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tornadofx.Controls.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy


package tornadofx

import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap
import javafx.event.EventTarget
import javafx.geometry.Orientation
import javafx.scene.Node
import javafx.scene.control.*
import javafx.scene.image.Image
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.text.Text
import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow
import javafx.scene.web.HTMLEditor
import javafx.scene.web.WebView
import javafx.util.StringConverter
import java.time.LocalDate

fun EventTarget.webview(op: WebView.() -> Unit = {}) = WebView().attachTo(this, op)

enum class ColorPickerMode { Button, MenuButton, SplitMenuButton }

fun EventTarget.colorpicker(
        color: Color? = null,
        mode: ColorPickerMode = ColorPickerMode.Button,
        op: ColorPicker.() -> Unit = {}
) = ColorPicker().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (mode == ColorPickerMode.MenuButton) it.addClass(ColorPicker.STYLE_CLASS_BUTTON)
    else if (mode == ColorPickerMode.SplitMenuButton) it.addClass(ColorPicker.STYLE_CLASS_SPLIT_BUTTON)
    if (color != null) it.value = color

fun EventTarget.colorpicker(
        colorProperty: ObjectProperty,
        mode: ColorPickerMode = ColorPickerMode.Button,
        op: ColorPicker.() -> Unit = {}
) = ColorPicker().apply { bind(colorProperty) }.attachTo(this, op) {
    if (mode == ColorPickerMode.MenuButton) it.addClass(ColorPicker.STYLE_CLASS_BUTTON)
    else if (mode == ColorPickerMode.SplitMenuButton) it.addClass(ColorPicker.STYLE_CLASS_SPLIT_BUTTON)

fun EventTarget.textflow(op: TextFlow.() -> Unit = {}) = TextFlow().attachTo(this, op)

fun EventTarget.text(op: Text.() -> Unit = {}) = Text().attachTo(this, op)

internal val ObservableMap
    get() = when (this) {
        is Node -> properties
        is Tab -> properties
        is MenuItem -> properties
        else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to extract properties object from $this")

var EventTarget.tagProperty: Property
    get() = properties.getOrPut("tornadofx.value") {
    } as SimpleObjectProperty
    set(value) {
        properties["tornadofx.value"] = value

var EventTarget.tag: Any?
    get() = tagProperty.value
    set(value) {
        tagProperty.value = value

@Deprecated("Properties set on the fake node would be lost. Do not use this function.", ReplaceWith("Manually adding children"))
fun children(addTo: MutableList, op: Pane.() -> Unit) {
    val fake = Pane().also(op)

fun EventTarget.text(initialValue: String? = null, op: Text.() -> Unit = {}) = Text().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (initialValue != null) it.text = initialValue

fun EventTarget.text(property: Property, op: Text.() -> Unit = {}) = text().apply {

fun EventTarget.text(observable: ObservableValue, op: Text.() -> Unit = {}) = text().apply {

fun EventTarget.textfield(value: String? = null, op: TextField.() -> Unit = {}) = TextField().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (value != null) it.text = value

fun EventTarget.textfield(property: ObservableValue, op: TextField.() -> Unit = {}) = textfield().apply {

fun EventTarget.textfield(property: ObservableValue, op: TextField.() -> Unit = {}) = textfield().apply {

fun EventTarget.textfield(property: ObservableValue, op: TextField.() -> Unit = {}) = textfield().apply {
fun EventTarget.passwordfield(value: String? = null, op: PasswordField.() -> Unit = {}) = PasswordField().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (value != null) it.text = value

fun EventTarget.passwordfield(property: ObservableValue, op: PasswordField.() -> Unit = {}) = passwordfield().apply {

fun  EventTarget.textfield(property: Property, converter: StringConverter, op: TextField.() -> Unit = {}) = textfield().apply {
    textProperty().bindBidirectional(property, converter)
    ViewModel.register(textProperty(), property)

fun EventTarget.datepicker(op: DatePicker.() -> Unit = {}) = DatePicker().attachTo(this, op)
fun EventTarget.datepicker(property: Property, op: DatePicker.() -> Unit = {}) = datepicker().apply {

fun EventTarget.textarea(value: String? = null, op: TextArea.() -> Unit = {}) = TextArea().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (value != null) it.text = value

fun EventTarget.textarea(property: ObservableValue, op: TextArea.() -> Unit = {}) = textarea().apply {

fun  EventTarget.textarea(property: Property, converter: StringConverter, op: TextArea.() -> Unit = {}) = textarea().apply {
    textProperty().bindBidirectional(property, converter)
    ViewModel.register(textProperty(), property)

fun EventTarget.buttonbar(buttonOrder: String? = null, op: (ButtonBar.() -> Unit)) = ButtonBar().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (buttonOrder != null) it.buttonOrder = buttonOrder

fun EventTarget.htmleditor(html: String? = null, op: HTMLEditor.() -> Unit = {}) = HTMLEditor().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (html != null) it.htmlText = html

fun EventTarget.checkbox(text: String? = null, property: Property? = null, op: CheckBox.() -> Unit = {}) = CheckBox(text).attachTo(this, op) {
    if (property != null) it.bind(property)

fun EventTarget.progressindicator(op: ProgressIndicator.() -> Unit = {}) = ProgressIndicator().attachTo(this, op)
fun EventTarget.progressindicator(property: Property, op: ProgressIndicator.() -> Unit = {}) = progressindicator().apply {

fun EventTarget.progressbar(initialValue: Double? = null, op: ProgressBar.() -> Unit = {}) = ProgressBar().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (initialValue != null) it.progress = initialValue

fun EventTarget.progressbar(property: ObservableValue, op: ProgressBar.() -> Unit = {}) = progressbar().apply {

fun EventTarget.slider(
        min: Number? = null,
        max: Number? = null,
        value: Number? = null,
        orientation: Orientation? = null,
        op: Slider.() -> Unit = {}
) = Slider().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (min != null) it.min = min.toDouble()
    if (max != null) it.max = max.toDouble()
    if (value != null) it.value = value.toDouble()
    if (orientation != null) it.orientation = orientation

fun  EventTarget.slider(
    range: ClosedRange,
    value: Number? = null,
    orientation: Orientation? = null,
    op: Slider.() -> Unit = {}
): Slider
        where T : Comparable,
              T : Number {
    return slider(range.start, range.endInclusive, value, orientation, op)

// Buttons
fun EventTarget.button(text: String = "", graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button(text).attachTo(this, op) {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic

fun EventTarget.menubutton(text: String = "", graphic: Node? = null, op: MenuButton.() -> Unit = {}) = MenuButton(text).attachTo(this, op) {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic

fun EventTarget.splitmenubutton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, op: SplitMenuButton.() -> Unit = {}) = SplitMenuButton().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (text != null) it.text = text
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic

fun EventTarget.button(text: ObservableValue, graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button().attachTo(this, op) {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic

fun ToolBar.button(text: String = "", graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button(text).also {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic
    items += it

fun ToolBar.button(text: ObservableValue, graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button().also {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic
    items += it

fun ButtonBar.button(text: String = "", type: ButtonBar.ButtonData? = null, graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button(text).also {
    if (type != null) ButtonBar.setButtonData(it, type)
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic
    buttons += it

fun ButtonBar.button(text: ObservableValue, type: ButtonBar.ButtonData? = null, graphic: Node? = null, op: Button.() -> Unit = {}) = Button().also {
    if (type != null) ButtonBar.setButtonData(it, type)
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic
    buttons += it

fun Node.togglegroup(property: ObservableValue? = null, op: ToggleGroup.() -> Unit = {}) = ToggleGroup().also {tg ->
    properties["tornadofx.togglegroup"] = tg
    property?.let { tg.bind(it) }

 * Bind the selectedValueProperty of this toggle group to the given property. Passing in a writeable value
 * will result in a bidirectional binding, while passing in a read only value will result in a unidirectional binding.
 * If the toggles are configured with the value parameter (@see #togglebutton and #radiogroup), the corresponding
 * button will be selected when the value is changed. Likewise, if the selected toggle is changed,
 * the property value will be updated if it is writeable.
fun  ToggleGroup.bind(property: ObservableValue) = selectedValueProperty().apply {
    (property as? Property)?.also { bindBidirectional(it) }
            ?: bind(property)

 * Generates a writable property that represents the selected value for this toggele group.
 * If the toggles are configured with a value (@see #togglebutton and #radiogroup) the corresponding
 * toggle will be selected when this value is changed. Likewise, if the toggle is changed by clicking
 * it, the value for the toggle will be written to this property.
 * To bind to this property, use the #ToggleGroup.bind() function.
fun  ToggleGroup.selectedValueProperty(): ObjectProperty = properties.getOrPut("tornadofx.selectedValueProperty") {
    SimpleObjectProperty().apply {
        selectedToggleProperty().onChange {
            value = it?.properties?.get("tornadofx.toggleGroupValue") as T?
        onChange { selectedValue ->
            selectToggle(toggles.find {["tornadofx.toggleGroupValue"] == selectedValue })
} as ObjectProperty

 * Create a togglebutton inside the current or given toggle group. The optional value parameter will be matched against
 * the extension property `selectedValueProperty()` on Toggle Group. If the #ToggleGroup.selectedValueProperty is used,
 * it's value will be updated to reflect the value for this radio button when it's selected.
 * Likewise, if the `selectedValueProperty` of the ToggleGroup is updated to a value that matches the value for this
 * togglebutton, it will be automatically selected.
fun EventTarget.togglebutton(
        text: String? = null,
        group: ToggleGroup? = getToggleGroup(),
        selectFirst: Boolean = true,
        value: Any? = null,
        op: ToggleButton.() -> Unit = {}
) = ToggleButton().attachTo(this, op) {
    it.text = if (value != null && text == null) value.toString() else text ?: ""["tornadofx.toggleGroupValue"] = value ?: text
    if (group != null) it.toggleGroup = group
    if (it.toggleGroup?.selectedToggle == null && selectFirst) it.isSelected = true

fun EventTarget.togglebutton(
        text: ObservableValue? = null,
        group: ToggleGroup? = getToggleGroup(),
        selectFirst: Boolean = true,
        value: Any? = null,
        op: ToggleButton.() -> Unit = {}
) = ToggleButton().attachTo(this, op) {
    it.textProperty().bind(text)["tornadofx.toggleGroupValue"] = value ?: text
    if (group != null) it.toggleGroup = group
    if (it.toggleGroup?.selectedToggle == null && selectFirst) it.isSelected = true

fun ToggleButton.whenSelected(op: () -> Unit) {
    selectedProperty().onChange { if (it) op() }

 * Create a radiobutton inside the current or given toggle group. The optional value parameter will be matched against
 * the extension property `selectedValueProperty()` on Toggle Group. If the #ToggleGroup.selectedValueProperty is used,
 * it's value will be updated to reflect the value for this radio button when it's selected.
 * Likewise, if the `selectedValueProperty` of the ToggleGroup is updated to a value that matches the value for this
 * radiobutton, it will be automatically selected.
fun EventTarget.radiobutton(
        text: String? = null,
        group: ToggleGroup? = getToggleGroup(),
        value: Any? = null,
        op: RadioButton.() -> Unit = {}
) = RadioButton().attachTo(this, op) {
    it.text = if (value != null && text == null) value.toString() else text ?: ""["tornadofx.toggleGroupValue"] = value ?: text
    if (group != null) it.toggleGroup = group

fun EventTarget.label(text: String = "", graphic: Node? = null, op: Label.() -> Unit = {}) = Label(text).attachTo(this, op) {
    if (graphic != null) it.graphic = graphic

inline fun  EventTarget.label(
        observable: ObservableValue,
        graphicProperty: ObservableValue? = null,
        converter: StringConverter? = null,
        noinline op: Label.() -> Unit = {}
) = label().apply {
    if (converter == null) {
        if (T::class == String::class) {
            textProperty().bind(observable as ObservableValue)
        } else {
            textProperty().bind(observable.stringBinding { it?.toString() })
    } else {
        textProperty().bind(observable.stringBinding { converter.toString(it) })
    if (graphic != null) graphicProperty().bind(graphicProperty)

fun EventTarget.hyperlink(text: String = "", graphic: Node? = null, op: Hyperlink.() -> Unit = {}) = Hyperlink(text, graphic).attachTo(this, op)
fun EventTarget.hyperlink(observable: ObservableValue, graphic: Node? = null, op: Hyperlink.() -> Unit = {}) = hyperlink(graphic = graphic).apply {

fun EventTarget.menubar(op: MenuBar.() -> Unit = {}) = MenuBar().attachTo(this, op)

fun EventTarget.imageview(url: String? = null, lazyload: Boolean = true, op: ImageView.() -> Unit = {}) =
        opcr(this, if (url == null) ImageView() else ImageView(Image(url, lazyload)), op)

fun EventTarget.imageview(
        url: ObservableValue,
        lazyload: Boolean = true,
        op: ImageView.() -> Unit = {}
) = ImageView().attachTo(this, op) { imageView ->
    imageView.imageProperty().bind(objectBinding(url) { value?.let { Image(it, lazyload) } })

fun EventTarget.imageview(image: ObservableValue, op: ImageView.() -> Unit = {}) = ImageView().attachTo(this, op) {

fun EventTarget.imageview(image: Image, op: ImageView.() -> Unit = {}) = ImageView(image).attachTo(this, op)

 * Listen to changes and update the value of the property if the given mutator results in a different value
fun  Property.mutateOnChange(mutator: (T?) -> T?) = onChange {
    val changed = mutator(value)
    if (changed != value) value = changed

 * Remove leading or trailing whitespace from a Text Input Control.
fun TextInputControl.trimWhitespace() = focusedProperty().onChange { focused ->
    if (!focused && text != null) text = text.trim()

 * Remove any whitespace from a Text Input Control.
fun TextInputControl.stripWhitespace() = textProperty().mutateOnChange { it?.replace(Regex("\\s*"), "") }

 * Remove any non integer values from a Text Input Control.
fun TextInputControl.stripNonInteger() = textProperty().mutateOnChange { it?.replace(Regex("[^0-9]"), "") }

 * Remove any non integer values from a Text Input Control.
fun TextInputControl.stripNonNumeric(vararg allowedChars: String = arrayOf(".", ",")) =
        textProperty().mutateOnChange { it?.replace(Regex("[^0-9${allowedChars.joinToString("")}]"), "") }

fun ChoiceBox<*>.action(op: () -> Unit) = setOnAction { op() }
fun ButtonBase.action(op: () -> Unit) = setOnAction { op() }
fun TextField.action(op: () -> Unit) = setOnAction { op() }
fun MenuItem.action(op: () -> Unit) = setOnAction { op() }

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