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import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.AssertionUtil;
* Computes constant expression values.
// strictfp because constant expressions are FP-strict (not sure if this is really important)
final strictfp class ConstantFolder extends JavaVisitorBase {
static final ConstantFolder INSTANCE = new ConstantFolder();
private static final Pair FAILED_BIN_PROMOTION = Pair.of(null, null);
private ConstantFolder() {
public Object visitJavaNode(JavaNode node, Void data) {
return null;
public @NonNull Number visitLiteral(ASTLiteral num, Void data) {
throw new AssertionError("Literal nodes implement getConstValue directly");
public Object visit(ASTVariableAccess node, Void data) {
JVariableSymbol symbol = node.getReferencedSym();
if (symbol == null || !symbol.isFinal()) {
return null;
ASTVariableId declaratorId = symbol.tryGetNode();
if (declaratorId != null) {
ASTExpression initializer = declaratorId.getInitializer();
if (initializer != null) {
return initializer.getConstValue();
return null;
public Object visit(ASTFieldAccess node, Void data) {
JFieldSymbol symbol = node.getReferencedSym();
if (symbol != null) {
return symbol.getConstValue();
return null;
public Object visit(ASTConditionalExpression node, Void data) {
Object condition = node.getCondition().getConstValue();
if (condition instanceof Boolean) {
Object thenValue = node.getThenBranch().getConstValue();
Object elseValue = node.getElseBranch().getConstValue();
if (thenValue == null || elseValue == null) {
return null; // not a constexpr
if ((Boolean) condition) {
return thenValue;
} else {
return elseValue;
return null;
public Object visit(ASTCastExpression node, Void data) {
JTypeMirror t = node.getCastType().getTypeMirror();
if (t.isNumeric()) {
return numericCoercion(node.getOperand().getConstValue(), t);
} else if (TypeTestUtil.isExactlyA(String.class, node.getCastType())) {
return stringCoercion(node.getOperand().getConstValue());
return null;
public Object visit(ASTUnaryExpression node, Void data) {
UnaryOp operator = node.getOperator();
if (!operator.isPure()) {
return null;
ASTExpression operand = node.getOperand();
Object operandValue = operand.getConstValue();
if (operandValue == null) {
return null;
switch (operator) {
return unaryPromotion(operandValue);
Number promoted = unaryPromotion(operandValue);
if (promoted == null) {
return null; // compile-time error
} else if (promoted instanceof Integer) {
return -promoted.intValue();
} else if (promoted instanceof Long) {
return -promoted.longValue();
} else if (promoted instanceof Float) {
return -promoted.floatValue();
} else {
assert promoted instanceof Double;
return -promoted.doubleValue();
Number promoted = unaryPromotion(operandValue);
if (promoted instanceof Integer) {
return ~promoted.intValue();
} else if (promoted instanceof Long) {
return ~promoted.longValue();
} else {
return null; // compile-time error
case NEGATION: {
return booleanInvert(operandValue);
default: // increment ops
throw new AssertionError("unreachable");
public strictfp Object visit(ASTInfixExpression node, Void data) {
Object left = node.getLeftOperand().getConstValue();
Object right = node.getRightOperand().getConstValue();
if (left == null || right == null) {
return null;
switch (node.getOperator()) {
if (left instanceof Boolean && right instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) left || (Boolean) right;
return null;
if (left instanceof Boolean && right instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) left && (Boolean) right;
return null;
case OR: {
Pair promoted = booleanAwareBinaryPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) | intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) | longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Boolean) {
return booleanValue(left) | booleanValue(right);
return null;
case XOR: {
Pair promoted = booleanAwareBinaryPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) ^ intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) ^ longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Boolean) {
return booleanValue(left) ^ booleanValue(right);
return null;
case AND: {
Pair promoted = booleanAwareBinaryPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) & intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) & longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Boolean) {
return booleanValue(left) & booleanValue(right);
return null;
case EQ:
return eqResult(left, right);
case NE:
return booleanInvert(eqResult(left, right));
case LE:
return compLE(left, right);
case GT:
return booleanInvert(compLE(left, right));
case LT:
return compLT(left, right);
case GE:
return booleanInvert(compLT(left, right));
// disallowed, actually dead code because the
// right operand is the type, which is no constexpr
return null;
// for shift operators, unary promotion is performed on operators separately
case LEFT_SHIFT: {
left = unaryPromotion(left);
right = unaryPromotion(right);
if (!(right instanceof Integer) && !(right instanceof Long)) {
return null; // shift distance must be integral
// only use intValue for the left operand
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) << intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) << intValue(right);
return null;
left = unaryPromotion(left);
right = unaryPromotion(right);
if (!(right instanceof Integer) && !(right instanceof Long)) {
return null; // shift distance must be integral
// only use intValue for the left operand
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) >> intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) >> intValue(right);
return null;
left = unaryPromotion(left);
right = unaryPromotion(right);
if (!(right instanceof Integer) && !(right instanceof Long)) {
return null; // shift distance must be integral
// only use intValue for the left operand
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) >>> intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) >>> intValue(right);
return null;
case ADD: {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) + intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) + longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) + floatValue(right);
} else {
return doubleValue(left) + doubleValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof String) {
// string concat
return (String) left + right;
} else if (right instanceof String) {
// string concat
return left + (String) right;
return null;
case SUB: {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) - intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) - longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) - floatValue(right);
} else {
return doubleValue(left) - doubleValue(right);
return null;
case MUL: {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) * intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) * longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) * floatValue(right);
} else {
return doubleValue(left) * doubleValue(right);
return null;
case DIV: {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) / intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) / longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) / floatValue(right);
} else {
return doubleValue(left) / doubleValue(right);
return null;
case MOD: {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) % intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) % longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) % floatValue(right);
} else {
return doubleValue(left) % doubleValue(right);
return null;
throw AssertionUtil.shouldNotReachHere("Unknown operator '" + node.getOperator() + "' in " + node);
private static @Nullable Object compLE(Object left, Object right) {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) <= intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) <= longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) <= floatValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Double) {
return doubleValue(left) <= doubleValue(right);
return null;
private static @Nullable Boolean compLT(Object left, Object right) {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
left = promoted.getLeft();
right = promoted.getRight();
if (left instanceof Integer) {
return intValue(left) < intValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Long) {
return longValue(left) < longValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Float) {
return floatValue(left) < floatValue(right);
} else if (left instanceof Double) {
return doubleValue(left) < doubleValue(right);
return null;
private static @Nullable Boolean booleanInvert(@Nullable Object b) {
if (b instanceof Boolean) {
return !(Boolean) b;
return null;
private static @Nullable Boolean eqResult(Object left, Object right) {
if (isConvertibleToNumber(left) && isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
Pair promoted = binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
return promoted.getLeft().equals(promoted.getRight()); // fixme Double.NaN
} else {
return null; // not a constant expr on reference types
private static boolean isConvertibleToNumber(Object o) {
return o instanceof Number || o instanceof Character;
private static @Nullable Number unaryPromotion(Object t) {
if (t instanceof Character) {
return (int) (Character) t;
} else if (t instanceof Number) {
if (t instanceof Byte || t instanceof Short) {
return intValue(t);
} else {
return (Number) t;
return null;
* This returns a pair in which both numbers have the dynamic type.
* Both right and left need to be {@link #isConvertibleToNumber(Object)},
* otherwise fails with ClassCastException.
private static Pair binaryNumericPromotion(Object left, Object right) {
left = projectCharOntoInt(left);
right = projectCharOntoInt(right);
if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
return Pair.of(doubleValue(left), doubleValue(right));
} else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
return Pair.of(floatValue(left), floatValue(right));
} else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
return Pair.of(longValue(left), longValue(right));
} else {
return Pair.of(intValue(left), intValue(right));
private static Pair booleanAwareBinaryPromotion(Object left, Object right) {
if (left instanceof Boolean || right instanceof Boolean) {
if (left instanceof Boolean && right instanceof Boolean) {
return Pair.of(left, right);
} else if (!isConvertibleToNumber(left) || !isConvertibleToNumber(right)) {
} else {
return binaryNumericPromotion(left, right);
private static Object projectCharOntoInt(Object v) {
if (v instanceof Character) {
return (int) (Character) v;
return v;
private static Object numericCoercion(Object v, JTypeMirror target) {
v = projectCharOntoInt(v); // map chars to a Number (widen it to int, which may be narrowed in the switch)
if (target.isNumeric() && v instanceof Number) {
switch (((JPrimitiveType) target).getKind()) {
throw new AssertionError("unreachable");
case CHAR:
return (char) intValue(v);
case BYTE:
return (byte) intValue(v);
case SHORT:
return (short) intValue(v);
case INT:
return intValue(v);
case LONG:
return longValue(v);
case FLOAT:
return floatValue(v);
case DOUBLE:
return doubleValue(v);
throw AssertionUtil.shouldNotReachHere("exhaustive enum: " + target);
return null;
private static Object stringCoercion(Object v) {
if (v instanceof String) {
return v;
return null;
private static boolean booleanValue(Object x) {
return (Boolean) x;
private static int intValue(Object x) {
return ((Number) x).intValue();
private static long longValue(Object x) {
return ((Number) x).longValue();
private static float floatValue(Object x) {
return ((Number) x).floatValue();
private static double doubleValue(Object x) {
return ((Number) x).doubleValue();