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package zio.pekko.cluster
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Address, PoisonPill, Props}
import org.apache.pekko.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import zio.{Exit, Queue, Runtime, Unsafe, ZIO}
object Cluster {
private val cluster: ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, org.apache.pekko.cluster.Cluster] =
for {
actorSystem <- ZIO.service[ActorSystem]
cluster <- ZIO.attempt(org.apache.pekko.cluster.Cluster(actorSystem))
} yield cluster
/** Returns the current state of the cluster.
val clusterState: ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, CurrentClusterState] =
for {
cluster <- cluster
state <- ZIO.attempt(cluster.state)
} yield state
/** Joins a cluster using the provided seed nodes.
def join(seedNodes: List[Address]): ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, Unit] =
for {
cluster <- cluster
_ <- ZIO.attempt(cluster.joinSeedNodes(seedNodes))
} yield ()
/** Leaves the current cluster.
val leave: ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, Unit] =
for {
cluster <- cluster
_ <- ZIO.attempt(cluster.leave(cluster.selfAddress))
} yield ()
/** Subscribes to the current cluster events. It returns an unbounded queue that will be fed with cluster events.
* `initialStateAsEvents` indicates if you want to receive previous cluster events leading to the current state, or
* only future events. To unsubscribe, use `queue.shutdown`. To use a bounded queue, see `clusterEventsWith`.
def clusterEvents(
initialStateAsEvents: Boolean = false
): ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, Queue[ClusterDomainEvent]] =
Queue.unbounded[ClusterDomainEvent].tap(clusterEventsWith(_, initialStateAsEvents))
/** Subscribes to the current cluster events, using the provided queue to push the events. `initialStateAsEvents`
* indicates if you want to receive previous cluster events leading to the current state, or only future events. To
* unsubscribe, use `queue.shutdown`.
def clusterEventsWith(
queue: Queue[ClusterDomainEvent],
initialStateAsEvents: Boolean = false
): ZIO[ActorSystem, Throwable, Unit] =
for {
rts <- ZIO.runtime[ActorSystem]
actorSystem <- ZIO.service[ActorSystem]
_ <- ZIO.attempt(actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new SubscriberActor(rts, queue, initialStateAsEvents))))
} yield ()
private[cluster] class SubscriberActor(
rts: Runtime[Any],
queue: Queue[ClusterDomainEvent],
initialStateAsEvents: Boolean
) extends Actor {
val initialState: SubscriptionInitialStateMode =
if (initialStateAsEvents) InitialStateAsEvents else InitialStateAsSnapshot
org.apache.pekko.cluster.Cluster(context.system).subscribe(self, initialState, classOf[ClusterDomainEvent])
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case ev: ClusterDomainEvent =>
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
val fiber = rts.unsafe.fork(queue.offer(ev))
fiber.unsafe.addObserver {
case Exit.Success(_) => ()
case Exit.Failure(c) => if (c.isInterrupted) self ! PoisonPill // stop listening if the queue was shut down
case _ => ()