net.time4j.engine.BasicElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2013-2016 Meno Hochschild,
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file (BasicElement.java) is part of project Time4J.
* Time4J is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Time4J is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Time4J. If not, see .
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
package net.time4j.engine;
import net.time4j.base.UnixTime;
import java.io.Serializable;
* Abstract base implementation of a chronological element which has
* a name and can also define an (unregistered) element rule.
* @param generic type of element values
* @author Meno Hochschild
* Abstrakte Basisimplementierung eines chronologischen Elements, das
* einen Namen hat und bei Bedarf auch eigene Regeln definieren kann.
* @param generic type of element values
* @author Meno Hochschild
public abstract class BasicElement>
implements ChronoElement, Serializable {
//~ Instanzvariablen --------------------------------------------------
* @serial name of this element
* @serial Elementname
private final String name;
* @serial identity code
* @serial Identitätscode
private final int identity;
* @serial hash code
* @serial Hash-Code
private final int hash;
//~ Konstruktoren -----------------------------------------------------
* Called by subclasses which will usually assign an instance to
* a static constant (creating a singleton).
* @param name name of element
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is empty or only
* contains white space (spaces, tabs etc.)
* @see ChronoElement#name()
* Konstruktor für Subklassen, die eine so erzeugte Instanz
* in der Regel statischen Konstanten zuweisen und damit Singletons
* erzeugen können.
* @param name name of element
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is empty or only
* contains white space (spaces, tabs etc.)
* @see ChronoElement#name()
protected BasicElement(String name) {
if (name.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Element name is empty or contains only white space.");
this.name = name;
this.hash = name.hashCode();
this.identity = (this.isSingleton() ? ((this.hash == -1) ? ~this.hash : this.hash) : -1);
//~ Methoden ----------------------------------------------------------
public final String name() {
return this.name;
* Compares the values of this element based on their natural order.
* @throws ChronoException if this element is not registered in any entity
* and/or if no element rule exists to extract the element value
* @since 3.5/4.3
* Vergleicht die Werte dieses Elements auf Basis ihrer
* natürlichen Ordnung.
* @throws ChronoException if this element is not registered in any entity
* and/or if no element rule exists to extract the element value
* @since 3.5/4.3
public int compare(
ChronoDisplay o1,
ChronoDisplay o2
) {
return o1.get(this).compareTo(o2.get(this));
* There is no format symbol by default.
* In order to define a format symbol subclasses must override this
* methode. In that case such an element instance should be annotated
* with the annotation {@code FormattableElement} for documentation
* support.
* @return ASCII-0 (placeholder for an undefined format symbol)
* @see FormattableElement
* Standardmäßig gibt es kein Formatsymbol.
* Um ein Formatsymbol zu definieren, müssen Subklassen diese
* Methode geeignet überschreiben. Gleichzeitig sollte eine solche
* Elementinstanz mittels der Annotation {@code FormattableElement}
* das Symbol dokumentieren.
* @return ASCII-0 (placeholder for an undefined format symbol)
* @see FormattableElement
public char getSymbol() {
return '\u0000';
* Chronological elements are strict by default.
* @return {@code false}
* Chronologische Elemente verhalten sich standardmäßig
* strikt und nicht nachsichtig.
* @return {@code false}
public boolean isLenient() {
return false;
* Elements are local by default and can therefore not be used
* in a global context.
* @return {@code true}
* @since 2.0
* @see #getVeto(Chronology)
* Elemente sind normalerweise lokal und können deshalb nicht
* in einem globalen Kontext verwendet werden.
* @return {@code true}
* @since 2.0
* @see #getVeto(Chronology)
public boolean isLocal() {
return true;
* Based on equality of element names AND element classes.
* @return {@code true} if this instance and the argument are of same
* class and have same names else {@code false}
* Basiert auf der Gleichheit der Elementnamen UND Elementklassen.
* @return {@code true} if this instance and the argument are of same
* class and have same names else {@code false}
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
} else if (obj == null) {
return false;
} else if (this.getClass() == obj.getClass()) {
BasicElement> that = (BasicElement>) obj;
int id1 = this.identity;
int id2 = that.identity;
return ((id1 == id2) && ((id1 != -1) || (this.name().equals(that.name()) && this.doEquals(that))));
} else {
return false;
* Based on the element name.
* @return int
* Basiert auf dem Elementnamen.
* @return int
public final int hashCode() {
return this.hash;
* Serves mainly for debugging support.
* For display purpose the method {@link #name()} is to be
* preferred.
* @return String
* Dient vornehmlich der Debugging-Unterstützung.
* Für Anzeigezwecke sollte die Methode {@link #name()}
* verwendet werden.
* @return String
public String toString() {
String className = this.getClass().getName();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(className.length() + 32);
return sb.toString();
* Derives an optional element rule for given chronology.
* Note: This implementation yields {@code null}. Subclasses whose
* element instances are not registered in a given chronology must
* override this method returning a suitable element rule.
* @param generic type of chronology
* @param chronology chronology an element rule is searched for
* @return element rule or {@code null} if given chronology is unsupported
* Leitet eine optionale Elementregel für die angegebene
* Chronologie ab.
* Hinweis: Diese Implementierung liefert {@code null}. Subklassen,
* deren Elementinstanzen nicht in einer Chronologie registriert sind,
* müssen die Methode geeignet überschreiben.
* @param generic type of chronology
* @param chronology chronology an element rule is searched for
* @return element rule or {@code null} if given chronology is unsupported
protected > ElementRule derive(Chronology chronology) {
return null;
* Points to another element which can have a base unit in a given
* chronology.
* This method can be overridden by unregistered extension elements
* in order to help a chronology to see which base unit belongs to
* this element.
* @return parent element registered on a time axis for helping
* retrieving a base unit for this element or {@code null}
* @see TimeAxis#getBaseUnit(ChronoElement)
* Verweist auf ein anderes Element, das eine Basiseinheit in einer
* Chronologie haben kann.
* Diese Methode kann von nicht-registrierten Erweiterungselementen
* überschrieben werden, um einer Chronologie zu helfen, welche
* Basiseinheit mit diesem Element zu verknüpfen ist.
* @return parent element registered on a time axis for helping
* retrieving a base unit for this element or {@code null}
* @see TimeAxis#getBaseUnit(ChronoElement)
protected ChronoElement> getParent() {
return null;
* If this element is not registered in given chronology then this method
* will be called by Time4J in order to generate a suitable error message
* in cases where this element shall not support the chronological context.
* This implementation yields {@code null} to indicate that there is no
* veto against usage in given chronology unless this element is local but
* the given chronology is global.
* @param chronology chronological context
* @return error message as veto or {@code null}
* @since 2.0
* Falls dieses Element in der angegebenen Chronologie nicht registriert
* ist, wird diese Methode aufgerufen, um eine passende Veto-Fehlermeldung
* zu generieren, wenn dieses Element nicht den Kontext unterstützen
* soll.
* Diese Implementierung liefert {@code null}, um anzuzeigen, daß
* per Standard kein Veto gegen den Gebrauch dieses Elements in der
* angegebenen Chronologie eingelegt wird, es sei denn, dieses Element
* ist lokal und die angegebene Chronologie global.
* @param chronology chronologischer Kontext
* @return Fehlermeldung als Veto oder {@code null}
* @since 2.0
protected String getVeto(Chronology> chronology) {
if (
&& UnixTime.class.isAssignableFrom(chronology.getChronoType())
) {
return "Accessing the local element ["
+ this.name
+ "] from a global type requires a timezone.\n"
+ "- Try to apply a zonal query like \""
+ this.name
+ ".atUTC()\".\n"
+ "- Or try to first convert the global type to "
+ "a zonal timestamp: "
+ "\"moment.toZonalTimestamp(...)\".\n"
+ "- If used in formatting then consider "
+ "\"ChronoFormatter.withTimezone(TZID)\".";
return null;
* Determines if this element only exists one time as constant in the JVM.
* Any override of this method MUST NOT refer directly or indirectly to any state of this object
* because it is called during construction of this object at a time where this instance might not
* yet be finished.
* @return boolean (default value is {@code false})
* @since 3.15/4.12
* Bestimmt, ob dieses Element nur einmal als Konstante in der JVM vorhanden ist.
* Jedes Überschreiben dieser Methode darf sich NICHT direkt oder indirekt auf den Zustand
* dieser Instanz beziehen, weil die Methode zu einem Zeitpunkt aufgerufen wird, zu dem diese
* Instanz noch nicht fertig konstruiert ist.
* @return boolean (default value is {@code false})
* @since 3.15/4.12
protected boolean isSingleton() {
return false;
* Will be called by {@code equals(Object)}.
* Subclasses should override this method if other state attributes than just the element name are to
* be taken into account when comparing elements. The parameter can be safely casted to an instance of
* this class.
* @param obj other element to be compared with
* @return boolean (default value is {@code true})
* @since 3.15/4.12
* Wird von {@code equals(Object)} aufgerufen.
* Subklassen sollten diese Methode überschreiben, wenn anderer Zustandsattribute als nur
* der Elementname berücksichtigt werdne müssen. Der Parameter kann sicher zu einem
* Typ dieser Klasse umgewandelt werden.
* @param obj other element to be compared with
* @return boolean (default value is {@code true})
* @since 3.15/4.12
protected boolean doEquals(BasicElement> obj) {
return true;