nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.selenium.SeleniumHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.selenium;
import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.StopTestException;
import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.FileUtil;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.openqa.selenium.internal.Base64Encoder;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.ScreenshotException;
import org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariDriver;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Helper to work with Selenium.
public class SeleniumHelper {
/** Default time in seconds the wait web driver waits unit throwing TimeOutException. */
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10;
private static final String ELEMENT_ON_SCREEN_JS =
"if (arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect) {\n" +
"var rect = arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect();\n" +
"return (\n" +
" >= 0 &&\n" +
" rect.left >= 0 &&\n" +
" rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&\n" +
" rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth));\n" +
"} else { return null; }";
private static final String TOP_ELEMENT_AT =
"if (arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect) {\n" +
" var rect = arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect();\n" +
" var x = (rect.left + rect.right)/2;\n" +
" var y = ( + rect.bottom)/2;\n" +
" return document.elementFromPoint(x,y);\n" +
"} else { return null; }";
private final List currentIFramePath = new ArrayList(4);
private int frameDepthOnLastAlertError;
private DriverFactory factory;
private WebDriver webDriver;
private WebDriverWait webDriverWait;
private boolean shutdownHookEnabled = false;
private int defaultTimeoutSeconds = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
* Sets up webDriver to be used.
* @param aWebDriver web driver to use.
public void setWebDriver(WebDriver aWebDriver) {
if (webDriver != null && !webDriver.equals(aWebDriver)) {
webDriver = aWebDriver;
if (webDriver == null) {
webDriverWait = null;
} else {
webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, getDefaultTimeoutSeconds());
if (!shutdownHookEnabled) {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
shutdownHookEnabled = true;
* Shuts down selenium web driver.
public void close() {
* @return current page title.
public String getPageTitle() {
return driver().getTitle();
* @return Selenium's navigation.
public WebDriver.Navigation navigate() {
return driver().navigate();
* Finds element to click, by searching in multiple locations.
* @param place identifier for element.
* @return first interactable element found,
* first element found if no interactable element could be found,
* null if none could be found.
public WebElement getElementToClick(String place) {
By by = placeToBy(place);
if (by != null) {
return findElement(by);
} else {
WebElement element = findElement(By.linkText(place));
WebElement firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// finding by linkText does not find actual text if css text-transform is in place
element = findByXPath("//*[normalize-space(descendant::text())='%s']/ancestor-or-self::a", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//button/descendant-or-self::text()[normalize-space(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::button", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//label/descendant-or-self::text()[normalize-space(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::label", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = getElementExact(place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (("Submit".equals(place) || "Reset".equals(place))
&& !isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("input[type='%s']:not([value])", place.toLowerCase()));
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(By.partialLinkText(place));
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// finding by linkText does not find actual text if css text-transform is in place
element = findByXPath("//*[contains(normalize-space(descendant::text()),'%s')]/ancestor-or-self::a", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//button/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::button", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//label/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::label", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = getElementPartial(place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// find element with specified text and 'onclick' attribute
element = findByXPath("//*[@onclick and normalize-space(text())='%s']", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//*[@onclick and contains(normalize-space(text()),'%s')]", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// find element with child with specified text and 'onclick' attribute
element = findByXPath("//*[@onclick and normalize-space(descendant::text())='%s']", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//*[@onclick and contains(normalize-space(descendant::text()),'%s')]", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// find element with specified text
element = findByXPath("//*[normalize-space(text())='%s']", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//*[contains(normalize-space(text()),'%s')]", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
// find element with child with specified text
element = findByXPath("//*[normalize-space(descendant::text())='%s']", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//*[contains(normalize-space(descendant::text()),'%s')]", place);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstFound;
* Finds element to retrieve content from or enter content in, by searching in multiple locations.
* @param place identifier for element.
* @return first interactable element found,
* first element found if no interactable element could be found,
* null if none could be found.
public WebElement getElement(String place) {
By by = placeToBy(place);
if (by != null) {
return findElement(by);
} else {
WebElement element = getElementExact(place);
// first element found, even if it is not (yet) interactable.
WebElement firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = getElementPartial(place);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstElement;
public By placeToBy(String place) {
By result = null;
if (place.startsWith("id=")) {
result =;
} else if (place.startsWith("css=")) {
result = By.cssSelector(place.substring(4));
} else if (place.startsWith("name=")) {
result =;
} else if (place.startsWith("link=")) {
result = By.linkText(place.substring(5));
} else if (place.startsWith("partialLink=")) {
result = By.partialLinkText(place.substring(12));
} else if (place.startsWith("xpath=")) {
result = By.xpath(place.substring(6));
return result;
public WebElement getElementExact(String place) {
WebElement element = getElementByLabelOccurrence(place, -1);
// first element found, even if it is not (yet) interactable.
WebElement firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("input[placeholder='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("input[value='%s']:not([type='hidden'])", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("textarea[placeholder='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//th/descendant-or-self::text()[normalize-space(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::th[1]/../td ", place);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//dt/descendant-or-self::text()[normalize-space(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::dt[1]/following-sibling::dd[1] ", place);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = getElementByAriaLabel(place, -1);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("[title='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstElement;
public WebElement getElementPartial(String place) {
WebElement element = getElementByPartialLabelOccurrence(place, -1);
// first element found, even if it is not (yet) interactable.
WebElement firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("input[placeholder*='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("input[value*='%s']:not([type='hidden'])", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("textarea[placeholder*='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//th/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::th[1]/../td ", place);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findByXPath("//dt/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::dt[1]/following-sibling::dd[1] ", place);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = getElementByPartialAriaLabel(place, -1);
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
element = findElement(byCss("[title*='%s']", place));
if (firstElement == null) {
firstElement = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstElement;
* @param element element to check.
* @return whether the element is displayed and enabled.
public boolean isInteractable(WebElement element) {
return element != null && element.isDisplayed() && element.isEnabled();
* Finds element based on the exact (aria-)label text.
* @param labelText text for label.
* @param index occurrence of label (first is 1).
* @return first interactable element found,
* first element found if no interactable element could be found,
* null if none could be found.
public WebElement getElementByLabelOccurrence(String labelText, int index) {
return getElementByLabel(labelText, index,
* Finds element based on the start of the (aria-)label text.
* @param labelText text for label.
* @param index occurrence of label (first is 1).
* @return first interactable element found,
* first element found if no interactable element could be found,
* null if none could be found.
public WebElement getElementByStartLabelOccurrence(String labelText, int index) {
return getElementByLabel(labelText, index,
"//label/descendant-or-self::text()[starts-with(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::label"
* Finds element based on part of the (aria-)label text.
* @param labelText text for label.
* @param index occurrence of label (first is 1).
* @return first interactable element found,
* first element found if no interactable element could be found,
* null if none could be found.
public WebElement getElementByPartialLabelOccurrence(String labelText, int index) {
return getElementByLabel(labelText, index,
"//label/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::label"
private String indexedXPath(String xpathBase, int index) {
String xPath = xpathBase;
if (index > 0) {
xPath = String.format("(%s)[%s]", xpathBase, index);
return xPath;
private WebElement getElementByLabel(String labelText, int index, String labelXPath) {
WebElement element = null;
String labelPattern = indexedXPath(labelXPath, index);
WebElement label = findByXPath(labelPattern, labelText);
if (label != null) {
String forAttr = label.getAttribute("for");
if (forAttr == null || "".equals(forAttr)) {
element = getNestedElementForValue(label);
} else {
element = findElement(;
return element;
public WebElement getElementByAriaLabel(String labelText, int index) {
// see if there is an element with labelText as text, whose id is referenced by an aria-labelledby attribute
String labelledByPattern = indexedXPath("//*[@aria-labelledby and @aria-labelledby=//*[@id]/descendant-or-self::text()[normalize-space(.) = '%s']/ancestor-or-self::*[@id]/@id]", index);
WebElement element = findByXPath(labelledByPattern, labelText);
WebElement firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
By by = byCss("[aria-label='%s']", labelText);
if (index > 0) {
element = findElement(by, index - 1);
} else {
element = findElement(by);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstFound;
public WebElement getElementByPartialAriaLabel(String labelText, int index) {
String labelledByPattern = indexedXPath("//*[@aria-labelledby and @aria-labelledby=//*[@id]/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalize-space(.), '%s')]/ancestor-or-self::*[@id]/@id]", index);
WebElement element = findByXPath(labelledByPattern, labelText);
WebElement firstFound = element;
if (!isInteractable(element)) {
By by = byCss("[aria-label*='%s']", labelText);
if (index > 0) {
element = findElement(by, index - 1);
} else {
element = findElement(by);
if (firstFound == null) {
firstFound = element;
return isInteractable(element)
? element
: firstFound;
public WebElement getNestedElementForValue(WebElement parent) {
return findElement(parent, false, By.xpath(".//input|.//select|.//textarea"));
* Determines number displayed for item in ordered list.
* @param element ordered list item.
* @return number, if one could be determined.
public Integer getNumberFor(WebElement element) {
Integer number = null;
if ("li".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName())
&& element.isDisplayed()) {
int num;
String ownVal = element.getAttribute("value");
if (ownVal != null && !"0".equals(ownVal)) {
num = toInt(ownVal, 0);
} else {
String start = element.findElement(By.xpath("ancestor::ol")).getAttribute("start");
num = toInt(start, 1);
List allItems = element.findElements(By.xpath("ancestor::ol/li"));
int index = allItems.indexOf(element);
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
WebElement item = allItems.get(i);
if (item.isDisplayed()) {
String val = item.getAttribute("value");
int valNum = toInt(val, num);
if (valNum != 0) {
num = valNum + 1;
number = num;
return number;
private int toInt(String attributeValue, int defaultVal) {
int result = defaultVal;
if (attributeValue != null) {
try {
result = Integer.parseInt(attributeValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse value: " + attributeValue, e);
return result;
* Returns the texts of all available options for the supplied select element.
* @param element select element to find options for.
* @return text per option.
public ArrayList getAvailableOptions(WebElement element) {
ArrayList result = null;
if (isInteractable(element)
&& "select".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName())) {
result = new ArrayList();
List options = element.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
for (WebElement option : options) {
if (option.isEnabled()) {
return result;
* Sets value of hidden input field.
* @param idOrName id or name of input field to set.
* @param value value to set.
* @return whether input field was found.
public boolean setHiddenInputValue(String idOrName, String value) {
WebElement element = findElement(;
if (element == null) {
element = findElement(;
if (element != null) {
executeJavascript("document.getElementsByName('%s')[0].value='%s'", idOrName, value);
} else {
executeJavascript("document.getElementById('%s').value='%s'", idOrName, value);
return element != null;
* Executes Javascript in browser. If statementPattern contains the magic variable 'arguments'
* the parameters will also be passed to the statement. In the latter case the parameters
* must be a number, a boolean, a String, WebElement, or a List of any combination of the above.
* @link,%20java.lang.Object...)
* @param statementPattern javascript to run, possibly with placeholders to be replaced.
* @param parameters placeholder values that should be replaced before executing the script.
* @return return value from statement.
public Object executeJavascript(String statementPattern, Object... parameters) {
Object result;
String script = String.format(statementPattern, parameters);
if (statementPattern.contains("arguments")) {
result = executeScript(script, parameters);
} else {
result = executeScript(script);
return result;
protected Object executeScript(String script, Object... parameters) {
Object result;
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver();
try {
result = jse.executeScript(script, parameters);
} catch (WebDriverException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg != null && msg.contains("Detected a page unload event; script execution does not work across page loads.")) {
// page reloaded while script ran, retry it once
result = jse.executeScript(script, parameters);
} else {
throw e;
return result;
* Executes Javascript in browser and then waits for 'callback' to be invoked.
* If statementPattern should reference the magic (function) variable 'callback' which should be
* called to provide this method's result.
* If the statementPattern contains the magic variable 'arguments'
* the parameters will also be passed to the statement. In the latter case the parameters
* must be a number, a boolean, a String, WebElement, or a List of any combination of the above.
* @link,%20java.lang.Object...)
* @param statementPattern javascript to run, possibly with placeholders to be replaced.
* @param parameters placeholder values that should be replaced before executing the script.
* @return return value from statement.
public Object waitForJavascriptCallback(String statementPattern, Object... parameters) {
Object result;
String script = "var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];"
+ String.format(statementPattern, parameters);
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver();
if (statementPattern.contains("arguments")) {
result = jse.executeAsyncScript(script, parameters);
} else {
result = jse.executeAsyncScript(script);
return result;
* Creates By based on CSS selector, supporting placeholder replacement.
* @param pattern basic CSS selectot, possibly with placeholders.
* @param parameters values for placeholders.
* @return ByCssSelector.
public By byCss(String pattern, String... parameters) {
String selector = fillPattern(pattern, parameters);
return By.cssSelector(selector);
* Creates By based on xPath, supporting placeholder replacement.
* @param pattern basic XPATH, possibly with placeholders.
* @param parameters values for placeholders.
* @return ByXPath.
public By byXpath(String pattern, String... parameters) {
String xpath = fillPattern(pattern, parameters);
return By.xpath(xpath);
public By byJavascript(String pattern, Object... arguments) {
return new JavascriptBy(pattern, arguments);
* Fills in placeholders in pattern using the supplied parameters.
* @param pattern pattern to fill (in String.format style).
* @param parameters parameters to use.
* @return filled in pattern.
protected String fillPattern(String pattern, String[] parameters) {
boolean containsSingleQuote = false;
boolean containsDoubleQuote = false;
Object[] escapedParams = new Object[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
String param = parameters[i];
containsSingleQuote = containsSingleQuote || param.contains("'");
containsDoubleQuote = containsDoubleQuote || param.contains("\"");
escapedParams[i] = param;
if (containsDoubleQuote && containsSingleQuote) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported combination of single and double quotes");
String patternToUse;
if (containsSingleQuote) {
patternToUse = pattern.replace("'", "\"");
} else {
patternToUse = pattern;
return String.format(patternToUse, escapedParams);
* Checks whether element is in browser's viewport.
* @param element element to check
* @return true if element is in browser's viewport, null if we could not determine whether it was in viewport.
public Boolean isElementOnScreen(WebElement element) {
return (Boolean)executeJavascript(ELEMENT_ON_SCREEN_JS, element);
* Sets how long to wait before deciding an element does not exists.
* @param implicitWait time in milliseconds to wait.
public void setImplicitlyWait(int implicitWait) {
try {
driver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(implicitWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Unable to set implicit timeout (known issue for Safari): " + e.getMessage());
* Sets how long to wait when executing asynchronous script calls.
* @param scriptTimeout time in milliseconds to wait.
public void setScriptWait(int scriptTimeout) {
try {
driver().manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(scriptTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Unable to set script timeout (known issue for Safari): " + e.getMessage());
* Sets how long to wait on opening a page.
* @param pageLoadWait time in milliseconds to wait.
public void setPageLoadWait(int pageLoadWait) {
try {
driver().manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(pageLoadWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Unable to set page load timeout (known issue for Safari): " + e.getMessage());
* Simulates placing the mouse over the supplied element.
* @param element element to place mouse over.
public void hoverOver(WebElement element) {
new Actions(driver()).moveToElement(element).perform();
* @return currently active element.
public WebElement getActiveElement() {
return getTargetLocator().activeElement();
* Finds element using xPath, supporting placeholder replacement.
* @param pattern basic XPATH, possibly with placeholders.
* @param parameters values for placeholders.
* @return element if found, null if none could be found.
public WebElement findByXPath(String pattern, String... parameters) {
By by = byXpath(pattern, parameters);
return findElement(by);
* Finds first element matching the By supplied.
* @param by criteria.
* @return element if found, null if none could be found.
public WebElement findElement(By by) {
return findElement(false, by);
* Finds element matching the By supplied.
* @param atMostOne true indicates multiple matching elements should trigger an exception
* @param by criteria.
* @return element if found, null if none could be found.
* @throws RuntimeException if atMostOne is true and multiple elements match by.
public WebElement findElement(boolean atMostOne, By by) {
return findElement(driver(), atMostOne, by);
* Finds the nth element matching the By supplied.
* @param by criteria.
* @param index (zero based) matching element to return.
* @return element if found, null if none could be found.
public WebElement findElement(By by, int index) {
WebElement element = null;
List elements = driver().findElements(by);
if (elements.size() > index) {
element = elements.get(index);
return element;
* @return the session id from the current driver (if available).
public String getSessionId() {
String result = null;
WebDriver d = driver();
if (d instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
Object s = ((RemoteWebDriver) d).getSessionId();
if (s != null) {
result = s.toString();
return result;
* @return true when current driver is connected to either a local or remote Internet Explorer.
public boolean connectedToInternetExplorer() {
boolean result = false;
WebDriver driver = driver();
if (driver instanceof InternetExplorerDriver) {
result = true;
} else if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
result = checkRemoteBrowserName(driver, "internet explorer");
return result;
* @return true when current driver is connected to either a local or remote Safari.
public boolean connectedToSafari() {
boolean result = false;
WebDriver driver = driver();
if (driver instanceof SafariDriver) {
result = true;
} else if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
result = checkRemoteBrowserName(driver, "safari");
return result;
protected boolean checkRemoteBrowserName(WebDriver driver, String expectedName) {
RemoteWebDriver remoteWebDriver = (RemoteWebDriver) driver;
String browserName = remoteWebDriver.getCapabilities().getBrowserName();
return expectedName.equalsIgnoreCase(browserName);
* Allows direct access to WebDriver. If possible please use methods of this class to facilitate testing.
* @return selenium web driver.
public WebDriver driver() {
if (webDriver == null) {
if (factory == null) {
throw new StopTestException("Cannot use Selenium before a driver is started (for instance using SeleniumDriverSetup)");
} else {
return webDriver;
* Allows clients to wait until a certain condition is true.
* @return wait using the driver in this helper.
public WebDriverWait waitDriver() {
return webDriverWait;
* Executes condition until it returns a value other than null or false.
* It does not forward StaleElementReferenceExceptions, but keeps waiting.
* @param maxSecondsToWait number of seconds to wait at most.
* @param condition condition to check.
* @param return type.
* @return result of condition (if not null).
* @throws TimeoutException when condition did not give a value to return after maxSecondsToWait.
public T waitUntil(int maxSecondsToWait, ExpectedCondition condition) {
ExpectedCondition cHandlingStale = getConditionIgnoringStaleElement(condition);
FluentWait wait = waitDriver().withTimeout(maxSecondsToWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return wait.until(cHandlingStale);
* Wraps the supplied condition so that StaleElementReferenceExceptions (and the Safari equivalent)
* are to thrown by waitUntil(), but just mean: try again.
* @param condition condition to wrap.
* @param retrun type of condition
* @return wrapped condition.
public ExpectedCondition getConditionIgnoringStaleElement(final ExpectedCondition condition) {
return new ExpectedCondition() {
public T apply(WebDriver webDriver) {
try {
return condition.apply(webDriver);
} catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
// try again
return null;
} catch (WebDriverException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg != null
&& (msg.contains("Element does not exist in cache")
// Safari stale element
|| msg.contains("Error: element is not attached to the page document")
// Alternate Chrome stale element
)) {
return null;
} else {
throw e;
* Finds element matching the By supplied.
* @param context context to find element in.
* @param atMostOne true indicates multiple matching elements (that have an id) should trigger an exception
* @param by criteria.
* @return element if found, null if none could be found.
* @throws RuntimeException if atMostOne is true and multiple elements (having an id) match the by.
public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context, boolean atMostOne, By by) {
WebElement element = null;
List elements = context.findElements(by);
if (elements.size() == 1) {
element = elements.get(0);
} else if (elements.size() > 1) {
if (!atMostOne) {
element = selectBestElement(elements);
} else {
elements = elementsWithId(elements);
if (elements.size() == 1) {
element = elements.get(0);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple elements with id found for: " + by
+ ":\n" + elementsAsString(elements));
return element;
private WebElement selectBestElement(List elements) {
// take the first displayed element without any elements on top of it,
// if none: take first displayed
// or if none are displayed: just take the first
WebElement element = elements.get(0);
WebElement firstDisplayed = null;
WebElement firstOnTop = null;
if (!element.isDisplayed() || !isOnTop(element)) {
for (int i = 1; i < elements.size(); i++) {
WebElement otherElement = elements.get(i);
if (otherElement.isDisplayed()) {
if (firstDisplayed == null) {
firstDisplayed = otherElement;
if (isOnTop(otherElement)) {
firstOnTop = otherElement;
element = otherElement;
if (firstOnTop == null
&& firstDisplayed != null
&& !element.isDisplayed()) {
// none displayed and on top
// first was not displayed, but another was
element = firstDisplayed;
return element;
private boolean isOnTop(WebElement element) {
WebElement e = (WebElement) executeJavascript(TOP_ELEMENT_AT, element);
return element.equals(e);
private List elementsWithId(List elements) {
List result = new ArrayList(1);
for (WebElement e : elements) {
String attr = e.getAttribute("id");
if (attr != null && !attr.isEmpty()) {
return result;
private String elementsAsString(Collection elements) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (WebElement e : elements) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
b.append(", ");
return b.toString();
* Trigger scrolling of window to ensure element is in visible.
* @param element element to scroll to.
public void scrollTo(WebElement element) {
executeJavascript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element);
* Takes screenshot of current page (as .png).
* @param baseName name for file created (without extension),
* if a file already exists with the supplied name an
* '_index' will be added.
* @return absolute path of file created.
public String takeScreenshot(String baseName) {
String result = null;
WebDriver d = driver();
if (!(d instanceof TakesScreenshot)) {
d = new Augmenter().augment(d);
if (d instanceof TakesScreenshot) {
TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) d;
byte[] png = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
result = writeScreenshot(baseName, png);
return result;
* Finds screenshot embedded in throwable, if any.
* @param t exception to search in.
* @return content of screenshot (if any is present), null otherwise.
public byte[] findScreenshot(Throwable t) {
byte[] result = null;
if (t != null) {
if (t instanceof ScreenshotException) {
String encodedScreenshot = ((ScreenshotException)t).getBase64EncodedScreenshot();
result = new Base64Encoder().decode(encodedScreenshot);
} else {
result = findScreenshot(t.getCause());
return result;
* Saves screenshot (as .png).
* @param baseName name for file created (without extension),
* if a file already exists with the supplied name an
* '_index' will be added.
* @return absolute path of file created.
public String writeScreenshot(String baseName, byte[] png) {
return FileUtil.saveToFile(baseName, "png", png);
* @return HTML content of current page.
public String getHtml() {
String html;
try {
html = (String) executeJavascript(
"var node = document.doctype;\n" +
"var docType = '';\n" +
"if (node) {\n" +
" docType = \"'; }\n" +
"var html = document.documentElement.outerHTML " +
"|| '' + document.documentElement.innerHTML + '';\n" +
"return docType + html;"
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// unable to get via Javascript
try {
// this is very WebDriver implementation dependent, so we only use as fallback
html = driver().getPageSource();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// throw original exception
throw e;
return html;
* @return current window's size.
public Dimension getWindowSize() {
return getWindow().getSize();
* Sets current window's size.
* @param newWidth new width (in pixels)
* @param newHeight new height (in pixels)
public void setWindowSize(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
getWindow().setSize(new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight));
* Sets current window to maximum size.
public void setWindowSizeToMaximum() {
* @return current browser window.
public WebDriver.Window getWindow() {
return driver().manage().window();
public int getCurrentTabIndex(List tabHandles) {
try {
String currentHandle = driver().getWindowHandle();
return tabHandles.indexOf(currentHandle);
} catch (NoSuchWindowException e) {
return -1;
public void goToTab(List tabHandles, int indexToGoTo) {
public List getTabHandles() {
return new ArrayList(driver().getWindowHandles());
* Activates main/top-level iframe (i.e. makes it the current frame).
public void switchToDefaultContent() {
* Activates specified child frame of current iframe.
* @param iframe frame to activate.
public void switchToFrame(WebElement iframe) {
* Activates parent frame of current iframe.
* Does nothing if when current frame is the main/top-level one.
public void switchToParentFrame() {
if (!currentIFramePath.isEmpty()) {
// copy path since substring creates a view, not a deep copy
List newPath = currentIFramePath.subList(0, currentIFramePath.size() - 1);
newPath = new ArrayList(newPath);
// Safari and PhantomJs don't support switchTo.parentFrame, so we do this
// it works for Phantom, but is VERY slow there (other browsers are slow but ok)
for (WebElement iframe : newPath) {
public ExpectedCondition conditionForAllFrames(ExpectedCondition nested) {
return new TryAllFramesConditionDecorator(this, nested);
* @return current alert, if one is present, null otherwise.
public Alert getAlert() {
Alert alert = null;
try {
alert = getTargetLocator().alert();
} catch (NoAlertPresentException e) {
// just leave alert null
return alert;
private WebDriver.TargetLocator getTargetLocator() {
return driver().switchTo();
* Gets current browser's cookie with supplied name.
* @param cookieName name of cookie to return.
* @return cookie, if present, null otherwise.
public Cookie getCookie(String cookieName) {
return driver().manage().getCookieNamed(cookieName);
* @return current browser's cookies.
public Set getCookies() {
return driver().manage().getCookies();
* Deletes all of the browser's cookies (for the current domain).
public void deleteAllCookies() {
public void setDriverFactory(DriverFactory aFactory) {
factory = aFactory;
* @param timeoutSeconds default number of seconds to wait before throwing timeout exceptions
public void setDefaultTimeoutSeconds(int timeoutSeconds) {
defaultTimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;
* @return default time for waiting (in seconds).
public int getDefaultTimeoutSeconds() {
return defaultTimeoutSeconds;
* @return return current depth of (i)frames.
public int getCurrentFrameDepth() {
return currentIFramePath.size();
* Store current frame depth in case of alert error
* @param frameDepthOnAlert frames added searching in nested frames started, this is the number of levels that
* should be removed after the alert is handled.
public void storeFrameDepthOnAlertError(int frameDepthOnAlert) {
frameDepthOnLastAlertError = frameDepthOnAlert;
* Reactivate (i)frame that was active before we encountered an alert searching in nested (i)frames.
public void resetFrameDepthOnAlertError() {
int depthOnLastAlertError = getFrameDepthOnLastAlertError();
for (int i = 0; i < depthOnLastAlertError; i++) {
* @return number of (i)frame levels that need to be removed to get back to right frame after encountering an alert
* in a nested (i)frame.
public int getFrameDepthOnLastAlertError() {
return frameDepthOnLastAlertError;
public interface DriverFactory {
void createDriver();
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