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tornadofx.ItemControls.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tornadofx
import javafx.application.Platform
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener
import javafx.beans.Observable
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings
import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding
import javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue
import javafx.collections.FXCollections
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener
import javafx.collections.ObservableList
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap
import javafx.event.EventTarget
import javafx.geometry.Insets
import javafx.geometry.Pos
import javafx.scene.Node
import javafx.scene.control.*
import javafx.scene.control.cell.*
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
import javafx.scene.text.Text
import javafx.util.Callback
import javafx.util.StringConverter
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty1
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
* Create a spinner for an arbitrary type. This spinner requires you to configure a value factory, or it will throw an exception.
fun EventTarget.spinner(
editable: Boolean = false,
property: Property? = null,
enableScroll: Boolean = false,
op: Spinner.() -> Unit = {}
) = Spinner().also{
it.isEditable = editable
it.attachTo(this, op)
if (property != null) requireNotNull(it.valueFactory) {
"You must configure the value factory or use the Number based spinner builder " +
"which configures a default value factory along with min, max and initialValue!"
}.valueProperty().apply {
ViewModel.register(this, property)
if (enableScroll) it.setOnScroll { event ->
if (event.deltaY > 0) it.increment()
if (event.deltaY < 0) it.decrement()
if (editable) it.focusedProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue ->
if (!newValue) it.increment(0)
inline fun EventTarget.spinner(min: T? = null, max: T? = null, initialValue: T? = null, amountToStepBy: T? = null, editable: Boolean = false, property: Property? = null, enableScroll: Boolean = false, noinline op: Spinner.() -> Unit = {}): Spinner {
val spinner: Spinner
val isInt = (property is IntegerProperty && property !is DoubleProperty && property !is FloatProperty) || min is Int || max is Int || initialValue is Int ||
T::class == Int::class || T::class == Integer::class || T::class.javaPrimitiveType ==
if (isInt) {
spinner = Spinner(min?.toInt() ?: 0, max?.toInt() ?: 100, initialValue?.toInt() ?: 0, amountToStepBy?.toInt()
?: 1)
} else {
spinner = Spinner(min?.toDouble() ?: 0.0, max?.toDouble() ?: 100.0, initialValue?.toDouble()
?: 0.0, amountToStepBy?.toDouble() ?: 1.0)
if (property != null) {
ViewModel.register(spinner.valueFactory.valueProperty(), property)
spinner.isEditable = editable
if (enableScroll) {
spinner.setOnScroll { event ->
if (event.deltaY > 0) spinner.increment()
if (event.deltaY < 0) spinner.decrement()
if (editable) {
spinner.focusedProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue ->
if (!newValue) {
return spinner.attachTo(this, op)
fun EventTarget.spinner(
items: ObservableList,
editable: Boolean = false,
property: Property? = null,
enableScroll: Boolean = false,
op: Spinner.() -> Unit = {}
) = Spinner(items).attachTo(this,op){
if (property != null) it.valueFactory.valueProperty().apply {
ViewModel.register(this, property)
it.isEditable = editable
if (enableScroll) it.setOnScroll { event ->
if (event.deltaY > 0) it.increment()
if (event.deltaY < 0) it.decrement()
if (editable) it.focusedProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue ->
if (!newValue) it.increment(0)
fun EventTarget.spinner(
valueFactory: SpinnerValueFactory,
editable: Boolean = false,
property: Property? = null,
enableScroll: Boolean = false,
op: Spinner.() -> Unit = {}
) = Spinner(valueFactory).attachTo(this, op){
if (property != null) it.valueFactory.valueProperty().apply {
ViewModel.register(this, property)
it.isEditable = editable
if (enableScroll) it.setOnScroll { event ->
if (event.deltaY > 0) it.increment()
if (event.deltaY < 0) it.decrement()
if (editable) it.focusedProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue ->
if (!newValue) it.increment(0)
fun EventTarget.combobox(property: Property? = null, values: List? = null, op: ComboBox.() -> Unit = {}) = ComboBox().attachTo(this, op) {
if (values != null) it.items = values as? ObservableList ?: values.asObservable()
if (property != null) it.bind(property)
fun ComboBox.cellFormat(scope: Scope, formatButtonCell: Boolean = true, formatter: ListCell.(T) -> Unit) {
cellFactory = Callback {
//ListView may be defined or not, so properties are set the safe way
SmartListCell(scope, it, mapOf("tornadofx.cellFormat" to formatter))
if (formatButtonCell) buttonCell =
fun EventTarget.choicebox(property: Property? = null, values: List? = null, op: ChoiceBox.() -> Unit = {}) = ChoiceBox().attachTo(this, op) {
if (values != null) it.items = (values as? ObservableList) ?: values.asObservable()
if (property != null) it.bind(property)
fun EventTarget.listview(values: ObservableList? = null, op: ListView.() -> Unit = {}) = ListView().attachTo(this, op) {
if (values != null) {
if (values is SortedFilteredList) values.bindTo(it)
else it.items = values
fun EventTarget.listview(values: ReadOnlyListProperty, op: ListView.() -> Unit = {}) = listview(values as ObservableValue>, op)
fun EventTarget.listview(values: ObservableValue>, op: ListView.() -> Unit = {}) = ListView().attachTo(this, op) {
fun rebinder() {
(it.items as? SortedFilteredList)?.bindTo(it)
it.itemsProperty().onChange {
fun EventTarget.tableview(items: ObservableList? = null, op: TableView.() -> Unit = {}) = TableView().attachTo(this, op) {
if (items != null) {
if (items is SortedFilteredList) items.bindTo(it)
else it.items = items
fun EventTarget.tableview(items: ReadOnlyListProperty, op: TableView.() -> Unit = {}) = tableview(items as ObservableValue>, op)
fun EventTarget.tableview(items: ObservableValue>, op: TableView.() -> Unit = {}) = TableView().attachTo(this, op) {
fun rebinder() {
(it.items as? SortedFilteredList)?.bindTo(it)
it.itemsProperty().onChange {
items.onChange {
fun EventTarget.treeview(root: TreeItem? = null, op: TreeView.() -> Unit = {}) = TreeView().attachTo(this, op) {
if (root != null) it.root = root
fun EventTarget.treetableview(root: TreeItem? = null, op: TreeTableView.() -> Unit = {}) = TreeTableView().attachTo(this, op) {
if (root != null) it.root = root
fun TreeView.lazyPopulate(
leafCheck: (LazyTreeItem) -> Boolean = { !it.hasChildren() },
itemProcessor: (LazyTreeItem) -> Unit = {},
childFactory: (TreeItem) -> List?
) {
fun createItem(value: T) = LazyTreeItem(value, leafCheck, itemProcessor, childFactory).also(itemProcessor)
requireNotNull(root) { "You must set a root TreeItem before calling lazyPopulate" }
task {
} success {
root.children.setAll(it?.map(::createItem) ?: emptyList())
class LazyTreeItem(
value: T,
val leafCheck: (LazyTreeItem) -> Boolean,
val itemProcessor: (LazyTreeItem) -> Unit = {},
val childFactory: (TreeItem) -> List?
) : TreeItem(value) {
private val leafResult: Boolean by lazy { leafCheck(this) }
var childFactoryInvoked = false
var childFactoryResult: List? = null
override fun isLeaf(): Boolean {
return leafResult
override fun getChildren(): ObservableList> {
if (!childFactoryInvoked) {
task {
} success {
if (childFactoryResult != null) listenForChanges()
return super.getChildren()
private fun listenForChanges() {
(childFactoryResult as? ObservableList)?.addListener(ListChangeListener { change ->
while ( {
if (change.wasPermutated()) {
val permutated = change.list.subList(change.from, { newLazyTreeItem(it) }
children.addAll(change.from, permutated)
} else {
if (change.wasRemoved()) {
val removed = change.removed.flatMap { removed -> children.filter { it.value == removed } }
if (change.wasAdded()) {
val added = { newLazyTreeItem(it) }
children.addAll(change.from, added)
fun hasChildren(): Boolean = invokeAndSetChildFactorySynchronously().isNullOrEmpty()
private fun invokeAndSetChildFactorySynchronously(): List? {
if (!childFactoryInvoked) {
childFactoryInvoked = true
childFactoryResult = childFactory(this).also { result ->
if(result != null) {
super.getChildren().setAll( { newLazyTreeItem(it) })
return childFactoryResult
private fun newLazyTreeItem(item: T) = LazyTreeItem(item, leafCheck, itemProcessor, childFactory).apply { itemProcessor(this) }
fun TreeItem.treeitem(value: T? = null, op: TreeItem.() -> Unit = {}): TreeItem {
val treeItem = value?.let { TreeItem(it) } ?: TreeItem()
this += treeItem
return treeItem
operator fun TreeItem.plusAssign(treeItem: TreeItem) {
fun TableView.makeIndexColumn(name: String = "#", startNumber: Int = 1): TableColumn {
return TableColumn(name).apply {
isSortable = false
prefWidth = width
[email protected] += this
setCellValueFactory { ReadOnlyObjectWrapper(items.indexOf(it.value) + startNumber) }
fun TableColumn.enableTextWrap() = apply {
setCellFactory {
TableCell().apply {
val text = Text()
graphic = text
prefHeight = Control.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE
text.wrappingWidthProperty().bind([email protected] ().subtract(Bindings.multiply(2.0, graphicTextGapProperty())))
text.textProperty().bind(stringBinding(itemProperty()) { get()?.toString() ?: "" })
fun TableView.addColumnInternal(column: TableColumn, index: Int? = null) {
val columnTarget = properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] as? ObservableList> ?: columns
if (index == null) columnTarget.add(column) else columnTarget.add(index, column)
fun TreeTableView.addColumnInternal(column: TreeTableColumn, index: Int? = null) {
val columnTarget = properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] as? ObservableList> ?: columns
if (index == null) columnTarget.add(column) else columnTarget.add(index, column)
* Create a column holding children columns
fun TableView.nestedColumn(title: String, op: TableView.(TableColumn) -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn(title)
val previousColumnTarget = properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] as? ObservableList>
properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] = column.columns
op(this, column)
properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] = previousColumnTarget
return column
* Create a column holding children columns
fun TreeTableView.nestedColumn(title: String, op: TreeTableView.() -> Unit = {}): TreeTableColumn {
val column = TreeTableColumn(title)
val previousColumnTarget = properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] as? ObservableList>
properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] = column.columns
properties["tornadofx.columnTarget"] = previousColumnTarget
return column
* Create a column using the propertyName of the attribute you want shown.
fun TableView.column(title: String, propertyName: String, op: TableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = PropertyValueFactory(propertyName)
return column.also(op)
* Create a column using the getter of the attribute you want shown.
fun TableView.column(title: String, getter: KFunction): TableColumn {
val startIndex = if ("is") &&[2].isUpperCase()) 2 else 3
val propName =
return this.column(title, propName)
* Create a column using the propertyName of the attribute you want shown.
fun TreeTableView.column(title: String, propertyName: String, op: TreeTableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TreeTableColumn {
val column = TreeTableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = TreeItemPropertyValueFactory(propertyName)
return column.also(op)
* Create a column using the getter of the attribute you want shown.
fun TreeTableView.column(title: String, getter: KFunction): TreeTableColumn {
val startIndex = if ("is") &&[2].isUpperCase()) 2 else 3
val propName =
return this.column(title, propName)
fun TableColumn.useComboBox(items: ObservableList, afterCommit: (TableColumn.CellEditEvent) -> Unit = {}) = apply {
cellFactory = ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(items)
setOnEditCommit {
val property = it.tableColumn.getCellObservableValue(it.rowValue) as Property
property.value = it.newValue
inline fun TableColumn.useTextField(
converter: StringConverter? = null,
noinline afterCommit: (TableColumn.CellEditEvent) -> Unit = {}
) = apply {
when (T::class) {
String::class -> {
val stringColumn = this as TableColumn
stringColumn.cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()
else -> {
requireNotNull(converter) { "You must supply a converter for non String columns" }
cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(converter)
setOnEditCommit {
val property = it.tableColumn.getCellObservableValue(it.rowValue) as Property
property.value = it.newValue
fun TableColumn.useChoiceBox(items: ObservableList, afterCommit: (TableColumn.CellEditEvent) -> Unit = {}) = apply {
cellFactory = ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(items)
setOnEditCommit {
val property = it.tableColumn.getCellObservableValue(it.rowValue) as Property
property.value = it.newValue
fun TableColumn.useProgressBar(scope: Scope, afterCommit: (TableColumn.CellEditEvent) -> Unit = {}) = apply {
cellFormat(scope) {
graphic = cache {
progressbar(itemProperty().doubleBinding { it?.toDouble() ?: 0.0 }) {
useMaxWidth = true
(this as TableColumn).setOnEditCommit {
val property = it.tableColumn.getCellObservableValue(it.rowValue) as Property
property.value = it.newValue?.toDouble()
afterCommit(it as TableColumn.CellEditEvent)
fun TableColumn.useCheckbox(editable: Boolean = true) = apply {
cellFormat {
graphic = cache {
alignment = Pos.CENTER
checkbox {
if (editable) {
setOnAction {
tableView.edit(index, tableColumn)
} else {
if (editable) {
runLater {
tableView?.isEditable = true
// This was used earlier, but was changed to using cellFormat with cache, see above
//class CheckBoxCell(val makeEditable: Boolean) : TableCell() {
// val checkbox: CheckBox by lazy {
// CheckBox().apply {
// if (makeEditable) {
// selectedProperty().bindBidirectional(itemProperty())
// setOnAction {
// tableView.edit(index, tableColumn)
// commitEdit(!isSelected)
// }
// } else {
// isDisable = true
// selectedProperty().bind(itemProperty())
// }
// }
// }
// init {
// if (makeEditable) {
// isEditable = true
// tableView?.isEditable = true
// }
// }
// override fun updateItem(item: Boolean?, empty: Boolean) {
// super.updateItem(item, empty)
// style { alignment = Pos.CENTER }
// graphic = if (empty || item == null) null else checkbox
// }
fun ListView.useCheckbox(converter: StringConverter? = null, getter: (S) -> ObservableValue) {
setCellFactory { CheckBoxListCell(getter, converter) }
fun TableView.bindSelected(property: Property) {
selectionModel.selectedItemProperty().onChange {
property.value = it
fun ComboBox.bindSelected(property: Property) {
selectionModel.selectedItemProperty().onChange {
property.value = it
fun TableView.bindSelected(model: ItemViewModel) {
selectionModel.selectedItemProperty().onChange {
model.item = it
val TableView.selectedCell: TablePosition?
get() = selectionModel.selectedCells.firstOrNull() as TablePosition?
val TableView.selectedColumn: TableColumn?
get() = selectedCell?.tableColumn
val TableView.selectedValue: Any?
get() = selectedColumn?.getCellObservableValue(selectedItem)?.value
val TreeTableView.selectedCell: TreeTablePosition?
get() = selectionModel.selectedCells.firstOrNull()
val TreeTableView.selectedColumn: TreeTableColumn?
get() = selectedCell?.tableColumn
val TreeTableView.selectedValue: Any?
get() = selectedColumn?.getCellObservableValue(selectionModel.selectedItem)?.value
* Create a column with a value factory that extracts the value from the given mutable
* property and converts the property to an observable value.
inline fun TableView.column(title: String, prop: KMutableProperty1, noinline op: TableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = Callback { observable(it.value, prop) }
return column.also(op)
inline fun TreeTableView.column(title: String, prop: KMutableProperty1, noinline op: TreeTableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TreeTableColumn {
val column = TreeTableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = Callback { observable(it.value.value, prop) }
return column.also(op)
* Create a column with a value factory that extracts the value from the given property and
* converts the property to an observable value.
* ATTENTION: This function was renamed to `readonlyColumn` to avoid shadowing the version for
* observable properties.
inline fun TableView.readonlyColumn(title: String, prop: KProperty1, noinline op: TableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = Callback { observable(it.value, prop) }
return column.also(op)
inline fun TreeTableView.column(title: String, prop: KProperty1, noinline op: TreeTableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TreeTableColumn {
val column = TreeTableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = Callback { observable(it.value.value, prop) }
return column.also(op)
* Create a column with a value factory that extracts the value from the given ObservableValue property.
inline fun TableView.column(title: String, prop: KProperty1>, noinline op: TableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn(title)
column.cellValueFactory = Callback { }
return column.also(op)
* Add a global edit commit handler to the TableView. You avoid assuming the responsibility
* for writing back the data into your domain object and can consentrate on the actual
* response you want to happen when a column commits and edit.
fun TableView.onEditCommit(onCommit: TableColumn.CellEditEvent.(S) -> Unit) {
fun addEventHandlerForColumn(column: TableColumn) {
column.addEventHandler(TableColumn.editCommitEvent()) { event ->
// Make sure the domain object gets the new value before we notify our handler
Platform.runLater {
onCommit(event, event.rowValue)
columns.addListener({ change: ListChangeListener.Change> ->
while ( {
if (change.wasAdded())
* Add a global edit start handler to the TableView. You can use this callback
* to cancel the edit request by calling cancel()
fun TableView.onEditStart(onEditStart: TableColumn.CellEditEvent.(S) -> Unit) {
fun addEventHandlerForColumn(column: TableColumn) {
column.addEventHandler(TableColumn.editStartEvent()) { event ->
onEditStart(event, event.rowValue)
columns.addListener({ change: ListChangeListener.Change> ->
while ( {
if (change.wasAdded())
* Used to cancel an edit event, typically from `onEditStart`
fun TableColumn.CellEditEvent.cancel() {
tableView.edit(-1, tableColumn);
* Create a column with a title specified cell type and operate on it. Inside the code block you can call
* `value { it.value.someProperty }` to set up a cellValueFactory that must return T or ObservableValue
fun TableView.column(title: String, cellType: KClass, op: TableColumn.() -> Unit = {}): TableColumn {
val column = TableColumn