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The basic domain classes for 'media', the core of POMS. Also, the 'update' XML bindings for it. It also contains some closely related domain classes like the enum to contain NICAM kijkwijzer settings.

There is a newer version: 8.3.1
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 * Copyright (C) 2012 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * VPRO The Netherlands

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;

import jakarta.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import jakarta.validation.Valid;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.Email;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.*;
import jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.*;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;
import org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb.Code;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;

import nl.vpro.domain.*;
import nl.vpro.domain.user.Broadcaster;
import nl.vpro.domain.user.Portal;
import nl.vpro.domain.user.validation.BroadcasterValidation;
import nl.vpro.domain.validation.ValidEmbargo;
import nl.vpro.i18n.validation.MustDisplay;
import nl.vpro.jackson2.StringInstantToJsonTimestamp;
import nl.vpro.util.*;
import nl.vpro.validation.*;
import nl.vpro.xml.bind.DurationXmlAdapter;
import nl.vpro.xml.bind.InstantXmlAdapter;

 * A MediaUpdate is meant for communicating updates. It is not meant as a complete representation of the object.

* A MediaUpdate is like a {@link MediaObject} but *

  • It does not have {@link MutableOwnable} objects. When converting between a MediaUpdate and a MediaObject one need to indicate for which owner type this must happen. * If you are updating you are always associated with a certain owner (normally {@link OwnerType#BROADCASTER}), so there is no case for updating fields of other owners. *
  • *
  • It contains fewer implicit fields. E.g. a Broadcaster is just an id, and it does not contain a better string representation. * These kind of fields are non modifiable, or are implicitely calculated. So there is no case in updating them. *
  • *
  • It may contain a 'version' * Some code may check this version to know whether certain fields ought to be ignored or not. This is to arrange forward and backwards compatibility. * It may e.g. happen that a newer version of POMS has a new field. If you are not aware of this, sending an update XML without the field may result in the value to be emptied. * To indicate that you are aware, you should sometimes supply a sufficiently high version. *
  • *
* * As {@link MediaObject} it has three extensions {@link ProgramUpdate}, {@link GroupUpdate} and {@link SegmentUpdate} * * @param The {@link MediaObject} extension this is for. * * @see * @see MediaObject */ @SuppressWarnings("LombokSetterMayBeUsed") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY) @XmlSeeAlso({SegmentUpdate.class, ProgramUpdate.class, GroupUpdate.class}) @Slf4j @XmlTransient @ValidEmbargo(groups = WarningValidatorGroup.class) @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "objectType") @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ProgramUpdate.class, name = "programUpdate"), @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = GroupUpdate.class, name = "groupUpdate"), @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = SegmentUpdate.class, name = "segmentUpdate") } ) @JsonPropertyOrder({ "objectType", /* xml attributes */ "mid", "type", "avType", "workflow", "mergedTo", "sortDate", "creationDate", "lastModified", "publishStart", "publishStop", "urn", "embeddable", /* xml elements */ "episodeOf", "crids", "broadcasters", "portals", "portalRestrictions", "geoRestrictions", "titles", "expandedTitles", "descriptions", "genres", "tags", "intentions", "expandedIntentions", "targetGroups", "expandedTargetGroups", "geoLocations", "expandedGeoLocations", "topics", "expandedTopics", "source", "hasSubtitles", "countries", "languages", "isDubbed", "availableSubtitles", "avAttributes", "releaseYear", "duration", "persons", "awards", "descendantOf", "memberOf", "ageRating", "contentRatings", "email", "websites", "twitter", "teletext", "predictionsForXml", "locations", "relations", "images"} ) @HasTitle( groups = PomsValidatorGroup.class, message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.hassubormaintitle}", type = {TextualType.SUB, TextualType.MAIN} ) @HasTitle( groups = WarningValidatorGroup.class, type = {TextualType.MAIN} ) @HasGenre( groups = WarningValidatorGroup.class ) @AVTypeValidation public abstract sealed class MediaUpdate implements MutableEmbargo>, TextualObjectUpdate>, IntegerVersionSpecific, MediaIdentifiable permits ProgramUpdate, GroupUpdate, SegmentUpdate { public static @PolyNull MediaUpdate create(@PolyNull M object, OwnerType owner) { if (object == null) { return null; } MediaUpdate created; if (object instanceof Program program) { created = (MediaUpdate) ProgramUpdate.create(program, owner); } else if (object instanceof Group group) { created = (MediaUpdate) GroupUpdate.create(group, owner); } else if (object instanceof Segment segment) { created = (MediaUpdate) SegmentUpdate.create(segment, owner); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("%s should be Program Group or Segment".formatted(object)); } return created; } public static @PolyNull MediaUpdate create(@PolyNull M object) { return create(object, OwnerType.BROADCASTER); } public static @PolyNull MediaUpdate create(@PolyNull M object, OwnerType owner, IntegerVersion version) { MediaUpdate update = create(object, owner); if (update != null) { update.setVersion(version); } return update; } public static > MediaUpdate createUpdate(MB object, OwnerType ownerType) { return create(, ownerType); } protected IntegerVersion version; protected boolean xmlVersion = true; @Valid protected MediaObject mediaObjectToValidate; protected String mid; @Deprecated(since = "7.7") @Pattern(regexp = "^urn:vpro:media:(?:group|program|segment):[0-9]+$") protected String urn; private List<@NotNull @CRID String> crids; protected AVType avType; protected Boolean embeddable = Boolean.TRUE; Boolean isDeleted; List countries; List<@NotNull @Valid UsedLanguage> languages; AVAttributesUpdate avAttributes; Instant publishStart; Instant publishStop; java.time.Duration duration; Short releaseYear; @NotNull(groups = {WarningValidatorGroup.class }) @MustDisplay(groups = {PomsValidatorGroup.class}) AgeRating ageRating; List<@NotNull ContentRating> contentRatings; List<@NotNull @Email(message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.Email.message}") String> email; protected List<@NotNull @Valid ImageUpdate> images; /** * This represents the editable intentions * Only display the intentions for the given owner * (more intentions might be present in the metadata). */ protected List<@NotNull IntentionType> intentions; protected List<@NotNull TargetGroupType> targetGroups; protected List<@NotNull @Valid GeoLocationUpdate> geoLocations; private List<@Valid TopicUpdate> topics; @Valid protected Asset asset; private List< @NotNull @Size(min = 2, max = 4, message = "2 < id < 5") @BroadcasterValidation @jakarta.validation.constraints.Pattern(regexp = "[A-Z0-9_-]{2,4}", message = "Broadcaster id ${validatedValue} should match {regexp}") String> broadcasters; private List<@NotNull String> portals; private SortedSet< @NotNull @Size(min = 1, max = 255) String> tags; private List<@NotNull @Valid CreditsUpdate> credits; private List<@NotNull @Valid PortalRestrictionUpdate> portalRestrictions; private SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid GeoRestrictionUpdate> geoRestrictions; private SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid TitleUpdate> titles; private SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid DescriptionUpdate> descriptions; private SortedSet< @NotNull @Pattern(regexp = "3\\.([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+") String> genres; private SortedSet<@NotNull MemberRefUpdate> memberOf; private List< @NotNull @URI(message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.URI}", mustHaveScheme = true, minHostParts = 2, groups = WarningValidatorGroup.class ) @Size(min = 1, message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.text.Size.min}") @Size(max = 255, message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.text.Size.max}") String> websites; private List<@NotNull @Pattern(message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.twitterRefs.Pattern}", regexp="^[@#][A-Za-z0-9_]{1,139}$") String> twitterrefs; private SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid LocationUpdate> locations; private SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid RelationUpdate> relations; protected SortedSet<@NotNull @Valid PredictionUpdate> predictions; @Getter @JsonIgnore boolean imported = false; @XmlTransient protected boolean fromXml = false; protected MediaUpdate() { // } protected MediaUpdate(IntegerVersion version, M mediaobject, OwnerType ownerType) { this.version = version; fillFromMedia(mediaobject, ownerType); fillFrom(mediaobject, ownerType); } //Part of the process of creating a MediaUpdate from a MediaObject protected final void fillFromMedia(final M mediaobject, final OwnerType owner) { this.mid = mediaobject.getMid(); this.urn = mediaobject.getUrn(); this.crids = mediaobject.getCrids(); this.avType = mediaobject.getAVType(); this.embeddable = mediaobject.isEmbeddable(); this.isDeleted = mediaobject.isDeleted(); this.countries = mediaobject.getCountries(); this.languages = mediaobject.getLanguages(); this.avAttributes = AVAttributesUpdate.of(mediaobject.getAvAttributes()); Embargos.copy(mediaobject, this); this.duration = AuthorizedDuration.duration(mediaobject.getDuration()); this.releaseYear = mediaobject.getReleaseYear(); this.ageRating = mediaobject.getAgeRating(); this.contentRatings = mediaobject.getContentRatings(); this.images = toList( mediaobject.getImages(), (i) -> i.getOwner() == owner && ! i.isDeleted(), ImageUpdate::new, false) ; // asset? this.broadcasters = toList(mediaobject.getBroadcasters(), Broadcaster::getId); this.portals = toList(mediaobject.getPortals(), Portal::getId); this.tags = toSet(mediaobject.getTags(), Tag::getText); this.credits = toCreditsUpdate(mediaobject.getCredits()); if (this.credits.isEmpty()) { this.credits = null; } if (isNotBefore(5, 11)) { this.intentions = toUpdateIntentions(mediaobject.getIntentions(), owner); this.targetGroups = toUpdateTargetGroups(mediaobject.getTargetGroups(), owner); } if (isNotBefore(5, 12)) { this.portalRestrictions = toList(mediaobject.getPortalRestrictions(), PortalRestrictionUpdate::new); this.geoRestrictions = toSet(mediaobject.getGeoRestrictions(), GeoRestrictionUpdate::new); } if (owner == null || owner == OwnerType.BROADCASTER) { TextualObjects.copyToUpdate(mediaobject, this); } else { TextualObjects.copyToUpdate(mediaobject, this, owner); } this.genres = toSet(mediaobject.getGenres(), Genre::getTermId); this.memberOf = toSet(mediaobject.getMemberOf(), MemberRefUpdate::create); this.websites = toList(mediaobject.getWebsites(), Website::get); this.twitterrefs= toList(mediaobject.getTwitterRefs(), TwitterRef::get); = toList(mediaobject.getEmail(),; this.locations = toSet(mediaobject.getLocations(), (l) -> l.getOwner() == owner && ! l.isDeleted(), LocationUpdate::new); this.relations = toSet(mediaobject.getRelations(), RelationUpdate::new); this.predictions = toSet(mediaobject.getPredictions(), Prediction::isPlannedAvailability, PredictionUpdate::of); if (isNotBefore(5, 12)) { this.geoLocations = toGeoLocationUpdates(mediaobject.getGeoLocations(), owner); this.topics = toTopicUpdates(mediaobject.getTopics(), owner); } } protected abstract void fillFrom(M mediaObject, OwnerType ownerType); /** *

The POMS version this XML applies too. This is optional, though some features will only be supported if you explicitly specify a version which is big enough (To ensure backward compatibility). If you don't specify it, there will be no backwards compatibility. *


* The main point is that the XML may contain elements which' absent means something. E.g. having no {@code no country associated with the object. This was introduced in poms 5.0. If you specify a version before 5.0, all country information will be ignored, and left was it was. *

*/ @Override @XmlTransient public IntegerVersion getVersion() { return version; } @Override public void setVersion(IntegerVersion version) { this.version = version; } @XmlAttribute(name = "version") protected String getVersionAttribute() { if (xmlVersion) { IntegerVersion version = getVersion(); return version == null ? null : version.toString(); } else { return null; } } protected void setVersionAttribute(String version) { setVersion(Version.parseIntegers(version)); } @JsonIgnore public boolean isValid() { return violations().isEmpty(); } public Set>> warningViolations() { return violations(WarningValidatorGroup.class); } public Set>> violations(Class... groups) { if (groups.length == 0) { groups = Validation.DEFAULT_GROUPS; } mediaObjectToValidate = null; Set>> result = Validation.validate(this, groups); if (result.isEmpty()) { mediaObjectToValidate = fetch(OwnerType.BROADCASTER); try { result = Validation.validate(this, groups); if (result.isEmpty()) { log.debug("validates"); } return result; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t.getMessage(), t); return Collections.emptySet(); } } return result; } public String violationMessage() { Set>> violations = violations(); return violationMessage(violations); } public static String violationMessage(Set>> violations) { if(violations.isEmpty()) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("List of constraint violations: [\n"); for(ConstraintViolation violation : violations) { sb.append('\t') .append(violation.toString()) .append('\n'); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } protected abstract M newMedia(); private M fetchOwnerless() { M media = newMedia(); media.setUrn(urn); media.setMid(mid); media.setCreationInstant(null); // not supported by update format. will be set by persistence layer media.setCrids(crids); media.setAVType(avType); media.setEmbeddable(embeddable == null || embeddable); media.setCountries(countries); media.setLanguages(languages); media.setAvAttributes(AVAttributesUpdate.toAvAttributes(avAttributes)); Embargos.copy(this, media); try { media.setDuration(duration); } catch(ModificationException mfe) { log.error(mfe.getMessage()); } media.setReleaseYear(releaseYear); media.setAgeRating(ageRating); media.setContentRatings(contentRatings); // images have owner media.setBroadcasters(toList(broadcasters, Broadcaster::new)); media.setPortals(toList(portals, Portal::new)); media.setTags(toSet(tags, Tag::new)); media.setCredits(toList(credits, CreditsUpdate::toCredits, true)); media.setPortalRestrictions(toList(portalRestrictions, PortalRestrictionUpdate::toPortalRestriction)); media.setGeoRestrictions(toSet(geoRestrictions, g -> g.getRegion() != Region.UNIVERSE, GeoRestrictionUpdate::toGeoRestriction )); // titles have owner, media.setGenres(toSet(genres, Genre::new)); media.setMemberOf(toSet(memberOf, this::toMemberRef)); // locations are owned media.setRelations(toSet(relations, RelationUpdate::toRelation)); // scheduleevents are owned media.setPredictions(toSet(predictions, PredictionUpdate::toPrediction)); if (isDeleted == Boolean.TRUE) { MediaObjects.markForDeletionIfNeeded(media, ""); } else { MediaObjects.markForRepublication(media, ""); } return media; } /** * Convert this MediaUpdate object to a MediaObject * Clone all the fields of MediaUpdate into a new MediaObject */ public M fetch(OwnerType owner) { M returnObject = fetchOwnerless(); TextualObjects.copy(this, returnObject, owner); for (Location l : toSet(locations, l -> l.toLocation(owner))) { returnObject.addLocation(l); } Predicate imageFilter = isImported() ? (i) -> i.getImageUri() != null : (i) -> true; returnObject.setImages(toList(images, i -> i.toImage(owner)).stream() .filter(imageFilter) .collect(Collectors.toList())); returnObject.setWebsites(toList(websites, (w) -> new Website(w, owner))); returnObject.setTwitterRefs(toList(twitterrefs, (t) -> new TwitterRef(t, owner))); returnObject.setEmail(toList(email, (e) -> new, owner))); if(intentions != null) { MediaObjectOwnableLists.addOrUpdateOwnableList(returnObject, returnObject.getIntentions(), toIntentions(intentions, owner)); } else { MediaObjectOwnableLists.remove(returnObject.getIntentions(), owner); } if(targetGroups != null) { MediaObjectOwnableLists.addOrUpdateOwnableList(returnObject, returnObject.getTargetGroups(), toTargetGroups(targetGroups, owner)); } else { MediaObjectOwnableLists.remove(returnObject.getTargetGroups(), owner); } if (isNotBefore(5, 12)) { if (geoLocations != null) { MediaObjectOwnableLists.addOrUpdateOwnableList(returnObject, returnObject.getGeoLocations(), toGeoLocations(geoLocations, owner)); } else { MediaObjectOwnableLists.remove(returnObject.getGeoLocations(), owner); } if (topics != null ) { MediaObjectOwnableLists.addOrUpdateOwnableList(returnObject, returnObject.getTopics(), toTopics(topics, owner)); } else { MediaObjectOwnableLists.remove(returnObject.getTopics(), owner); } } return returnObject; } /** * From a SortedSet to a List * Returning only the values for the given owner. * We decided to return an empty list if owner differ rather than raise an * exception (this code will usually be executed behind a queue) *

* Given a null it will return null to keep the distinction between systems * that are aware of this field (we use empty list to delete) */ private List toUpdateIntentions(SortedSet intentions, OwnerType owner){ if (intentions == null) { return null; } return OwnableLists.filterByOwnerOrFirst(intentions, owner) .map(Intentions::getValues) .map(l -> .orElse(new ArrayList<>()); } private Intentions toIntentions(List intentionValues, OwnerType owner){ if (intentionValues == null) { return null; } return Intentions.builder() .owner(owner) .values(intentionValues) .build(); } /** * From a SortedSet to a List * Returning only the values for the given owner. * We decided to return an empty list if owner differ rather than raise an * exception (this code will usually be executed behind a queue) *

* Given a null it will return null to keep the distinction between systems * that are aware of this field (we use empty list to delete) */ private List toUpdateTargetGroups(SortedSet targetGroups, OwnerType owner){ if (targetGroups == null){ return null; } return OwnableLists .filterByOwnerOrFirst(targetGroups, owner) .map(TargetGroups::getValues) .map(l -> .orElse(new ArrayList<>()); } private TargetGroups toTargetGroups(@Nullable List targetGroupValues, @NonNull OwnerType owner){ if (targetGroupValues == null){ return null; } return TargetGroups.builder() .owner(owner) .values(targetGroupValues) .build(); } private List toGeoLocationUpdates(SortedSet geoLocationsSet, OwnerType owner) { if (geoLocationsSet == null) { return null; } return OwnableLists.filterByOwner(geoLocationsSet, owner) .map(GeoLocations::getValues) .map(l -> .map(GeoLocationUpdate::new) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .orElse(new ArrayList<>()); } private GeoLocations toGeoLocations(List geoLocationUpdates, OwnerType owner) { if (geoLocationUpdates == null){ return null; } List geoLocations = geoLocationUpdates .stream() .map(GeoLocationUpdate::toGeoLocation) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return GeoLocations.builder() .owner(owner) .values(geoLocations) .build(); } private List toTopicUpdates(SortedSet topicsSet, OwnerType owner) { if (topicsSet == null) { return null; } return OwnableLists.filterByOwner(topicsSet, owner) .map(Topics::getValues) .map(l -> .map(TopicUpdate::new) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .orElse(new ArrayList<>()); } private Topics toTopics(List topicUpdates, OwnerType owner) { if (topicUpdates == null) { return null; } List topics = topicUpdates .stream() .map(TopicUpdate::toTopic) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return Topics.builder() .owner(owner) .values(topics) .build(); } private List toCreditsUpdate(List credits) { if (credits == null) { return null; } List creditsUpdates = new ArrayList<>(); for (Credits credit: credits) { if (credit instanceof Person p) { if (p.getGtaaUri() != null && isBefore(5, 12)) { continue; } creditsUpdates.add(new PersonUpdate(p)); } else { if (isNotBefore(5, 12)) { creditsUpdates.add(new NameUpdate((Name) credit)); } } } return creditsUpdates; } public M fetch() { return fetch(OwnerType.BROADCASTER); } protected List toList(List list, Predicate filter, Function mapper, boolean nullToNull) { if (list == null) { if (nullToNull) { return null; } list = new ArrayList<>(); } return list .stream() .filter(filter) .map(mapper) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } protected List toList(List list, Function mapper, boolean nullToNull) { return toList(list, (u) -> true, mapper, nullToNull); } protected List toList(List list, Function mapper) { return toList(list, (u) -> true, mapper, false); } protected > TreeSet toSet(Set list, Predicate filter, Function mapper) { if (list == null) { list = new TreeSet<>(); } return list .stream() .filter(filter) .map(mapper) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new)); } protected > TreeSet toSet(Set list, Function mapper) { return toSet(list, (u) -> true, mapper); } /** * * @since 1.5 */ @XmlAttribute @Size.List({@Size(max = 255), @Size(min = 4)}) @Pattern(regexp = "^[ .a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", flags = {Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE}, message = "{nl.vpro.constraints.mid}") @Override public final String getMid() { return mid; } /** * @since 1.8 */ public void setMid(String mid) { this.mid = mid; } public abstract SubMediaType getType(); /** * @since 5.6 */ @Override @JsonIgnore public final MediaType getMediaType() { SubMediaType subMediaType = getType(); return subMediaType == null ? null : subMediaType.getMediaType(); } @XmlAttribute(name = "deleted") protected Boolean getDeletedAttribute() { return isDeleted() ? true : null; } protected void setDeletedAttribute(Boolean deleted) { isDeleted = deleted != null ? (deleted ? true : null) : null; } @XmlTransient public boolean isDeleted() { return isDeleted != null && isDeleted; } public void setDeleted(boolean isDeleted) { this.isDeleted = !isDeleted ? null : true; } @XmlAttribute @Deprecated public String getUrn() { return urn; } /** * @deprecated Refer to existing media by {@link #setMid(String) mid} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "7.7") public void setUrn(String s) { this.urn = s; } @XmlTransient @Override public Long getId() { String urn = getUrn(); if (urn == null) { return null; } return Long.valueOf(urn.substring(getUrnPrefix().length())); } void setId(Long id) { setUrn(getUrnPrefix() + id); } protected abstract String getUrnPrefix(); @XmlAttribute(name = "avType") @NotNull public AVType getAVType() { return avType; } public void setAVType(AVType avType) { this.avType = avType; } @XmlAttribute public Boolean getEmbeddable() { return embeddable; } public void setEmbeddable(Boolean isEmbeddable) { this.embeddable = isEmbeddable; } @Override @XmlAttribute(name = "publishStart") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(InstantXmlAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime") @JsonDeserialize(using = StringInstantToJsonTimestamp.Deserializer.class) @JsonSerialize(using = StringInstantToJsonTimestamp.Serializer.class) public Instant getPublishStartInstant() { return publishStart; } @NonNull @Override public MediaUpdate setPublishStartInstant(Instant publishStart) { this.publishStart = publishStart; return this; } @Override @XmlAttribute(name = "publishStop") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(InstantXmlAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime") @JsonDeserialize(using = StringInstantToJsonTimestamp.Deserializer.class) @JsonSerialize(using = StringInstantToJsonTimestamp.Serializer.class) public Instant getPublishStopInstant() { return publishStop; } @NonNull @Override public MediaUpdate setPublishStopInstant(Instant publishStop) { this.publishStop = publishStop; return this; } @XmlElement(name = "crid") @StringList(pattern = "(?i)crid://.*/.*", maxLength = 255) @Override @NonNull public List getCrids() { if (crids == null) { crids = new ArrayList<>(); } return crids; } public void setCrids(List crids) { this.crids = crids; } @XmlElement(name = "broadcaster", required = true) @Size(min = 1, groups = WarningValidatorGroup.class) @NonNull public List getBroadcasters() { if (broadcasters == null) { broadcasters = new ArrayList<>(); } return broadcasters; } public void setBroadcasters(List broadcasters) { this.broadcasters = broadcasters; } @XmlTransient public void setBroadcasters(String... broadcasters) { this.broadcasters = Arrays.asList(broadcasters); } @XmlElement(name = "portal", required = false) @NonNull public List getPortals() { if (portals == null) { portals = new ArrayList<>(); } return portals; } public void setPortals(List portals) { this.portals = portals; } @XmlTransient public void setPortals(String... portals) { this.portals = Arrays.asList(portals); } @XmlElement(name = "exclusive") @Valid public List getPortalRestrictions() { if (portalRestrictions == null) { portalRestrictions = new ArrayList<>(); } return portalRestrictions; } public void setPortalRestrictions(List restrictions) { this.portalRestrictions = restrictions; } @XmlTransient public void setPortalRestrictions(String... restrictions) { List updates = getPortalRestrictions(); Stream.of(restrictions).forEach(r -> updates.add(PortalRestrictionUpdate.of(r))); } @XmlElement(name = "region") @Valid @NonNull public SortedSet getGeoRestrictions() { if (geoRestrictions == null) { geoRestrictions = new TreeSet<>(); } return geoRestrictions; } public void setGeoRestrictions(SortedSet restrictions) { this.geoRestrictions = restrictions; } @Override @XmlElement(name = "title", required = true) @Valid @NotNull @NonNull @Size(min = 1, groups = RedundantValidatorGroup.class) public SortedSet getTitles() { if (titles == null) { titles = new TreeSet<>(); } return titles; } @Override public void setTitles(SortedSet titles) { this.titles = titles; } @XmlTransient public void setTitles(TitleUpdate... titles) { setTitles(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(titles))); } @Override @XmlElement(name = "description") @Valid @NonNull public SortedSet getDescriptions() { if (descriptions == null) { descriptions = new TreeSet<>(); } return descriptions; } @Override public void setDescriptions(SortedSet descriptions) { this.descriptions = descriptions; } @XmlTransient public void setDescriptions(DescriptionUpdate... descriptions) { this.descriptions = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(descriptions)); } @Override @JsonIgnore public BiFunction getTitleCreator() { return TitleUpdate::new; } @Override @JsonIgnore public BiFunction getDescriptionCreator() { return DescriptionUpdate::new; } @XmlElement(name = "tag") public SortedSet getTags() { if (tags == null) { tags = new TreeSet<>(); } return tags; } public void setTags(SortedSet tags) { this.tags = tags; } @XmlTransient public void setTags(String... tags) { setTags(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(tags))); } @XmlElement(name = "country") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Code.class) public List getCountries() { if (countries == null) { countries = new ArrayList<>(); } return countries; } public void setCountries(List countries) { this.countries = countries; } @XmlElement(name = "language") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = UsedLanguageUpdateAdapter.class) @JsonSerialize(using = LanguageList.Serializer.class) @JsonDeserialize(using = LanguageList.Deserializer.class) public List getLanguages() { if (languages == null) { languages = new ArrayList<>(); } return languages; } public void setLanguages(List languages) { this.languages = languages; } @XmlElement(name = "genre") @StringList(pattern = "3\\.([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+", maxLength = 255) @NonNull public SortedSet getGenres() { if (genres == null) { genres = new TreeSet<>(); } return genres; } public void setGenres(SortedSet genres) { this.genres = genres; } @XmlTransient public void setGenres(String... genres) { setGenres(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(genres))); } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "intentions") @XmlElement(name = "intention") @NonNull public List getIntentions() { return intentions; } public void setIntentions(List intentions) { this.intentions = intentions; } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "targetGroups") @XmlElement(name = "targetGroup") @NonNull public List getTargetGroups() { return targetGroups; } public void setTargetGroups(List targetGroups) { this.targetGroups = targetGroups; } @XmlElement(name = "avAttributes") public AVAttributesUpdate getAvAttributes() { return avAttributes; } public void setAvAttributes(AVAttributesUpdate avAttributes) { this.avAttributes = avAttributes; } @XmlElement @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(DurationXmlAdapter.class) public java.time.Duration getDuration() { return duration; } public void setDuration(java.time.Duration duration) { this.duration = duration; } @XmlElement public Short getReleaseYear() { return releaseYear; } public void setReleaseYear(Short releaseYear) { this.releaseYear = releaseYear; } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "credits") @XmlElements({ @XmlElement(name = "person", type = PersonUpdate.class), @XmlElement(name = "name", type = NameUpdate.class) }) @Valid @NonNull public List getCredits() { if (credits == null) { credits = new ArrayList<>(); } return credits; } public void setCredits(List credits) { this.credits = credits; } @XmlTransient public void setCredits(CreditsUpdate... credits){ setCredits(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(credits))); } @XmlElement @NonNull public SortedSet getMemberOf() { if (memberOf == null) { memberOf = new TreeSet<>(); } return memberOf; } protected MemberRef toMemberRef(MemberRefUpdate m) { MemberRef ref = new MemberRef(); //ref.setMember(fetch(OwnerType.BROADCASTER)); ref.setMediaRef(m.getMediaRef()); ref.setNumber(m.getPosition()); ref.setHighlighted(m.isHighlighted()); ref.setAdded(null); return ref; } public void setMemberOf(SortedSet memberOf) throws CircularReferenceException { this.memberOf = memberOf; } @XmlElement public AgeRating getAgeRating() { return ageRating; } public void setAgeRating(AgeRating ageRating) { this.ageRating = ageRating; } @XmlElement(name = "contentRating") @NonNull public List getContentRatings() { if (contentRatings == null) { contentRatings = new ArrayList<>(); } return contentRatings; } public void setContentRatings(List contentRatings) { this.contentRatings = contentRatings; } @XmlElement @NonNull public List getEmail() { if (email == null) { email = new ArrayList<>(); } return email; } public void setEmail(List emails) { = emails; } @XmlTransient public void setEmail(String... emails) { setEmail(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(emails))); } @XmlElement(name = "website") @NonNull public List getWebsites() { if (websites == null) { websites = new ArrayList<>(); } return websites; } public void setWebsites(List websites) { this.websites = websites; } @XmlTransient public void setWebsites(String... websites) { setWebsites(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(websites))); } public void setWebsiteObjects(List websites) { this.websites = .map(Website::getUrl) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @XmlElement(name = "twitterref") @NonNull public List getTwitterrefs() { if (twitterrefs == null) { twitterrefs = new ArrayList<>(); } return twitterrefs; } @XmlTransient public void setTwitterRefs(List twitterRefs) { this.twitterrefs = twitterRefs; } /** * @since 5.6 */ @XmlElement(name = "prediction") @Valid @NonNull public SortedSet getPredictions() { if (predictions == null) { predictions = new TreeSet<>(); } return predictions; } /** * @since 5.6 */ public void setPredictions(SortedSet predictions) { this.predictions = predictions; } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "locations") @XmlElement(name = "location") @Valid @NonNull public SortedSet getLocations() { if (locations == null) { locations = new TreeSet<>(); } return locations; } public void setLocations(SortedSet locations) { this.locations = locations; } @XmlTransient public void setLocations(LocationUpdate... locations) { setLocations(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(locations))); } @XmlElement(name = "relation") @NonNull public SortedSet getRelations() { if (relations == null) { relations = new TreeSet<>(); } return relations; } public void setRelations(SortedSet relations) { this.relations = relations; } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "images") @XmlElement(name = "image") @Valid @NonNull public List getImages() { if (images == null) { images = new ArrayList<>(); } return images; } public void setImages(List images) { // Leave builder.images to the fetch(ImageImporter) method this.images = images; } @XmlTransient public void setImages(ImageUpdate... images) { setImages(new ArrayList<>()); this.images.addAll(Arrays.asList(images)); } /** * Get asset containing the location source to be encoded. * * @return asset or null when unavailable * @since 2.1 */ @XmlElement(name = "asset") @Nullable public Asset getAsset() { return asset; } public void setAsset(Asset asset) { this.asset = asset; } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "geoLocations") @XmlElement(name = "geoLocation") @Valid @NonNull public List getGeoLocations() { return geoLocations; } public void setGeoLocations(List geoLocationUpdates) { this.geoLocations = geoLocationUpdates; } @XmlTransient public void setGeoLocations(GeoLocationUpdate... geoLocationUpdates) { setGeoLocations(Arrays.asList(geoLocationUpdates)); } @XmlElementWrapper(name = "topics") @XmlElement(name = "topic") @Valid @NonNull public List getTopics() { return topics; } public void setTopics(List topicUpdates) { this.topics = topicUpdates; } @XmlTransient public void setTopics(TopicUpdate... topicUpdates) { setTopics(Arrays.asList(topicUpdates)); } @Override public String toString() { return (isDeleted == Boolean.TRUE ? "DELETED:" : "") + getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + getType() + ":" + (mid == null ? "" : mid) + ":" + Optional.ofNullable(getMainTitle()).orElse("") + "]"; } void afterUnmarshal(Unmarshaller u, Object parent) { this.fromXml = true; if (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof IntegerVersionSpecific) { version = ((IntegerVersionSpecific) parent).getVersion(); xmlVersion = false; } } } void beforeMarshal(Marshaller marshaller) { log.trace("Before"); } protected boolean isNotBefore(Integer... intVersion) { return version == null || version.isNotBefore(intVersion); } protected boolean isBefore(Integer... intVersion) { return version != null && version.isBefore(intVersion); } }