i18n.Texts_en_GB.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://essiembre.github.io/eclipse-rbe/)
add = Add
addalbum = Add album
addalbumto = Add album to
addpicture = Add picture
addpictureto = Add picture to
album = album
albumGroupByYear = Group content by year
albumdontgroupbyyear = Don't group by year
albumgroupbyyear = Group by year
albumlogin = Album login
basefilename = Base file name
batchAddPicturesFromUrlFailed = Batch adding images from URL failed
batchaddpictures = Batch add pictures
cancel = Cancel
clearDate = Clear date
contentlengthinbytes = Content length (bytes)
contenttype = Content type
copylink = Copy link
delete = Delete
deleteFailed = Delete failed
deleteselection = Delete selection
description = Description
dontremove = Don't remove
downloadalbum = Download album
downloadpicture = Download picture
downloadselection = Download selection
hi = Hi
hideAllYears = Hide all years
imageurl = Image URL
lastmodified = Last modified
lockedaccount = Locked account
loggedinas = Logged in as
login = Log in
logout = Log out
modify = Modify
modifyalbum = Modify album
modifypicture = Modify picture
moveAlbumEntryDownFailed = Could not move album entry down
moveAlbumEntryLeftFailed = Could not move album entry left
moveAlbumEntryRightFailed = Could not move album entry right
moveAlbumEntryUpFailed = Could not move album entry up
navigatetotoporlogout = Click "Go home" to navigate to the top of the application, or log out to log back in with a user that is allowed to modify the album.
next = Next
notAuthorizedPleaseLoginDifferentUser = Logged in user doesn't have the oldalbumadmin role. Please log in with a user that has the oldalbumadmin role
notLoggedIn = User is not logged in
notedoesntaffectparentorsiblings = Note: Removing password protection for this URL doesn't affect the album it is in or other entries in that album
notfoundTitle = Not found!
notloggedin = Not logged in
pageIsLoading = Page is loading
parent = Parent
password = Password
passwordprotected = Password protected
path = Path
picture = Successfully password protected
previous = Previous
protectalbumwithpassword = Protect album with password
protectpicturewithpassword = Protect picture with password
reloadshirofilter = Reload shiro filter
remove = Remove
removepassportprotection = Do you wish to remove the password protection for this URL?
removepasswordprotection = Remove password protection
requireloggedinuser = Require logged in user
resourcenotfound = The resource you were looking for, was not found.
saveAddedAlbumFailed = Adding new album failed
saveAddedPictureFailed = Adding new picture failed
saveModifiedAlbumFailed = Save of modified album failed
saveModifiedPictureFailed = Save of modified picture failed
selectall = Select all
setTodaysDate = Set today's date
sharedlinkispasswordprotected = The link you are sharing is password protected.
showAllYears = Show all years
sortFailed = Sort failed
sortbydate = Sort by date
successfullyaddedpasswordprotection = Successfully added password protection for
successfullyremovedpasswordprotection = Successfully removed password protection for
switcheditmodeoff = Switch edit mode off
switcheditmodeon = Switch edit mode on
thumbnailurl = Thumbnail URL
title = Title
unauthorized = Unauthorized
unauthorizedtomodifyalbum = You do not have access to modify the album
unknownReason = Unknown reason
unknownaccount = Unknown account
unknownloginerror = Unknown login error
up = Up
update = Update
urlcopiedtoclipboard = URL copied to clipboard
username = Username
wrongpassword = Wrong password
year = Year