![JAR search and dependency download from the Maven repository](/logo.png)
scripts.pmd.bat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
@echo off
rem use unicode codepage to properly support UTF-8
chcp 65001>nul
rem make all variables local to not add new global environment variables to the current cmd session
set "TOPDIR=%~dp0.."
set "OPTS="
set "COMMAND=%1"
set "MAIN_CLASS=net.sourceforge.pmd.cli.PmdCli"
rem check whether java is available at all
java -version > nul 2>&1 || (
echo No java executable found in PATH
exit /b 1
rem sets the jver variable to the java version, eg 90 for 9.0.1+x or 80 for 1.8.0_171-b11 or 110 for
rem sets the jvendor variable to either java (oracle) or openjdk
for /f tokens^=1^,3^,4^,5^ delims^=.-_+^"^ %%j in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /c:"version"') do (
set jvendor=%%j
if %%l EQU ea (
set /A "jver=%%k0"
) else (
if %%k EQU 1 (
rem for java version 1.7.x, 1.8.x, ignore the first 1.
set /A "jver=%%l%%m"
) else (
set /A "jver=%%k%%l"
Set "jreopts="
rem oracle java 9 and 10 has javafx included as a module
if /I %jvendor% == java (
if %jver% GEQ 90 (
if %jver% LSS 110 (
rem enable reflection
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
rem java9 and java10 from oracle contain javafx as a module
rem open internal module of javafx to reflection (for our TreeViewWrapper)
set "jreopts=--add-opens javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control.skin=ALL-UNNAMED"
rem The rest here is for RichtextFX
set "jreopts=!jreopts! --add-opens javafx.graphics/javafx.scene.text=ALL-UNNAMED"
set "jreopts=!jreopts! --add-opens javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.scene.text=ALL-UNNAMED"
set "jreopts=!jreopts! --add-opens javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.text=ALL-UNNAMED"
set "jreopts=!jreopts! --add-opens javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.geom=ALL-UNNAMED"
rem Warn of remaining illegal accesses
set "jreopts=!jreopts! --illegal-access=warn"
set "_needjfxlib=0"
if [%COMMAND%] == [designer] (
if /I %jvendor% == openjdk set _needjfxlib=1
if /I %jvendor% == java (
if %jver% GEQ 110 set _needjfxlib=1
if %_needjfxlib% EQU 1 (
if %jver% LSS 100 (
echo For openjfx at least java 10 is required.
exit /b 1
if not defined JAVAFX_HOME (
echo The environment variable JAVAFX_HOME is missing.
exit /b 1
rem The wildcard will include only jar files, but we need to access also
rem property files such as javafx.properties that lay bare in the dir
rem note: no trailing backslash, as this would escape a following quote when %pmd_classpath% is used later
set "pmd_classpath=%TOPDIR%\conf;%TOPDIR%\lib\*;%JAVAFX_HOME%\lib\*;%JAVAFX_HOME%\lib"
) else (
rem note: no trailing backslash, as this would escape a following quote when %pmd_classpath% is used later
set "pmd_classpath=%TOPDIR%\conf;%TOPDIR%\lib\*"
if defined CLASSPATH (
set "pmd_classpath=%CLASSPATH%;%pmd_classpath%"
java %PMD_JAVA_OPTS% %jreopts% -classpath "%pmd_classpath%" %OPTS% %MAIN_CLASS% %*
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