no.kodeworks.kvarg.util.Db.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package no.kodeworks.kvarg.util
import slick.basic.DatabaseConfig
import slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile
//TODO we would like to move away from macro annotations to implement this, but the ways of slick are intricate..
trait Db extends DateImplicits {
val dbCfg: DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile]
import dbCfg.profile.api._
def tableQuerys: List[TableQuery[_ <: Table[_]]] = Nil
def tables: Map[String, TableQuery[_ <: Table[_]]] = Map.empty
//class Tab[Entity](tag: Tag, name: String) extends Table[Entity](tag, name) {
// implicit def tab: Tab[Entity] = this
// def reps[
// EntityGen <: HList
// ]
// (implicit
// tt: TypeTag[Entity]
// , ct: ClassTag[Entity]
// , gen: Generic.Aux[Entity, EntityGen]
// , reps: Reps[Entity, EntityGen]
// ): reps.AsReps =
// reps.reps
// override def * : ProvenShape[Entity] = ???
//object Tab {
// def apply[Entity]
// (implicit
// mkTab: MkTab[Entity]
// ): mkTab.type = mkTab
//trait MkTab[Entity] {
// def apply(): Tab[Entity]
//object MkTab {
// implicit def apply[
// Entity
// , EntityGen <: HList
// ]
// (implicit
// tt: TypeTag[Entity]
// , ct: ClassTag[Entity]
// , gen: Generic.Aux[Entity, EntityGen]
// , reps: Reps[Entity, EntityGen]
// // , shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, EntityRep, EntityGen, _]
// )
// = {
// println("reps: " + reps.reps)
// new MkTab[Entity] {
// override def apply(): Tab[Entity] = {
// val name = ReflectUtil.typeTagToSimpleName(tt)
// println("name: " + name)
// new Tab[Entity](null, name) {
// // implicit def s = reps0.shape
// def * : ProvenShape[Entity] = ??? //reps0.mappedWith(Generic[Entity])
// }
// }
// }
// }
// implicit class TabOps[
// Entity
// , EntityGen <: HList
// ](tab: Tab[Entity]) {
// def reps
// (implicit
// gen: Generic.Aux[Entity, EntityGen]
// , reps: Reps[Entity, EntityGen]
// ): reps.AsReps =
// reps.reps
// }
// sealed trait Reps[Entity, Values <: HList] {
// type AsReps <: HList
// def shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, AsReps, Values, _] = ???
// def reps: AsReps
// }
// object Reps {
// implicit def reps0[Entity]: Reps[Entity, HNil] = new Reps[Entity, HNil] {
// override type AsReps = HNil
// override def reps = HNil
// }
// implicit def reps1[
// Entity,
// ValuesH,
// ValuesT <: HList
// ]
// (implicit
// reps0: Reps[Entity, ValuesT]
// , tab: Tab[Entity]
// , typeType: TypedType[ValuesH]
// )
// : Reps[Entity, ValuesH :: ValuesT] = {
// val n = "tablename"
// val column: Rep[ValuesH] = tab.column[ValuesH]("asdf")
// new Reps[Entity, ValuesH :: ValuesT] {
// override type AsReps = Rep[ValuesH] :: reps0.AsReps
// override def reps = column :: reps0.reps
// }
// }
// }
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