no.nextgentel.oss.akkatools.persistence.EnhancedPersistentShardingActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package no.nextgentel.oss.akkatools.persistence
import{ActorPath, PoisonPill}
import akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* @param dmSelf dmSelf is used as the address where the DM-confirmation-messages should be sent.
* In a sharding environment, this has to be our dispatcher which knows how to reach the sharding mechanism.
* If null, we'll fallback to self - useful when testing
* @tparam E Superclass/trait representing your events
* @tparam Ex Exception-type representing a "known error" - not a failure
abstract class EnhancedPersistentShardingActor[E:ClassTag, Ex <: Exception : ClassTag]
// dmSelf is used as the address where the DM-confirmation-messages should be sent.
// In a sharding environment, this has to be our dispatcher which knows how to reach the sharding mechanism.
// If null, we'll fallback to self - useful when testing
) extends EnhancedPersistentActor[E, Ex] {
// Used as prefix/base when constructing the persistenceId to use - the unique ID is extracted runtime from actorPath which is construced by Sharding-coordinator
def persistenceIdBase():String
private lazy val resolvedPersistenceId:String = {
// Same as in akka 2.3.3
// We need to have it resolvable like this
// Sharding is creating instances of these actors with no id in constructor, so we must resolve it from the path.
// Sharding IS giving each actor a unique name based on the (correct) id.
// Must extract the id as the last part of the url
val rawIdFromPath = self.path.elements.last
val id = try {
// Sharding urlencodes the last part of the path which is our id - therefor we must url-decode it
URLDecoder.decode(rawIdFromPath, "UTF-8")
catch {
case e: UnsupportedEncodingException => {
throw new RuntimeException("Error url-decoding rawIdFromPath " + rawIdFromPath, e)
persistenceIdBase + id
override def persistenceId: String = resolvedPersistenceId
protected def onInactiveTimeout() {
context.parent ! ShardRegion.Passivate(PoisonPill)
// The dispatchId that is used when sending messages to this actor - typically serviceId or requestId - extract it from actorPath
lazy val dispatchId: String = {
val id: String =
try {
URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
catch {
case e: UnsupportedEncodingException => {
throw new RuntimeException("Error url-decoding dispatchId " + id, e)
// If dmSelf is missing, we're fallbacking to super-impl which is self.
// When running in a sharded environment, we cannot use our real actors self.
// We must use our dispatcher, which knows about the sharding mechanism.
// This has to be like this to make sure the DM confirmation-message is received by the correct sharded instance of our actor.
override def getDMSelf(): ActorPath = Option(dmSelf).getOrElse(super.getDMSelf())
// Sending messages with our dispatcherId as confirmation routing info - to help the confirmation coming back to us
override def sendAsDM(payload: AnyRef, destinationActor: ActorPath): Unit =
sendAsDM(payload, destinationActor, dispatchId)
// Sending messages with our dispatcherId as confirmation routing info - to help the confirmation coming back to us
override def sendAsDM(sendAsDM: SendAsDM): Unit = {
super.sendAsDM( sendAsDM.copy(confirmationRoutingInfo = dispatchId) )
abstract class EnhancedPersistentShardingJavaActor[Ex <: Exception : ClassTag]
// dmSelf is used as the address where the DM-confirmation-messages should be sent.
// In a sharding environment, this has to be our dispatcher which knows how to reach the sharding mechanism.
// If null, we'll fallback to self - useful when testing
) extends EnhancedPersistentShardingActor[AnyRef, Ex](dmSelf) with EnhancedPersistentJavaActorLike {