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HTML Escaping code
Copyright (C) 2000 Marc Palmer / AnyWare Ltd.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Thanks to Jason Hunter for his great book "JAVA Servlet Programming" used as
the source for the entity mappings. Thanks to CARDIACS for making the
most joyful music ( for updates and other stuff
* This class will escape characters that have an HTML entity
* representation. It will not escape standard ASCII characters unless
* it is necessary (i.e. will not escape ASCI #32 but will escape "&").
* Any characters with no corresponding entity are passed through unchanged.
* It uses a quick string -> array mapping to avoid creating thousands of
* temporary objects.
public class HTMLEscaper {
* A little bit of unit testing
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text =
"This is a test of the html escaper & let's hope it really, "+
"really works! Is there an � with an umlaut in the house?"+
"This code is �copyleft. I like to be paid in ���s";
System.out.println( "NOTE: Due to differences in ASCII fonts, the text "+
"sent to the escaper may not display properly. Hopefully you will be "+
"able to tell what it should have looked like from the escaped output.");
System.out.println( "in: "+text );
System.out.println( "out: "+escape( text) );
* This method will take the input and escape characters that have
* an HTML entity representation.
* It uses a quick string -> array mapping to avoid creating thousands of
* temporary objects.
* @param nonHTMLsrc String containing the text to make HTML-safe
* @return String containing new copy of string with entities escaped
public static final String escape( String nonHTMLsrc)
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
int l = nonHTMLsrc.length();
int idx;
char c;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
c = nonHTMLsrc.charAt(i);
idx = entityMap.indexOf( c);
if (idx == -1)
res.append( c);
res.append( quickEntities[idx]);
return res.toString();
* These are probably HTML 3.2 level... as it looks like some HTML 4 entities
* are not present.
private static final String[][] entities = {
/* We probably don't want to filter regular ASCII chars so we leave them out */
{ "&", "amp" },
{ "<", "lt" },
{ ">", "gt" },
{ "\u0083", "#131" },
{ "\u0084", "#132" },
{ "\u0085", "#133" },
{ "\u0086", "#134" },
{ "\u0087", "#135" },
{ "\u0089", "#137" },
{ "\u008A", "#138" },
{ "\u008B", "#139" },
{ "\u008C", "#140" },
{ "\u0091", "#145" },
{ "\u0092", "#146" },
{ "\u0093", "#147" },
{ "\u0094", "#148" },
{ "\u0095", "#149" },
{ "\u0096", "#150" },
{ "\u0097", "#151" },
{ "\u0099", "#153" },
{ "\u009A", "#154" },
{ "\u009B", "#155" },
{ "\u009C", "#156" },
{ "\u009F", "#159" },
{ "\u00A0", "nbsp" },
{ "\u00A1", "iexcl" },
{ "\u00A2", "cent" },
{ "\u00A3", "pound" },
{ "\u00A4", "curren" },
{ "\u00A5", "yen" },
{ "\u00A6", "brvbar" },
{ "\u00A7", "sect" },
{ "\u00A8", "uml" },
{ "\u00A9", "copy" },
{ "\u00AA", "ordf" },
{ "\u00AB", "laquo" },
{ "\u00AC", "not" },
{ "\u00AD", "shy" },
{ "\u00AE", "reg" },
{ "\u00AF", "macr"},
{ "\u00B0", "deg"},
{ "\u00B1", "plusmn"},
{ "\u00B2", "sup2"},
{ "\u00B3", "sup3"},
{ "\u00B4", "acute" },
{ "\u00B5", "micro" },
{ "\u00B6", "para" },
{ "\u00B7", "middot" },
{ "\u00B8", "cedil" },
{ "\u00B9", "sup1" },
{ "\u00BA", "ordm" },
{ "\u00BB", "raquo" },
{ "\u00BC", "frac14" },
{ "\u00BD", "frac12" },
{ "\u00BE", "frac34" },
{ "\u00BF", "iquest" },
{ "\u00C0", "Agrave" },
{ "\u00C1", "Aacute" },
{ "\u00C2", "Acirc" },
{ "\u00C3", "Atilde" },
{ "\u00C4", "Auml" },
{ "\u00C5", "Aring" },
{ "\u00C6", "AElig" },
{ "\u00C7", "CCedil" },
{ "\u00C8", "Egrave" },
{ "\u00C9", "Eacute" },
{ "\u00CA", "Ecirc" },
{ "\u00CB", "Euml" },
{ "\u00CC", "Igrave" },
{ "\u00CD", "Iacute" },
{ "\u00CE", "Icirc" },
{ "\u00CF", "Iuml" },
{ "\u00D0", "ETH" },
{ "\u00D1", "Ntilde" },
{ "\u00D2", "Ograve" },
{ "\u00D3", "Oacute" },
{ "\u00D4", "Ocirc" },
{ "\u00D5", "Otilde" },
{ "\u00D6", "Ouml" },
{ "\u00D7", "times" },
{ "\u00D8", "Oslash" },
{ "\u00D9", "Ugrave" },
{ "\u00DA", "Uacute" },
{ "\u00DB", "Ucirc" },
{ "\u00DC", "Uuml" },
{ "\u00DD", "Yacute" },
{ "\u00DE", "THORN" },
{ "\u00DF", "szlig" },
{ "\u00E0", "agrave" },
{ "\u00E1", "aacute" },
{ "\u00E2", "acirc" },
{ "\u00E3", "atilde" },
{ "\u00E4", "auml" },
{ "\u00E5", "aring" },
{ "\u00E6", "aelig" },
{ "\u00E7", "ccedil" },
{ "\u00E8", "egrave" },
{ "\u00E9", "eacute" },
{ "\u00EA", "ecirc" },
{ "\u00EB", "euml" },
{ "\u00EC", "igrave" },
{ "\u00ED", "iacute" },
{ "\u00EE", "icirc" },
{ "\u00EF", "iuml" },
{ "\u00F0", "eth" },
{ "\u00F1", "ntilde" },
{ "\u00F2", "ograve" },
{ "\u00F3", "oacute" },
{ "\u00F4", "ocirc" },
{ "\u00F5", "otilde" },
{ "\u00F6", "ouml" },
{ "\u00F7", "divid" },
{ "\u00F8", "oslash" },
{ "\u00F9", "ugrave" },
{ "\u00FA", "uacute" },
{ "\u00FB", "ucirc" },
{ "\u00FC", "uuml" },
{ "\u00FD", "yacute" },
{ "\u00FE", "thorn" },
{ "\u00FF", "yuml" }
private static String entityMap;
private static String[] quickEntities;
static {
// Initialize some local mappings to speed it all up
int l = entities.length;
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
quickEntities = new String[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
temp.append( entities[i][0]);
quickEntities[i] = "&"+entities[i][1]+";";
entityMap = temp.toString();