Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* BSD-style license; for more info see
import static;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.NodeStream;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.impl.javacc.JavaccToken;
* This implements name disambiguation following JLS§6.5.2.
* (see also JLS§6.4.2 - Obscuring)
final class AstDisambiguationPass {
private AstDisambiguationPass() {
// façade
* Disambiguate the subtrees rooted at the given nodes. After this:
* - All ClassOrInterfaceTypes either see their ambiguous LHS
* promoted to a ClassOrInterfaceType, or demoted to a package
* name (removed from the tree)
- All ClassOrInterfaceTypes have a non-null symbol, even if
* it is unresolved EXCEPT the ones of a qualified constructor call.
* Those references are resolved lazily by {@link LazyTypeResolver},
* because they depend on the full type resolution of the qualifier
* expression, and that resolution may use things that are not yet
* disambiguated
- There may still be AmbiguousNames, but only in expressions,
* for the worst kind of ambiguity
public static void disambigWithCtx(NodeStream extends JavaNode> nodes, ReferenceCtx ctx) {
assert ctx != null : "Null context";
nodes.forEach(it -> it.acceptVisitor(DisambigVisitor.INSTANCE, ctx));
// those ignore JTypeParameterSymbol, for error handling logic to be uniform
private static void checkParentIsMember(ReferenceCtx ctx, ASTClassType resolvedType, ASTClassType parent) {
JTypeDeclSymbol sym = resolvedType.getReferencedSym();
JClassSymbol parentClass = ctx.findTypeMember(sym, parent.getSimpleName(), parent);
if (parentClass == null) {
ctx.reportUnresolvedMember(parent, ReferenceCtx.Fallback.TYPE, parent.getSimpleName(), sym);
int numTypeArgs = ASTList.sizeOrZero(parent.getTypeArguments());
parentClass = ctx.makeUnresolvedReference(sym, parent.getSimpleName(), numTypeArgs);
private static @Nullable JClassType enclosingType(JTypeMirror typeResult) {
return typeResult instanceof JClassType ? ((JClassType) typeResult).getEnclosingType() : null;
private static final class DisambigVisitor extends JavaVisitorBase {
public static final DisambigVisitor INSTANCE = new DisambigVisitor();
protected Void visitChildren(Node node, ReferenceCtx data) {
// note that this differs from the default impl, because
// the default declares last = node.getNumChildren()
// at the beginning of the loop, but in this visitor the
// number of children may change.
for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumChildren(); i++) {
node.getChild(i).acceptVisitor(this, data);
return null;
public Void visitTypeDecl(ASTTypeDeclaration node, ReferenceCtx data) {
// since type headers are disambiguated early it doesn't matter
// if the context is inaccurate in type headers
return visitChildren(node, data.scopeDownToNested(node.getSymbol()));
public Void visit(ASTAmbiguousName name, ReferenceCtx processor) {
if (name.wasProcessed()) {
// don't redo analysis
return null;
JSymbolTable symbolTable = name.getSymbolTable();
assert symbolTable != null : "Symbol tables haven't been set yet??";
boolean isPackageOrTypeOnly;
if (name.getParent() instanceof ASTClassType) {
isPackageOrTypeOnly = true;
} else if (name.getParent() instanceof ASTExpression) {
isPackageOrTypeOnly = false;
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unrecognised context for ambiguous name: " + name.getParent());
// do resolve
JavaNode resolved = startResolve(name, processor, isPackageOrTypeOnly);
// finish
assert !isPackageOrTypeOnly
|| resolved instanceof ASTTypeExpression
|| resolved instanceof ASTAmbiguousName
: "Unexpected result " + resolved + " for PackageOrTypeName resolution";
if (isPackageOrTypeOnly && resolved instanceof ASTTypeExpression) {
// unambiguous, we just have to check that the parent is a member of the enclosing type
ASTClassType resolvedType = (ASTClassType) ((ASTTypeExpression) resolved).getTypeNode();
resolved = resolvedType;
ASTClassType parent = (ASTClassType) name.getParent();
checkParentIsMember(processor, resolvedType, parent);
if (resolved != name) { // NOPMD - intentional check for reference equality
((AbstractJavaNode) name.getParent()).setChild((AbstractJavaNode) resolved, name.getIndexInParent());
return null;
public Void visit(ASTClassType type, ReferenceCtx ctx) {
if (type.getReferencedSym() != null) {
return null;
if (type.getFirstChild() instanceof ASTAmbiguousName) {
type.getFirstChild().acceptVisitor(this, ctx);
// revisit children, which may have changed
visitChildren(type, ctx);
if (type.getReferencedSym() != null) {
postProcess(type, ctx);
return null;
ASTClassType lhsType = type.getQualifier();
if (lhsType != null) {
JTypeDeclSymbol lhsSym = lhsType.getReferencedSym();
assert lhsSym != null : "Unresolved LHS for " + type;
checkParentIsMember(ctx, lhsType, type);
} else {
if (type.getParent() instanceof ASTConstructorCall
&& ((ASTConstructorCall) type.getParent()).isQualifiedInstanceCreation()) {
// Leave the reference null, this is handled lazily,
// because the interaction it depends on the type of
// the qualifier
return null;
if (type.getReferencedSym() == null) {
setClassSymbolIfNoQualifier(type, ctx);
assert type.getReferencedSym() != null : "Null symbol for " + type;
postProcess(type, ctx);
return null;
private static void setClassSymbolIfNoQualifier(ASTClassType type, ReferenceCtx ctx) {
final JTypeMirror resolved = ctx.resolveSingleTypeName(type.getSymbolTable(), type.getSimpleName(), type);
JTypeDeclSymbol sym;
if (resolved == null) {
ctx.reportCannotResolveSymbol(type, type.getSimpleName());
sym = setArity(type, ctx, type.getSimpleName());
} else {
sym = resolved.getSymbol();
if (sym.isUnresolved()) {
sym = setArity(type, ctx, ((JClassSymbol) sym).getCanonicalName());
private void postProcess(ASTClassType type, ReferenceCtx ctx) {
JTypeDeclSymbol sym = type.getReferencedSym();
if (type.getParent() instanceof ASTAnnotation) {
if (!(sym instanceof JClassSymbol && (sym.isUnresolved() || ((JClassSymbol) sym).isAnnotation()))) {
ctx.getLogger().warning(type, JavaSemanticErrors.EXPECTED_ANNOTATION_TYPE);
int actualArity = ASTList.sizeOrZero(type.getTypeArguments());
int expectedArity = sym instanceof JClassSymbol ? ((JClassSymbol) sym).getTypeParameterCount() : 0;
if (actualArity != 0 && actualArity != expectedArity) {
ctx.getLogger().warning(type, JavaSemanticErrors.MALFORMED_GENERIC_TYPE, expectedArity, actualArity);
private static @NonNull JTypeDeclSymbol setArity(ASTClassType type, ReferenceCtx ctx, String canonicalName) {
int arity = ASTList.sizeOrZero(type.getTypeArguments());
return ctx.makeUnresolvedReference(canonicalName, arity);
This is implemented as a set of mutually recursive methods
that act as a kind of automaton. State transitions:
+-----+ +--+ +--+
| | | | | |
+-----+ + v + v + v
|START+----> PACKAGE +---> TYPE +----> EXPR
+-----+ ^ ^
| | |
Not pictured are the error transitions.
Only Type & Expr are valid exit states.
* Resolve an ambiguous name occurring in an expression context.
* Returns the expression to which the name was resolved. If the
* name is a type, this is a {@link ASTTypeExpression}, otherwise
* it could be a {@link ASTFieldAccess} or {@link ASTVariableAccess},
* and in the worst case, the original {@link ASTAmbiguousName}.
private static ASTExpression startResolve(ASTAmbiguousName name, ReferenceCtx ctx, boolean isPackageOrTypeOnly) {
Iterator tokens = name.tokens().iterator();
JavaccToken firstIdent =;
TokenUtils.expectKind(firstIdent, JavaTokenKinds.IDENTIFIER);
JSymbolTable symTable = name.getSymbolTable();
if (!isPackageOrTypeOnly) {
// first test if the leftmost segment is an expression
JVariableSig varResult = symTable.variables().resolveFirst(firstIdent.getImage());
if (varResult != null) {
return resolveExpr(null, varResult, firstIdent, tokens, ctx);
// otherwise, test if it is a type name
JTypeMirror typeResult = ctx.resolveSingleTypeName(symTable, firstIdent.getImage(), name);
if (typeResult != null) {
JClassType enclosing = enclosingType(typeResult);
return resolveType(null, enclosing, typeResult.getSymbol(), false, firstIdent, tokens, name, isPackageOrTypeOnly, ctx);
// otherwise, first is reclassified as package name.
return resolvePackage(firstIdent, new StringBuilder(firstIdent.getImage()), tokens, name, isPackageOrTypeOnly, ctx);
* Classify the given [identifier] as an expression name. This
* produces a FieldAccess/VariableAccess, depending on whether there is a qualifier.
* The remaining token chain is reclassified as a sequence of
* field accesses.
* TODO Check the field accesses are legal
* Also must filter by visibility
private static ASTExpression resolveExpr(@Nullable ASTExpression qualifier, // lhs
@Nullable JVariableSig varSym, // signature, only set if this is the leftmost access
JavaccToken identifier, // identifier for the field/var name
Iterator remaining, // rest of tokens, starting with following '.'
ReferenceCtx ctx) {
TokenUtils.expectKind(identifier, JavaTokenKinds.IDENTIFIER);
ASTNamedReferenceExpr var;
if (qualifier == null) {
ASTVariableAccess varAccess = new ASTVariableAccess(identifier);
var = varAccess;
} else {
ASTFieldAccess fieldAccess = new ASTFieldAccess(qualifier, identifier);
fieldAccess.setTypedSym((FieldSig) varSym);
var = fieldAccess;
if (!remaining.hasNext()) { // done
return var;
JavaccToken nextIdent = skipToNextIdent(remaining);
// following must also be expressions (field accesses)
// we can't assert that for now, as symbols lack type information
return resolveExpr(var, null, nextIdent, remaining, ctx);
* Classify the given [identifier] as a reference to the [sym].
* This produces a ClassOrInterfaceType with the given [image] (which
* may be prepended by a package name, or otherwise is just a simple name).
* We then lookup the following identifier, and take a decision:
* - If there is a field with the given name in [classSym],
* then the remaining tokens are reclassified as expression names
- Otherwise, if there is a member type with the given name
* in [classSym], then the remaining segment is classified as a
* type name (recursive call to this procedure)
- Otherwise, normally a compile-time error occurs. We instead
* log a warning and treat it as a field access.
* @param isPackageOrTypeOnly If true, expressions are disallowed by the context, so we don't check fields
private static ASTExpression resolveType(final @Nullable ASTClassType qualifier, // lhs
final @Nullable JClassType implicitEnclosing, // enclosing type, if it is implicitly inherited
final JTypeDeclSymbol sym, // symbol for the type
final boolean isFqcn, // whether this is a fully-qualified name
final JavaccToken identifier, // ident of the simple name of the symbol
final Iterator remaining, // rest of tokens, starting with following '.'
final ASTAmbiguousName ambig, // original ambiguous name
final boolean isPackageOrTypeOnly,
final ReferenceCtx ctx) {
TokenUtils.expectKind(identifier, JavaTokenKinds.IDENTIFIER);
final ASTClassType type = new ASTClassType(qualifier, isFqcn, ambig.getFirstToken(), identifier);
if (!remaining.hasNext()) { // done
return new ASTTypeExpression(type);
final JavaccToken nextIdent = skipToNextIdent(remaining);
final String nextSimpleName = nextIdent.getImage();
if (!isPackageOrTypeOnly) {
@Nullable FieldSig field = ctx.findStaticField(sym, nextSimpleName);
if (field != null) {
// todo check field is static
ASTTypeExpression typeExpr = new ASTTypeExpression(type);
return resolveExpr(typeExpr, field, nextIdent, remaining, ctx);
JClassSymbol inner = ctx.findTypeMember(sym, nextSimpleName, ambig);
if (inner == null && isPackageOrTypeOnly) {
// normally compile-time error, continue by considering it an unresolved inner type
ctx.reportUnresolvedMember(ambig, ReferenceCtx.Fallback.TYPE, nextSimpleName, sym);
inner = ctx.makeUnresolvedReference(sym, nextSimpleName, 0);
if (inner != null) {
return resolveType(type, null, inner, false, nextIdent, remaining, ambig, isPackageOrTypeOnly, ctx);
// no inner type, yet we have a lhs that is a type...
// this is normally a compile-time error
// treat as unresolved field accesses, this is the smoothest for later type res
// todo report on the specific token failing
ctx.reportUnresolvedMember(ambig, ReferenceCtx.Fallback.FIELD_ACCESS, nextSimpleName, sym);
ASTTypeExpression typeExpr = new ASTTypeExpression(type);
return resolveExpr(typeExpr, null, nextIdent, remaining, ctx); // this will chain for the rest of the name
* Classify the given [identifier] as a package name. This means, that
* we look ahead into the [remaining] tokens, and try to find a class
* by that name in the given package. Then:
* - If such a class exists, continue the classification with resolveType
- Otherwise, the looked ahead segment is itself reclassified as a package name
* If we consumed the entire name without finding a suitable
* class, then we report it and return the original ambiguous name.
private static ASTExpression resolvePackage(JavaccToken identifier,
StringBuilder packageImage,
Iterator remaining,
ASTAmbiguousName ambig,
boolean isPackageOrTypeOnly,
ReferenceCtx ctx) {
TokenUtils.expectKind(identifier, JavaTokenKinds.IDENTIFIER);
if (!remaining.hasNext()) {
if (isPackageOrTypeOnly) {
// There's one last segment to try, the parent of the ambiguous name
// This may only be because this ambiguous name is the package qualification of the parent type
forceResolveAsFullPackageNameOfParent(packageImage, ambig, ctx);
return ambig; // returning ambig makes the outer routine not replace
// then this name is unresolved, leave the ambiguous name in the tree
// this only happens inside expressions
ctx.getLogger().warning(ambig, CANNOT_RESOLVE_AMBIGUOUS_NAME, packageImage, ReferenceCtx.Fallback.AMBIGUOUS);
ambig.setProcessed(); // signal that we don't want to retry resolving this
return ambig;
JavaccToken nextIdent = skipToNextIdent(remaining);
String canonical = packageImage.toString();
// Don't interpret periods as nested class separators (this will be handled by resolveType).
// Otherwise lookup of a fully qualified name would be quadratic
JClassSymbol nextClass = ctx.resolveClassFromBinaryName(canonical);
if (nextClass != null) {
return resolveType(null, null, nextClass, true, nextIdent, remaining, ambig, isPackageOrTypeOnly, ctx);
} else {
return resolvePackage(nextIdent, packageImage, remaining, ambig, isPackageOrTypeOnly, ctx);
* Force resolution of the ambiguous name as a package name.
* The parent type's image is set to a package name + simple name.
private static void forceResolveAsFullPackageNameOfParent(StringBuilder packageImage, ASTAmbiguousName ambig, ReferenceCtx ctx) {
ASTClassType parent = (ASTClassType) ambig.getParent();
String fullName = packageImage.toString();
JClassSymbol parentClass = ctx.resolveClassFromBinaryName(fullName);
if (parentClass == null) {
ctx.getLogger().warning(parent, CANNOT_RESOLVE_AMBIGUOUS_NAME, fullName, ReferenceCtx.Fallback.TYPE);
parentClass = ctx.makeUnresolvedReference(fullName, ASTList.sizeOrZero(parent.getTypeArguments()));
private static JavaccToken skipToNextIdent(Iterator remaining) {
JavaccToken dot =;
TokenUtils.expectKind(dot, JavaTokenKinds.DOT);
assert remaining.hasNext() : "Ambiguous name must end with an identifier";