net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package net.sourceforge.pmd;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.annotation.InternalApi;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.Language;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageRegistry;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.CollectionUtil;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.ResourceLoader;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.MessageReporter;
* Configurable object to load rulesets from XML resources.
* This can be configured using a fluent API, see eg {@link #warnDeprecated(boolean)}.
* To create a new ruleset, use {@link #loadFromResource(String)}
* or some such overload.
public final class RuleSetLoader {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RuleSetLoader.class);
private LanguageRegistry languageRegistry = LanguageRegistry.PMD;
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader(RuleSetLoader.class.getClassLoader());
private RulePriority minimumPriority = RulePriority.LOW;
private boolean warnDeprecated = true;
private @NonNull RuleSetFactoryCompatibility compatFilter = RuleSetFactoryCompatibility.DEFAULT;
private boolean includeDeprecatedRuleReferences = false;
private @NonNull MessageReporter reporter = MessageReporter.quiet();
* Create a new RuleSetLoader with a default configuration.
* The defaults are described on each configuration method of this class.
public RuleSetLoader() { // NOPMD UnnecessaryConstructor
// default
RuleSetLoader withReporter(@NonNull MessageReporter reporter) {
this.reporter = Objects.requireNonNull(reporter);
return this;
* Specify that the given classloader should be used to resolve
* paths to external ruleset references. The default uses PMD's
* own classpath.
public RuleSetLoader loadResourcesWith(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader(classLoader);
return this;
// internal
RuleSetLoader loadResourcesWith(ResourceLoader loader) {
this.resourceLoader = loader;
return this;
public RuleSetLoader withLanguages(LanguageRegistry languageRegistry) {
this.languageRegistry = languageRegistry;
return this;
* Filter loaded rules to only those that match or are above
* the given priority. The default is {@link RulePriority#LOW},
* ie, no filtering occurs.
* @return This instance, modified
public RuleSetLoader filterAbovePriority(RulePriority minimumPriority) {
this.minimumPriority = minimumPriority;
return this;
* Log a warning when referencing a deprecated rule.
* This is enabled by default.
* @return This instance, modified
public RuleSetLoader warnDeprecated(boolean warn) {
this.warnDeprecated = warn;
return this;
* Enable translating old rule references to newer ones, if they have
* been moved or renamed. This is enabled by default, if disabled,
* unresolved references will not be translated and will produce an
* error.
* @return This instance, modified
public RuleSetLoader enableCompatibility(boolean enable) {
return setCompatibility(enable ? RuleSetFactoryCompatibility.DEFAULT
: RuleSetFactoryCompatibility.EMPTY);
// test only
RuleSetLoader setCompatibility(@NonNull RuleSetFactoryCompatibility filter) {
this.compatFilter = filter;
return this;
* Follow deprecated rule references. By default this is off,
* and those references will be ignored (with a warning depending
* on {@link #enableCompatibility(boolean)}).
* @return This instance, modified
public RuleSetLoader includeDeprecatedRuleReferences(boolean enable) {
this.includeDeprecatedRuleReferences = enable;
return this;
* Create a new rule set factory, if you have to (that class is deprecated).
* That factory will use the configuration that was set using the setters of this.
* @deprecated {@link RuleSetFactory} is deprecated, replace its usages
* with usages of this class, or of static factory methods of {@link RuleSet}
public RuleSetFactory toFactory() {
return new RuleSetFactory(
private @Nullable MessageReporter filteredReporter() {
return warnDeprecated ? reporter : null;
* Parses and returns a ruleset from its location. The location may
* be a file system path, or a resource path (see {@link #loadResourcesWith(ClassLoader)}).
* @param rulesetPath A reference to a single ruleset
* @throws RuleSetLoadException If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found)
public RuleSet loadFromResource(String rulesetPath) {
return loadFromResource(new RuleSetReferenceId(rulesetPath, null, filteredReporter()));
* Parses and returns a ruleset from string content.
* @param filename The symbolic "file name", for error messages.
* @param rulesetXmlContent Xml file contents
* @throws RuleSetLoadException If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax)
public RuleSet loadFromString(String filename, final String rulesetXmlContent) {
return loadFromResource(new RuleSetReferenceId(filename, null, filteredReporter()) {
public InputStream getInputStream(ResourceLoader rl) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(rulesetXmlContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
* Parses several resources into a list of rulesets.
* @param paths Paths
* @throws RuleSetLoadException If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found),
* for any of the parameters
* @throws NullPointerException If the parameter, or any component is null
public List loadFromResources(Collection paths) {
List ruleSets = new ArrayList<>(paths.size());
for (String path : paths) {
return ruleSets;
* Loads a list of rulesets, if any has an error, report it on the contextual
* error reporter instead of aborting, and continue loading the rest.
* Internal API: might be published later, or maybe in PMD 7 this
* will be the default behaviour of every method of this class.
public List loadRuleSetsWithoutException(List rulesetPaths) {
List ruleSets = new ArrayList<>(rulesetPaths.size());
boolean anyRules = false;
boolean error = false;
for (String path : rulesetPaths) {
try {
RuleSet ruleset = this.loadFromResource(path);
anyRules |= !ruleset.getRules().isEmpty();
printRulesInDebug(path, ruleset);
} catch (RuleSetLoadException e) {
error = true;
if (!anyRules && !error) {
reporter.warn("No rules found. Maybe you misspelled a rule name? ({0})",
StringUtils.join(rulesetPaths, ','));
return ruleSets;
void printRulesInDebug(String path, RuleSet ruleset) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Rules loaded from {}:", path);
for (Rule rule : ruleset.getRules()) {
LOG.debug("- {} ({})", rule.getName(), rule.getLanguage().getName());
if (ruleset.getRules().isEmpty()) {
reporter.warn("No rules found in ruleset {0}", path);
* Parses several resources into a list of rulesets.
* @param first First path
* @param rest Paths
* @throws RuleSetLoadException If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found),
* for any of the parameters
* @throws NullPointerException If the parameter, or any component is null
public List loadFromResources(String first, String... rest) {
return loadFromResources(CollectionUtil.listOf(first, rest));
// package private
RuleSet loadFromResource(RuleSetReferenceId ruleSetReferenceId) {
try {
return toFactory().createRuleSet(ruleSetReferenceId);
} catch (RuleSetLoadException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuleSetLoadException(ruleSetReferenceId, e);
* Configure a new ruleset factory builder according to the parameters
* of the given PMD configuration.
public static RuleSetLoader fromPmdConfig(PMDConfiguration configuration) {
return new RuleSetLoader().filterAbovePriority(configuration.getMinimumPriority())
* Returns an Iterator of RuleSet objects loaded from descriptions from the
* "" resource for each language. This
* uses the classpath of the resource loader ({@link #loadResourcesWith(ClassLoader)}).
* @return A list of all category rulesets
* @throws RuleSetLoadException If a standard ruleset cannot be loaded.
* This is a corner case, that probably should not be caught by clients.
* The standard rulesets are well-formed, at least in stock PMD distributions.
public List getStandardRuleSets() {
String rulesetsProperties;
List ruleSetReferenceIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (Language language : languageRegistry.getLanguages()) {
Properties props = new Properties();
rulesetsProperties = "category/" + language.getTerseName() + "/";
try (InputStream inputStream = resourceLoader.loadClassPathResourceAsStreamOrThrow(rulesetsProperties)) {
String rulesetFilenames = props.getProperty("rulesets.filenames");
// some languages might not have any rules and this property either doesn't exist or is empty
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rulesetFilenames)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find " + rulesetsProperties
+ "; please ensure that the directory is on the classpath. The current classpath is: "
+ System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
List ruleSets = new ArrayList<>();
for (String id : ruleSetReferenceIds) {
ruleSets.add(loadFromResource(id)); // may throw
return ruleSets;