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net.tixxit.delimited.parser.DelimitedParserImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.tixxit.delimited
package parser
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import java.nio.charset.{ Charset, StandardCharsets }
import java.io.File
import java.io.{ InputStream, FileInputStream }
import java.io.{ Reader, InputStreamReader }
import ParserState._
import Instr._
final case class DelimitedParserImpl(
strategy: DelimitedFormatStrategy,
parserState: ParserState,
fail: Option[Fail],
row: Long,
bufferSize: Int,
maxCharsPerRow: Int
) extends DelimitedParser {
require(maxCharsPerRow >= 0, "max row characters parameter must be non-negative")
def format: Option[DelimitedFormat] = strategy match {
case (fmt: DelimitedFormat) => Some(fmt)
case _ => None
def reset: (String, DelimitedParserImpl) = {
val in = parserState.input
(in.substring(in.mark, in.limit), DelimitedParserImpl(strategy, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow))
def parseChunk(chunk: Option[String]): (DelimitedParserImpl, Vector[Either[DelimitedError, Row]]) = {
val initState = chunk match {
case Some(str) => parserState.mapInput(_.append(str))
case None => parserState.mapInput(_.finished)
val format = strategy match {
case (guess: GuessDelimitedFormat) =>
if (initState.input.isLast || initState.input.data.length >= bufferSize) {
// We want enough data here.
} else {
// TODO: We could get rid of this return.
return (DelimitedParserImpl(strategy, initState, fail, row, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow), Vector.empty)
case (fmt: DelimitedFormat) =>
val maxRowDelimLength: Int = format.rowDelim match {
case RowDelim(value, None) => value.length
case RowDelim(value, Some(alt)) => scala.math.max(value.length, alt.length)
def loop(s0: ParserState, fail: Option[Fail], row: Long, acc: Vector[Either[DelimitedError, Row]]): (DelimitedParserImpl, Vector[Either[DelimitedError, Row]]) = {
val (s1, instr) = DelimitedParserImpl.parse(format)(s0)
instr match {
case EmitRow(cells) =>
if (maxCharsPerRow > 0 && (s1.rowStart - s0.rowStart - maxRowDelimLength) > maxCharsPerRow) {
val context = DelimitedParserImpl.removeRowDelim(format,
s1.input.substring(s0.rowStart, s1.rowStart))
val error = DelimitedError(s"row exceeded maximum length of $maxCharsPerRow",
s0.rowStart, s0.rowStart, context, row, 1)
loop(s1, fail, row + 1, acc :+ Left(error))
} else {
loop(s1, fail, row + 1, acc :+ Right(cells))
case f @ Fail(_, _) =>
loop(s1, Some(f), row, acc)
case Resume =>
fail match {
case Some(Fail(msg, pos)) =>
val context = DelimitedParserImpl.removeRowDelim(format, s1.input.substring(s0.rowStart, s1.rowStart))
val error = DelimitedError(msg, s0.rowStart, pos, context, row, pos - s0.rowStart + 1)
loop(s1, None, row + 1, acc :+ Left(error))
case None =>
loop(s1, None, row, acc)
case NeedInput =>
if (maxCharsPerRow > 0 && fail.isEmpty &&
(s1.input.limit - s1.rowStart - maxRowDelimLength) > maxCharsPerRow) {
val f = Some(Fail(s"row exceeded maximum length of $maxCharsPerRow", s1.rowStart))
DelimitedParserImpl(format, s1.skipRow, f, row, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow) -> acc
} else {
DelimitedParserImpl(format, s1, fail, row, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow) -> acc
case Done =>
DelimitedParserImpl(format, s1, None, row, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow) -> acc
loop(initState, fail, row, Vector.empty)
object DelimitedParserImpl {
* Returns a new DelimitedParserImpl whose state is initially empty.
* @note If `maxRowsChars` is 0, then there is no limit on row size.
* @param format the format strategy to use for parsing
* @param bufferSize the minimum size of the buffer to use for format inference
* @param maxRowsChars a hard limit on the allowable size of a row
def apply(
format: DelimitedFormatStrategy,
bufferSize: Int,
maxCharsPerRow: Int
): DelimitedParserImpl = {
DelimitedParserImpl(format, ParserState.ParseRow(0L, 0L, Input.init("")), None, 1L, bufferSize, maxCharsPerRow)
def parseRow(format: DelimitedFormat, row: String): Either[DelimitedError, Row] = {
val s0 = ParserState.ParseRow(0L, 0L, Input.last(row))
DelimitedParserImpl.parse(format)(s0) match {
case (s, Instr.EmitRow(row)) if s.rowStart == s.input.data.length =>
case (s, Instr.EmitRow(_)) =>
Left(DelimitedError("unexpected start of new row",
0, s.rowStart, row, 1, s.rowStart + 1))
case (_, Instr.Fail(message, pos)) =>
Left(DelimitedError(message, 0, pos, row, 1, pos + 1))
case (_, Instr.NeedInput | Instr.Resume | Instr.Done) =>
Left(DelimitedError("empty row", 0, 0, row, 1, 1))
def parse(format: DelimitedFormat)(state: ParserState): (ParserState, Instr) = {
import format._
val input: Input = state.input
val buf: InputBuffer = new InputBuffer(state)
def isQuote(): Int = buf.isFlag(quote)
def isQuoteEscape(): Int = buf.isFlag(quoteEscape)
def isSeparator(): Int = buf.isFlag(separator)
val primaryRowDelim: String = rowDelim.value
val secondaryRowDelim: String = rowDelim.alternate.orNull
def isRowDelim(): Int = buf.eitherFlag(primaryRowDelim, secondaryRowDelim)
def isEndOfCell(): Int = {
val i = isSeparator()
if (i == 0) isRowDelim() else i
def isEscapedQuote(): Int = {
val e = isQuoteEscape()
if (e > 0) {
val q = isQuote()
if (q > 0) q + e
else q
} else {
def unquotedCell(bldr: Builder[String, Row]): ParseResult = {
val start = buf.getPos()
def loop(): ParseResult = {
val flag = isEndOfCell()
if (flag > 0 || buf.endOfFile()) {
val value = input.substring(start, buf.getPos())
bldr += value
} else if (flag == 0) {
} else {
def quotedCell(bldr: Builder[String, Row]): ParseResult = {
val start = buf.getPos()
def loop(): ParseResult = {
if (buf.endOfInput()) {
if (buf.endOfFile()) {
Fail("Unmatched quoted string at end of file", buf.getPos())
} else {
} else {
val d = if (allowRowDelimInQuotes) 0 else isRowDelim()
val e = isEscapedQuote()
val q = isQuote()
if (d < 0 || e < 0 || q < 0) {
} else if (d > 0) {
Fail("Unmatched quoted string at row delimiter", buf.getPos())
} else if (e > 0) {
} else if (q > 0) {
val unescaped = unescape(input.substring(start, buf.getPos()))
bldr += unescaped
} else {
def cell(bldr: Builder[String, Row]): ParseResult = {
val q = isQuote()
if (q == 0) {
} else if (q > 0) {
} else {
def skipToNextRow(): Boolean = {
val d = isRowDelim()
if (d > 0 || buf.endOfFile()) {
} else if (d == 0) {
} else {
if (input.isLast)
buf.advance((input.limit - buf.getPos()).toInt)
def row(rowStart: Long, cells: Builder[String, Row]): (ParserState, Instr) = {
val start = buf.getPos()
def needInput() = (ContinueRow(rowStart, start, cells.result(), input), NeedInput)
val s = isSeparator()
if (s == 0) {
val r = isRowDelim()
if (r > 0 || buf.endOfFile()) {
val row = cells.result()
(ParseRow(buf.getPos(), buf.getPos(), input.marked(buf.getPos()), row.size), EmitRow(row))
} else if (r == 0) {
(SkipRow(rowStart, buf.getPos(), input), Fail("Expected separator, row delimiter, or end of file", buf.getPos()))
} else {
} else if (s > 0) {
cell(cells) match {
case Success =>
row(rowStart, cells)
case f @ Fail(_, _) =>
(SkipRow(rowStart, buf.getPos(), input), f)
case NeedInput =>
} else {
state match {
case ContinueRow(rowStart, readFrom, partial, _, _) =>
row(rowStart, state.newRowBuilder ++= partial)
case instr @ ParseRow(rowStart, readFrom, _, sizeHint) =>
if (buf.endOfFile()) {
(instr, Done)
} else {
val cells = state.newRowBuilder
cell(cells) match {
case Success =>
row(rowStart, cells)
case f @ Fail(_, _) =>
(SkipRow(rowStart, buf.getPos(), input, sizeHint), f)
case NeedInput =>
(instr, NeedInput)
case SkipRow(rowStart, readFrom, _, sizeHint) =>
if (skipToNextRow()) {
(ParseRow(buf.getPos(), buf.getPos(), input.marked(buf.getPos()), sizeHint), Resume)
} else {
(SkipRow(rowStart, buf.getPos(), input, sizeHint), NeedInput)
private def removeRowDelim(format: DelimitedFormat, context: String): String = {
def dropTail(tail: String): Option[String] =
if (context.endsWith(tail)) Some(context.dropRight(tail.length))
else None
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