no.digipost.signature.client.ClientConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package no.digipost.signature.client;
import no.digipost.signature.client.archive.ArchiveClient;
import no.digipost.signature.client.asice.ASiCEConfiguration;
import no.digipost.signature.client.asice.DocumentBundleProcessor;
import no.digipost.signature.client.asice.DumpDocumentBundleToDisk;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.Sender;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.SignatureJob;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.WithSignatureServiceRootUrl;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.MaySpecifySender;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.configuration.ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurer;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.configuration.ApacheHttpClientProxyConfigurer;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.configuration.ApacheHttpClientSslConfigurer;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.configuration.ApacheHttpClientUserAgentConfigurer;
import no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.configuration.Configurer;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHost;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static no.digipost.signature.client.core.internal.MaySpecifySender.NO_SPECIFIED_SENDER;
public final class ClientConfiguration implements ASiCEConfiguration, WithSignatureServiceRootUrl, ArchiveClient.Configuration {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClientConfiguration.class.getName());
private static final String JAVA_DESCRIPTION = System.getProperty("java.vendor", "unknown Java") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.version", "unknown version");
* The {@link HttpHeaders#USER_AGENT User-Agent} header which will be included in all requests. You may include a custom part
* using {@link Builder#includeInUserAgent(String)}.
public static final String MANDATORY_USER_AGENT = "posten-signature-api-client-java/" + ClientMetadata.VERSION + " (" + JAVA_DESCRIPTION + ")";
private final MaySpecifySender defaultSender;
private final URI serviceRoot;
private final KeyStoreConfig keyStoreConfig;
private final Configurer defaultHttpClientConfigurer;
private final Configurer httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer;
private final Iterable documentBundleProcessors;
private final Clock clock;
private ClientConfiguration(
MaySpecifySender defaultSender, URI serviceRoot, KeyStoreConfig keyStoreConfig,
Configurer defaultHttpClientConfigurer,
Configurer httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer,
Iterable documentBundleProcessors, Clock clock) {
this.keyStoreConfig = keyStoreConfig;
this.defaultSender = defaultSender;
this.serviceRoot = serviceRoot;
this.defaultHttpClientConfigurer = defaultHttpClientConfigurer;
this.httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer = httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer;
this.documentBundleProcessors = documentBundleProcessors;
this.clock = clock;
public KeyStoreConfig getKeyStoreConfig() {
return keyStoreConfig;
public MaySpecifySender getDefaultSender() {
return defaultSender;
public Iterable getDocumentBundleProcessors() {
return documentBundleProcessors;
public Clock getClock() {
return clock;
public URI signatureServiceRootUrl() {
return serviceRoot;
public HttpClient httpClientForDocumentDownloads() {
HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
public HttpClient defaultHttpClient() {
HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
* Build a new {@link ClientConfiguration}.
public static Builder builder(KeyStoreConfig keystore) {
return new Builder(keystore);
public static class Builder {
private final KeyStoreConfig keyStoreConfig;
final ApacheHttpClientUserAgentConfigurer userAgentConfigurer = new ApacheHttpClientUserAgentConfigurer(MANDATORY_USER_AGENT);
private final ApacheHttpClientSslConfigurer sslConfigurer;
private final ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurer defaultHttpClientConfigurer;
private final ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurer httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer;
private Configurer proxyConfigurer = Configurer.notConfigured();
private ServiceEnvironment serviceEnvironment = ServiceEnvironment.PRODUCTION;
private MaySpecifySender defaultSender = NO_SPECIFIED_SENDER;
private List documentBundleProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
private Clock clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone();
private Builder(KeyStoreConfig keyStoreConfig) {
this.keyStoreConfig = keyStoreConfig;
this.sslConfigurer = new ApacheHttpClientSslConfigurer(keyStoreConfig, serviceEnvironment);
this.defaultHttpClientConfigurer = new ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurer()
this.httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer = new ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurer()
public Builder serviceEnvironment(ServiceEnvironment other) {
return serviceEnvironment(current -> other);
public Builder serviceEnvironment(UnaryOperator updateServiceEnvironment) {
this.serviceEnvironment = updateServiceEnvironment.apply(this.serviceEnvironment);;
return this;
* Set the http proxy host used by the client.
* @param hostname the hostname
* @param port the port
public Builder httpProxyHost(String hostname, int port) {
return proxyHost(URI.create(hostname + ":" + port));
* Set URI to proxy host to be used by the client. Only the
* scheme, host, and port of the URI is used, any other parts are ignored.
* @param proxyHostUri the proxy host URI
public Builder proxyHost(URI proxyHostUri) {
this.proxyConfigurer = new ApacheHttpClientProxyConfigurer(HttpHost.create(proxyHostUri));
return this;
* Set the default {@link Sender} to use if not specifying sender per signature job.
* Use {@link no.digipost.signature.client.portal.PortalJob.Builder#withSender(Sender) PortalJob.Builder.withSender(..)}
* or {@link DirectJob.Builder.withSender(..)}
* if you need to specify different senders per signature job (typically when acting as a broker on
* behalf of multiple other organizations)
public Builder defaultSender(Sender sender) {
this.defaultSender = MaySpecifySender.specifiedAs(sender);
return this;
* Customize the {@link HttpHeaders#USER_AGENT User-Agent} header value to include the
* given string.
* @param userAgentCustomPart The custom part to include in the User-Agent HTTP header.
public Builder includeInUserAgent(String userAgentCustomPart) {
userAgentConfigurer.append("(" + userAgentCustomPart + ")");
return this;
* Configure timeouts used for integrating with the API.
* @param timeouts the timeouts to set
public Builder timeouts(Consumer super TimeoutsConfigurer> timeouts) {
return this;
* Configure timeouts used for downloading documents.
* The values for these timeouts should in general be configured higher than
* for {@link #timeouts(Consumer) default timeouts}.
* @param timeouts the timeouts to set
public Builder timeoutsForDocumentDownloads(Consumer super TimeoutsConfigurer> timeouts) {
return this;
* Configure the pool used by the client to manage connections
* used for integrating with the API.
* @param connectionPool the {@link ConnectionPoolConfigurer connection pool configuration API}
public Builder connectionPool(Consumer super ConnectionPoolConfigurer> connectionPool) {
return this;
* Configure the pool used by the client to manage connections
* used specifically for downloading documents.
* @param connectionPool the {@link ConnectionPoolConfigurer connection pool configuration API}
public Builder connectionPoolForDocumentDownloads(Consumer super ConnectionPoolConfigurer> connectionPool) {
return this;
* This method allows for custom configuration of the created {@link HttpClient} if anything is
* needed that is not already supported by other methods in {@link ClientConfiguration}.
* If you still need to use this method, consider requesting first-class support for your requirement
* on the library's web site on GitHub.
public Builder apacheHttpClient(Consumer super ApacheHttpClientConfigurer> apacheHttpClientConfigurer) {
return this;
* This method allows for custom configuration of the created {@link HttpClient} if anything is
* needed that is not already supported by other methods in {@link ClientConfiguration}.
* If you still need to use this method, consider requesting first-class support for your requirement
* on the library's web site on GitHub.
public Builder apacheHttpClientForDocumentDownloads(Consumer super ApacheHttpClientConfigurer> apacheHttpClientConfigurer) {
return this;
* Have the library dump the generated document bundle zip files to disk before they are
* sent to the service to create signature jobs.
* The files will be given names on the format
{@code timestamp-[reference_from_job-]}
* The timestamp part may use a clock of your choosing, make sure to override the system clock with
* {@link #clock(Clock)} before calling this method if that is desired.
* The reference_from_job part is only included if the job is given such a reference using
* {@link DirectJob.Builder.withReference(..)} or {@link no.digipost.signature.client.portal.PortalJob.Builder#withReference(UUID) PortalJob.Builder.withReference(..)}.
* @param directory the directory to dump to. This directory must already exist, or
* creating new signature jobs will fail. Miserably.
public Builder enableDocumentBundleDiskDump(Path directory) {
return addDocumentBundleProcessor(new DumpDocumentBundleToDisk(directory, clock));
* Add a {@link DocumentBundleProcessor} which will be passed the generated zipped document bundle
* together with the {@link SignatureJob job} it was created for. The processor is not responsible for closing
* the stream, as this is handled by the library itself.
A note on performance:
* The processor is free to do what it want with the passed stream, but bear in mind that the time
* used by a processor adds to the processing time to create signature jobs.
* @param processor the {@link DocumentBundleProcessor} which will be passed the generated zipped document bundle
* together with the {@link SignatureJob job} it was created for.
public Builder addDocumentBundleProcessor(DocumentBundleProcessor processor) {
return this;
* Override which organization number which is expected from the server's certificate.
* By default, this is the organization number of Posten Bring AS, and should not
* be overridden unless you have a specific need such as doing testing against your own
* stubbed implementation of the Posten signering API.
* @param serverOrganizationNumber the organization number expected in the server's enterprise certificate
public Builder serverOrganizationNumber(String serverOrganizationNumber) {
return serverCertificateTrustStrategy(new OrganizationNumberValidation(serverOrganizationNumber));
* Override the validation of the server's certificate. This method is mainly
* intended for tests if you need to override (or even disable) the default
* validation that the server identifies itself as "Posten Bring AS".
* Calling this method for a production deployment is probably not what you intend to do!
* @param certificateChainValidation the validation for the server's certificate
public Builder serverCertificateTrustStrategy(CertificateChainValidation certificateChainValidation) {
LOG.warning("Overriding server certificate TrustStrategy! This should NOT be done for any integration with Posten signering.");
return this;
* Allows for overriding which {@link Clock} is used to convert between Java and XML,
* may be useful for e.g. automated tests.
* Uses the {@link Clock#systemDefaultZone() system clock with default time zone}
* if not specified.
public Builder clock(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
return this;
public ClientConfiguration build() {
Configurer commonConfig = userAgentConfigurer.andThen(proxyConfigurer);
return new ClientConfiguration(defaultSender, serviceEnvironment.signatureServiceRootUrl(), keyStoreConfig,
commonConfig.andThen(defaultHttpClientConfigurer), commonConfig.andThen(httpClientForDocumentDownloadsConfigurer),
documentBundleProcessors, clock);
static final class ClientMetadata {
static final String VERSION;
static {
String version = "unknown version";
try (InputStream versionFile = ClientMetadata.class.getResourceAsStream("version"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(versionFile, "UTF-8")) {
version =;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClientMetadata.class.getName());
"Unable to resolve library version from classpath resource 'version', because " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": '" + e.getMessage() + "'" +
(log.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ? "" : ". Enable debug-logging for logger '" + log.getName() + "' to see full stacktrace for this warning"));
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e, e::getMessage);
} finally {
VERSION = version;
private ClientMetadata() {}