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 * #%L
 * JSQLParser library
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2013 JSQLParser
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public 
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%


import java.util.*;

 * A class to de-parse (that is, tranform from JSqlParser hierarchy into a string) a
 * {@link}
public class SelectDeParser implements SelectVisitor, SelectItemVisitor, FromItemVisitor, PivotVisitor {

    private StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    private ExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor = new ExpressionVisitorAdapter();

    public SelectDeParser() {

     * @param expressionVisitor a {@link ExpressionVisitor} to de-parse expressions. It has to share
     * the same
* StringBuilder (buffer parameter) as this object in order to work * @param buffer the buffer that will be filled with the select */ public SelectDeParser(ExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor, StringBuilder buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; this.expressionVisitor = expressionVisitor; } @Override public void visit(PlainSelect plainSelect) { if (plainSelect.isUseBrackets()) { buffer.append("("); } buffer.append("SELECT "); OracleHint hint = plainSelect.getOracleHint(); if (hint != null) { buffer.append(hint).append(" "); } Skip skip = plainSelect.getSkip(); if (skip != null) { buffer.append(skip).append(" "); } First first = plainSelect.getFirst(); if (first != null) { buffer.append(first).append(" "); } if (plainSelect.getDistinct() != null) { if (plainSelect.getDistinct().isUseUnique()) { buffer.append("UNIQUE "); } else { buffer.append("DISTINCT "); } if (plainSelect.getDistinct().getOnSelectItems() != null) { buffer.append("ON ("); for (Iterator iter = plainSelect.getDistinct().getOnSelectItems(). iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SelectItem selectItem =; selectItem.accept(this); if (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(", "); } } buffer.append(") "); } } Top top = plainSelect.getTop(); if (top != null) { buffer.append(top).append(" "); } for (Iterator iter = plainSelect.getSelectItems().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SelectItem selectItem =; selectItem.accept(this); if (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(", "); } } if (plainSelect.getIntoTables() != null) { buffer.append(" INTO "); for (Iterator iter = plainSelect.getIntoTables().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { visit(; if (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(", "); } } } if (plainSelect.getFromItem() != null) { buffer.append(" FROM "); plainSelect.getFromItem().accept(this); } if (plainSelect.getJoins() != null) { for (Join join : plainSelect.getJoins()) { deparseJoin(join); } } if (plainSelect.getWhere() != null) { buffer.append(" WHERE "); plainSelect.getWhere().accept(expressionVisitor); } if (plainSelect.getOracleHierarchical() != null) { plainSelect.getOracleHierarchical().accept(expressionVisitor); } if (plainSelect.getGroupByColumnReferences() != null) { buffer.append(" GROUP BY "); for (Iterator iter = plainSelect.getGroupByColumnReferences().iterator(); iter. hasNext();) { Expression columnReference =; columnReference.accept(expressionVisitor); if (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(", "); } } } if (plainSelect.getHaving() != null) { buffer.append(" HAVING "); plainSelect.getHaving().accept(expressionVisitor); } if (plainSelect.getOrderByElements() != null) { new OrderByDeParser(expressionVisitor, buffer). deParse(plainSelect.isOracleSiblings(), plainSelect.getOrderByElements()); } if (plainSelect.getLimit() != null) { new LimitDeparser(buffer).deParse(plainSelect.getLimit()); } if (plainSelect.getOffset() != null) { deparseOffset(plainSelect.getOffset()); } if (plainSelect.getFetch() != null) { deparseFetch(plainSelect.getFetch()); } if (plainSelect.isForUpdate()) { buffer.append(" FOR UPDATE"); if (plainSelect.getForUpdateTable() != null) { buffer.append(" OF ").append(plainSelect.getForUpdateTable()); } if (plainSelect.getWait() != null) { // wait's toString will do the formatting for us buffer.append(plainSelect.getWait()); } } if (plainSelect.isUseBrackets()) { buffer.append(")"); } } @Override public void visit(AllTableColumns allTableColumns) { buffer.append(allTableColumns.getTable().getFullyQualifiedName()).append(".*"); } @Override public void visit(SelectExpressionItem selectExpressionItem) { selectExpressionItem.getExpression().accept(expressionVisitor); if (selectExpressionItem.getAlias() != null) { buffer.append(selectExpressionItem.getAlias().toString()); } } @Override public void visit(SubSelect subSelect) { buffer.append("("); if (subSelect.getWithItemsList() != null && !subSelect.getWithItemsList().isEmpty()) { buffer.append("WITH "); for (Iterator iter = subSelect.getWithItemsList().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { WithItem withItem =; withItem.accept(this); if (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(","); } buffer.append(" "); } } subSelect.getSelectBody().accept(this); buffer.append(")"); Pivot pivot = subSelect.getPivot(); if (pivot != null) { pivot.accept(this); } Alias alias = subSelect.getAlias(); if (alias != null) { buffer.append(alias.toString()); } } @Override public void visit(Table tableName) { buffer.append(tableName.getFullyQualifiedName()); Pivot pivot = tableName.getPivot(); if (pivot != null) { pivot.accept(this); } Alias alias = tableName.getAlias(); if (alias != null) { buffer.append(alias); } MySQLIndexHint indexHint = tableName.getIndexHint(); if (indexHint != null) { buffer.append(indexHint); } } @Override public void visit(Pivot pivot) { List forColumns = pivot.getForColumns(); buffer.append(" PIVOT (") .append(PlainSelect.getStringList(pivot.getFunctionItems())) .append(" FOR ") .append(PlainSelect. getStringList(forColumns, true, forColumns != null && forColumns.size() > 1)). append(" IN ") .append(PlainSelect.getStringList(pivot.getInItems(), true, true)) .append(")"); } @Override public void visit(PivotXml pivot) { List forColumns = pivot.getForColumns(); buffer.append(" PIVOT XML (") .append(PlainSelect.getStringList(pivot.getFunctionItems())) .append(" FOR ") .append(PlainSelect. getStringList(forColumns, true, forColumns != null && forColumns.size() > 1)). append(" IN ("); if (pivot.isInAny()) { buffer.append("ANY"); } else if (pivot.getInSelect() != null) { buffer.append(pivot.getInSelect()); } else { buffer.append(PlainSelect.getStringList(pivot.getInItems())); } buffer.append("))"); } public void deparseOffset(Offset offset) { // OFFSET offset // or OFFSET offset (ROW | ROWS) if (offset.isOffsetJdbcParameter()) { buffer.append(" OFFSET ?"); } else if (offset.getOffset() != 0) { buffer.append(" OFFSET "); buffer.append(offset.getOffset()); } if (offset.getOffsetParam() != null) { buffer.append(" ").append(offset.getOffsetParam()); } } public void deparseFetch(Fetch fetch) { // FETCH (FIRST | NEXT) row_count (ROW | ROWS) ONLY buffer.append(" FETCH "); if (fetch.isFetchParamFirst()) { buffer.append("FIRST "); } else { buffer.append("NEXT "); } if (fetch.isFetchJdbcParameter()) { buffer.append("?"); } else { buffer.append(fetch.getRowCount()); } buffer.append(" ").append(fetch.getFetchParam()).append(" ONLY"); } public StringBuilder getBuffer() { return buffer; } public void setBuffer(StringBuilder buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } public ExpressionVisitor getExpressionVisitor() { return expressionVisitor; } public void setExpressionVisitor(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { expressionVisitor = visitor; } @Override public void visit(SubJoin subjoin) { buffer.append("("); subjoin.getLeft().accept(this); deparseJoin(subjoin.getJoin()); buffer.append(")"); if (subjoin.getPivot() != null) { subjoin.getPivot().accept(this); } } public void deparseJoin(Join join) { if (join.isSimple()) { buffer.append(", "); } else { if (join.isRight()) { buffer.append(" RIGHT"); } else if (join.isNatural()) { buffer.append(" NATURAL"); } else if (join.isFull()) { buffer.append(" FULL"); } else if (join.isLeft()) { buffer.append(" LEFT"); } else if (join.isCross()) { buffer.append(" CROSS"); } if (join.isOuter()) { buffer.append(" OUTER"); } else if (join.isInner()) { buffer.append(" INNER"); } else if (join.isSemi()) { buffer.append(" SEMI"); } buffer.append(" JOIN "); } FromItem fromItem = join.getRightItem(); fromItem.accept(this); if (join.getOnExpression() != null) { buffer.append(" ON "); join.getOnExpression().accept(expressionVisitor); } if (join.getUsingColumns() != null) { buffer.append(" USING ("); for (Iterator iterator = join.getUsingColumns().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Column column =; buffer.append(column.toString()); if (iterator.hasNext()) { buffer.append(", "); } } buffer.append(")"); } } @Override public void visit(SetOperationList list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.getSelects().size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append(' ').append(list.getOperations().get(i - 1)).append(' '); } boolean brackets = list.getBrackets() == null || list.getBrackets().get(i); if (brackets) { buffer.append("("); } list.getSelects().get(i).accept(this); if (brackets) { buffer.append(")"); } } if (list.getOrderByElements() != null) { new OrderByDeParser(expressionVisitor, buffer).deParse(list.getOrderByElements()); } if (list.getLimit() != null) { new LimitDeparser(buffer).deParse(list.getLimit()); } if (list.getOffset() != null) { deparseOffset(list.getOffset()); } if (list.getFetch() != null) { deparseFetch(list.getFetch()); } } @Override public void visit(WithItem withItem) { if (withItem.isRecursive()) { buffer.append("RECURSIVE "); } buffer.append(withItem.getName()); if (withItem.getWithItemList() != null) { buffer.append(" ").append(PlainSelect. getStringList(withItem.getWithItemList(), true, true)); } buffer.append(" AS ("); withItem.getSelectBody().accept(this); buffer.append(")"); } @Override public void visit(LateralSubSelect lateralSubSelect) { buffer.append(lateralSubSelect.toString()); } @Override public void visit(ValuesList valuesList) { buffer.append(valuesList.toString()); } @Override public void visit(AllColumns allColumns) { buffer.append('*'); } @Override public void visit(TableFunction tableFunction) { buffer.append(tableFunction.toString()); } }