nl.weeaboo.lua2.stdlib.DebugLib Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package nl.weeaboo.lua2.stdlib;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaBoolean.FALSE;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaBoolean.TRUE;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.EMPTYSTRING;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.NONE;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TBOOLEAN;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TFUNCTION;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TNIL;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TNUMBER;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TSTRING;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaConstants.TTHREAD;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaNil.NIL;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaValue.valueOf;
import static nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaValue.varargsOf;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.LuaException;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.LuaRunState;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.Metatables;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.internal.Print;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.lib.LuaBoundFunction;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.Lua;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaBoolean;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaClosure;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaFunction;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaInteger;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaString;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaTable;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaThread;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.LuaValue;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.Prototype;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.UpValue;
import nl.weeaboo.lua2.vm.Varargs;
* Optional debug library
public final class DebugLib extends LuaModule {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugLib.class);
private static final boolean TRACE = false;
private static final LuaString LUA = valueOf("Lua");
private static final LuaString JAVA = valueOf("Java");
private static final LuaString FUNC = valueOf("func");
private static final LuaString NAME = valueOf("name");
private static final LuaString LINE = valueOf("line");
private static final LuaString CALL = valueOf("call");
private static final LuaString COUNT = valueOf("count");
private static final LuaString RETURN = valueOf("return");
private static final LuaString NUPS = valueOf("nups");
private static final LuaString NAMEWHAT = valueOf("namewhat");
private static final LuaString WHAT = valueOf("what");
private static final LuaString SOURCE = valueOf("source");
private static final LuaString SHORT_SRC = valueOf("short_src");
private static final LuaString LINEDEFINED = valueOf("linedefined");
private static final LuaString LASTLINEDEFINED = valueOf("lastlinedefined");
private static final LuaString CURRENTLINE = valueOf("currentline");
private static final LuaString ACTIVELINES = valueOf("activelines");
DebugLib() {
* Starts the interactive debugger.
* @param args Not used.
public Varargs debug(Varargs args) {
throw new LuaException("not implemented");
* Returns the environment for the given object.
* @param args
* - object
* @return The {@code fenv} for the object.
public Varargs getfenv(Varargs args) {
LuaValue object = args.arg1();
LuaValue env = object.getfenv();
return (env != null ? env : NIL);
* Sets the environment for the given object to the given table.
* @param args
* - object
- table
public Varargs setfenv(Varargs args) {
LuaValue object = args.arg1();
LuaTable table = args.checktable(2);
return object;
* Returns the debug hook settings of the thread.
* @param args
* - (optional) thread. If no thread is specified, uses the currently running thread.
* @return {@code hookFunction, hookMask, hookCount}
* see {@link #sethook(Varargs)}
public Varargs gethook(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
return varargsOf(ds.hookfunc,
valueOf((ds.hookcall ? "c" : "") + (ds.hookline ? "l" : "") + (ds.hookrtrn ? "r" : "")),
* Sets the debug hook for a thread.
* When called without arguments, the hook is disabled.
* The hook function is called with the following parameters:
* - event. The type of event that triggered the call ("call", "return", "tail return", "line",
* "count").
- line number. Only if event is "line".
* @param args
* - (optional) thread. If no thread is specified, uses the currently running thread.
- hook function
- hook mask. A string containing zero or more of the following characters:
* - "c": Call the hook every time Lua calls a function.
- "r": Call the hook every time Lua returns from a function.
- "l": Call the hook for every new line of code.
* - (optional) hook count. If non-zero, calls the hook after every {@code count} instructions.
public Varargs sethook(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
LuaValue func = args.optfunction(a++, null);
String str = args.optjstring(a++, "");
boolean call = str.contains("c");
boolean line = str.contains("l");
boolean rtrn = str.contains("r");
int count = args.optint(a++, 0);
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
ds.sethook(func, call, line, rtrn, count);
return NONE;
* Returns the name and value of a local variable.
* @param args
* - (optional) thread. If no thread is specified, uses the currently running thread.
- level. This is the relative offset into the call stack at which to find the local variable.
- index. Local variable index.
* @return {@code name, value} if found, or {@code nil} if no local variable was found with that index.
public Varargs getlocal(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
int level = args.checkint(a++);
int index = args.checkint(a++);
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
DebugInfo di = ds.getDebugInfo(level);
if (di == null) {
return NIL;
LuaString name = di.getlocalname(index);
if (name != null) {
return varargsOf(name, di.getLocalValue(index));
} else {
return NIL;
* Sets the value of a local variable.
* @param args
* - (optional) thread. If no thread is specified, uses the currently running thread.
- level. This is the relative offset into the call stack at which to find the local variable.
- index. Local variable index.
- value. The new value for the local variable.
* @return The name of the local variable, or {@code nil} if no local variable was found with that index.
public Varargs setlocal(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
int level = args.checkint(a++);
int local = args.checkint(a++);
LuaValue value = args.arg(a++);
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
DebugInfo di = ds.getDebugInfo(level);
if (di == null) {
return NIL;
LuaString name = di.getlocalname(local);
if (name != null) {
di.stack[local - 1] = value;
return name;
} else {
return NIL;
* Returns the name and value of the upvalue with the given index in the given function.
* @param args
* - function
- index
* @return {@code name, value} if found, or {@code nil} otherwise.
public Varargs getupvalue(Varargs args) {
LuaValue func = args.checkfunction(1);
int up = args.checkint(2);
if (func instanceof LuaClosure) {
LuaClosure c = (LuaClosure)func;
LuaString name = findupvalue(c, up);
if (name != null) {
UpValue[] upValues = c.getUpValues();
return varargsOf(name, upValues[up - 1].getValue());
return NIL;
* Sets the value of the upvalue with the given index in the given function.
* @param args
* - function
- index
- value
* @return The name of the upvalue if found, or {@code nil} otherwise.
public Varargs setupvalue(Varargs args) {
LuaValue func = args.checkfunction(1);
int up = args.checkint(2);
LuaValue value = args.arg(3);
if (func instanceof LuaClosure) {
LuaClosure c = (LuaClosure)func;
LuaString name = findupvalue(c, up);
if (name != null) {
UpValue[] upValues = c.getUpValues();
upValues[up - 1].setValue(value);
return name;
return NIL;
private static @Nullable LuaString findupvalue(LuaClosure c, int up) {
if (up > 0 && up <= c.getUpValueCount()) {
Prototype p = c.getPrototype();
if (p.upvalues != null && up <= p.upvalues.length) {
return p.upvalues[up - 1];
} else {
return valueOf("." + up);
return null;
* Returns the metatable of the given object.
* @param args
* - object
* @return The metatable, or {@code nil} if the object doesn't have a metatable.
public Varargs getmetatable(Varargs args) {
LuaValue object = args.arg(1);
return object.getmetatable();
* Sets the metatable for the given object.
* @param args
* - object
- table (may be nil)
public Varargs setmetatable(Varargs args) {
Metatables metatables = LuaRunState.getCurrent().getMetatables();
LuaValue object = args.arg(1);
try {
LuaValue mt = args.opttable(2, null);
if (mt == null) {
mt = NIL;
switch (object.type()) {
case TNIL:
return TRUE;
} catch (LuaException e) {
return varargsOf(FALSE, valueOf(e.toString()));
* Returns a table with info about a function.
* @param args
* - (optional) thread
- function. This can either be a function object, or a call stack offset (a number).
- (optional) what. A sequence of characters describing which fields to return, defaults to
* "nSluf". The possible values are:
* - "n": name, namewhat
- "S": what, source, short_src, linedefined, lastlinedefined
- "l": currentline
- "u": nups
- "f": func
- "L": activelines
* @return A table with info.
public Varargs getinfo(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
LuaValue func = args.arg(a++);
final String what = args.optjstring(a++, "nSluf");
// find the stack info
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
DebugInfo di = null;
LuaString[] namewhat = null;
if (func.isnumber()) {
int level = func.checkint();
if (level > 0) {
di = ds.getDebugInfo(level);
DebugInfo parentInfo = ds.getDebugInfo(level + 1);
if (parentInfo != null) {
namewhat = parentInfo.getnamewhat();
} else {
di = new DebugInfo(thread.getCallstackFunction(1));
} else {
di = ds.findDebugInfo(func.checkfunction());
if (di == null) {
return NIL;
// start a table
LuaTable info = new LuaTable();
LuaClosure c = di.closure;
for (int i = 0, j = what.length(); i < j; i++) {
switch (what.charAt(i)) {
case 'S': {
if (c != null) {
Prototype p = c.getPrototype();
info.set(WHAT, LUA);
info.set(SOURCE, p.source);
info.set(SHORT_SRC, valueOf(sourceshort(p)));
info.set(LINEDEFINED, valueOf(p.linedefined));
info.set(LASTLINEDEFINED, valueOf(p.lastlinedefined));
} else {
String shortName = di.func.tojstring();
info.set(WHAT, JAVA);
info.set(SOURCE, valueOf("[Java] " + shortName));
info.set(SHORT_SRC, valueOf(shortName));
info.set(LINEDEFINED, LuaInteger.valueOf(-1));
info.set(LASTLINEDEFINED, LuaInteger.valueOf(-1));
case 'l': {
int line = di.currentline();
info.set(CURRENTLINE, valueOf(line));
case 'u': {
info.set(NUPS, valueOf(c != null ? c.getPrototype().nups : 0));
case 'n': {
info.set(NAME, namewhat != null ? namewhat[0] : NIL);
info.set(NAMEWHAT, namewhat != null ? namewhat[1] : EMPTYSTRING);
case 'f': {
info.set(FUNC, di.func);
case 'L': {
* pushes onto the stack a table whose indices are the numbers of the lines that are valid on
* the function. (A valid line is a line with some associated code, that is, a line where you
* can put a break point. Non-valid lines include empty lines and comments.)
LuaTable lines = new LuaTable();
if (c != null) {
int[] lineinfo = c.getPrototype().lineinfo;
for (int line : lineinfo) {
lines.rawset(line, LuaBoolean.TRUE);
info.set(ACTIVELINES, lines);
return info;
* @param args Not used.
* @return The Lua registry.
public Varargs getregistry(Varargs args) {
return LuaRunState.getCurrent().getRegistry();
* Returns a string with a traceback of the call stack. An optional message string is appended at the
* beginning of the traceback. An optional level number tells at which level to start the traceback
* (defaults to 1).
* @param args
* - (optional) thread. If no thread is specified, uses the currently running thread.
- (optional) message. If present, this is prepended to the resulting traceback.
- (optional) level. Call stack offset.
public Varargs traceback(Varargs args) {
int a = 1;
LuaThread thread = args.isthread(a) ? args.checkthread(a++) : LuaThread.getRunning();
String message = args.optjstring(a++, null);
int level = args.optint(a++, 1);
String tb = DebugTrace.traceback(thread, level);
return valueOf(message != null ? message + "\n" + tb : tb);
private static String sourceshort(Prototype p) {
int maxChars = 60;
String name = p.source.tojstring();
if (name.startsWith("@") || name.startsWith("=")) {
name = name.substring(1);
if (name.length() > maxChars) {
return "..." + name.substring(name.length() - (maxChars - 3), name.length());
} else {
return name;
} else if (name.startsWith("\033")) {
return "binary string";
} else {
maxChars -= 14;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[string \"");
int newlineIndex = name.indexOf('\n');
if (name.length() <= maxChars && newlineIndex < 0) {
} else {
int to = name.length();
// Break at the first newline (if it exists)
if (newlineIndex >= 0) {
to = newlineIndex;
sb.append(name, 0, to);
return sb.toString();
static DebugState getDebugState(LuaThread thread) {
DebugState result = (DebugState)thread.debugState;
if (result == null) {
result = new DebugState(thread);
thread.debugState = result;
return result;
* @see LuaRunState#isDebugEnabled()
public static boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return LuaRunState.getCurrent().isDebugEnabled();
/** Called by Closures to set up stack and arguments to next call */
public static void debugSetupCall(LuaThread thread, Varargs args, LuaValue[] stack) {
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
if (ds.inhook) {
ds.nextInfo().setargs(args, stack);
* Called by Closures and recursing java functions on entry
* @param thread the thread for the call
* @param func the function called
public static void debugOnCall(LuaThread thread, LuaFunction func, String functionName) {
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
DebugInfo di = ds.pushInfo();
di.setfunction(func, functionName);
LOG.trace("debugOnCall: {}", di);
if (!ds.inhook && ds.hookcall) {
ds.callHookFunc(CALL, NIL);
* Called by Closures and recursing java functions on return
* @param thread the thread for the call
public static void debugOnReturn(LuaThread thread) {
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
LOG.trace("debugOnReturn: {}", ds.getDebugInfo());
try {
if (!ds.inhook && ds.hookrtrn) {
ds.callHookFunc(RETURN, NIL);
} finally {
/** Called by Closures on bytecode execution. */
public static void debugBytecode(LuaThread thread, int pc, Varargs extras, int top) {
DebugState ds = getDebugState(thread);
if (ds.inhook) {
DebugInfo di = ds.getDebugInfo();
if (di == null) {
return; // No debug information available
LuaClosure closure = di.closure;
if (TRACE) {
if (closure != null) {
Print.printOpCode(System.out, closure.getPrototype(), pc);
di.pc = pc;
di.extras = extras; = top;
if (ds.hookcount > 0) {
if (ds.hookcodes >= ds.hookcount) {
ds.hookcodes = 0;
ds.callHookFunc(COUNT, NIL);
if (ds.hookline && closure != null) {
int newline = di.currentline();
if (newline != ds.line) {
int c = closure.getPrototype().code[pc];
if ((c & 0x3f) != Lua.OP_JMP || ((c >>> 14) - 0x1ffff) >= 0) {
ds.line = newline;
ds.callHookFunc(LINE, valueOf(newline));
* Resets the debug information related to the call stack of the given thread.
public static void debugResetCallstack(LuaThread thread) {
DebugState debugState = getDebugState(thread);