play.modules.mongodb.jackson.MongoDB.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package play.modules.mongodb.jackson
import play.Plugin
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import net.vz.mongodb.jackson.internal.MongoJacksonMapperModule
import play.api.Application
import net.vz.mongodb.jackson.{MongoCollection, JacksonDBCollection}
import java.util.Locale
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import com.mongodb.{WriteConcern, Mongo, MongoURI, ServerAddress}
* MongoDB Jackson Mapper module for play framework
object MongoDB {
private def error = throw new Exception(
"MongoDBPlugin is not enabled"
* Get a collection. This method takes an implicit application as a parameter, and so is the best option to use from
* Scala, and can also be used while testing to pass in a fake application.
* @param name The name of the collection
* @param entityType The type of the entity
* @param keyType The type of the key
def collection[T, K](name: String, entityType: Class[T], keyType: Class[K])(implicit app: Application) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K] =
app.plugin[MongoDBPlugin].map(_.getCollection(name, entityType, keyType)).getOrElse(error)
* Get a collection. Implicitly uses the camel case version of the class name, or the collection name configured by
* a {@link net.vz.mongodb.jackson.MongoCollection} annotation if present.
* This method takes an implicit application as a parameter, and so is the best option to use from
* Scala, and can also be used while testing to pass in a fake application.
* @param entityType The type of the entity
* @param keyType The type of the key
def collection[T, K](entityType: Class[T], keyType: Class[K])(implicit app: Application) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K]= {
val name = Option(entityType.getAnnotation(classOf[MongoCollection])).map( {
entityType.getSimpleName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + entityType.getSimpleName.substring(1)
collection(name, entityType, keyType)
* Get a collection.
* The passed in entityType
must directly implement {@link play.modules.mongodb.jackson.KeyTyped} and specify the K
* parameter, this is used as the key type. If you don't want your objects implementing MongoDocument, simply
* use the {@link MongoDB.collection(Class, Class)} method instead, and pass the keyType in there.
* This method takes an implicit application as a parameter, and so is the best option to use from
* Scala, and can also be used while testing to pass in a fake application.
* @param name The name of the collection
* @param entityType The type of the entity
def collection[T <: KeyTyped[K], K](name: String, entityType: Class[T with KeyTyped[K]])(implicit app: Application) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K] = {
collection(name, entityType, determineKeyType(entityType))
* Get a collection. Implicitly uses the camel case version of the class name, or the collection name configured by
* a {@link net.vz.mongodb.jackson.MongoCollection} annotation if present.
* The passed in entityType
must directly implement {@link play.modules.mongodb.jackson.KeyTyped} and specify the K
* parameter, this is used as the key type. If you don't want your objects implementing MongoDocument, simply
* use the {@link MongoDB.collection(Class, Class)} method instead, and pass the keyType in there.
* This method takes an implicit application as a parameter, and so is the best option to use from
* Scala, and can also be used while testing to pass in a fake application.
* @param entityType The type of the entity
def collection[T <: KeyTyped[K], K](entityType: Class[T with KeyTyped[K]])(implicit app: Application) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K] = {
collection(entityType, determineKeyType(entityType))
* Get a collection. This method uses the current application, and so will not work outside of the context of a
* running app.
* @param name The name of the collection
* @param entityType The type of the entity
* @param keyType The type of the key
def getCollection[T, K](name: String, entityType: Class[T], keyType: Class[K]) = {
// This makes simpler use from Java
import play.api.Play.current
collection(name, entityType, keyType)
* Get a collection. Implicitly uses the camel case version of the class name, or the collection name configured by
* a {@link net.vz.mongodb.jackson.MongoCollection} annotation if present.
* This method uses the current application, and so will not work outside of the context of a running app.
* @param entityType The type of the entity
* @param keyType The type of the key
def getCollection[T, K](entityType: Class[T], keyType: Class[K]) = {
// This makes simpler use from Java
import play.api.Play.current
collection(entityType, keyType)
* Get a collection.
* The passed in entityType
must directly implement {@link play.modules.mongodb.jackson.KeyTyped} and specify the K
* parameter, this is used as the key type. If you don't want your objects implementing MongoDocument, simply
* use the {@link MongoDB.getCollection(Class, Class)} method instead, and pass the keyType in there.
* This method uses the current application, and so will not work outside of the context of a running app.
* @param name The name of the collection
* @param entityType The type of the entity
def getCollection[T <: KeyTyped[K], K](name: String, entityType: Class[T with KeyTyped[K]]) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K] = {
// This makes simpler use from Java
import play.api.Play.current
collection(name, entityType)
* Get a collection. Implicitly uses the camel case version of the class name, or the collection name configured by
* a {@link net.vz.mongodb.jackson.MongoCollection} annotation if present.
* The passed in entityType
must directly implement {@link play.modules.mongodb.jackson.KeyTyped} and specify the K
* parameter, this is used as the key type. If you don't want your objects implementing MongoDocument, simply
* use the {@link MongoDB.getCollection(Class, Class)} method instead, and pass the keyType in there.
* This method uses the current application, and so will not work outside of the context of a running app.
* @param entityType The type of the entity
def getCollection[T <: KeyTyped[K], K](entityType: Class[T with KeyTyped[K]]) : JacksonDBCollection[T, K] = {
// This makes simpler use from Java
import play.api.Play.current
private def determineKeyType[K](entityType: Class[_ <: KeyTyped[K]]) : Class[K] = {
entityType.getGenericInterfaces flatMap {
case p: ParameterizedType => Array(p)
case _ => Nil
} find {
_.getRawType == classOf[KeyTyped[_]]
} map {
case p: ParameterizedType => p
} map {_.getActualTypeArguments()(0)} map {
case c: Class[K] => c
} getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MongoDocument type parameter not declared on passed in entity type")
class MongoDBPlugin(val app: Application) extends Plugin {
private val cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Class[_], Class[_]), JacksonDBCollection[_, _]]()
private lazy val (mongo, db, globalMapper, configurer) = {
// Look up the object mapper configurer
val configurer = app.configuration.getString("mongodb.objectMapperConfigurer") map {
// Configure the default object mapper
val defaultMapper = MongoJacksonMapperModule.configure(new ObjectMapper)
val globalMapper = configurer map {
} getOrElse defaultMapper
val defaultWriteConcern = app.configuration.getString("mongodb.defaultWriteConcern") flatMap { value =>
app.configuration.getString("mongodb.uri") match {
case Some(uri) => {
val mongoURI = new MongoURI(uri)
val mongo = new Mongo(mongoURI)
val db = mongo.getDB(mongoURI.getDatabase)
defaultWriteConcern.foreach { concern => db.setWriteConcern(concern) }
if (mongoURI.getUsername != null) {
if (!db.authenticate(mongoURI.getUsername, mongoURI.getPassword)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MongoDB authentication failed for user: " + mongoURI.getUsername + " on database: "
+ mongoURI.getDatabase);
(mongo, db, globalMapper, configurer)
case None => {
// Configure MongoDB
// DB server string is comma separated, with optional port number after a colon
val mongoDbServers = app.configuration.getString("mongodb.servers").getOrElse("localhost")
// Parser for port number
object Port {
def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = try {
} catch {
case _: java.lang.NumberFormatException => None
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
// Split servers
val mongo = mongoDbServers.split(',') map {
// Convert each server string to a ServerAddress, matching based on arguments
_.split(':') match {
case Array(host) => new ServerAddress(host)
case Array(host, Port(port)) => new ServerAddress(host, port)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("mongodb.servers must be a comma separated list of hostnames with" +
" optional port numbers after a colon, eg ','")
} match {
case Array(single) => new Mongo(single)
case multiple => new Mongo(multiple.toList)
// Load database
val dbName = app.configuration.getString("mongodb.database").getOrElse("play")
val db = mongo.getDB(dbName)
// Write concern
defaultWriteConcern.foreach { concern => db.setWriteConcern(concern) }
// Authenticate if necessary
val credentials = app.configuration.getString("mongodb.credentials")
credentials.foreach {
_.split(":", 2) match {
case Array(username: String, password: String) => {
if (!db.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MongoDB authentication failed for user: " + username + " on database: "
+ dbName);
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("mongodb.credentials must be a username and password separated by a colon")
(mongo, db, globalMapper, configurer)
def getCollection[T, K](name: String, entityType: Class[T], keyType: Class[K]): JacksonDBCollection[T, K] = {
if (cache.containsKey((name, entityType, keyType))) {
cache.get((name, entityType, keyType)).asInstanceOf[JacksonDBCollection[T, K]]
} else {
val mapper = configurer map {
_.configure(globalMapper, name, entityType, keyType)
} getOrElse globalMapper
val mongoColl = db.getCollection(name)
val coll = JacksonDBCollection.wrap(mongoColl, entityType, keyType, mapper)
cache.putIfAbsent((name, entityType, keyType), coll)
override def onStart() {
override def onStop() {
// This config exists for testing, because when you close mongo, it closes all connections, and specs runs the
// tests in parallel.
if (!app.configuration.getString("mongodbJacksonMapperCloseOnStop").filter(_ == "disabled").isDefined) {
override def enabled() = !app.configuration.getString("mongodb.jackson.mapper").filter(_ == "disabled").isDefined
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