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import static;


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.HashMap;

 * The base class of all constructor, method and field generators,
 * and also of almost all injectors used for reflection.

* This rather large class is used to encapsulate all of the low-level generator details * used by all other generator / injector implementations. * * @author James X. Nelson ([email protected], @james) * */ @ReflectionStrategy public abstract class MemberGenerator { private static class MemberPoolMethods { /** * A mapping to one of the various getter methods on the {@link JsMemberPool} class. *

* These getters are used for runtime lookups of members, when reflection is performed * on reference objects, rather than literals. */ private final HashMap getters = new HashMap(); /** * A mapping of constructors that we may want to cache and reuse. */ private final HashMap constructors = new HashMap(); private JMethod doThrow; /** * The {@link JMethod} for {@link JsMemberPool#getMembers(Class)}, used so we can create invocations * that will translate a {@link Class} into a {@link JsMemberPool}. */ private JMethod getMembers; /** * Whether or not we should fail-fast when trying to perform runtime reflection. *

* If is set to false, then this boolean will be true, * and we should fail the compile instead of generating references to runtime lookup methods. */ public Boolean shouldFail; /** * Finds the requested getter method from the {@link JsMemberPool} class. * * @param ast -> The {@link UnifyAstView} for looking up {@link JMethod}s * @param memberGetter -> The name of the getter to find * @return -> The {@link JMethod} needed to create a runtime invocation of the requested method. * * @throws UnableToCompleteException -> If any fatal error occurs */ public JMethod findGetterFor(final UnifyAstView ast, final String memberGetter) throws UnableToCompleteException { // First, check the cache final JMethod getter = getters.get(memberGetter); if (getter != null) { return getter; } // Ensure we have a valid reference to the getMembers method. findGetMembersMethod(ast); // Use the method to grab the JClassType of JsMemberPool final JDeclaredType type = ast.translate((JDeclaredType) getMembers.getOriginalReturnType()); // Search the type for the method that matches the requested name for (final JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals(memberGetter)) { // Save the method so we don't waste time looking it up again getters.put(memberGetter, method); return method; } } // If the method was not found, abort ast.error(type, "Type " + type.getName() + " does not have member getter method " + memberGetter); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } /** * Search for the method {@link JsMemberPool#getMembers(Class)}. This method is used to load * the {@link JsMemberPool} for a given class, to perform runtime reflection lookups. * * @param ast -> The {@link UnifyAstView} used to find the {@link JMethod} we want. * @return -> The JMethod used to invoke {@link JsMemberPool#getMembers(Class)} */ public JMethod findGetMembersMethod(final UnifyAstView ast) { if (getMembers == null) { // First, get the type final JDeclaredType type = ast.searchForTypeBySource(JsMemberPool.class.getCanonicalName()); // Then, iterate through the methers to find .getMembers(). We do not overload this method, // so we don't bother checking the signature. for (final JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals("getMembers")) { getMembers = ast.translate(method); break; } } } return getMembers; } /** * This method checks if we should fail fast when a reflection method is referenced without all-literal * parameters, or if we should allow runtime lookups of reflection objects. Defaults to false. * * @param logger -> The {@link TreeLogger} for logging * @param ast -> The {@link UnifyAstView} where we will retrieve our property oracle from. * @return -> true if the compile should break if attempting to do reflection without using all * compile-time literals. */ public boolean shouldFail(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast) { // Use the existing cached values if (shouldFail != null) { return shouldFail; } // Grab our property from the oracle final PropertyOracle properties = ast.getRebindPermutationOracle().getConfigurationPropertyOracle(); try { final ConfigurationProperty config = properties .getConfigurationProperty(""); if (config == null) { // We may want to change the default fail level to true shouldFail = false; } else { shouldFail = !"true".equals(config.getValues().get(0)); } } catch (final BadPropertyValueException e) { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Could not find configuration property; " + "did you remember to inherit", e); shouldFail = false; } return shouldFail; } public JConstructor findConstructor(final TreeLogger logger, final String sourceTypeName, final String signature, final UnifyAstView ast) throws UnableToCompleteException { JConstructor constructor = constructors.get(signature); if (constructor != null) { return constructor; } final JDeclaredType clazz = ast.searchForTypeBySource(sourceTypeName); if (clazz == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to find type "+sourceTypeName+" using source name lookup for constructor "+signature); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } constructor = (JConstructor) clazz.findMethod(signature, false); if (constructor == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to find constructor " + signature + " in "+sourceTypeName+"\n"+clazz.getMethods()); for (final JMethod method : clazz.getMethods()) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Meow "+method.getSignature()); } throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } constructors.put(signature, constructor); return constructor; } public JMethod getThrowMethod(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast) { if (doThrow == null) { final JDeclaredType gwtReflect = ast.searchForTypeBySource(GwtReflect.class.getName()); for (final JMethod method : gwtReflect.getMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals("doThrow")) { doThrow = method; break; } } } return doThrow; } } /** * A default instance of {@link ReflectionStrategy}, to be used if a type does not specify an instance * of its own to use. */ public static final ReflectionStrategy DEFAULT_STRATEGY = MemberGenerator.class.getAnnotation(ReflectionStrategy.class); /** * A unique string to be placed between the canonical name of the type that sourced a method we want to * generate a provider for, and the name of the method itself, followed by the parameter types. *

* Example: * will have a provider class: * */ public static final String METHOD_SPACER = "_mthd_"; /** * A unique string to be placed between the canonical name of the type that sourced a field we want to * generate a provider for, and the name of the field itself. *

* Example: * will have a provider class: * */ public static final String FIELD_SPACER = "_fld_"; /** * A unique string to be placed between the canonical name of the type that sourced a constructor we want to * generate a provider for, and the types of the parameters of that constructor. *

* Example: * will have a provider class: * */ public static final String CONSTRUCTOR_SPACER = "_ctr_"; /** * A handy string for the fully qualified name of the {@link GwtReflect} class */ private static final String GWT_REFLECT = GwtReflect.class.getName(); /** * A handy string for the fully qualified name of the {@link JavaScriptObject} class */ private static final String JSO = JavaScriptObject.class.getSimpleName(); /** * A handy string for the fully qualified name of the {@link GwtReflect#nullCheck(Object)} method */ protected static final String NULL_CHECK = "@" + GWT_REFLECT + "::nullCheck(*)(o);"; /** * The default logLevel, {@link Type#DEBUG}, for all subclasses. */ private static final Type logLevel = Type.DEBUG; /** * A ThreadLocal for safely storing an instance of {@link MemberPoolMethods} during a compile. */ private static final ThreadLocal memberPoolMethods = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected MemberPoolMethods initialValue() { return new MemberPoolMethods(); }; }; /** * Cleans up our thread local which stores {@link JMethod} that will no longer be valid on the next recompile. */ public static void cleanup() { memberPoolMethods.remove(); } /** * If the configuration property is true or missing, then * this method will return an expression that checks the JsMemberPool at runtime * for an enhanced member as defined by the {@link #memberGetter()} method name. *

* If is set to the default of false, this will throw * an {@link UnableToCompleteException}, thus, you are encouraged to log a warning * at the logLevel of {@link #warnLevel(TreeLogger, UnifyAstView)} before invoking this method. */ protected JExpression maybeCheckConstPool(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast, final JMethodCall callSite, final JExpression inst, final JExpression ... params) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (shouldFailIfMissing(logger, ast)) { throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } return checkConstPool(ast, callSite, inst, params); } protected void appendAnnotationSupplier(final TreeLogger logger, final MemberBuffer out, final HasAnnotations member, final GwtRetention retention, final ReflectionGeneratorContext ctx) throws UnableToCompleteException { final Annotation[] annos = extractAnnotations(retention.annotationRetention(), member); // Print a call to new AnnotationSupplierX, which returns the constant annotation array for the supplied annos final IsQualified supplier = ctx.getConstPool().annotationArraySupplier(logger, ctx.getGeneratorContext(), out, annos); final String supplierClass = out.addImport(supplier.getQualifiedName()); out.println("new "+supplierClass+"()"); } protected void appendClassArray(final MethodBuffer out, final JParameter[] params, final ReflectionGeneratorContext ctx) { final JType[] types = new JType[params.length]; for (int i = params.length; i --> 0;) { types[i] = params[i].getType(); } appendClassArray(out, types, ctx); } protected void appendClassArray(final MethodBuffer out, final T[] types, final ReflectionGeneratorContext ctx) { int i = types.length; final String[] names = new String[i]; for (; i-- > 0;) { names[i] = types[i].getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName(); } final ConstPoolGenerator constPool = ctx.getConstPool(); constPool.arrayOfClasses(ctx.getLogger(), out, names); } protected JMethodCall checkConstPool(final UnifyAstView ast, final JMethodCall callSite, final JExpression classRef, final JExpression... args) throws UnableToCompleteException { final JMethod initPool = getMemberPoolInit(ast); final JMethodCall getMemberPool = new JMethodCall(initPool.getSourceInfo(), null, initPool); getMemberPool.addArg(classRef); final MemberPoolMethods map = memberPoolMethods.get(); final JMethod getter = map.findGetterFor(ast, memberGetter()); final JMethodCall checkPool = new JMethodCall(initPool.getSourceInfo(), getMemberPool, getter); for (final JExpression arg : args) { checkPool.addArg(arg); } return checkPool; } protected void createInvokerMethod(final ClassBuffer cb, final JClassType type, final JType returnType, final String methodName, final JParameter[] params, final boolean isStatic, final boolean isNotPrivate) { boolean hasLong = returnType.getJNISignature().equals("J"); final StringBuilder functionSig = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder jsniSig = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder arguments = new StringBuilder(); // Fill in parameter data final boolean isNotCtor = !"new".equals(methodName); assert isStatic || isNotCtor : "Constructors must be static!"; for (int i = 0, m = params.length; i < m; i++) { JType param = params[i].getType(); // if (param.isParameterized() != null) { // param = param.isParameterized().getRawType(); // } final boolean isArray = param.isArray() != null; while (param.isArray() != null) { jsniSig.append("["); param = param.isArray().getComponentType(); } jsniSig.append(param.getJNISignature()); final char varName = Character .toUpperCase(Character.forDigit(10 + i, 36)); if (isNotCtor || i > 0) { functionSig.append(", "); } functionSig.append(varName); if (i > 0) { arguments.append(", "); } if (!isArray) { maybeStartUnboxing(arguments, param); } arguments.append(varName); if (!isArray) { maybeFinishUnboxing(arguments, param); } hasLong |= "J".equals(param.getJNISignature()); } final MethodBuffer invoker = cb.addImports(JavaScriptObject.class) .createMethod("public static " + JSO + " " + "invoker()") .setUseJsni(true) .print("return function("); if (isNotCtor) { invoker.print("o"); } if (hasLong) { invoker.addAnnotation(UnsafeNativeLong.class); } invoker.println(functionSig + ") {"); if (!isStatic) { invoker.indentln(NULL_CHECK); } // Build the structure of the method invoker javascript function String typeName = type.getQualifiedSourceName(); String invokeName = methodName; final boolean returns = isReturnable(returnType); final boolean useStaticDispatch = !isStatic && isNotPrivate; final boolean isConstructor = "new".equals(methodName); if (returns) { invoker.print("return "); } maybeStartBoxing(invoker, returnType); if (!isStatic) { // Due to a bug with accessing instance methods on Strings and JSOs, we add an // extra layer of "staticifying" to public instance methods. // This is because these methods are not translated correctly from JSNI, // so we instead make a static method that we can safely reference in JSNI. if (useStaticDispatch) { jsniSig = new StringBuilder(type.getJNISignature()).append(jsniSig); final String args = arguments.toString(); arguments = new StringBuilder(); if (!isConstructor) { arguments.append("o").append(args.length() == 0 ? "" : ","); } arguments.append(args); invokeName = methodName+"$$$"; final String returnName = cb.addImport(returnType.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); final MethodBuffer staticMethod = cb.createMethod("private static "+returnName+" "+invokeName+"()"); if (!isConstructor) { staticMethod.addParameter(typeName, "_"); } if (returns) { staticMethod.print("return "); } if (isConstructor) { staticMethod.print("new "+returnName); } else { staticMethod.print("_."); } staticMethod.print(methodName).print("("); staticMethod.addExceptions(Throwable.class);// Let exceptions bubble for (int i = 0, m = params.length; i < m; i++) { final JParameter param = params[i]; final String paramName = toParamName(i); staticMethod.addParameter(param.getType().getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName(), paramName); if (i > 0) { staticMethod.print(","); } staticMethod.print(paramName); } staticMethod.println(");"); typeName = cb.getQualifiedName(); } else { invoker.print("o."); } } invoker .indent() .print("@").print(typeName) .print("::") .print(invokeName) .print("(") .print(jsniSig.toString()) .print(")") .print("(") .print(arguments.toString()) .print(")"); maybeFinishBoxing(invoker, returnType); invoker .println(";") .outdent() .println("};"); } protected JMethod getMemberPoolInit( final UnifyAstView ast) throws UnableToCompleteException { final MemberPoolMethods map = memberPoolMethods.get(); return map.findGetMembersMethod(ast); } protected boolean isDebug(final JClassType type, final int memberType) { ReflectionStrategy strategy = type.getAnnotation(ReflectionStrategy.class); if (strategy == null) { strategy = type.getPackage().getAnnotation(ReflectionStrategy.class); } if (strategy == null) { return false; } return (strategy.debug() & memberType) > 0; } protected boolean isReturnable(final JType returnType) { return !"V".equals(returnType.getJNISignature()); } protected Type logLevel() { return logLevel; } protected abstract String memberGetter(); protected boolean shouldFailIfMissing(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast) { return memberPoolMethods.get().shouldFail(logger, ast); } protected String toString(final JExpression inst) { return inst == null ? "null" : inst.getClass().getName()+": "+inst; } protected Type warnLevel(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast) { if (shouldFailIfMissing(logger, ast)) { return Type.ERROR; } return Type.WARN; } private void maybeFinishBoxing(final PrintBuffer invoke, final JType returnType) { final JPrimitiveType prim = returnType.isPrimitive(); if (prim != null) { switch (prim) { case BOOLEAN: invoke.print(" ? @java.lang.Boolean::TRUE : @java.lang.Boolean::FALSE"); case VOID: return; default: invoke.print(")"); } } } private void maybeFinishUnboxing(final StringBuilder b, final JType returnType) { final JPrimitiveType type = returnType.isPrimitive(); if (type != null) { switch (type) { case BOOLEAN: b.append("[email protected]::booleanValue()()"); break; case CHAR: b.append("[email protected]::charValue()()"); break; case LONG: b.append(")"); break; case BYTE: case DOUBLE: case INT: case FLOAT: case SHORT: b.append("[email protected]::doubleValue()()"); break; default: } } } private void maybeStartBoxing(final PrintBuffer invoke, final JType returnType) { final JPrimitiveType prim = returnType.isPrimitive(); if (prim != null) { switch (prim) { case LONG: invoke.print("@" + GWT_REFLECT + "::boxLong(J)("); break; case BYTE: invoke.print("@java.lang.Byte::new(B)("); break; case CHAR: invoke.print("@java.lang.Character::new(C)("); break; case DOUBLE: invoke.print("@java.lang.Double::new(D)("); break; case FLOAT: invoke.print("@java.lang.Float::new(F)("); break; case INT: invoke.print("@java.lang.Integer::new(I)("); break; case SHORT: invoke.print("@java.lang.Short::new(S)("); break; default: } } } private void maybeStartUnboxing(final StringBuilder b, final JType returnType) { if (JPrimitiveType.LONG == returnType.isPrimitive()) { b.append("@" + GWT_REFLECT + "::unboxLong(Ljava/lang/Number;)("); } } private String toParamName(int i) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); do { b.append((char)('a'+(i%26))); i = i / 26; } while (i > 0); return b.toString(); } /** * @param ast * @param logger * @param callSite * @return * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ public JExpression throwNotFoundException(final TreeLogger logger, final JMethodCall callSite, final UnifyAstView ast) throws UnableToCompleteException { final SourceInfo sourceInfo = callSite.getSourceInfo().makeChild(); final MemberPoolMethods memberMap = memberPoolMethods.get(); final IsQualified exceptionType = getNotFoundExceptionType(); final JConstructor ctor = memberMap.findConstructor(logger, exceptionType.getQualifiedName(), exceptionType.getSimpleName()+"() ", ast); final JNewInstance newThrowable = new JNewInstance(sourceInfo, ctor); final JMethod throwMethod = memberMap.getThrowMethod(logger, ast); return new JMethodCall(sourceInfo, null, throwMethod, newThrowable); } protected abstract IsQualified getNotFoundExceptionType(); /** * @param methodProvider * @return */ public boolean isThrowStatement(final JExpression methodProvider) { if (methodProvider instanceof JMethodCall) { final JMethod method = ((JMethodCall)methodProvider).getTarget(); return method.getType().getName().equals(GwtReflect.class.getName()) && method.getName().equals("doThrow"); } return false; } }

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