net.time4j.tz.Timezone Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2013-2015 Meno Hochschild,
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file (Timezone.java) is part of project Time4J.
* Time4J is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Time4J is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Time4J. If not, see .
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
package net.time4j.tz;
import net.time4j.base.GregorianDate;
import net.time4j.base.UnixTime;
import net.time4j.base.WallTime;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Loads and keeps timezone data including the rules.
* Timezones are identified by keys which have canonical forms as
* documented in {@link TZID}. If the keys don't specify any provider
* (no char "~") then the timezone data and rules will be
* looked up using the default {@code ZoneProvider}. This default provider
* is loaded by {@code java.util.ServiceLoader} if its name is equal
* to "TZDB" and its version string is not empty but of
* the highest value (lexicographically). If no such provider can be
* found then Time4J uses the platform provider based on the public
* API of {@code java.util.TimeZone} which does not expose its
* transition history however.
* Note: The concept of timezones is strongly based on the idea to
* avoid any unrounded amounts of seconds or subseconds. Timezones were
* historically first introduced by british railway companies to
* guarantee fixed departure timetables. Consequently ISO-8601 only
* knows timezone offsets in full minutes. The widely used TZDB-repository
* of IANA knows in extreme case offsets in full seconds which is also
* allowed by Time4J. Although the Time4J-library recognizes
* {@link ZonalOffset#atLongitude(java.math.BigDecimal) fractional offsets}
* based on the geographical longitude, its {@code Timezone}-API will
* always ignore any fractional parts.
* @author Meno Hochschild
* @serial exclude
* @doctags.concurrency All static methods are thread-safe while this class is
* immutable as long as the underlying timezone data are.
* Lädt und hält Zeitzonendaten mitsamt ihren Regeln.
* Zeitzonen werden durch Schlüssel identifiziert, welche eine
* kanonische Form wie in {@link TZID} dokumentiert haben. Wenn die
* Schlüssel nicht einen spezifischen {@code ZoneProvider} festlegen
* (fehlende Tilde "~"), dann werden Zeitzonendaten und Regeln
* vom Standard-Provider abgefragt. Dieser wird über einen
* {@code java.util.ServiceLoader} geladen, wenn sein Name gleich
* "TZDB" ist und seine Version lexikalisch die höchste
* und nicht-leer ist. Kann kein solcher {@code ZoneProvider} gefunden
* werden, dann verwendet Time4J ersatzweise das öffentliche API von
* {@code java.util.TimeZone} (welches allerdings keine Historie
* exponiert).
* Hinweis: Das Zeitzonenkonzept fußt stark auf der Idee,
* irgendwelche nicht-runden Sekunden- oder Subsekundenbeträge
* zu vermeiden. Historisch wurden Zeitzonen zuerst von britischen
* Eisenbahngesellschaften mit der Motivation eingeführt, landesweit
* feste Fahrpläne zu ermöglichen. Konsequenterweise kennt
* ISO-8601 nur Zeitzonen-Offsets (Verschiebungen) in vollen Minuten.
* Die weit verbreitete Zeitzonendatenbank TZDB von IANA kennt in
* Extremfällen auch Offsets in vollen Sekunden, was von Time4J
* akzeptiert wird. Obwohl die Time4J-Bibliothek
* {@link ZonalOffset#atLongitude(java.math.BigDecimal) fraktionale Offsets}
* basierend auf der geographischen Länge kennt, wird das
* {@code Timezone}-API immer fraktionale Subsekunden ignorieren.
* @author Meno Hochschild
* @serial exclude
* @doctags.concurrency All static methods are thread-safe while this class is
* immutable as long as the underlying timezone data are.
public abstract class Timezone
implements Serializable {
//~ Statische Felder/Initialisierungen --------------------------------
private static final String NEW_LINE =
private static final String REPOSITORY_VERSION =
private static final Comparator ID_COMPARATOR =
new Comparator() {
public int compare(
TZID o1,
) {
String c1 = o1.canonical();
int i1 = c1.indexOf('~');
String c2 = o2.canonical();
int i2 = c2.indexOf('~');
if (i1 >= 0) {
return ((i2 == -1) ? 1 : c1.compareTo(c2));
} else if (i2 >= 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return c1.compareTo(c2);
* This standard strategy which is also used by the JDK-class
* {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} subtracts the next defined
* offset from any local timestamp in order to calculate the global
* time while pushing forward an invalid local time.
* Equivalent to
* {@code GapResolver.PUSH_FORWARD.and(OverlapResolver.LATER_OFFSET)}.
* @see #getOffset(GregorianDate,WallTime)
* Diese auch von der JDK-Klasse {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}
* verwendete Standardstrategie zieht von einem beliebigen lokalen
* Zeitstempel den jeweils nächstdefinierten Offset ab, um die
* globale Zeit zu erhalten, wobei eine ungültige lokale Zeit
* um die Länge einer Offset-Verschiebung vorgeschoben wird.
* Äquivalent zu:
* {@code GapResolver.PUSH_FORWARD.and(OverlapResolver.LATER_OFFSET)}.
* @see #getOffset(GregorianDate,WallTime)
public static final TransitionStrategy DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY =
* In addition to the {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY
* standard strategy}, this strategy ensures the use of valid local
* timestamps.
* Equivalent to
* {@code GapResolver.ABORT.and(OverlapResolver.LATER_OFFSET)}.
* Legt bei Transformationen von lokalen Zeitstempeln zu UTC fest,
* daß nur in der Zeitzone gültige Zeitstempel zugelassen
* werden.
* Ansonsten wird die {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY
* Standardstrategie} verwendet. Äquivalent zu:
* {@code GapResolver.ABORT.and(OverlapResolver.LATER_OFFSET)}.
public static final TransitionStrategy STRICT_MODE =
private static final boolean ALLOW_SYSTEM_TZ_OVERRIDE =
|| "Dalvik".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("java.vm.name"));
private static volatile ZonalKeys zonalKeys = null;
private static volatile Timezone currentSystemTZ = null;
private static volatile boolean cacheActive = true;
private static int softLimit = 11;
private static final String NAME_JUT = "java.util.TimeZone";
private static final String NAME_TZDB = "TZDB";
private static final String NAME_ZONENAMES = "#STD_ZONE_NAMES";
private static final String NAME_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT";
private static final Map PREDEFINED;
private static final ZoneProvider PLATFORM_PROVIDER;
private static final ZoneProvider DEFAULT_PROVIDER;
private static final ConcurrentMap CACHE;
private static final ReferenceQueue QUEUE;
private static final LinkedList LAST_USED;
private static final ConcurrentMap PROVIDERS;
private static final ZoneProvider ZONENAME_PROVIDER;
private static final Timezone SYSTEM_TZ_ORIGINAL;
static {
CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap();
PROVIDERS = new ConcurrentHashMap();
QUEUE = new ReferenceQueue();
LAST_USED = new LinkedList(); // strong references
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (cl == null) {
cl = Timezone.class.getClassLoader();
if (cl == null) {
cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
List> areas;
try {
areas =
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
// olson-package not available
areas = Collections.emptyList();
Map temp1 = new HashMap();
temp1.put("Z", ZonalOffset.UTC);
temp1.put("UT", ZonalOffset.UTC);
temp1.put("UTC", ZonalOffset.UTC);
temp1.put("GMT", ZonalOffset.UTC);
temp1.put("UTC0", ZonalOffset.UTC);
temp1.put("GMT0", ZonalOffset.UTC);
for (Class extends TZID> area : areas) {
for (TZID tzid : area.getEnumConstants()) {
temp1.put(tzid.canonical(), tzid);
PREDEFINED = Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp1);
ServiceLoader sl =
ServiceLoader.load(ZoneProvider.class, cl);
ZoneProvider zp = null;
ZoneProvider np = null;
for (ZoneProvider provider : sl) {
String name = provider.getName();
if (name.equals(NAME_TZDB)) {
zp = compareTZDB(provider, zp);
} else if (name.equals(NAME_ZONENAMES)) {
np = provider;
} else if (
&& !name.equals(NAME_DEFAULT)
) {
PROVIDERS.put(name, provider);
PLATFORM_PROVIDER = new PlatformTZProvider();
if (zp == null) {
} else {
Timezone systemTZ = null;
try {
String zoneID = System.getProperty("user.timezone");
if (
|| "UTC".equals(zoneID)
) {
systemTZ = ZonalOffset.UTC.getModel();
} else if (zoneID != null) {
systemTZ = Timezone.getTZ(resolve(zoneID), zoneID, false);
} catch (SecurityException se) {
// OK, dann Zugriff auf j.u.TimeZone.getDefault()
if (systemTZ == null) {
SYSTEM_TZ_ORIGINAL = Timezone.getDefaultTZ();
} else {
// Cache für Available-IDs
zonalKeys = new ZonalKeys();
//~ Konstruktoren -----------------------------------------------------
* Nur zur paket-privaten Verwendung.
Timezone() {
//~ Methoden ----------------------------------------------------------
* Gets all available timezone IDs.
* @return unmodifiable list of available timezone ids in ascending order
* Liefert alle verfügbaren Zeitzonenkennungen.
* @return unmodifiable list of available timezone ids in ascending order
public static List getAvailableIDs() {
return zonalKeys.availables;
* Gets all available timezone IDs for given {@code ZoneProvider}.
* Note that this method will return an empty list if given provider
* name does not refer to any registered provider. If the name is equal
* to "DEFAULT" then the default {@code ZoneProvider} will be
* queried.
* @param provider the registered zone provider whose ids are searched
* @return unmodifiable list of available timezone ids in ascending order
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getName()
* Liefert alle verfügbaren Zeitzonenkennungen zum angegebenen
* {@code ZoneProvider}.
* Hinweis: Wenn das Argument keinen registrierten {@code ZoneProvider}
* referenziert, dann liefert diese Methode eine leere Liste. Wenn das
* Argument gleich "DEFAULT" ist, dann wird der
* Standard-{@code ZoneProvider} abgefragt.
* @param provider the registered zone provider whose ids are searched
* @return unmodifiable list of available timezone ids in ascending order
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getName()
public static List getAvailableIDs(String provider) {
ZoneProvider zp = getProvider(provider);
if (zp == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List result = new ArrayList();
for (String id : zp.getAvailableIDs()) {
Collections.sort(result, ID_COMPARATOR);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
* Gets a provider-specific {@code Set} of preferred timezone IDs
* for given ISO-3166-country code.
* This information is necessary to enable parsing of timezone names
* and is only available if the given provider supports it and denotes
* a valid registered provider. Otherwise this method will produce an
* empty set. if given provider name is "DEFAULT" then the
* default zone provider will be queried.
* @param locale ISO-3166-alpha-2-country to be evaluated
* @param smart if {@code true} then try to select zone ids such
* that there is only one preferred id per zone name
* @param provider the registered zone provider whose preferred ids
* are queried
* @return unmodifiable set of preferred timezone ids
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getPreferredIDs(Locale, boolean)
* Liefert die für einen gegebenen ISO-3166-Ländercode
* und {@code ZoneProvider} bevorzugten Zeitzonenkennungen.
* Diese Information ist für die Interpretation von Zeitzonennamen
* notwendig und steht nur dann zur Verfügung, wenn der angegebene
* {@code ZoneProvider} das unterstützt. Wenn hingegen das Argument
* {@code provider} keinen registrierten {@code ZoneProvider} referenziert,
* liefert diese Methode eine leere Menge. Wenn das Argument gleich
* "DEFAULT" ist, dann wird der Standard-{@code ZoneProvider}
* abgefragt.
* @param locale ISO-3166-alpha-2-country to be evaluated
* @param smart if {@code true} then try to select zone ids such
* that there is only one preferred id per zone name
* @param provider the registered zone provider whose preferred ids
* are queried
* @return unmodifiable set of preferred timezone ids
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getPreferredIDs(Locale, boolean)
public static Set getPreferredIDs(
Locale locale,
boolean smart,
String provider
) {
ZoneProvider zp = getProvider(provider);
if (zp == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set p = new HashSet();
for (String id : zp.getPreferredIDs(locale, smart)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(p);
* Gets the system timezone.
* The underlying algorithm to determine the system timezone is
* primarily based on the system property "user.timezone"
* then on the method {@code java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()}. If
* the system property "net.time4j.allow.system.tz.override"
* is set to "true" then the system timezone can be changed
* by a combined approach of {@code java.util.TimeZone.setDefault()}
* and the method {@link Cache#refresh()}. Otherwise this class
* will determine the system timezone only for one time while being
* loaded.
* Note: If the system timezone cannot be determined (for example
* due to a wrong property value for "user.timezone") then
* this method will fall back to UTC timezone..
* @return default timezone data of system
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getDefault()
* java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()
* Liefert die Standard-Zeitzone des Systems.
* Der verwendete Algorithmus basiert vorrangig auf der
* System-Property "user.timezone", dann erst auf der
* Methode {@code java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()}. Ist zusätzlich
* die Property "net.time4j.allow.system.tz.override" auf den
* Wert "true" gesetzt, dann kann nach einer Kombination aus
* {@code java.util.TimeZone.setDefault()} und der Methode
* {@link Cache#refresh()} in dieser Klasse die Standard-Zeitzone
* auch geändert werden, sonst wird sie einmalig beim Laden
* dieser Klasse gesetzt.
* Zu beachten: Kann die Standard-Zeitzone zum Beispiel wegen eines
* falschen Property-Werts in "user.timezone" nicht interpretiert
* werden, fällt diese Methode auf die UTC-Zeitzone zurück.
* @return default timezone data of system
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getDefault()
* java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()
public static Timezone ofSystem() {
if (ALLOW_SYSTEM_TZ_OVERRIDE && (currentSystemTZ != null)) {
return currentSystemTZ;
} else {
// detect premature class initialization
assert (SYSTEM_TZ_ORIGINAL != null);
* Gets the timezone for given identifier.
* Queries the underlying {@code ZoneProvider}.
* @param tzid timezone id as interface
* @return timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* Liefert die Zeitzone mit der angegebenen ID.
* Fragt den zugrundeliegenden {@code ZoneProvider} ab.
* @param tzid timezone id as interface
* @return timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
public static Timezone of(TZID tzid) {
return Timezone.getTZ(tzid, true);
* Gets the timezone for given identifier.
* Queries the underlying {@code ZoneProvider}.
* @param tzid timezone id as String
* @return timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* Liefert die Zeitzone mit der angegebenen ID.
* Fragt den zugrundeliegenden {@code ZoneProvider} ab.
* @param tzid timezone id as String
* @return timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
public static Timezone of(String tzid) {
return Timezone.getTZ(null, tzid, true);
* Tries to load the timezone with the first given identifer else
* with given alternative identifier.
* If the timezone cannot be loaded with first identifier then
* this method will load the timezone using the alternative. In case
* of failure, this method will finally load the system timezone.
* In contrast to {@link #of(TZID)}, this method never throws any
* exception.
* Queries the underlying {@code ZoneProvider}.
* @param tzid preferred timezone id
* @param fallback alternative timezone id
* @return timezone data
* Versucht bevorzugt, die Zeitzone mit der angegebenen ID zu laden,
* sonst eine Alternative.
* Ist die Zeitzone zur ID nicht ladbar, dann wird als zweiter Versuch
* die Zeitzone passend zum zweiten Argument geladen. Schlägt auch
* das fehl, wird schließlich die Standard-Zeitzone der JVM geladen.
* Im Gegensatz zu {@link #of(TZID)} wirft diese Methode niemals eine
* Ausnahme.
* Fragt den zugrundeliegenden {@code ZoneProvider} ab.
* @param tzid preferred timezone id
* @param fallback alternative timezone id
* @return timezone data
public static Timezone of(
String tzid,
TZID fallback
) {
Timezone ret = Timezone.getTZ(null, tzid, false);
if (ret == null) {
ret = Timezone.getTZ(fallback, false);
if (ret == null) {
ret = Timezone.ofSystem();
return ret;
* Creates a new synthetic timezone based only on given data.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @param history history of offset transitions
* @return new instance of timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a fixed zonal offset is combined
* with a non-empty history
* @since 2.2
* Erzeugt eine neue synthetische Zeitzone basierend nur auf den
* angegebenen Daten.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @param history history of offset transitions
* @return new instance of timezone data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a fixed zonal offset is combined
* with a non-empty history
* @since 2.2
public static Timezone of(
String tzid,
TransitionHistory history
) {
return new HistorizedTimezone(resolve(tzid), history);
* Gets the associated timezone identifier.
* @return timezone id
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getID() java.util.TimeZone.getID()
* Liefert die Zeitzonen-ID.
* @return timezone id
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getID() java.util.TimeZone.getID()
public abstract TZID getID();
* Calculates the offset for given global timestamp.
* Note: The returned offset has never any subsecond part, normally
* not even seconds but full minutes or hours.
* @param ut unix time
* @return shift in seconds which yields local time if added to unix time
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getOffset(long)
* java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(long)
* Ermittelt die Zeitzonenverschiebung zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt auf
* der UT-Weltzeitlinie in Sekunden.
* Hinweis: Die zurückgegebene Verschiebung hat niemals
* Subsekundenteile, normalerweise auch nicht Sekundenteile, sondern
* nur volle Minuten oder Stunden.
* @param ut unix time
* @return shift in seconds which yields local time if added to unix time
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getOffset(long)
* java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(long)
public abstract ZonalOffset getOffset(UnixTime ut);
* Calculates the offset for given local timestamp.
* In case of gaps or overlaps, this method uses the
* {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY standard strategy}
* to get the next defined offset. This behaviour is conform to the
* JDK-class {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}.
* Note: The returned offset has never any subsecond part, normally
* not even seconds but full minutes or hours.
* @param localDate local date in timezone
* @param localTime local wall time in timezone
* @return shift in seconds which yields unix time if subtracted
* from local time choosing later offset at gaps or overlaps
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
* java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
* Ermittelt die Zeitzonenverschiebung zum angegebenen lokalen
* Zeitpunkt in Sekunden.
* Als Konfliktstrategie für Lücken oder Überlappungen
* auf dem lokalen Zeitstrahl wird die {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY
* Standardstrategie} verwendet, den nächstdefinierten Offset zu
* ermitteln. Dieses Verhalten ist zur JDK-Klasse
* {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} konform.
* Hinweis: Die zurückgegebene Verschiebung hat niemals
* Subsekundenteile, normalerweise auch nicht Sekundenteile, sondern
* nur volle Minuten oder Stunden.
* @param localDate local date in timezone
* @param localTime local wall time in timezone
* @return shift in seconds which yields unix time if subtracted
* from local time choosing later offset at gaps or overlaps
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
* java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
public abstract ZonalOffset getOffset(
GregorianDate localDate,
WallTime localTime
* Evaluates if given local timestamp is invalid due to a gap
* on the local timeline.
* A typical example is the transition from standard to daylight
* saving time because the clock will be manually adjusted such
* that the clock is moved forward by usually one hour.
* @param localDate local date in timezone
* @param localTime local wall time in timezone
* @return {@code true} if the local time is not defined due to
* transition gaps else {@code false}
* Bestimmt, ob der angegebene lokale Zeitpunkt in eine Lücke
* fällt.
* Das klassiche Beispiel liegt vor, wenn wegen eines Übergangs
* von der Winter- zur Sommerzeit eine bestimmte Uhrzeit nicht existiert,
* weil die Uhr vorgestellt wurde.
* @param localDate local date in timezone
* @param localTime local wall time in timezone
* @return {@code true} if the local time is not defined due to
* transition gaps else {@code false}
public abstract boolean isInvalid(
GregorianDate localDate,
WallTime localTime
* Queries if given global timestamp matches daylight saving time
* in this timezone?
* The DST correction can be obtained as difference between total
* offset and raw offset if the raw offset has not changed yet.
* As alternative the DST correction can be obtained by evaluating
* the transition offset history.
* @param ut unix time
* @return {@code true} if the argument represents summer time
* else {@code false}
* @see java.util.TimeZone#inDaylightTime(java.util.Date)
* java.util.TimeZone.inDaylightTime(java.util.Date)
* Herrscht zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt Sommerzeit in der Zeitzone?
* Die DST-Korrektur selbst kann als Differenz zwischen dem Gesamt-Offset
* und dem Standard-Offset erhalten werden, wenn sich der Standard-Offset
* historisch nicht geändert hat. Alternativ und genauer kann die
* DST-Korrektur über die Offset-Historie ermittelt werden.
* @param ut unix time
* @return {@code true} if the argument represents summer time
* else {@code false}
* @see java.util.TimeZone#inDaylightTime(java.util.Date)
* java.util.TimeZone.inDaylightTime(java.util.Date)
public abstract boolean isDaylightSaving(UnixTime ut);
* Determines if this timezone has no offset transitions and always
* uses a fixed offset.
* @return {@code true} if there is no transition else {@code false}
* @since 1.2.1
* Legt fest, ob diese Zeitzone keine Übergänge kennt und
* nur einen festen Offset benutzt.
* @return {@code true} if there is no transition else {@code false}
* @since 1.2.1
public abstract boolean isFixed();
* Gets the underlying offset transitions and rules if available.
* @return {@code TransitionHistory} or {@code null} if there is no
* better {@code Provider} than {@code java.util.TimeZone}
* Liefert die zugrundeliegenden Übergänge und Regeln,
* falls vorhanden.
* @return {@code TransitionHistory} or {@code null} if there is no
* better {@code Provider} than {@code java.util.TimeZone}
public abstract TransitionHistory getHistory();
* Describes all registered {@code ZoneProvider}-instances with
* name and optionally location and version.
* @return String
* Beschreibt alle registrierten {@code ZoneProvider}-Instanzen
* mit Namen und optional Ort und Version.
* @return String
public static String getProviderInfo() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
sb.append(", registered={");
for (String key : PROVIDERS.keySet()) {
ZoneProvider provider = PROVIDERS.get(key);
if (provider != null) { // defensive against parallel threads
String location = provider.getLocation();
if (!location.isEmpty()) {
String version = provider.getVersion();
if (!version.isEmpty()) {
return sb.toString();
* Tries to get the version of given registered zone provider.
* @param provider name of zone provider
* @return String (empty if unknown)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
* Versucht die Version des angegebenen und registrierten
* {@code ZoneProvider} zu ermitteln.
* @param provider name of zone provider
* @return String (empty if unknown)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider argument is empty
* @since 2.2
public static String getVersion(String provider) {
ZoneProvider zp = getProvider(provider);
return ((zp == null) ? "" : zp.getVersion());
* Yields the names of all registered
* {@code ZoneProvider}-instances.
* @return unmodifiable list of provider names
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getName()
* Liefert die Namen aller registrierten
* {@code ZoneProvider}-Instanzen.
* @return unmodifiable list of provider names
* @since 2.2
* @see ZoneProvider#getName()
public static Set getRegisteredProviders() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(PROVIDERS.keySet());
* Gets the strategy for resolving local timestamps.
* @return transition strategy for resolving local timestamps
* @see #with(TransitionStrategy)
* Ermittelt die Strategie zur Auflösung von lokalen
* Zeitstempeln.
* @return transition strategy for resolving local timestamps
* @see #with(TransitionStrategy)
public abstract TransitionStrategy getStrategy();
* Creates a copy of this timezone which uses given strategy for
* resolving local timestamps.
* If this timezone has a fixed offset then the strategy will be
* ignored because in this case there can never be a conflict.
* Otherwise if there is no public offset transition history then
* the only supported strategies are {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY}
* and {@link #STRICT_MODE}.
* @param strategy transition strategy for resolving local timestamps
* @return copy of this timezone with given strategy
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if given strategy requires
* a transition history and this timezone does not have one
* Erzeugt eine Kopie dieser Zeitzone, die zur Auflösung von
* lokalen Zeitstempeln die angegebene Strategie nutzt.
* Hat diese Zeitzone einen festen Offset, wird die Strategie
* ignoriert, da hier nie eine Konfliktsituation auftreten kann.
* Wenn andererseits eine Zeitzone keine öffentliche Historie
* kennt, dann werden nur {@link #DEFAULT_CONFLICT_STRATEGY} und
* {@link #STRICT_MODE} unterstützt.
* @param strategy transition strategy for resolving local timestamps
* @return copy of this timezone with given strategy
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if given strategy requires
* a transition history and this timezone does not have one
public abstract Timezone with(TransitionStrategy strategy);
* Returns the name of this timezone suitable for presentation to
* users in given style and locale.
* If the name is not available then this method will yield the
* ID of this timezone.
* @param style name style
* @param locale language setting
* @return localized timezone name for display purposes
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getDisplayName(boolean,int,Locale)
* java.util.TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean,int,Locale)
* @see Locale#getDefault()
* @see #getID()
* Liefert den anzuzeigenden Zeitzonennamen.
* Ist der Zeitzonenname nicht ermittelbar, wird die ID der Zeitzone
* geliefert.
* @param style name style
* @param locale language setting
* @return localized timezone name for display purposes
* @see java.util.TimeZone#getDisplayName(boolean,int,Locale)
* java.util.TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean,int,Locale)
* @see Locale#getDefault()
* @see #getID()
public String getDisplayName(
NameStyle style,
Locale locale
) {
String tzid = this.getID().canonical();
int index = tzid.indexOf('~');
ZoneProvider provider = DEFAULT_PROVIDER;
String zoneID = tzid;
if (index >= 0) {
String pname = tzid.substring(0, index);
if (!pname.equals(NAME_DEFAULT)) {
provider = PROVIDERS.get(pname);
zoneID = tzid.substring(index + 1);
String name = provider.getDisplayName(zoneID, style, locale);
if (
&& (provider != PLATFORM_PROVIDER)
) {
// platform provider never returns empty name unless zoneID is empty
return PLATFORM_PROVIDER.getDisplayName(zoneID, style, locale);
return name;
* Registers manually the given zone provider.
* Repeated registrations of the same provider are ignored.
* @param provider custom zone provider to be registered
* @return {@code true} if registration was successful else {@code false}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given {@code ZoneProvider}
* refers to default, platform or TZDB-provider by name
* @since 2.2
* Registriert manuell den angegebenen {@code ZoneProvider}.
* Wiederholte Registrierungen des gleichen {@code ZoneProvider}
* werden ignoriert.
* @param provider custom zone provider to be registered
* @return {@code true} if registration was successful else {@code false}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given {@code ZoneProvider}
* refers to default, platform or TZDB-provider by name
* @since 2.2
public static boolean registerProvider(ZoneProvider provider) {
String name = provider.getName();
if (name.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Missing name of zone provider.");
} else if (name.equals(NAME_TZDB)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"TZDB provider cannot be registered after startup.");
} else if (name.equals(NAME_JUT)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Platform provider cannot be replaced.");
} else if (name.equals(NAME_DEFAULT)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Default zone provider cannot be overridden.");
} else if (name.equals(NAME_ZONENAMES)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Reserved zone name provider cannot be replaced.");
boolean inserted = (PROVIDERS.putIfAbsent(name, provider) == null);
if (inserted) {
zonalKeys = new ZonalKeys();
return inserted;
* Creates a dump of this timezone and writes it to the given
* buffer.
* @param buffer buffer to write the dump to
* @throws IOException in any case of I/O-errors
* @since 2.2
* Erzeugt eine Textzusammenfassung dieser Instanz und schreibt sie
* in den angegebenen Puffer.
* @param buffer buffer to write the dump to
* @throws IOException in any case of I/O-errors
* @since 2.2
public void dump(Appendable buffer) throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4096);
sb.append("Start Of Dump =>").append(NEW_LINE);
sb.append("*** Timezone-ID:").append(NEW_LINE);
sb.append(">>> ").append(this.getID().canonical()).append(NEW_LINE);
if (this.isFixed()) {
sb.append("*** Fixed offset:").append(NEW_LINE).append(">>> ");
} else {
sb.append("*** Strategy:").append(NEW_LINE);
sb.append(">>> ").append(this.getStrategy()).append(NEW_LINE);
TransitionHistory history = this.getHistory();
sb.append("*** History:").append(NEW_LINE);
if (history == null) {
sb.append(">>> Not public!").append(NEW_LINE);
} else {
sb.append("<= End Of Dump").append(NEW_LINE);
private static Timezone getDefaultTZ() {
String zoneID = java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID();
return Timezone.of(zoneID, ZonalOffset.UTC);
private static Timezone getTZ(
TZID tzid,
boolean wantsException
) {
// Liegt eine feste Verschiebung vor?
if (tzid instanceof ZonalOffset) {
return ((ZonalOffset) tzid).getModel();
return Timezone.getTZ(tzid, tzid.canonical(), wantsException);
private static Timezone getTZ(
TZID tzid, // optional
String zoneID,
boolean wantsException
) {
// Suche im Cache
Timezone tz = null;
NamedReference sref = CACHE.get(zoneID);
if (sref != null) {
tz = sref.get();
if (tz == null) {
if (tz != null) {
return tz;
// ZoneProvider auflösen
String providerName = "";
String zoneKey = zoneID;
for (int i = 0, n = zoneID.length(); i < n; i++) {
if (zoneID.charAt(i) == '~') {
providerName = zoneID.substring(0, i);
zoneKey = zoneID.substring(i + 1); // maybe empty string
if (zoneKey.isEmpty()) {
if (wantsException) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timezone key is empty.");
} else {
return null;
ZoneProvider provider = DEFAULT_PROVIDER;
boolean useDefault = (
|| providerName.equals(NAME_DEFAULT));
if (!useDefault) {
provider = PROVIDERS.get(providerName);
if (provider == null) {
if (wantsException) {
String msg;
if (providerName.equals(NAME_TZDB)) {
msg = "TZDB provider not available: ";
} else {
msg = "Timezone provider not registered: ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg + zoneID);
} else {
return null;
// enums bevorzugen
TZID resolved = tzid;
if (resolved == null) {
if (useDefault) {
TZID result = resolve(zoneKey);
if (result instanceof ZonalOffset) {
return ((ZonalOffset) result).getModel();
} else {
resolved = result;
} else {
resolved = new NamedID(zoneID);
// java.util.TimeZone hat keine öffentliche Historie
if (provider == PLATFORM_PROVIDER) {
PlatformTimezone test = new PlatformTimezone(resolved, zoneKey);
if (
&& !zoneKey.equals("GMT")
&& !zoneKey.startsWith("UT")
&& !zoneKey.equals("Z")
) {
// JDK-Fallback verhindern => tz == null
} else {
tz = test;
} else { // exakte Suche in Historie
TransitionHistory history = provider.load(zoneKey);
if (history == null) {
// Alias-Suche + Fallback-Option
tz = Timezone.getZoneByAlias(provider, resolved, zoneKey);
} else {
tz = new HistorizedTimezone(resolved, history);
// Ungültige ID?
if (tz == null) {
if (wantsException) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown timezone: " + zoneID);
} else {
return null;
// bei Bedarf im Cache speichern
if (cacheActive) {
NamedReference oldRef =
new NamedReference(tz, QUEUE)
if (oldRef == null) {
synchronized (Timezone.class) {
while (LAST_USED.size() >= softLimit) {
} else {
Timezone oldZone = oldRef.get();
if (oldZone != null) {
tz = oldZone;
return tz;
private static Timezone getZoneByAlias(
ZoneProvider provider,
TZID tzid,
String zoneKey
) {
TransitionHistory history = null;
String alias = zoneKey;
Map aliases = provider.getAliases();
while (
(history == null)
&& ((alias = aliases.get(alias)) != null)
) {
history = provider.load(alias);
if (history == null) {
String fallback = provider.getFallback();
if (fallback.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else if (fallback.equals(provider.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Circular zone provider fallback: " + provider.getName());
} else {
return new FallbackTimezone(
Timezone.of(fallback + "~" + zoneKey));
} else {
return new HistorizedTimezone(tzid, history);
private static TZID resolve(String zoneKey) {
// enums bevorzugen
TZID resolved = PREDEFINED.get(zoneKey);
if (resolved == null) {
if (zoneKey.startsWith("GMT")) {
zoneKey = "UTC" + zoneKey.substring(3);
resolved = ZonalOffset.parse(zoneKey, false);
if (resolved == null) {
resolved = new NamedID(zoneKey);
return resolved;
private static List> loadPredefined(
ClassLoader loader,
String... names
) throws ClassNotFoundException {
List> classes =
new ArrayList>();
for (String name : names) {
Class> clazz =
Class.forName("net.time4j.tz.olson." + name, true, loader);
if (TZID.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
classes.add((Class extends TZID>) clazz);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(classes);
private static ZoneProvider getProvider(String provider) {
if (provider.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing zone provider.");
return (
: PROVIDERS.get(provider));
private static ZoneProvider compareTZDB(
ZoneProvider provider,
ZoneProvider zp
) {
String v = provider.getVersion();
if (!v.isEmpty()) {
if (v.equals(REPOSITORY_VERSION)) {
zp = provider;
} else if (REPOSITORY_VERSION == null) {
if (
(zp == null)
|| (v.compareTo(zp.getVersion()) > 0)
) {
zp = provider;
} else if (
(v.compareTo(zp.getVersion()) == 0)
&& !provider.getLocation().contains("{java.home}")
) {
zp = provider;
return zp;
//~ Innere Klassen ----------------------------------------------------
* Offers some static methods for the configuration of the
* timezone cache.
* Bietet statische Methoden zum Konfigurieren des
* Zeitzonendatenpuffers.
public static class Cache {
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
private Cache() {
// no instantiation
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
* Can refresh the timezone cache in case of a dynamic
* update of the underlying timezone repository.
* First the internal cache will be cleared. Furthermore,
* if needed the system timezone will be determined again.
* Erlaubt eine Aktualisierung, wenn sich die Zeitzonendatenbank
* geändert hat (dynamic update).
* Der interne Cache wird entleert. Auch wird bei Bedarf die
* Standard-Zeitzone neu ermittelt.
public static void refresh() {
synchronized (Timezone.class) {
while (QUEUE.poll() != null) {}
zonalKeys = new ZonalKeys();
currentSystemTZ = Timezone.getDefaultTZ();
* Aktivates or deactivates the internal cache.
* The timezone cache is active by default. Switching off the cache can
* make the performance worse especially if the underlying {@code Provider}
* itself has no cache.
* @param active {@code true} if chache shall be active
* else {@code false}
* Aktiviert oder deaktiviert den internen Cache.
* Standardmäßig ist der Cache aktiv. Ein Abschalten des
* Cache kann die Performance insbesondere dann verschlechtern, wenn der
* zugrundeliegende {@code Provider} selbst keinen Cache hat.
* @param active {@code true} if chache shall be active
* else {@code false}
public static void setCacheActive(boolean active) {
cacheActive = active;
if (!active) {
* Updates the size of the internal timezone cache.
* @param minimumCacheSize new minimum size of cache
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is negative
* Konfiguriert die Größe des internen Cache neu.
* @param minimumCacheSize new minimum size of cache
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is negative
public static void setMinimumCacheSize(int minimumCacheSize) {
if (minimumCacheSize < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Negative timezone cache size: " + minimumCacheSize);
NamedReference ref;
while ((ref = (NamedReference) QUEUE.poll()) != null) {
synchronized (Timezone.class) {
softLimit = minimumCacheSize + 1;
int n = LAST_USED.size() - minimumCacheSize;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
private static class NamedReference
extends SoftReference {
//~ Instanzvariablen ----------------------------------------------
private final String tzid;
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
Timezone tz,
ReferenceQueue queue
) {
super(tz, queue);
this.tzid = tz.getID().canonical();
private static class NamedID
implements TZID, Serializable {
//~ Statische Felder/Initialisierungen ----------------------------
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4889632013137688471L;
//~ Instanzvariablen ----------------------------------------------
* @serial timezone id
private final String tzid;
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
NamedID(String tzid) {
this.tzid = tzid;
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public String canonical() {
return this.tzid;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof NamedID) {
NamedID that = (NamedID) obj;
return this.tzid.equals(that.tzid);
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return this.tzid.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getName() + "@" + this.tzid;
private static class ZonalKeys {
//~ Instanzvariablen ----------------------------------------------
private final List availables;
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
ZonalKeys() {
List list = new ArrayList(1024);
for (Map.Entry e : PROVIDERS.entrySet()) {
ZoneProvider zp = e.getValue();
if (
) {
for (String id : zp.getAvailableIDs()) {
TZID tzid = resolve(id);
// wegen resolve() genügt Vergleich per equals()
if (!list.contains(tzid)) {
Collections.sort(list, ID_COMPARATOR);
this.availables = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
private static class PlatformTZProvider
implements ZoneProvider {
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public Set getAvailableIDs() {
Set ret = new HashSet();
String[] temp = java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
return ret;
public Set getPreferredIDs(
Locale locale,
boolean smart
) {
ZoneProvider zp = ZONENAME_PROVIDER;
if (zp == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
return zp.getPreferredIDs(locale, smart);
public Map getAliases() {
return Collections.emptyMap(); // JDK hat eingebaute Alias-Suche!
public String getFallback() {
return "";
public String getName() {
return "java.util.TimeZone";
public String getLocation() {
return "";
public String getVersion() {
return "";
public TransitionHistory load(String zoneID) {
return null; // leider keine öffentliche Historie!!!
public String getDisplayName(
String tzid,
NameStyle style,
Locale locale
) {
if (locale == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Missing locale.");
} else if (tzid.isEmpty()) {
return "";
java.util.TimeZone tz = PlatformTimezone.findZone(tzid);
if (tz.getID().equals(tzid)) {
return tz.getDisplayName(
? java.util.TimeZone.SHORT
: java.util.TimeZone.LONG,
return tzid;