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 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
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import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * Utilities for working with Java types.
 * @since 1.4
 * @author Yaniv Inbar
public class Types {

   * Returns the parameterized type that is or extends the given type that matches the given super
   * class.

* For example, if the input type is {@code HashMap} and the input super class is * {@code Map.class}, it will return the extended parameterized type {@link Map}, but which * retains the actual type information from the original {@code HashMap}. *

* * @param type class or parameterized type * @param superClass super class * @return matching parameterized type or {@code null} */ public static ParameterizedType getSuperParameterizedType(Type type, Class superClass) { if (type instanceof Class || type instanceof ParameterizedType) { outer: while (type != null && type != Object.class) { Class rawType; if (type instanceof Class) { // type is a class rawType = (Class) type; } else { // current is a parameterized type ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type; rawType = getRawClass(parameterizedType); // check if found Collection if (rawType == superClass) { // return the actual collection parameter return parameterizedType; } if (superClass.isInterface()) { for (Type interfaceType : rawType.getGenericInterfaces()) { // interface type is class or parameterized type Class interfaceClass = interfaceType instanceof Class ? (Class) interfaceType : getRawClass( (ParameterizedType) interfaceType); if (superClass.isAssignableFrom(interfaceClass)) { type = interfaceType; continue outer; } } } } // move on to the super class type = rawType.getGenericSuperclass(); } } return null; } /** * Returns whether a class is either assignable to or from another class. * * @param classToCheck class to check * @param anotherClass another class */ public static boolean isAssignableToOrFrom(Class classToCheck, Class anotherClass) { return classToCheck.isAssignableFrom(anotherClass) || anotherClass.isAssignableFrom(classToCheck); } /** * Creates a new instance of the given class by invoking its default constructor. * *

* The given class must be public and must have a public default constructor, and must not be an * array or an interface or be abstract. If an enclosing class, it must be static. *

*/ public static T newInstance(Class clazz) { // TODO(yanivi): investigate "sneaky" options for allocating the class that GSON uses, like // setting the constructor to be accessible, or possibly provide a factory method of a special // name try { return clazz.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw handleExceptionForNewInstance(e, clazz); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw handleExceptionForNewInstance(e, clazz); } } private static IllegalArgumentException handleExceptionForNewInstance( Exception e, Class clazz) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("unable to create new instance of class ").append(clazz.getName()); ArrayList reasons = new ArrayList(); if (clazz.isArray()) { reasons.add("because it is an array"); } else if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { reasons.add("because it is primitive"); } else if (clazz == Void.class) { reasons.add("because it is void"); } else { if (Modifier.isInterface(clazz.getModifiers())) { reasons.add("because it is an interface"); } else if (Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) { reasons.add("because it is abstract"); } if (clazz.getEnclosingClass() != null && !Modifier.isStatic(clazz.getModifiers())) { reasons.add("because it is not static"); } // we don't know what visibility is necessary, but we can give a hint if (!Modifier.isPublic(clazz.getModifiers())) { reasons.add("possibly because it is not public"); } else { try { clazz.getConstructor(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) { reasons.add("because it has no accessible default constructor"); } } } // append reasons boolean and = false; for (String reason : reasons) { if (and) { buf.append(" and"); } else { and = true; } buf.append(" ").append(reason); } return new IllegalArgumentException(buf.toString(), e); } /** Returns whether the given type is an array. */ public static boolean isArray(Type type) { return type instanceof GenericArrayType || type instanceof Class && ((Class) type).isArray(); } /** * Returns the component type of the given array type, assuming {@link #isArray(Type)}. * *

* Return type will either be class, parameterized type, generic array type, or type variable, but * not a wildcard type. *

* * @throws ClassCastException if {@link #isArray(Type)} is false */ public static Type getArrayComponentType(Type array) { return array instanceof GenericArrayType ? ((GenericArrayType) array).getGenericComponentType() : ((Class) array).getComponentType(); } /** * Returns the raw class for the given parameter type as defined in * {@link ParameterizedType#getRawType()}. * * @param parameterType parameter type * @return raw class */ public static Class getRawClass(ParameterizedType parameterType) { return (Class) parameterType.getRawType(); } /** * Returns the only bound of the given wildcard type. * * @param wildcardType wildcard type * @return only bound or {@code Object.class} for none */ public static Type getBound(WildcardType wildcardType) { Type[] lowerBounds = wildcardType.getLowerBounds(); if (lowerBounds.length != 0) { return lowerBounds[0]; } return wildcardType.getUpperBounds()[0]; } /** * Resolves the actual type of the given type variable that comes from a field type based on the * given context list. *

* In case the type variable can be resolved partially, it will return the partially resolved type * variable. *

* * @param context context list, ordering from least specific to most specific type context, for * example container class and then its field * @param typeVariable type variable * @return resolved or partially resolved actual type (type variable, class, parameterized type, * or generic array type, but not wildcard type) or {@code null} if unable to resolve at * all */ public static Type resolveTypeVariable(List context, TypeVariable typeVariable) { // determine where the type variable was declared GenericDeclaration genericDeclaration = typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration(); if (genericDeclaration instanceof Class) { Class rawGenericDeclaration = (Class) genericDeclaration; // check if the context extends that declaration int contextIndex = context.size(); ParameterizedType parameterizedType = null; while (parameterizedType == null && --contextIndex >= 0) { parameterizedType = getSuperParameterizedType(context.get(contextIndex), rawGenericDeclaration); } if (parameterizedType != null) { // find the type variable's index in the declaration's type parameters TypeVariable[] typeParameters = genericDeclaration.getTypeParameters(); int index = 0; for (; index < typeParameters.length; index++) { TypeVariable typeParameter = typeParameters[index]; if (typeParameter.equals(typeVariable)) { break; } } // use that index to get the actual type argument Type result = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[index]; if (result instanceof TypeVariable) { // attempt to resolve type variable Type resolve = resolveTypeVariable(context, (TypeVariable) result); if (resolve != null) { return resolve; } // partially resolved type variable is okay } return result; } } return null; } /** * Returns the raw array component type to use -- for example for the first parameter of * {@link Array#newInstance(Class, int)} -- for the given component type. * * @param context context list, ordering from least specific to most specific type context, for * example container class and then its field * @param componentType array component type or {@code null} for {@code Object.class} result * @return raw array component type */ public static Class getRawArrayComponentType(List context, Type componentType) { if (componentType instanceof TypeVariable) { componentType = Types.resolveTypeVariable(context, (TypeVariable) componentType); } if (componentType instanceof GenericArrayType) { Class raw = getRawArrayComponentType(context, Types.getArrayComponentType(componentType)); return Array.newInstance(raw, 0).getClass(); } if (componentType instanceof Class) { return (Class) componentType; } if (componentType instanceof ParameterizedType) { return Types.getRawClass((ParameterizedType) componentType); } Preconditions.checkArgument( componentType == null, "wildcard type is not supported: %s", componentType); return Object.class; } /** * Returns the type parameter of {@link Iterable} that is assignable from the given iterable type. * *

* For example, for the type {@code ArrayList} -- or for a class that extends {@code * ArrayList} -- it will return {@code Integer}. *

* * @param iterableType iterable type (must extend {@link Iterable}) * @return type parameter, which may be any type */ public static Type getIterableParameter(Type iterableType) { return getActualParameterAtPosition(iterableType, Iterable.class, 0); } /** * Returns the value type parameter of {@link Map} that is assignable from the given map type. * *

* For example, for the type {@code Map} -- or for a class that extends {@code * Map} -- it will return {@code Integer}. *

* * @param mapType map type (must extend {@link Map}) * @return type parameter, which may be any type */ public static Type getMapValueParameter(Type mapType) { return getActualParameterAtPosition(mapType, Map.class, 1); } private static Type getActualParameterAtPosition(Type type, Class superClass, int position) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = Types.getSuperParameterizedType(type, superClass); if (parameterizedType == null) { return null; } Type valueType = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[position]; // this is normally a type variable, except in the case where the class of iterableType is // superClass, e.g. Iterable if (valueType instanceof TypeVariable) { Type resolve = Types.resolveTypeVariable(Arrays.asList(type), (TypeVariable) valueType); if (resolve != null) { return resolve; } } return valueType; } /** * Returns an iterable for an input iterable or array value. * *

* If the input value extends {@link Iterable}, it will just return the input value. Otherwise, it * will return an iterable that can handle arrays of primitive and non-primitive component type. *

* * @param value iterable (extends {@link Iterable}) or array value * @return iterable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Iterable iterableOf(final Object value) { if (value instanceof Iterable) { return (Iterable) value; } Class valueClass = value.getClass(); Preconditions.checkArgument(valueClass.isArray(), "not an array or Iterable: %s", valueClass); Class subClass = valueClass.getComponentType(); if (!subClass.isPrimitive()) { return Arrays.asList((T[]) value); } return new Iterable() { public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { final int length = Array.getLength(value); int index = 0; public boolean hasNext() { return index < length; } public T next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return (T) Array.get(value, index++); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }; } /** * Returns a new array of the given component type (possibly a Java primitive) that is a copy of * the content of the given collection. * * @param collection collection * @param componentType component type (possibly a Java primitive) * @return new array */ public static Object toArray(Collection collection, Class componentType) { if (componentType.isPrimitive()) { Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, collection.size()); int index = 0; for (Object value : collection) { Array.set(array, index++, value); } return array; } return collection.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, collection.size())); } private Types() { } }

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