net.time4j.PlainDate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2013-2016 Meno Hochschild,
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file (PlainDate.java) is part of project Time4J.
* Time4J is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Time4J is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Time4J. If not, see .
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
package net.time4j;
import net.time4j.base.GregorianDate;
import net.time4j.base.GregorianMath;
import net.time4j.base.MathUtils;
import net.time4j.base.ResourceLoader;
import net.time4j.base.TimeSource;
import net.time4j.base.UnixTime;
import net.time4j.engine.AttributeQuery;
import net.time4j.engine.CalendarDate;
import net.time4j.engine.CalendarEra;
import net.time4j.engine.CalendarSystem;
import net.time4j.engine.Calendrical;
import net.time4j.engine.ChronoElement;
import net.time4j.engine.ChronoEntity;
import net.time4j.engine.ChronoException;
import net.time4j.engine.ChronoExtension;
import net.time4j.engine.ChronoMerger;
import net.time4j.engine.DisplayStyle;
import net.time4j.engine.ElementRule;
import net.time4j.engine.EpochDays;
import net.time4j.engine.FormattableElement;
import net.time4j.engine.IntElementRule;
import net.time4j.engine.Normalizer;
import net.time4j.engine.ThreetenAdapter;
import net.time4j.engine.TimeAxis;
import net.time4j.engine.TimeSpan;
import net.time4j.engine.ValidationElement;
import net.time4j.format.Attributes;
import net.time4j.format.CalendarText;
import net.time4j.format.CalendarType;
import net.time4j.format.ChronoPattern;
import net.time4j.format.DisplayMode;
import net.time4j.format.Leniency;
import net.time4j.format.LocalizedPatternSupport;
import net.time4j.format.TemporalFormatter;
import net.time4j.scale.TimeScale;
import net.time4j.tz.TZID;
import net.time4j.tz.Timezone;
import net.time4j.tz.TransitionHistory;
import net.time4j.tz.ZonalOffset;
import net.time4j.tz.ZonalTransition;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalQueries;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Represents a plain calendar date in conformance to ISO-8601-standard using the gregorian calendar rules
* for all times.
* The value range also contains negative years down to {@code -999999999}.
* These years cannot be directly interpreted in a historic way, as in general no past
* year, too. Instead such related dates can and must rather be interpreted
* as a different way of counting days - like epoch days. The rules of
* gregorian calendar are applied in a proleptic way that is backwards into
* the past even before the earliest introduction of gregorian calendar in
* Rome (a non-historic mathematical abstraction).
* However, this class enables full historization via a historic extension mechanism
* (i18n-module). When formatting or parsing based on the expert engine of Time4J, it is sufficient to
* specify a historic era (pattern symbol G) using the history of calendar reforms in a locale, and Time4J
* will automatically apply different rules of calendar history. It is also possible to explicitly model
* a suitable history by creating an instance of {@code net.time4j.history.ChronoHistory} and to feed the
* format engine with this information. Furthermore, this history object yields specialized elements for
* querying and manipulating an ISO-8601 calendar date in a historic context.
* Following elements which are declared as constants are registered by
* this class:
* - {@link #COMPONENT}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_MONTH}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_QUARTER}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_WEEK}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #MONTH_AS_NUMBER}
* - {@link #MONTH_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #QUARTER_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH}
* - {@link #YEAR}
* - {@link #YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE}
* Furthermore, all elements of classes {@link Weekmodel}, {@link EpochDays} and
* {@code ChronoHistory} are supported.
* @author Meno Hochschild
* @doctags.concurrency {immutable}
* Repräsentiert ein reines Kalenderdatum im ISO-8601-Standard.
* Der Wertebereich fasst auch negative Jahre bis zu {@code -999999999}.
* Diese Jahre sind nicht historisch zu interpretieren, sondern vielmehr
* als eine andere Zählweise ähnlich zur Zählung von
* Epochentagen. Die Schaltjahrregeln des gregorianischen Kalenders werden
* proleptisch, also rückwirkend auch in die ferne Vergangenheit
* angewandt (eine ahistorische mathematische Abstraktion).
* Allerdings bietet diese Klasse volle Historisierung mittels eines historischen
* Erweiterungsmechanismus an (i18n-Modul). Beim Formatieren oder Parsen basierend auf der
* Expert-Maschine von Time4J genügt es, eine spezifische historische Ära (Mustersymbol G) mitsamt
* einer Region anzugeben, und Time4J wird automatisch verschiedene Regeln der Kalendergeschichte anwenden.
* Es ist auch möglich, eine geeignete Kalendergeschichte zu modellieren, indem ein Objekt des Typs
* {@code net.time4j.history.ChronoHistory} erzeugt wird, und die Formatmaschine mit dieser Information
* zu füttern. Außerdem bietet dieses Objekt spezielle Elemente an, die historische Abfragen
* und Manipulationen eines ISO-Kalenderdatums erlauben.
* Registriert sind folgende als Konstanten deklarierte Elemente:
* - {@link #COMPONENT}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_MONTH}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_QUARTER}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_WEEK}
* - {@link #DAY_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #MONTH_AS_NUMBER}
* - {@link #MONTH_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #QUARTER_OF_YEAR}
* - {@link #WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH}
* - {@link #YEAR}
* - {@link #YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE}
* Darüberhinaus sind alle Elemente der Klassen {@link Weekmodel}, {@link EpochDays}
* und {@code ChronoHistory} nutzbar.
* @author Meno Hochschild
* @doctags.concurrency {immutable}
public final class PlainDate
extends Calendrical
implements GregorianDate, Normalizer, ThreetenAdapter, LocalizedPatternSupport {
//~ Statische Felder/Initialisierungen --------------------------------
// rule index
private static final int WIM_INDEX = 19;
/** Frühestmögliches Datum [-999999999-01-01]. */
static final PlainDate MIN =
new PlainDate(GregorianMath.MIN_YEAR, 1, 1, null);
/** Spätestmögliches Datum [+999999999-12-31]. */
static final PlainDate MAX =
new PlainDate(GregorianMath.MAX_YEAR, 12, 31, null);
/** Entspricht dem Jahr {@code -999999999}. */
static final Integer MIN_YEAR =
/** Entspricht dem Jahr {@code +999999999}. */
static final Integer MAX_YEAR =
private static final Integer VALUE_1 = Integer.valueOf(1);
private static final Integer VALUE_12 = Integer.valueOf(12);
private static final Integer STD_YEAR_LEN = Integer.valueOf(365);
private static final Integer LEAP_YEAR_LEN = Integer.valueOf(366);
private static final int[] DAY_OF_YEAR_PER_MONTH = new int[12];
private static final int[] DAY_OF_LEAP_YEAR_PER_MONTH = new int[12];
static {
/** Datumskomponente. */
static final ChronoElement CALENDAR_DATE = DateElement.INSTANCE;
* Element with the calendar date in the value range
* {@code [-999999999-01-01]} until {@code [+999999999-12-31]}.
* Example of usage:
* PlainTimestamp tsp = PlainTimestamp.of(2014, 8, 21, 14, 30);
* tsp = tsp.with(PlainDate.COMPONENT, PlainDate.of(2015, 1, 1));
* System.out.println(tsp); // output: 2015-01-01T14:30
* @since 1.2
* Element mit dem Datum im Wertebereich {@code [-999999999-01-01]}
* bis {@code [+999999999-12-31]}.
* Beispiel:
* PlainTimestamp tsp = PlainTimestamp.of(2014, 8, 21, 14, 30);
* tsp = tsp.with(PlainDate.COMPONENT, PlainDate.of(2015, 1, 1));
* System.out.println(tsp); // Ausgabe: 2015-01-01T14:30
* @since 1.2
public static final CalendarDateElement COMPONENT = DateElement.INSTANCE;
* Element with the proleptic iso-year without any era reference and
* the value range {@code -999999999} until {@code 999999999}.
* Examples:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.YEAR;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* System.out.println(date.get(YEAR)); // output: 2012
* date = date.with(YEAR, 2014);
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2014-02-28
* date = date.with(YEAR.incremented()); // nächstes Jahr
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2015-02-28
* date = date.with(YEAR.atCeiling()); // letzter Tag des Jahres
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2015-12-31
* date = date.with(YEAR.atFloor()); // erster Tag des Jahres
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2015-01-01
* The term "proleptic" means that the rules of the gregorian
* calendar and the associated way of year counting is applied backward
* even before the introduction of gregorian calendar. The year {@code 0}
* is permitted - and negative years, too. For historic year numbers,
* this mathematical extrapolation is not recommended and usually
* wrong.
* Element mit dem proleptischen ISO-Jahr ohne Ära-Bezug mit dem
* Wertebereich {@code -999999999} bis {@code 999999999}.
* Beispiele:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.YEAR;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* System.out.println(date.get(YEAR)); // Ausgabe: 2012
* date = date.with(YEAR, 2014);
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2014-02-28
* date = date.with(YEAR.incremented()); // nächstes Jahr
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2015-02-28
* date = date.with(YEAR.atCeiling()); // letzter Tag des Jahres
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2015-12-31
* date = date.with(YEAR.atFloor()); // erster Tag des Jahres
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2015-01-01
* Der Begriff "proleptisch" bedeutet, daß die Regeln
* des gregorianischen Kalenders und damit verbunden die Jahreszählung
* auch rückwirkend vor der Einführung des Kalenders angewandt
* werden. Insbesondere ist auch das Jahr {@code 0} zugelassen - nebst
* negativen Jahreszahlen. Für historische Jahreszahlen ist diese
* mathematische Extrapolation nicht geeignet.
@FormattableElement(format = "u")
public static final AdjustableElement YEAR =
* Defines an element for the week-based year in an
* ISO-8601-weekdate.
* The week-based year is usually the same as the calendar year.
* However, at the begin or end of a calendar year the situation is
* different because the first week of the weekdate can start after
* New Year and the last week of the weekdate can end before the last
* day of the calendar year. Examples:
* - Sunday, [1995-01-01] => [1994-W52-7]
* - Tuesday, [1996-31-12] => [1997-W01-2]
* Note: This element has a special basic unit which can be used such
* that the day of the week will be conserved instead of the day of month
* after adding one week-based year:
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2014, JANUARY, 2); // Thursday
* IsoDateUnit unit = CalendarUnit.weekBasedYears();
* System.out.println(date.plus(1, unit)); // output: 2015-01-01
* @see CalendarUnit#weekBasedYears()
* @see Weekmodel#ISO
* Definiert ein Element für das wochenbasierte Jahr in einem
* ISO-Wochendatum.
* Das wochenbasierte Jahr stimmt in der Regel mit dem
* Kalenderjahr überein. Ausnahmen sind der Beginn und
* das Ende des Kalenderjahres, weil die erste Woche des Jahres
* erst nach Neujahr anfangen und die letzte Woche des Jahres
* bereits vor Sylvester enden kann. Beispiele:
* - Sonntag, [1995-01-01] => [1994-W52-7]
* - Dienstag, [1996-31-12] => [1997-W01-2]
* Notiz: Dieses Element hat eine spezielle Basiseinheit, die so
* verwendet werden kann, daß nicht der Tag des Monats nach
* einer Jahresaddition erhalten bleibt, sondern der Tag der Woche:
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2014, JANUARY, 2); // Donnerstag
* IsoDateUnit unit = CalendarUnit.weekBasedYears();
* System.out.println(date.plus(1, unit)); // Ausgabe: 2015-01-01
* @see CalendarUnit#weekBasedYears()
* @see Weekmodel#ISO
@FormattableElement(format = "Y")
public static final AdjustableElement YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE =
* Element with the quarter of year in the value range
* {@code Q1-Q4}.
* Element mit dem Quartal des Jahres (Wertebereich {@code Q1-Q4}).
@FormattableElement(format = "Q", standalone="q")
public static final NavigableElement QUARTER_OF_YEAR =
new EnumElement<>(
* Element with the calendar month as enum in the value range
* Examples:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.MONTH_OF_YEAR;
* import static net.time4j.Month.*;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* System.out.println(date.get(MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // output: February
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR, APRIL);
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2012-04-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.incremented()); // next month
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2012-05-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.maximized()); // last month of year
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2012-12-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.atCeiling()); // last day of month
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2012-12-31
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.atFloor()); // first day of month
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2012-12-01
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.setToNext(JULY)); // move to July
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2013-07-01
* Element mit dem Monat als Enum
* (Wertebereich {@code JANUARY-DECEMBER}).
* Beispiele:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.MONTH_OF_YEAR;
* import static net.time4j.Month.*;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* System.out.println(date.get(MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // Ausgabe: February
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR, APRIL);
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2012-04-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.incremented()); // nächster Monat
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2012-05-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.maximized()); // letzter Monat im Jahr
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2012-12-29
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.atCeiling()); // letzter Monatstag
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2012-12-31
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.atFloor()); // erster Tag im Monat
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2012-12-01
* date = date.with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.setToNext(JULY)); // zum Juli vorangehen
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2013-07-01
@FormattableElement(format = "M", standalone="L")
public static final NavigableElement MONTH_OF_YEAR =
new EnumElement<>(
* Element with the calendar month in numerical form and the value range
* {@code 1-12}.
* Normally the enum-variant is recommended due to clarity and
* type-safety. The enum-form can also be formatted as text. However,
* if users want to set any month number in a lenient way with possible
* carry-over then they can do it like in following example:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.MONTH_AS_NUMBER;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* date = date.with(MONTH_AS_NUMBER.setLenient(13);
* System.out.println(date); // output: 2013-01-29
* Element mit dem Monat in Nummernform (Wertebereich {@code 1-12}).
* Im allgemeinen empfiehlt sich wegen der Typsicherheit und sprachlichen
* Klarheit die enum-Form, die zudem auch als Text formatierbar ist. Wenn
* Anwender jedoch irgendeine Monatsnummer nachsichtig mit möglichem
* Überlauf setzen wollen, können sie es wie folgt tun:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.MONTH_AS_NUMBER;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 29);
* date = date.with(MONTH_AS_NUMBER.setLenient(13);
* System.out.println(date); // Ausgabe: 2013-01-29
public static final ProportionalElement MONTH_AS_NUMBER =
* Element with the day of month in the value range
* {@code 1-28/29/30/31}.
* Element mit dem Tag des Monats
* (Wertebereich {@code 1-28/29/30/31}).
@FormattableElement(format = "d")
public static final ProportionalElement DAY_OF_MONTH =
* Element with the day of week in the value range {@code MONDAY-SUNDAY}.
* A localized form is available by {@link Weekmodel#localDayOfWeek()}.
* In US sunday is considered as first day of week, different from
* definition used here (monday as start of calendar week according to
* ISO-8601). Therefore, if users need localized weekday-numbers, users
* can use the expression {@code Weekmodel.of(Locale.US).localDayOfWeek()}
* in a country like US.
* Element mit dem Tag der Woche (Wertebereich {@code MONDAY-SUNDAY}).
* Eine lokalisierte Form ist mittels {@link Weekmodel#localDayOfWeek()}
* verfügbar. In den USA z.B. ist der Sonntag der erste Tag der
* Woche, anders als hier definiert. Daher sollte in den USA vielmehr
* der Ausdruck {@code Weekmodel.of(Locale.US).localDayOfWeek()}
* verwendet werden.
@FormattableElement(format = "E")
public static final NavigableElement DAY_OF_WEEK =
new EnumElement<>(
* Element with the day of year in the value range {@code 1-365/366}).
* Element mit dem Tag des Jahres (Wertebereich {@code 1-365/366}).
@FormattableElement(format = "D")
public static final ProportionalElement DAY_OF_YEAR =
* Element with the day within a quarter of year in the value range
* {@code 1-90/91/92}.
* Element mit dem Tag des Quartals
* (Wertebereich {@code 1-90/91/92}).
public static final ProportionalElement DAY_OF_QUARTER =
* Element with the ordinal day-of-week within given calendar month
* in the value range {@code 1-5}.
* Example:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH;
* import static net.time4j.Weekday.*;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2013, 3, 1); // first of march 2013
* System.out.println(date.with(WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH.setToThird(WEDNESDAY)));
* // output: 2013-03-20 (third Wednesday in march)
* Element mit dem x-ten Wochentag im Monat
* (Wertebereich {@code 1-5}).
* Beispiel:
* import static net.time4j.PlainDate.WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH;
* import static net.time4j.Weekday.*;
* PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(2013, 3, 1); // 1. März 2013
* System.out.println(date.with(WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH.setToThird(WEDNESDAY)));
* // Ausgabe: 2013-03-20 (Mittwoch)
@FormattableElement(format = "F")
public static final OrdinalWeekdayElement WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH =
// Dient der Serialisierungsunterstützung.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6698431452072325688L;
private static final Map ELEMENTS;
private static final CalendarSystem TRANSFORMER;
private static final TimeAxis ENGINE;
static {
Map constants = new HashMap<>();
fill(constants, CALENDAR_DATE);
fill(constants, YEAR);
fill(constants, YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE);
fill(constants, QUARTER_OF_YEAR);
fill(constants, MONTH_OF_YEAR);
fill(constants, MONTH_AS_NUMBER);
fill(constants, DAY_OF_MONTH);
fill(constants, DAY_OF_WEEK);
fill(constants, DAY_OF_YEAR);
fill(constants, DAY_OF_QUARTER);
fill(constants, WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH);
ELEMENTS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(constants);
TRANSFORMER = new Transformer();
TimeAxis.Builder builder =
new Merger(),
new DateElementRule(),
new IntegerElementRule(YEAR),
new IntegerElementRule(MONTH_AS_NUMBER),
new IntegerElementRule(DAY_OF_MONTH),
new IntegerElementRule(DAY_OF_YEAR),
new IntegerElementRule(DAY_OF_QUARTER),
new IntegerElementRule(WIM_INDEX, WEEKDAY_IN_MONTH),
ENGINE = builder.build();
//~ Instanzvariablen --------------------------------------------------
private transient final int year;
private transient final byte month;
private transient final byte dayOfMonth;
// racy-single-check-idiom not applicable due to value-type-constraints in future Java
private transient final Weekday weekday;
//~ Konstruktoren -----------------------------------------------------
private PlainDate(
int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
Weekday weekday
) {
this.year = year;
this.month = (byte) month;
this.dayOfMonth = (byte) dayOfMonth;
this.weekday = weekday;
//~ Methoden ----------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new calendar date conforming to ISO-8601.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param month gregorian month in range (1-12)
* @param dayOfMonth day of month in range (1-31)
* @return new or cached calendar date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* @see #of(int, Month, int)
* @see #of(int, int)
* @see #of(int, int, Weekday)
* Erzeugt ein neues ISO-konformes Kalenderdatum.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param month gregorian month in range (1-12)
* @param dayOfMonth day of month in range (1-31)
* @return new or cached calendar date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* @see #of(int, Month, int)
* @see #of(int, int)
* @see #of(int, int, Weekday)
public static PlainDate of(
int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth
) {
return PlainDate.create(year, month, dayOfMonth, null, true);
* Creates a new calendar date conforming to ISO-8601.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param month gregorian month in range (January-December)
* @param dayOfMonth day of month in range (1-31)
* @return new or cached calendar date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* @see #of(int, int, int)
* Erzeugt ein neues ISO-konformes Kalenderdatum.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param month gregorian month in range (January-December)
* @param dayOfMonth day of month in range (1-31)
* @return new or cached calendar date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* @see #of(int, int, int)
public static PlainDate of(
int year,
Month month,
int dayOfMonth
) {
return PlainDate.create(year, month.getValue(), dayOfMonth, null, true);
* Creates a new ordinal date conforming to ISO-8601.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param dayOfYear day of year in the range (1-366)
* @return new or cached ordinal date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* Erzeugt ein neues ISO-konformes Ordinaldatum.
* @param year proleptic iso year [(-999,999,999)-999,999,999]
* @param dayOfYear day of year in the range (1-366)
* @return new or cached ordinal date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
public static PlainDate of(
int year,
int dayOfYear
) {
return PlainDate.ofYearDay(year, dayOfYear, null);
* Creates a new week-date conforming to ISO-8601.
* @param yearOfWeekdate week-based-year according to ISO-definition
* @param weekOfYear week of year in the range (1-52/53)
* @param dayOfWeek day of week in the range (MONDAY-SUNDAY)
* @return new or cached week date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* Erzeugt ein neues ISO-konformes Wochendatum.
* @param yearOfWeekdate week-based-year according to ISO-definition
* @param weekOfYear week of year in the range (1-52/53)
* @param dayOfWeek day of week in the range (MONDAY-SUNDAY)
* @return new or cached week date instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
public static PlainDate of(
int yearOfWeekdate,
int weekOfYear,
Weekday dayOfWeek
) {
return PlainDate.ofWeekdate(yearOfWeekdate, weekOfYear, dayOfWeek, true);
* Creates a new date based on count of days since given epoch.
* @param amount count of days
* @param epoch reference date scale
* @return found calendar date based on given epoch days
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if first argument is out of range
* Erzeugt ein Datum zur gegebenen Anzahl von Tagen seit einer
* Epoche.
* @param amount count of days
* @param epoch reference date scale
* @return found calendar date based on given epoch days
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if first argument is out of range
public static PlainDate of(
long amount,
EpochDays epoch
) {
return TRANSFORMER.transform(EpochDays.UTC.transform(amount, epoch));
* Obtains the current date in system time.
* Convenient short-cut for: {@code SystemClock.inLocalView().today()}.
* @return current calendar date in system time zone using the system clock
* @see SystemClock#inLocalView()
* @see ZonalClock#today()
* @since 3.23/4.19
* Ermittelt das aktuelle Kalenderdatum in der Systemzeit.
* Bequeme Abkürzung für: {@code SystemClock.inLocalView().today()}.
* @return current calendar date in system time zone using the system clock
* @see SystemClock#inLocalView()
* @see ZonalClock#today()
* @since 3.23/4.19
public static PlainDate nowInSystemTime() {
return ZonalClock.ofSystem().today();
* Common conversion method for proleptic gregorian dates.
* @param date ISO-date
* @return PlainDate
* Allgemeine Konversionsmethode für ein proleptisches
* gregorianisches Datum.
* @param date ISO-date
* @return PlainDate
public static PlainDate from(GregorianDate date) {
if (date instanceof PlainDate) {
return (PlainDate) date;
} else {
return PlainDate.of(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDayOfMonth());
* Short cut for {@code TemporalType.LOCAL_DATE.translate(date)}.
* @param date Threeten-equivalent of this instance
* @return PlainDate
* @since 4.0
* @see TemporalType#LOCAL_DATE
* Abkürzung für {@code TemporalType.LOCAL_DATE.translate(date)}.
* @param date Threeten-equivalent of this instance
* @return PlainDate
* @since 4.0
* @see TemporalType#LOCAL_DATE
public static PlainDate from(LocalDate date) {
return TemporalType.LOCAL_DATE.translate(date);
* Creates a new local timestamp with this date at midnight at the
* begin of associated day.
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and midnight
* @see #at(PlainTime)
* Erzeugt einen lokalen Zeitstempel mit diesem Datum zu Mitternacht
* am Beginn des Tages.
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and midnight
* @see #at(PlainTime)
public PlainTimestamp atStartOfDay() {
return this.at(PlainTime.MIN);
* Creates a new local timestamp with this date at earliest valid time
* at the begin of associated day in given timezone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and earliest valid time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay()
* @see #atFirstMoment(TZID)
* @since 2.2
* Erzeugt einen lokalen Zeitstempel mit diesem Datum zur frühesten
* gültigen Uhrzeit in der angegebenen Zeitzone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and earliest valid time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay()
* @see #atFirstMoment(TZID)
* @since 2.2
public PlainTimestamp atStartOfDay(TZID tzid) {
return this.atStartOfDay(Timezone.of(tzid).getHistory());
* Creates a new local timestamp with this date at earliest valid time
* at the begin of associated day in given timezone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and earliest valid time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay()
* @see #atFirstMoment(String)
* @since 2.2
* Erzeugt einen lokalen Zeitstempel mit diesem Datum zur frühesten
* gültigen Uhrzeit in der angegebenen Zeitzone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and earliest valid time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @since 2.2
* @see #atStartOfDay()
* @see #atFirstMoment(String)
* @since 2.2
public PlainTimestamp atStartOfDay(String tzid) {
return this.atStartOfDay(Timezone.of(tzid).getHistory());
* Creates a new moment which corresponds to this date at earliest valid time
* at the begin of associated day in given timezone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return first valid moment corresponding to start of day in given timezone
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay(TZID)
* @since 3.22/4.18
* Erzeugt einen Moment, der diesem Datum zur frühesten
* gültigen Uhrzeit in der angegebenen Zeitzone entspricht.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return first valid moment corresponding to start of day in given timezone
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay(TZID)
* @since 3.22/4.18
public Moment atFirstMoment(TZID tzid) {
return this.atFirstMoment(Timezone.of(tzid));
* Creates a new moment which corresponds to this date at earliest valid time
* at the begin of associated day in given timezone.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return first valid moment corresponding to start of day in given timezone
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay(String)
* @since 3.22/4.18
* Erzeugt einen Moment, der diesem Datum zur frühesten
* gültigen Uhrzeit in der angegebenen Zeitzone entspricht.
* @param tzid timezone id
* @return first valid moment corresponding to start of day in given timezone
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given timezone cannot be loaded
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying timezone
* repository does not expose any public transition history
* @see #atStartOfDay(String)
* @since 3.22/4.18
public Moment atFirstMoment(String tzid) {
return this.atFirstMoment(Timezone.of(tzid));
* Creates a new local timestamp with this date and given wall time.
* If the time {@link PlainTime#midnightAtEndOfDay() T24:00} is used
* then the resulting timestamp will automatically be normalized such
* that the timestamp will contain the following day instead.
* @param time wall time
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
* Erzeugt einen lokalen Zeitstempel mit diesem Datum und der
* angegebenen Uhrzeit.
* Wenn {@link PlainTime#midnightAtEndOfDay() T24:00} angegeben wird,
* dann wird der Zeitstempel automatisch so normalisiert, daß er auf
* den nächsten Tag verweist.
* @param time wall time
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
public PlainTimestamp at(PlainTime time) {
return PlainTimestamp.of(this, time);
* Is equivalent to {@code at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute))}.
* @param hour hour of day in range (0-24)
* @param minute minute of hour in range (0-59)
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* Entspricht {@code at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute))}.
* @param hour hour of day in range (0-24)
* @param minute minute of hour in range (0-59)
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
public PlainTimestamp atTime(
int hour,
int minute
) {
return this.at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute));
* Is equivalent to {@code at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute, second))}.
* @param hour hour of day in range (0-24)
* @param minute minute of hour in range (0-59)
* @param second second of hour in range (0-59)
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
* Entspricht {@code at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute, second))}.
* @param hour hour of day in range (0-24)
* @param minute minute of hour in range (0-59)
* @param second second of hour in range (0-59)
* @return local timestamp as composition of this date and given time
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is out of range
public PlainTimestamp atTime(
int hour,
int minute,
int second
) {
return this.at(PlainTime.of(hour, minute, second));
public int getYear() {
return this.year;
public int getMonth() {
return this.month;
public int getDayOfMonth() {
return this.dayOfMonth;
* Determines the day of week.
* @return Weekday
* @since 3.13/4.10
* Ermittelt den Wochentag.
* @return Weekday
* @since 3.13/4.10
public Weekday getDayOfWeek() {
Weekday dow = this.weekday;
if (dow == null) {
dow = Weekday.valueOf(GregorianMath.getDayOfWeek(this.year, this.month, this.dayOfMonth));
return dow;
* Yields the day of year.
* @return int
* @since 3.13/4.10
* Liefert den Tag des Jahres.
* @return int
* @since 3.13/4.10
public int getDayOfYear() {
switch (this.month) {
case 1:
return this.dayOfMonth;
case 2:
return 31 + this.dayOfMonth;
return (
DAY_OF_YEAR_PER_MONTH[this.month - 2]
+ this.dayOfMonth
+ (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(this.year) ? 1 : 0));
* Calculates the length of associated month in days.
* @return int in value range {@code 28-31}
* Ermittelt die Länge des assoziierten Monats in Tagen.
* @return int im Bereich {@code 28-31}
public int lengthOfMonth() {
return GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(this.year, this.month);
* Calculates the length of associated year in days.
* @return {@code 365} or {@code 366} if associated year is a leap year
* Ermittelt die Länge des assoziierten Jahres in Tagen.
* @return {@code 365} or {@code 366} wenn das Jahr ein Schaltjahr ist
public int lengthOfYear() {
return this.isLeapYear() ? 366 : 365;
* Is the year of this date a leap year?
* @return boolean
* Liegt dieses Datum in einem Schaltjahr?
* @return boolean
public boolean isLeapYear() {
return GregorianMath.isLeapYear(this.year);
* Does this date fall on a week-end in given country?
* @param country country setting with two-letter ISO-3166-code
* @return {@code true} if in given country this date is on weekend
* else {@code false}
* @see Weekmodel#weekend()
* Liegt das Datum im angegebenen Land an einem Wochenende?
* @param country country setting with two-letter ISO-3166-code
* @return {@code true} if in given country this date is on weekend
* else {@code false}
* @see Weekmodel#weekend()
public boolean isWeekend(Locale country) {
return this.matches(Weekmodel.of(country).weekend());
* Adds given amount in units to this date and yields the result of addition.
* Covers the most important units and is overloaded for performance reasons.
* @param amount the amount of units to be added to this date (maybe negative)
* @param unit the unit to be used in addition
* @return result of addition as changed copy while this instance remains unaffected
* @throws ArithmeticException in case of numerical overflow
* @see #plus(long, Object) plus(long, IsoDateUnit)
* @since 4.18
* Addiert den angegebenen Betrag der entsprechenden Zeiteinheit
* zu diesem Datum und liefert das Additionsergebnis zurück.
* Deckt die wichtigsten Zeiteinheiten ab, die mit diesem Typ verwendet werden
* können und ist aus Performance-Gründen überladen.
* @param amount the amount of units to be added to this date (maybe negative)
* @param unit the unit to be used in addition
* @return result of addition as changed copy while this instance remains unaffected
* @throws ArithmeticException in case of numerical overflow
* @see #plus(long, Object) plus(long, IsoDateUnit)
* @since 4.18
public PlainDate plus(
long amount,
CalendarUnit unit
) {
if (unit == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Missing unit.");
} else if (amount == 0) {
return this;
try {
return PlainDate.doAdd(unit, this, amount, OverflowUnit.POLICY_PREVIOUS_VALID_DATE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
ArithmeticException ex = new ArithmeticException("Result beyond boundaries of time axis.");
throw ex;
* Subtracts given amount in units from this date and yields the result of subtraction.
* Covers the most important units and is overloaded for performance reasons.
* @param amount the amount of units to be subtracted from this date (maybe negative)
* @param unit the unit to be used in subtraction
* @return result of subtraction as changed copy while this instance remains unaffected
* @throws ArithmeticException in case of numerical overflow
* @see #minus(long, Object) minus(long, IsoDateUnit)
* @since 4.18
* Subtrahiert den angegebenen Betrag der entsprechenden Zeiteinheit
* von diesem Datum und liefert das Subtraktionsergebnis zurück.
* Deckt die wichtigsten Zeiteinheiten ab, die mit diesem Typ verwendet werden
* können und ist aus Performance-Gründen überladen.
* @param amount the amount of units to be subtracted from this date (maybe negative)
* @param unit the unit to be used in subtraction
* @return result of subtraction as changed copy while this instance remains unaffected
* @throws ArithmeticException in case of numerical overflow
* @see #minus(long, Object) minus(long, IsoDateUnit)
* @since 4.18
public PlainDate minus(
long amount,
CalendarUnit unit
) {
return this.plus(Math.negateExact(amount), unit);
* Creates a new formatter which uses the given pattern in the
* default locale for formatting and parsing plain dates.
* @param generic pattern type
* @param formatPattern format definition as pattern
* @param patternType pattern dialect
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using system locale
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if resolving of pattern fails
* @since 3.0
Erzeugt ein neues Format-Objekt mit Hilfe des angegebenen Musters
* in der Standard-Sprach- und Ländereinstellung.
* @param generic pattern type
* @param formatPattern format definition as pattern
* @param patternType pattern dialect
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using system locale
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if resolving of pattern fails
* @since 3.0
public static
> TemporalFormatter localFormatter(
String formatPattern,
P patternType
) {
return FormatSupport.createFormatter(PlainDate.class, formatPattern, patternType, Locale.getDefault());
* Creates a new formatter which uses the given display mode in the
* default locale for formatting and parsing plain dates.
* @param mode formatting style
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using system locale
* @throws IllegalStateException if format pattern cannot be retrieved
* @since 3.0
* Erzeugt ein neues Format-Objekt mit Hilfe des angegebenen Stils
* in der Standard-Sprach- und Ländereinstellung.
* @param mode formatting style
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using system locale
* @throws IllegalStateException if format pattern cannot be retrieved
* @since 3.0
public static TemporalFormatter localFormatter(DisplayMode mode) {
return formatter(mode, Locale.getDefault());
* Creates a new formatter which uses the given pattern and locale
* for formatting and parsing plain dates.
* @param generic pattern type
* @param formatPattern format definition as pattern
* @param patternType pattern dialect
* @param locale locale setting
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using given locale
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if resolving of pattern fails
* @since 3.0
* @see #localFormatter(String,ChronoPattern)
Erzeugt ein neues Format-Objekt mit Hilfe des angegebenen Musters
* in der angegebenen Sprach- und Ländereinstellung.
* @param generic pattern type
* @param formatPattern format definition as pattern
* @param patternType pattern dialect
* @param locale locale setting
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using given locale
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if resolving of pattern fails
* @since 3.0
* @see #localFormatter(String,ChronoPattern)
public static
> TemporalFormatter formatter(
String formatPattern,
P patternType,
Locale locale
) {
return FormatSupport.createFormatter(PlainDate.class, formatPattern, patternType, locale);
* Creates a new formatter which uses the given display mode and locale
* for formatting and parsing plain dates.
* @param mode formatting style
* @param locale locale setting
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using given locale
* @throws IllegalStateException if format pattern cannot be retrieved
* @since 3.0
* @see #localFormatter(DisplayMode)
* Erzeugt ein neues Format-Objekt mit Hilfe des angegebenen Stils
* und in der angegebenen Sprach- und Ländereinstellung.
* @param mode formatting style
* @param locale locale setting
* @return format object for formatting {@code PlainDate}-objects
* using given locale
* @throws IllegalStateException if format pattern cannot be retrieved
* @since 3.0
* @see #localFormatter(DisplayMode)
public static TemporalFormatter formatter(
DisplayMode mode,
Locale locale
) {
String formatPattern = CalendarText.patternForDate(mode, locale);
return FormatSupport.createFormatter(PlainDate.class, formatPattern, locale);
* Creates a canonical representation of the form
* "YYYY-MM-DD" as documented in ISO-8601.
* @return canonical ISO-8601-formatted string
* Erzeugt eine kanonische Darstellung im Format
* "yyyy-MM-dd".
* @return canonical ISO-8601-formatted string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
formatYear(sb, this.year);
format2Digits(sb, this.month);
format2Digits(sb, this.dayOfMonth);
return sb.toString();
* Normalized given timespan using years, months and days.
* This normalizer can also convert from days to months. Example:
* Duration<CalendarUnit> dur = Duration.of(30, CalendarUnit.DAYS);
* Duration<CalendarUnit> result =
* PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 28).normalize(dur);
* System.out.println(result); // output: P1M1D (leap year!)
* @param timespan to be normalized
* @return normalized duration in years, months and days
* Normalisiert die angegebene Zeitspanne, indem Jahre, Monate und Tage
* verwendet werden.
* Dieser Normalisierer kann auch von Tagen zu Monaten konvertieren.
* Beispiel:
* Duration<CalendarUnit> dur = Duration.of(30, CalendarUnit.DAYS);
* Duration<CalendarUnit> result =
* PlainDate.of(2012, 2, 28).normalize(dur);
* System.out.println(result); // Ausgabe: P1M1D (Schaltjahr!)
* @param timespan to be normalized
* @return normalized duration in years, months and days
public Duration normalize(
TimeSpan extends CalendarUnit> timespan) {
return this.until(this.plus(timespan), Duration.inYearsMonthsDays());
public LocalDate toTemporalAccessor() {
return TemporalType.LOCAL_DATE.from(this);
* Provides a static access to the associated chronology on base of
* epoch days which contains the chronological rules.
* @return chronological system as time axis (never {@code null})
* Liefert die zugehörige Zeitachse, die alle notwendigen
* chronologischen Regeln enthält.
* @return chronological system as time axis (never {@code null})
public static TimeAxis axis() {
return ENGINE;
protected TimeAxis getChronology() {
return ENGINE;
protected PlainDate getContext() {
return this;
protected int compareByTime(CalendarDate date) {
if (date instanceof PlainDate) { // Optimierung
PlainDate d1 = this;
PlainDate d2 = (PlainDate) date;
int delta = d1.year - d2.year;
if (delta == 0) {
delta = d1.month - d2.month;
if (delta == 0) {
delta = d1.dayOfMonth - d2.dayOfMonth;
return delta;
return super.compareByTime(date); // basiert auf Epochentagen
* Liefert die Tage seit der UTC-Epoche.
* @return count of days since UTC (1972-01-01)
long getDaysSinceUTC() {
return TRANSFORMER.transform(this);
* Wandelt die Tage seit der UTC-Epoche in ein Datum um.
* @param utcDays count of days since UTC (1972-01-01)
* @return found calendar date
PlainDate withDaysSinceUTC(long utcDays) {
return TRANSFORMER.transform(utcDays);
* Erzeugt ein neues Datum passend zur angegebenen absoluten Zeit.
* @param ut unix time
* @param offset shift of local time relative to UTC
* @return new calendar date
static PlainDate from(
UnixTime ut,
ZonalOffset offset
) {
long localSeconds = ut.getPosixTime() + offset.getIntegralAmount();
int localNanos = ut.getNanosecond() + offset.getFractionalAmount();
if (localNanos < 0) {
} else if (localNanos >= 1000000000) {
long mjd =
MathUtils.floorDivide(localSeconds, 86400),
long packedDate = GregorianMath.toPackedDate(mjd);
return PlainDate.of(
* Dient der Serialisierungsunterstützung.
* @param elementName name of element
* @return found element or {@code null}
// optional
static Object lookupElement(String elementName) {
return ELEMENTS.get(elementName);
* Additionsmethode.
* @param unit calendar unit
* @param context calendar date
* @param amount amount to be added
* @param policy overflow policy
* @return result of addition
static PlainDate doAdd(
CalendarUnit unit,
PlainDate context,
long amount,
int policy
) {
switch (unit) {
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 12 * 1000),
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 12 * 100),
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 12 * 10),
case YEARS:
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 12),
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 3),
case MONTHS:
long months =
MathUtils.safeAdd(context.getEpochMonths(), amount);
return PlainDate.fromEpochMonths(
case WEEKS:
return doAdd(
MathUtils.safeMultiply(amount, 7),
case DAYS:
PlainDate date = addDays(context, amount);
if (policy == OverflowUnit.POLICY_END_OF_MONTH) {
return PlainDate.of(
GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(date.year, date.month)
} else {
return date;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(unit.name());
* Liefert die Epochenmonate relativ zu 1970.
* @return epoch months relative to 1970
long getEpochMonths() {
return ((this.year - 1970) * 12L + this.month - 1);
* Liefert die ISO-Kalenderwoche des Jahres.
* Als erste Kalenderwoche gilt die Woche, die mindestens vier Tage hat
* und mit dem Montag anfängt. Die Woche davor ist dann die letzte
* Woche des vorherigen Jahres und kann noch in das aktuelle Jahr
* hineinreichen.
* @return week of year in the range (1-53)
* @see Weekmodel#ISO
int getWeekOfYear() {
return this.get(Weekmodel.ISO.weekOfYear()).intValue();
private PlainTimestamp atStartOfDay(TransitionHistory history) {
if (history == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Timezone repository does not expose its transition history: "
+ Timezone.getProviderInfo());
ZonalTransition conflict = history.getConflictTransition(this, PlainTime.MIN);
if ((conflict != null) && conflict.isGap()) {
long localSeconds =
conflict.getPosixTime() + conflict.getTotalOffset();
PlainDate date =
MathUtils.floorDivide(localSeconds, 86400),
int secondsOfDay = MathUtils.floorModulo(localSeconds, 86400);
int second = secondsOfDay % 60;
int minutesOfDay = secondsOfDay / 60;
int minute = minutesOfDay % 60;
int hour = minutesOfDay / 60;
PlainTime time = PlainTime.of(hour, minute, second);
return PlainTimestamp.of(date, time);
return this.at(PlainTime.MIN);
private Moment atFirstMoment(Timezone tz) {
TransitionHistory history = tz.getHistory();
if (history == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Timezone repository does not expose its transition history: "
+ Timezone.getProviderInfo());
ZonalTransition conflict = history.getConflictTransition(this, PlainTime.MIN);
if ((conflict != null) && conflict.isGap()) {
return Moment.of(conflict.getPosixTime(), TimeScale.POSIX);
return this.at(PlainTime.MIN).in(tz);
private int getDayOfQuarter() {
switch (this.month) {
case 1:
case 4:
case 7:
case 10:
return this.dayOfMonth;
case 2:
case 8:
case 11:
return 31 + this.dayOfMonth;
case 3:
return (
(GregorianMath.isLeapYear(this.year) ? 60 : 59)
+ this.dayOfMonth);
case 5:
return 30 + this.dayOfMonth;
case 6:
case 12:
return 61 + this.dayOfMonth;
case 9:
return 62 + this.dayOfMonth;
throw new AssertionError("Unknown month: " + this.month);
private PlainDate withYear(int year) {
if (this.year == year) {
return this;
int mlen = GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(year, this.month);
return PlainDate.of(
Math.min(mlen, this.dayOfMonth)
private PlainDate withMonth(int month) {
if (this.month == month) {
return this;
int mlen = GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(this.year, month);
return PlainDate.of(
Math.min(mlen, this.dayOfMonth)
private PlainDate withDayOfMonth(int dayOfMonth) {
if (this.dayOfMonth == dayOfMonth) {
return this;
return PlainDate.of(this.year, this.month, dayOfMonth);
private PlainDate withDayOfWeek(Weekday dayOfWeek) {
Weekday old = this.getDayOfWeek();
PlainDate date = (
(this.weekday == null)
? new PlainDate(this.year, this.month, this.dayOfMonth, old)
: this);
if (old == dayOfWeek) {
return date;
return PlainDate.addDays(date, dayOfWeek.getValue() - old.getValue());
private PlainDate withDayOfYear(int dayOfYear) {
if (this.getDayOfYear() == dayOfYear) {
return this;
return PlainDate.of(this.year, dayOfYear);
private static PlainDate fromEpochMonths(
PlainDate context,
long emonths,
int dayOfMonth,
int policy
) {
if (
(policy == OverflowUnit.POLICY_KEEPING_LAST_DATE)
&& (context.dayOfMonth == context.lengthOfMonth())
) {
policy = OverflowUnit.POLICY_END_OF_MONTH;
int year =
MathUtils.floorDivide(emonths, 12),
int month = MathUtils.floorModulo(emonths, 12) + 1;
int max = GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(year, month);
int dom = dayOfMonth;
if (dayOfMonth > max) {
switch (policy) {
case OverflowUnit.POLICY_END_OF_MONTH:
dom = max;
return PlainDate.fromEpochMonths(
MathUtils.safeAdd(emonths, 1),
case OverflowUnit.POLICY_CARRY_OVER:
return PlainDate.fromEpochMonths(
MathUtils.safeAdd(emonths, 1),
dayOfMonth - max,
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
sb.append("Day of month out of range: ");
formatYear(sb, year);
format2Digits(sb, month);
format2Digits(sb, dayOfMonth);
throw new ChronoException(sb.toString());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Overflow policy not implemented: " + policy);
} else if(
(dayOfMonth < max)
&& (policy == OverflowUnit.POLICY_END_OF_MONTH)
) {
dom = max;
return PlainDate.of(year, month, dom);
private static PlainDate addDays(
PlainDate date,
long amount
) {
long dom = MathUtils.safeAdd(date.dayOfMonth, amount);
Weekday weekday = null;
boolean hasDOW = (date.weekday != null);
if (hasDOW) {
if (amount == 1) {
weekday = date.weekday.next();
} else if (amount == 7) {
weekday = date.weekday;
if ((dom >= 1) && (dom <= 28)) {
if (hasDOW && (weekday == null)) {
weekday = date.weekday.roll((int) amount);
return PlainDate.create(date.year, date.month, (int) dom, weekday, false);
long doy = MathUtils.safeAdd(date.getDayOfYear(), amount);
if ((doy >= 1) && (doy <= 365)) {
if (hasDOW && (weekday == null)) {
weekday = date.weekday.roll((int) amount);
return PlainDate.ofYearDay(date.year, (int) doy, weekday);
return TRANSFORMER.transform(MathUtils.safeAdd(date.getDaysSinceUTC(), amount));
private static void fill(
Map map,
ChronoElement> element
) {
map.put(element.name(), element);
private static void formatYear(
StringBuilder sb,
int year
) {
int value = year;
if (value < 0) {
value = MathUtils.safeNegate(year);
if (value >= 10000) {
if (year > 0) {
} else if (value < 1000) {
if (value < 100) {
if (value < 10) {
private static void format2Digits(
StringBuilder sb,
int value
) {
if (value < 10) {
private static void registerExtensions(TimeAxis.Builder builder) {
for (ChronoExtension extension : ResourceLoader.getInstance().services(ChronoExtension.class)) {
if (extension.accept(PlainDate.class)) {
builder.appendExtension(new WeekExtension());
private static void registerUnits(TimeAxis.Builder builder) {
Set monthly =
EnumSet.range(CalendarUnit.MILLENNIA, CalendarUnit.MONTHS);
Set daily =
EnumSet.range(CalendarUnit.WEEKS, CalendarUnit.DAYS);
for (CalendarUnit unit : CalendarUnit.values()) {
new CalendarUnit.Rule<>(unit),
(unit.compareTo(CalendarUnit.WEEKS) < 0) ? monthly : daily
private static String yowFailed(int yearOfWeekdate) {
return "YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE (ISO) out of range: " + yearOfWeekdate;
private static String woyFailed(int weekOfYear) {
return "WEEK_OF_YEAR (ISO) out of range: " + weekOfYear;
private static PlainDate ofWeekdate(
int yearOfWeekdate,
int weekOfYear,
Weekday dayOfWeek,
boolean validating
) {
if ((weekOfYear < 1) || (weekOfYear > 53)) {
if (validating) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(woyFailed(weekOfYear));
} else {
return null;
if (
&& ((yearOfWeekdate < MIN_YEAR) || (yearOfWeekdate > MAX_YEAR))
) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(yowFailed(yearOfWeekdate));
Weekday wdNewYear =
Weekday.valueOf(GregorianMath.getDayOfWeek(yearOfWeekdate, 1, 1));
int dow = wdNewYear.getValue();
int doy = (
((dow <= 4) ? 2 - dow : 9 - dow)
+ (weekOfYear - 1) * 7
+ dayOfWeek.getValue() - 1
int y = yearOfWeekdate;
if (doy <= 0) {
doy += (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(y) ? 366 : 365);
} else {
int yearlen =
(GregorianMath.isLeapYear(y) ? 366 : 365);
if (doy > yearlen) {
doy -= yearlen;
PlainDate result = PlainDate.ofYearDay(y, doy, dayOfWeek);
if ((weekOfYear == 53) && (result.getWeekOfYear() != 53)) {
if (validating) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(woyFailed(weekOfYear));
} else {
return null;
return result;
private static PlainDate ofYearDay(
int year,
int dayOfYear,
Weekday weekday
) {
if (dayOfYear < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Day of year out of range: " + dayOfYear);
} else if (dayOfYear <= 31) {
return PlainDate.of(year, 1, dayOfYear);
int[] table = (
for (int i = (dayOfYear > table[6] ? 7 : 1); i < 12; i++) {
if (dayOfYear <= table[i]) {
int dom = dayOfYear - table[i - 1];
return PlainDate.create(year, i + 1, dom, weekday, false);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Day of year out of range: " + dayOfYear);
private static PlainDate create(
int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
Weekday weekday,
boolean validating
) {
if (validating) {
GregorianMath.checkDate(year, month, dayOfMonth);
// TODO: konfigurierbaren Cache einbauen?
return new PlainDate(year, month, dayOfMonth, weekday);
* @serialData Uses
* a dedicated serialization form as proxy. The format
* is bit-compressed. The first byte contains in the four
* most significant bits the type-ID {@code 1}. The following
* bits 4-7 contain the month. The second byte contains
* at the bits 1-2 a year mark: 1 = year in the range
* 1850-2100, 2 = four-digit-year, 3 = year number with more
* than four digits. The five least significant bits of second
* byte contain the day of month. Then the year will be written
* dependent on the year mark. Is the mark 1 then the year
* will be written as byte, if the mark is 2 then the year
* will be written as short else as int with four bytes.
* Schematic algorithm:
int range;
if (year >= 1850 && year <= 2100) {
range = 1;
} else if (Math.abs(year) < 10000) {
range = 2;
} else {
range = 3;
int header = 1;
header <<= 4;
header |= month;
int header2 = range;
header2 <<= 5;
header2 |= dayOfMonth;
if (range == 1) {
out.writeByte(year - 1850 - 128);
} else if (range == 2) {
} else {
* @return replacement object in serialization graph
private Object writeReplace() {
return new SPX(this, SPX.DATE_TYPE);
* @serialData Blocks because a serialization proxy is required.
* @param in object input stream
* @throws InvalidObjectException (always)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Serialization proxy required.");
//~ Innere Klassen ----------------------------------------------------
private static class Merger
implements ChronoMerger {
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public String getFormatPattern(
DisplayStyle style,
Locale locale
) {
DisplayMode mode = DisplayMode.ofStyle(style.getStyleValue());
return CalendarText.patternForDate(mode, locale);
public PlainDate createFrom(
TimeSource> clock,
AttributeQuery attributes
) {
Timezone zone;
if (attributes.contains(Attributes.TIMEZONE_ID)) {
zone = Timezone.of(attributes.get(Attributes.TIMEZONE_ID));
} else if (attributes.get(Attributes.LENIENCY, Leniency.SMART).isLax()) {
zone = Timezone.ofSystem();
} else {
return null;
final UnixTime ut = clock.currentTime();
return PlainDate.from(ut, zone.getOffset(ut));
public PlainDate createFrom(
TemporalAccessor threeten,
AttributeQuery attributes
) {
Leniency leniency = attributes.get(Attributes.LENIENCY, Leniency.SMART);
if (threeten.query(TemporalQueries.chronology()) == IsoChronology.INSTANCE) {
if (threeten.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR)) {
int year = threeten.get(ChronoField.YEAR);
if (
&& threeten.isSupported(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH)
) {
int month = threeten.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR);
int dayOfMonth = threeten.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH);
if (leniency.isLax()) {
PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(year, 1, 1);
date = date.with(MONTH_AS_NUMBER.setLenient(month));
return date.with(DAY_OF_MONTH.setLenient(dayOfMonth));
} else {
return PlainDate.of(year, month, dayOfMonth);
} else if (threeten.isSupported(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR)) {
int dayOfYear = threeten.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR);
if (leniency.isLax()) {
PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(year, 1);
return date.with(DAY_OF_YEAR.setLenient(dayOfYear));
} else {
return PlainDate.of(year, dayOfYear);
if (
&& !leniency.isStrict()
) {
return PlainDate.of(
return null;
public PlainDate createFrom(
ChronoEntity> entity,
AttributeQuery attributes,
boolean preparsing
) {
boolean lenient = attributes.get(Attributes.LENIENCY, Leniency.SMART).isLax();
return this.createFrom(entity, attributes, lenient, preparsing);
public PlainDate createFrom(
ChronoEntity> entity,
AttributeQuery attributes,
boolean lenient,
boolean preparsing
) {
if (entity.contains(CALENDAR_DATE)) {
return entity.get(CALENDAR_DATE);
int year = entity.getInt(YEAR);
if (year != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
int month = entity.getInt(MONTH_AS_NUMBER);
if ((month == Integer.MIN_VALUE) && entity.contains(MONTH_OF_YEAR)) {
month = entity.get(MONTH_OF_YEAR).getValue();
if (month != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
int dom = entity.getInt(DAY_OF_MONTH);
if (dom != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (lenient) {
PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(year, 1, 1);
date = date.with(MONTH_AS_NUMBER.setLenient(Integer.valueOf(month)));
return date.with(DAY_OF_MONTH.setLenient(Integer.valueOf(dom)));
} else if ( // Standardszenario
validateYear(entity, year)
&& validateMonth(entity, month)
&& validateDayOfMonth(entity, year, month, dom)
) {
return PlainDate.create(year, month, dom, null, false);
} else {
return null;
int doy = entity.getInt(DAY_OF_YEAR);
if (doy != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (lenient) {
PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(year, 1);
return date.with(DAY_OF_YEAR.setLenient(Integer.valueOf(doy)));
} else if ( // Ordinaldatum
validateYear(entity, year)
&& validateDayOfYear(entity, year, doy)
) {
return PlainDate.of(year, doy);
} else {
return null;
int doq = entity.getInt(DAY_OF_QUARTER);
if (
(doq != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
&& entity.contains(QUARTER_OF_YEAR)
) {
Quarter q = entity.get(QUARTER_OF_YEAR);
boolean leapYear = GregorianMath.isLeapYear(year);
doy = doq + (leapYear ? 91 : 90);
if (q == Quarter.Q1) {
doy = doq;
} else if (q == Quarter.Q3) {
doy += 91;
} else if (q == Quarter.Q4) {
doy += (91 + 92);
if (lenient) {
PlainDate date = PlainDate.of(year, 1);
return date.with(DAY_OF_YEAR.setLenient(Integer.valueOf(doy)));
} else if ( // Quartalsdatum
validateYear(entity, year)
&& validateDayOfQuarter(entity, leapYear, q, doq)
) {
return PlainDate.of(year, doy);
} else {
return null;
int yearOfWeekdate = entity.getInt(YEAR_OF_WEEKDATE);
if (
(yearOfWeekdate != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
&& entity.contains(Weekmodel.ISO.weekOfYear())
) {
int weekOfYear = entity.get(Weekmodel.ISO.weekOfYear()).intValue();
Weekday dayOfWeek;
if (entity.contains(DAY_OF_WEEK)) {
dayOfWeek = entity.get(DAY_OF_WEEK);
} else if (entity.contains(Weekmodel.ISO.localDayOfWeek())) {
dayOfWeek = entity.get(Weekmodel.ISO.localDayOfWeek());
} else {
return null;
// Wochendatum validieren und erzeugen
if (
(yearOfWeekdate < GregorianMath.MIN_YEAR)
|| (yearOfWeekdate > GregorianMath.MAX_YEAR)
) {
return null;
PlainDate date = PlainDate.ofWeekdate(yearOfWeekdate, weekOfYear, dayOfWeek, false);
if (date == null) {
return date;
if (entity.contains(EpochDays.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE)) {
Long mjd = entity.get(EpochDays.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE);
long utcDays =
return TRANSFORMER.transform(utcDays);
} else if (entity instanceof UnixTime) {
return PlainTimestamp.axis().createFrom(entity, attributes, lenient, preparsing).getCalendarDate();
return null;
private static boolean validateYear(
ChronoEntity> entity,
int year
) {
if ((year < GregorianMath.MIN_YEAR) || (year > GregorianMath.MAX_YEAR)) {
"YEAR out of range: " + year);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean validateMonth(
ChronoEntity> entity,
int month
) {
if ((month < 1) || (month > 12)) {
"MONTH_OF_YEAR out of range: " + month);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean validateDayOfMonth(
ChronoEntity> entity,
int year,
int month,
int dom
) {
if ((dom < 1) || ((dom > 28) && (dom > GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(year, month)))) {
"DAY_OF_MONTH out of range: " + dom);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean validateDayOfYear(
ChronoEntity> entity,
int year,
int doy
) {
if ((doy < 1) || ((doy > 365) && (doy > (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365)))) {
"DAY_OF_YEAR out of range: " + doy);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean validateDayOfQuarter(
ChronoEntity> entity,
boolean leapYear,
Quarter q,
int doq
) {
int max;
switch (q) {
case Q1:
max = (leapYear ? 91 : 90);
case Q2:
max = 91;
max = 92;
if (
(doq < 1)
|| (doq > max)
) {
"DAY_OF_QUARTER out of range: " + doq);
return false;
return true;
private static void flagValidationError(
ChronoEntity> entity,
String message
) {
if (entity.isValid(ValidationElement.ERROR_MESSAGE, message)) {
entity.with(ValidationElement.ERROR_MESSAGE, message);
private static class Transformer
implements CalendarSystem {
//~ Statische Felder/Initialisierungen ----------------------------
private static final long MIN_LONG = -365243219892L; // transform(PlainDate.MIN)
private static final long MAX_LONG = 365241779741L; // transform(PlainDate.MAX)
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public PlainDate transform(long utcDays) {
if (utcDays == MIN_LONG) {
return PlainDate.MIN;
} else if (utcDays == MAX_LONG) {
return PlainDate.MAX;
long mjd = EpochDays.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE.transform(utcDays, EpochDays.UTC);
long packedDate = GregorianMath.toPackedDate(mjd);
return PlainDate.create(
public long transform(PlainDate date) {
return EpochDays.UTC.transform(
public long getMinimumSinceUTC() {
return MIN_LONG;
public long getMaximumSinceUTC() {
return MAX_LONG;
public List getEras() {
return Collections.emptyList();
private static class DateElementRule
implements ElementRule {
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public PlainDate getValue(PlainDate context) {
return context;
public PlainDate withValue(
PlainDate context,
PlainDate value,
boolean lenient
) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing date value.");
return value;
public boolean isValid(
PlainDate context,
PlainDate value
) {
return (value != null);
public PlainDate getMinimum(PlainDate context) {
return PlainDate.MIN;
public PlainDate getMaximum(PlainDate context) {
return PlainDate.MAX;
public ChronoElement> getChildAtFloor(PlainDate context) {
return null;
public ChronoElement> getChildAtCeiling(PlainDate context) {
return null;
private static class IntegerElementRule
implements IntElementRule {
//~ Instanzvariablen ----------------------------------------------
private final ChronoElement> ref;
private final String name;
private final int index;
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
IntegerElementRule(ChronoElement element) {
this(((IntegerDateElement) element).getRuleIndex(), element);
int index,
ChronoElement> ref
) {
this.ref = ref;
this.name = ref.name();
this.index = index;
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
public Integer getValue(PlainDate context) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.getInt(context));
public int getInt(PlainDate context) {
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
return context.year;
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
return context.month;
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
return context.dayOfMonth;
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
return context.getDayOfYear();
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
return context.getDayOfQuarter();
return ((context.dayOfMonth - 1) / 7) + 1;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public PlainDate withValue(
PlainDate context,
Integer value,
boolean lenient
) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing element value.");
return this.withValue(context, value.intValue(), lenient);
public PlainDate withValue(
PlainDate context,
int value,
boolean lenient
) {
if (lenient) { // nur auf numerischen Elementen definiert
IsoDateUnit unit = ENGINE.getBaseUnit(this.ref);
int amount = MathUtils.safeSubtract(value, this.getInt(context));
return context.plus(amount, unit);
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
return context.withYear(value);
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
return context.withMonth(value);
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
return context.withDayOfMonth(value);
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
return context.withDayOfYear(value);
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
if ((value >= 1) && (value <= getMaximumOfQuarterDay(context))) {
return context.plus((value - context.getDayOfQuarter()), CalendarUnit.DAYS);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range: " + value);
if (lenient || ((value >= 1) && (value <= this.getMaximumOfWIM(context)))) {
int old = ((context.dayOfMonth - 1) / 7) + 1;
return context.plus(value - old, CalendarUnit.WEEKS);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range: " + value);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public boolean isValid(
PlainDate context,
Integer value
) {
return ((value != null) && this.isValid(context, value.intValue()));
public boolean isValid(
PlainDate context,
int value
) {
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
return ((value >= GregorianMath.MIN_YEAR) && (value <= GregorianMath.MAX_YEAR));
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
return ((value >= 1) && (value <= 12));
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
return ((value >= 1) && (value <= GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(context.year, context.month)));
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
return ((value >= 1) && (value <= (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(context.year) ? 366 : 365)));
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
return ((value >= 1) && (value <= getMaximumOfQuarterDay(context)));
return ((value >= 1) && (value <= this.getMaximumOfWIM(context)));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public Integer getMinimum(PlainDate context) {
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
return MIN_YEAR;
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
return VALUE_1;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public Integer getMaximum(PlainDate context) {
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
return MAX_YEAR;
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
return VALUE_12;
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
return Integer.valueOf(GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(context.year, context.month));
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
return (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(context.year) ? LEAP_YEAR_LEN : STD_YEAR_LEN);
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
return Integer.valueOf(getMaximumOfQuarterDay(context));
return Integer.valueOf(this.getMaximumOfWIM(context));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public ChronoElement> getChildAtFloor(PlainDate context) {
return this.getChild();
public ChronoElement> getChildAtCeiling(PlainDate context) {
return this.getChild();
private ChronoElement> getChild() {
switch (this.index) {
case IntegerDateElement.YEAR:
case IntegerDateElement.MONTH:
return DAY_OF_MONTH;
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_MONTH:
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_YEAR:
case IntegerDateElement.DAY_OF_QUARTER:
return null;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
private static int getMaximumOfQuarterDay(PlainDate context) {
int q = ((context.month - 1) / 3) + 1;
if (q == 1) {
return (GregorianMath.isLeapYear(context.year) ? 91 : 90);
} else if (q == 2) {
return 91;
} else {
return 92;
private int getMaximumOfWIM(PlainDate context) {
int maxday = GregorianMath.getLengthOfMonth(context.year, context.month);
int d = context.dayOfMonth;
int n = 0;
while (d + (n + 1) * 7 <= maxday) {
return ((d + n * 7 - 1) / 7) + 1;
private static class EnumElementRule>
implements ElementRule {
//~ Instanzvariablen ----------------------------------------------
private final String name;
private final Class type;
private final V min;
private final V max;
private final int index;
//~ Konstruktoren -------------------------------------------------
String name,
Class type,
V min,
V max,
int index
) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.index = index;
//~ Methoden ------------------------------------------------------
static > EnumElementRule of(ChronoElement element) {
return new EnumElementRule<>(
((EnumElement>) element).getIndex()
public V getValue(PlainDate context) {
Object ret;
switch (this.index) {
case EnumElement.MONTH:
ret = Month.valueOf(context.month);
case EnumElement.DAY_OF_WEEK:
ret = context.getDayOfWeek();
case EnumElement.QUARTER_OF_YEAR:
ret = Quarter.valueOf(((context.month - 1) / 3) + 1);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
return this.type.cast(ret);
public V getMinimum(PlainDate context) {
return this.min;
public V getMaximum(PlainDate context) {
return this.max;
public boolean isValid(
PlainDate context,
V value
) {
return (value != null);
public PlainDate withValue(
PlainDate context,
V value,
boolean lenient
) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing element value.");
switch (this.index) {
case EnumElement.MONTH:
return context.withMonth(Month.class.cast(value).getValue());
case EnumElement.DAY_OF_WEEK:
return context.withDayOfWeek(Weekday.class.cast(value));
case EnumElement.QUARTER_OF_YEAR:
int q1 = ((context.month - 1) / 3) + 1;
int q2 = Quarter.class.cast(value).getValue();
return context.plus((q2 - q1), CalendarUnit.QUARTERS);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);
public ChronoElement> getChildAtFloor(PlainDate context) {
return this.getChild();
public ChronoElement> getChildAtCeiling(PlainDate context) {
return this.getChild();
private ChronoElement> getChild() {
switch (this.index) {
case EnumElement.MONTH:
return DAY_OF_MONTH;
case EnumElement.DAY_OF_WEEK:
return null;
case EnumElement.QUARTER_OF_YEAR:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.name);