com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.Journals.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal
import cats._
import{NonEmptyList => Nel, NonEmptySet => Nes}
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.CatsHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.{FromTry, Log, LogOf, MonadThrowable}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.conversions.{ConversionMetrics, KafkaRead, KafkaWrite}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.eventual.{EventualJournal, EventualRead}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.Fail
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.Fail.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.StreamHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.SkafkaHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.producer.{Acks, ProducerConfig, ProducerRecord}
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.{Bytes => _, _}
import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics._
import com.evolutiongaming.sstream.Stream
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try
trait Journals[F[_]] {
def apply(key: Key): Journal[F]
object Journals {
def empty[F[_] : Applicative]: Journals[F] = const(Journal.empty[F])
def const[F[_]](journal: Journal[F]): Journals[F] = (_: Key) => journal
def of[
: Concurrent : Timer
: FromTry : Fail : LogOf
: KafkaConsumerOf : KafkaProducerOf : HeadCacheOf : RandomIdOf
: MeasureDuration
: JsonCodec
config: JournalConfig,
origin: Option[Origin],
eventualJournal: EventualJournal[F],
journalMetrics: Option[JournalMetrics[F]],
conversionMetrics: Option[ConversionMetrics[F]],
callTimeThresholds: Journal.CallTimeThresholds
): Resource[F, Journals[F]] = {
val consumer = Consumer.of[F](config.kafka.consumer, config.pollTimeout)
val headCache = {
if (config.headCache.enabled) {
HeadCacheOf[F].apply(config.kafka.consumer, eventualJournal)
} else {
Resource.pure[F, HeadCache[F]](HeadCache.empty[F])
for {
producer <- Producer.of[F](config.kafka.producer)
log <- LogOf[F].apply(Journals.getClass).toResource
headCache <- headCache
} yield {
val journal = apply(
val withLog = journal.withLog(log, callTimeThresholds)
journalMetrics.fold(withLog) { metrics => withLog.withMetrics(metrics) }
def apply[F[_] : Concurrent : Clock : RandomIdOf : Fail : JsonCodec : MeasureDuration](
origin: Option[Origin],
producer: Producer[F],
consumer: Resource[F, Consumer[F]],
eventualJournal: EventualJournal[F],
headCache: HeadCache[F],
log: Log[F],
conversionMetrics: Option[ConversionMetrics[F]]
): Journals[F] = {
implicit val fromAttempt: FromAttempt[F] = FromAttempt.lift[F]
implicit val fromJsResult: FromJsResult[F] = FromJsResult.lift[F]
eventual = eventualJournal,
consumeActionRecords = ConsumeActionRecords[F](consumer, log),
produce = Produce[F](producer, origin),
headCache = headCache,
log = log,
conversionMetrics = conversionMetrics)
def apply[F[_] : Concurrent : RandomIdOf : MeasureDuration](
eventual: EventualJournal[F],
consumeActionRecords: ConsumeActionRecords[F],
produce: Produce[F],
headCache: HeadCache[F],
log: Log[F],
conversionMetrics: Option[ConversionMetrics[F]]
): Journals[F] = {
val appendMarker = AppendMarker(produce)
val appendEvents = AppendEvents(produce)
def kafkaWriteWithMetrics[A](implicit kafkaWrite: KafkaWrite[F, A]) =
conversionMetrics.fold(kafkaWrite) { metrics =>
def kafkaReadWithMetrics[A](implicit kafkaRead: KafkaRead[F, A]) =
conversionMetrics.fold(kafkaRead) { metrics =>
def headAndStream(key: Key, from: SeqNr): F[(HeadInfo, F[StreamActionRecords[F]])] = {
def headAndStream(marker: Marker) = {
val stream = for {
pointers <- eventual.pointers(key.topic)
} yield {
val offset = pointers.values.get(marker.partition)
StreamActionRecords(key, from, marker, offset, consumeActionRecords)
val offset = marker
for {
result <- headCache.get(key, partition = marker.partition, offset = offset)
result <- result match {
case Right(headInfo) => (headInfo, stream).pure[F]
case Left(_) =>
for {
stream <- stream
headInfo <- stream(none).fold(HeadInfo.empty) { (info, action) => info(action.action.header, action.offset) }
} yield {
(headInfo, stream.pure[F])
} yield result
for {
marker <- appendMarker(key)
result <- {
if (marker.offset === Offset.min) {
(HeadInfo.empty, StreamActionRecords.empty[F].pure[F]).pure[F]
} else {
} yield result
new Journals[F] {
def apply(key: Key) = new Journal[F] {
def append[A](events: Nel[Event[A]], metadata: RecordMetadata, headers: Headers)(
implicit kafkaWrite: KafkaWrite[F, A]) = {
appendEvents(key, events, metadata, headers)(kafkaWriteWithMetrics)
def read[A](from: SeqNr)(implicit kafkaRead: KafkaRead[F, A], eventualRead: EventualRead[F, A]) = {
def readEventual(from: SeqNr) =, from)
def readEventualAndKafka(from: SeqNr, stream: F[StreamActionRecords[F]], offsetAppend: Offset) = {
def readKafka(from: SeqNr, offset: Option[Offset], stream: StreamActionRecords[F]) = {
val appends = stream(offset)
.collect { case a@ActionRecord(_: Action.Append, _) => a.asInstanceOf[ActionRecord[Action.Append]] }
.dropWhile { a => < from }
for {
record <- appends
action = record.action
payloadAndType = PayloadAndType(action)
events <- Stream.lift(kafkaReadWithMetrics.apply(payloadAndType))
event <- Stream[F].apply(
if event.seqNr >= from
} yield {
EventRecord(action, event, record.partitionOffset, events.metadata)
for {
stream <- Stream.lift(stream)
event <- readEventual(from)
.flatMapLast { last =>
.fold((from, none[Offset]).some) { event =>[Option].map { from => (from, event.offset.some) }
.fold(Stream.empty[F, EventRecord[A]]) { case (from, offsetRecord) =>
val offset = offsetAppend.dec[Try].toOption max offsetRecord // TODO refactor this, pass from offset, rather than from - 1
readKafka(from, offset, stream)
} yield event
def read(head: HeadInfo, stream: F[StreamActionRecords[F]]) = {
def empty = Stream.empty[F, EventRecord[A]]
def onAppend(offset: Offset, deleteTo: Option[DeleteTo]) = {
def readEventualAndKafka1(from: SeqNr) = readEventualAndKafka(from, stream, offset)
deleteTo.fold {
} { deleteTo =>
.fold(empty) { min => readEventualAndKafka1(min max from) }
def onDelete(deleteTo: DeleteTo) = {
.fold(empty) { min => readEventual(min max from) }
head match {
case HeadInfo.Empty => readEventual(from)
case a: HeadInfo.Append => onAppend(a.offset, a.deleteTo)
case a: HeadInfo.Delete => onDelete(a.deleteTo)
case HeadInfo.Purge => empty
for {
headAndStream <- Stream.lift(headAndStream(key, from))
(head, stream) = headAndStream
_ <- Stream.lift(log.debug(s"$key read info: $head"))
eventRecord <- read(head, stream)
} yield eventRecord
def pointer = {
// TODO refactor, we don't need to call `eventual.pointer` without using it's offset
def pointerEventual = for {
pointer <- eventual.pointer(key)
} yield for {
pointer <- pointer
} yield {
def pointer(headInfo: HeadInfo) = {
headInfo match {
case HeadInfo.Empty => pointerEventual
case a: HeadInfo.Append => a.seqNr.some.pure[F]
case _: HeadInfo.Delete => pointerEventual
case HeadInfo.Purge => none[SeqNr].pure[F]
val from = SeqNr.min // TODO remove
for {
headAndStream <- headAndStream(key, from)
(headInfo, _) = headAndStream
pointer <- pointer(headInfo)
} yield pointer
// TODO not delete already deleted, do not accept deleteTo=2 when already deleteTo=3
def delete(to: DeleteTo) = {
for {
seqNr <- pointer
pointer <- seqNr.traverse { seqNr => produce.delete(key, seqNr.toDeleteTo min to) }
} yield pointer
def purge: F[Option[PartitionOffset]] = {
.map { _.some }
trait Producer[F[_]] {
def send(record: ProducerRecord[String, ByteVector]): F[PartitionOffset]
object Producer {
def of[F[_] : Monad : KafkaProducerOf : FromTry : Fail](config: ProducerConfig): Resource[F, Producer[F]] = {
val acks = config.acks match {
case Acks.None => Acks.One
case acks => acks
val config1 = config.copy(
acks = acks,
idempotence = true,
retries = config.retries max 10,
common = config.common.copy(
clientId = config.common.clientId.getOrElse("journal").some,
sendBufferBytes = config.common.sendBufferBytes max 1000000))
for {
kafkaProducer <- KafkaProducerOf[F].apply(config1)
} yield {
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.SkafkaHelper._
def apply[F[_] : Monad : Fail](
producer: KafkaProducer[F]
toBytesKey: skafka.ToBytes[F, String],
toBytesValue: skafka.ToBytes[F, ByteVector],
): Producer[F] = {
record: ProducerRecord[String, ByteVector] => {
for {
metadata <- producer.send(record)(toBytesKey, toBytesValue)
partition = metadata.topicPartition.partition
offset <- metadata.offset.fold {
"metadata.offset is missing, make sure ProducerConfig.acks set to One or All".fail[F, Offset]
} {
} yield {
PartitionOffset(partition, offset)
trait Consumer[F[_]] {
def assign(partitions: Nes[TopicPartition]): F[Unit]
def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Offset): F[Unit]
def poll: F[ConsRecords]
object Consumer {
def of[F[_] : MonadThrowable : KafkaConsumerOf : FromTry](
config: ConsumerConfig,
pollTimeout: FiniteDuration
): Resource[F, Consumer[F]] = {
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.SkafkaHelper._
val config1 = config.copy(
groupId = None,
autoCommit = false)
for {
kafkaConsumer <- KafkaConsumerOf[F].apply[String, ByteVector](config1)
} yield {
apply[F](kafkaConsumer, pollTimeout)
def apply[F[_]](
consumer: KafkaConsumer[F, String, ByteVector],
pollTimeout: FiniteDuration
): Consumer[F] = new Consumer[F] {
def assign(partitions: Nes[TopicPartition]) = {
def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Offset) = {, offset)
def poll = {
implicit class JournalsOps[F[_]](val self: Journals[F]) extends AnyVal {
def withLog(
log: Log[F],
config: Journal.CallTimeThresholds = Journal.CallTimeThresholds.default)(implicit
F: FlatMap[F],
measureDuration: MeasureDuration[F]
): Journals[F] = {
key: Key => self(key).withLog(key, log, config)
def withLogError(
log: Log[F])(implicit
F: MonadThrowable[F],
measureDuration: MeasureDuration[F]
): Journals[F] = {
key: Key => self(key).withLogError(key, log)
def withMetrics(
metrics: JournalMetrics[F])(implicit
F: MonadThrowable[F],
measureDuration: MeasureDuration[F]
): Journals[F] = {
key: Key => self(key).withMetrics(key.topic, metrics)
def mapK[G[_]](fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F): Journals[G] = {
key: Key => self(key).mapK(fg, gf)
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