? s ? ?
VRowAtom.java 9 : java/util/LinkedList . / %org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/SpaceAtom (org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXConstants 9 ? 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 8 $org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VRowAtom ? ? W ? ? ? org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Atom W ? 'org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/VerticalBox java/lang/Float ? ? ? ? I ? ? Y Z ? ? $org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/StrutBox ? ? ? 9 ? org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box )org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/HorizontalBox 9 ? W ? ? ? ? M ? / ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *org/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/TeXEnvironment java/util/ListIterator (IFFF)V addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
removeLast ()Ljava/lang/Object; (ILjava/lang/Object;)V listIterator ()Ljava/util/ListIterator; hasNext next getWidth ()F getInterline (FFFF)V &(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;FI)V $(Lorg/scilab/forge/jlatexmath/Box;)V setShift (F)V getSize children getFirst getHeight setHeight getDepth setDepth getLast ! . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 8
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