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* Copyright (C) 2012 All rights reserved
* VPRO The Netherlands
package nl.vpro.util;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.PolyNull;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.*;
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;
* See JIRA
* @author Roelof Jan Koekoek
* @since 1.5
public class TextUtil {
* Reusable pattern for matching text against illegal characters
public static final Pattern ILLEGAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<.*>|\\d{2,4};|&[\\w]{2,8};|\\u2028");
private TextUtil() {
// utility class
private static final Set ALL = Set.of(
"a", //Specific a anchor (Hyperlink)
"abbr",// Describes an abbreviation (acronyms)
"acronym", //Describes an acronyms REMOVE
"address", //Describes an address information
"applet", //Embedding an applet in HTML document REMOVE
"area", //Defines an area in an image map
"article", //Defines an article NEW
"aside", //Describes contain set(or write) on aside place in page contain NEW
"audio", //Specific audio content NEW
"b", //Specific text weight bold
"base", //Define a base URL for all the links with in a web page
"basefont", //Describes a default font color, size, face in a document REMOVE
"bb", //Define browser command, that command invoke as per client action NEW/ REMOVE
"bdo", //Specific direction of text display
"big", //Defines a big text REMOVE
"blockquote", //Specifies a long quotation
"body", //Defines a main section(body) part in HTML document
"br", //Specific a single line break
"button", //Specifies a press/push button
"canvas", //Specifies the display graphics on HTML web documment NEW
"caption", //Define a table caption
"center", //Specifies a text is display in center align REMOVE
"cite", //Specifies a text citation
"code", //Specifies computer code text
"col", //Specifies a each column within a "colgroup", element in table
"colgroup", //Defines a group of one or more columns inside table
"command", //Define a command button, invoke as per user action NEW
"datagrid", // Define a represent data in datagrid either list wise or tree wise NEW/ REMOVE
"datalist", // Define a list of pre-defined options surrounding "input", // tag NEW
"dd", // Defines a definition description in a definition list
"del", // Specific text deleted in web document
"details", // Define a additional details hide or show as per user action NEW
"dfn", // Define a definition team
"dialog", // Define a chat conversation between one or more person NEW/ REMOVE
"dir", // Define a directory list REMOVE
"div", // Define a division part
"dl", // Define a definition list
"dt", // Define a definition team
"em", // Define a text is emphasize format
"embed", // Define a embedding external application using a relative plug-in NEW
"eventsource", // Defines a source of event generates to remote server NEW/ REMOVE
"fieldset", // Defines a grouping of related form elements
"figcaption", // Represents a caption text corresponding with a figure element NEW
"figure", // Represents self-contained content corresponding with a "figcaption", // element NEW
"font", // Defines a font size, font face and font color for its text REMOVE
"footer", // Defines a footer section containing details about the author, copyright, contact us, sitemap, or links to related documents. NEW
"form", // Defines a form section that having interactive input controls to submit form information to a server.
"frame", // Defines frame window. REMOVE
"frameset", // Used to holds one or more "frame", // elements. REMOVE
"h6", // to "h6", // Defines a Headings level from 1 to 6 different sizes.
"head", // Defines header section of HTML document.
"header", // Defines as a container that hold introductory content or navigation links. NEW
"hgroup", // Defines the heading of a section that hold the h1 to h6 tags. NEW/ REMOVE
"hr /", // Represent a thematic break between paragraph-level tags. It is typically draw horizontal line.
"html", // Define a document is a HTML markup language
"i", // Defines a italic format text
"iframe", // Defines a inline frame that embedded external content into current web document.
"img", // Used to insert image into a web document.
"input", // Define a get information in selected input
"ins", // Used to indicate text that is inserted into a page and indicates changes to a document.
"isindex", // Used to create a single line search prompt for querying the contents of the document. REMOVE
"kbd", // Used to identify text that are represents keyboard input.
"keygen", // Used to generate signed certificate, which is used to authenticate to services. NEW/ REMOVE
"label", // Used to caption a text label with a form "input", // element.
"legend", // Used to add a caption (title) to a group of related form elements that are grouped together into the "fieldset", // tag.
"li", // Define a list item either ordered list or unordered list.
"link", // Used to load an external stylesheets into HTML document.
"map", // Defines an clickable image map.
"mark", // Used to highlighted (marked) specific text. NEW
"menu", // Used to display a unordered list of items/menu of commands.
"meta", // Used to provide structured metadata about a web page.
"meter", // Used to measure data within a given range. NEW
"nav", // Used to defines group of navigation links. NEW
"noframes", // Used to provide a fallback content to the browser that does not support the "frame", // element. REMOVE
"noscript", // Used to provide an fall-back content to the browser that does not support the JavaScript.
"object", // Used to embedded objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations.
"ol", // Defines an ordered list of items.
"optgroup", // Used to create a grouping of options, the related options are grouped under specific headings.
"option", // Represents option items within a "select", //, "optgroup", // or "datalist", // element.
"output", // Used for representing the result of a calculation. NEW
"p", // Used to represents a paragraph text.
"param", // Provides parameters for embedded object element.
"pre", // Used to represents preformatted text.
"progress", // Represents the progress of a task. NEW
"q", // Represents the short quotation.
"rp", // Used to provide parentheses around fall-back content to the browser that does not support the ruby annotations. NEW
"rt", // Specifies the ruby text of ruby annotation. NEW
"ruby", // Used to represents a ruby annotation. NEW
"s", // Text display in strikethrough style.
"samp", // Represents text that should be interpreted as sample output from a computer program.
"script", // Defines client-side JavaScript.
"section", // Used to divide a document into number of different generic section. NEW
"select", // Used to create a drop-down list.
"small", // Used to makes the text one size smaller.
"source", // Used to specifies multiple media resources. NEW
"span", // Used to grouping and applying styles to inline elements.
"strike", // Represents strikethrough text. REMOVE
"strong", // Represents strong emphasis greater important text.
"style", // Used to add CSS style to an HTML document.
"sub", // Represents inline subscript text.
"sup", // Represents inline superscript text.
"table", // Used to defines a table in an HTML document.
"tbody", // Used for grouping table rows.
"td", // Used for creates standard data cell in HTML table.
"textarea", // Create multi-line text input.
"tfoot", // Used to adding a footer to a table that containing summary of the table data.
"th", // Used for creates header of a group of cell in HTML table.
"thead", // Used to adding a header to a table that containing header information of the table.
"time", // Represents the date and/or time in an HTML document. NEW
"title", // Represents title to an HTML document.
"tr", // Defines a row of cells in a table.
"track", // Represents text tracks for both the "audio", // and "video", // tags. NEW
"tt", // Represents teletype text. REMOVE
"u", // Represents underlined text.
"ul", // Defines an unordered list of items.
"var", // Represents a variable in a computer program or mathematical equation.
"video", // Used to embed video content. NEW
"wbr" // Defines a word break opportunity in a long string of text. NEW
// TODO XHTML tags too?
* Checks if given text input complies to POMS standard.
* @see #ILLEGAL_PATTERN for a rough check
public static boolean isValid(@NonNull String input, boolean aggressive) {
Matcher matcher = ILLEGAL_PATTERN.matcher(input);
if(!matcher.find()) {
return true;
// sanitizing should do nothing (modulo white space)
if (aggressive) {
return Objects.equals(
} else {
if (!Parser.unescapeEntities(input, false).equals(input)) {
return false;
// we just reject if known tags are encountered after parsing.
List parsed = Parser.parseFragment(input, Jsoup.parse("").body(), "http://localhost/");
for (Node e : parsed) {
if (! jsoupNodeValid(e)) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean jsoupNodeValid(Node n) {
if (n instanceof Element e) {
if (ALL.contains(e.tagName().toLowerCase())) {
return false;
for (Node child : e.childNodes()) {
if (child instanceof Element ce) {
if (!jsoupNodeValid(ce)) {
return false;
} else if (n instanceof TextNode t) {
// also, there should be no html parseable entities.//
// but at this point the text node is already parsed.
return true;
} else if (n instanceof Comment c) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if given text input complies to POMS standard.
* @see #ILLEGAL_PATTERN for a rough check
public static boolean isValid(@NonNull String input) {
return isValid(input, true);
* Replaces any occurrences of 1 of more white space characters by one space.
public static String normalizeWhiteSpace(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
return input.trim().replaceAll("[\\s\u00a0]+", " ");
public static String normalizeWhiteSpacePreserveNewlines(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
return input.trim()
.replaceAll("\\r{3,}", "\n\n")
// space, line tabulation, tab, formfeed,cariage return
.replaceAll("[ \\t\\x0B\\f]+", " ")
* Replaces all line separators with a single white space character. The line separator character (\u2028) is
* forbidden in most modern browsers. These browsers won't render any text containing this character.
public static String replaceLineBreaks(@PolyNull String input) {
return input != null ? input.replace('\u2028', ' ') : null;
* Replaces all non-breaking space characters (\u00A0) with a normal white space character.
public static String replaceNonBreakingSpace(@PolyNull String input) {
return input != null ? input.replace('\u00A0', ' ') : null;
* Replaces 'odd' characters with a normal white space character.
public static String replaceOdd(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
input = input.replaceAll("\\p{Cc}+", " ");
return replaceLineBreaks(
* Replaces all non-breaking space entities( ) with a normal white space character.
public static String replaceHtmlEscapedNonBreakingSpace(@PolyNull String input) {
return input != null ? input.replace(" ", " ") : null;
* Un-escapes all html escape entities. For example: Replaces "&" with "&".
public static String unescapeHtml(@PolyNull String input) {
return input != null ? StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(
input.replace(" ", "\u00a0")
) : null;
* Strips html like tags from the input. All content between tags, even non-html content is being removed.
* @see #unhtml(String) for multiline interpretation
* @param input a piece of HTML or text containing some HTML markup
* @return One line representing only the textual content of the input
public static String stripHtml(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
Document jsoupDoc = Jsoup.parse(input);
Document.OutputSettings outputSettings = new Document.OutputSettings();
jsoupDoc.outputSettings(outputSettings);"br").before(" ");"li").before(" ");"p").before(" ");
String str = jsoupDoc.html();
String strWithNewLines = Jsoup.clean(str, "", Safelist.none(), outputSettings);
return strWithNewLines.replaceAll(" +", " ").trim();
* @param input A piece of HTML
* @return A piece of plain text, currently only supporting breaks, paragraphs, and lists. Empty paragraphs
* and multiple linebreaks are removed.
* @since 2.30
public static String unhtml(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
Document jsoupDoc = Jsoup.parse(input);
Document.OutputSettings outputSettings = new Document.OutputSettings();
String str = jsoupDoc.html().replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n");
String strWithNewLines = Jsoup.clean(str, "", Safelist.none(), outputSettings);
return unescapeHtml(
.replaceAll(" +", " ")
.replaceAll("\u00a0+", "\u00a0") // no break space
.replaceAll("\u2028", "\n") // line seperator
.replaceAll("\n{3,}", "\n\n")
.replaceAll("[\\p{Cntrl}&&[^\r\n\t]]", "") // control characters, (but not newlines and tabs)
* Aggressively removes all tags and escaped HTML characters from the given input and replaces some characters that
* might lead to problems for end users.
* @return A single line of text
public static String sanitize(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
// recursive, because sometimes a sanitize operation results new html (see nl.vpro.util.TextUtilTest.testSanitizeIframe())
String sanitized = _sanitize(input);
while (! Objects.equals(sanitized, input)) {
input = sanitized;
sanitized = _sanitize(input);
return sanitized;
private static String _sanitize(@PolyNull String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
String unescaped = replaceHtmlEscapedNonBreakingSpace(unescapeHtml(input));
return unescapeHtml(
private static final Set DUTCH_PARTICLES =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(
/*, "'t", "'n" ?*/
private static Pattern getPattern(String particle) {
return Pattern.compile("(?i)^(" + particle + ")\\b.+");
* Returns the 'lexicographic' presentation of a title. This means that articles are stripped and moved to the end of the string. Currently only supported for dutch.
public static String getLexico(@PolyNull String title, Locale locale) {
if (title == null) {
return null;
// Deze code staat ook als javascript in media-server/src/main/webapp/vpro/media/1.0/util/format.js
if ("nl".equals(locale.getLanguage())) {
for (Pattern particle : DUTCH_PARTICLES) {
Matcher matcher = particle.matcher(title);
if (matcher.matches()) {
int matchLength =;
String start = title.substring(0, matchLength);
boolean uppercase = title.toUpperCase().equals(title);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(title.substring(matchLength).trim()).append(", ").append(uppercase ? start.toUpperCase() : start.toLowerCase());
if (Character.isUpperCase(start.charAt(0))) {
b.setCharAt(0, Character.toTitleCase(b.charAt(0)));
return b.toString();
return title;
} else {
return title;
* Selects first non-null of the parameters.
* @deprecated Can easily be achieved with stream filter {@link Objects#nonNull(Object)}
public static String select(String... options) {
return Stream.of(options).filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().orElse(null);
public static String truncate(@PolyNull String text, int max) {
return truncate(text, max, false);
static int lastIndexOfWhiteSpace(CharSequence s) {
for (int i = s.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
return i;
return -1;
public static String truncate(@PolyNull String text, int max, boolean ellipses) {
if (text == null) {
return null;
boolean truncated = false;
while(text.length() > max) {
int end = text.lastIndexOf('.');
if (end > 0 && end < text.length() - 1) {
text = text.substring(0, end + 1);
truncated = true;
int end = lastIndexOfWhiteSpace(text);
if (end > 0 && end < text.length() - 1) {
text = text.substring(0, end);
truncated = true;
text = text.substring(0, max);
if (ellipses && truncated) {
return text + "...";
} else {
return text;
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'stroke through' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String strikeThrough(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u0336');
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'underlined' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String underLine(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u0332');
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'double underlined' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String underLineDouble(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u0333');
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'overlined' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String overLine(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u0305');
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'double overlined' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String overLineDouble(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u033f');
* Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'diaeresised under' (using unicode control characters)
* @since 2.11
public static String underDiaeresis(@PolyNull CharSequence s) {
return controlEach(s, '\u0324');
* @since 2.11
public static String controlEach(@PolyNull CharSequence s, @NonNull Character control) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
return result.toString();