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tornadofx.Nodes.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!

package tornadofx

import javafx.animation.Animation
import javafx.animation.PauseTransition
import javafx.application.Platform
import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import javafx.collections.FXCollections.observableArrayList
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener
import javafx.collections.ObservableList
import javafx.event.EventHandler
import javafx.event.EventTarget
import javafx.geometry.*
import javafx.scene.*
import javafx.scene.control.*
import javafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTableCell
import javafx.scene.input.InputEvent
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent
import javafx.scene.layout.*
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint
import javafx.stage.Modality
import javafx.stage.Stage
import javafx.util.Callback
import javafx.util.Duration
import javafx.util.StringConverter
import javafx.util.converter.*
import tornadofx.osgi.OSGIConsole
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.LocalTime
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.safeCast

fun EventTarget.getToggleGroup(): ToggleGroup? = properties["tornadofx.togglegroup"] as ToggleGroup?

fun Node.tooltip(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, op: Tooltip.() -> Unit = {}): Tooltip {
    val newToolTip = Tooltip(text)
    graphic?.apply { newToolTip.graphic = this }
    if (this is Control) tooltip = newToolTip else Tooltip.install(this, newToolTip)
    return newToolTip

fun Scene.reloadStylesheets() {
    val styles = stylesheets.toMutableList()
    styles.forEachIndexed { i, s ->
        if (s.startsWith("css://")) {
            val b = StringBuilder()
            val queryPairs = mutableListOf()

            if (s.contains("?")) {
                val urlAndQuery = s.split(Regex("\\?"), 2)
                val query = urlAndQuery[1]

                val pairs = query.split("&")
                pairs.filterNot { it.startsWith("squash=") }.forEach { queryPairs.add(it) }
            } else {

            styles[i] = b.toString()

internal fun Scene.reloadViews() {
    if (properties["tornadofx.layoutdebugger"] == null) {
        findUIComponents().forEach {

fun Scene.findUIComponents(): List {
    val list = ArrayList()
    return list

 * Aggregate UIComponents under the given parent. Nested UIComponents
 * are not aggregated, but they are removed from the FX.components map
 * so that they would be reloaded when the parent is reloaded.
 * This means that nested UIComponents would loose their state, because
 * the pack/unpack functions will not be called for these views. This should
 * be improved in a future version.
private fun Parent.findUIComponents(list: MutableList) {
    val uicmp = uiComponent()
    if (uicmp is UIComponent) {
        list += uicmp
        childrenUnmodifiable.asSequence().filterIsInstance().withEach { clearViews() }
    } else {
        childrenUnmodifiable.asSequence().filterIsInstance().withEach { findUIComponents(list) }

private fun Parent.clearViews() {
    val uicmp = uiComponent()
    if (uicmp is View) {
    } else {

fun Stage.reloadStylesheetsOnFocus() {
    if (properties["tornadofx.reloadStylesheetsListener"] == null) {
        focusedProperty().onChange { focused ->
            if (focused && FX.initialized.value) scene?.reloadStylesheets()
        properties["tornadofx.reloadStylesheetsListener"] = true

fun Stage.hookGlobalShortcuts() {
    addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, stageGlobalShortcuts)

fun Stage.unhookGlobalShortcuts() {
    removeEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, stageGlobalShortcuts)

val Stage.stageGlobalShortcuts: EventHandler
        get() {
            val key = "tornadofx.stageGlobalShortcuts"
            if (properties[key] == null) {
                properties[key] = EventHandler {
                    if (FX.layoutDebuggerShortcut?.match(it) ?: false)
                    else if (FX.osgiDebuggerShortcut?.match(it) ?: false && FX.osgiAvailable)
                        find().openModal(modality = Modality.NONE)
            return properties[key] as EventHandler

fun Stage.reloadViewsOnFocus() {
    if (properties["tornadofx.reloadViewsListener"] == null) {
        focusedProperty().onChange { focused ->
            if (focused && FX.initialized.value) scene?.reloadViews()
        properties["tornadofx.reloadViewsListener"] = true

fun Pane.reloadStylesheets() {
    val styles = stylesheets.toMutableList()

infix fun Node.addTo(pane: EventTarget) = pane.addChildIfPossible(this)

fun Pane.replaceChildren(vararg uiComponents: UIComponent) =
        this.replaceChildren(*(uiComponents.mapEach { root }.toTypedArray()))

fun EventTarget.replaceChildren(vararg node: Node) {
    val children = requireNotNull(getChildList()) { "This node doesn't have a child list" }

operator fun EventTarget.plusAssign(node: Node) {

fun Pane.clear() {

fun  T.replaceChildren(op: T.() -> Unit) {

fun Node.wrapIn(wrapper: Parent) {

fun EventTarget.add(node: Node) = plusAssign(node)

operator fun EventTarget.plusAssign(view: UIComponent) {
    if (this is UIComponent) {
        root += view
    } else {
        this += view.root

var Region.useMaxWidth: Boolean
    get() = maxWidth == Double.MAX_VALUE
    set(value) = if (value) maxWidth = Double.MAX_VALUE else Unit

var Region.useMaxHeight: Boolean
    get() = maxHeight == Double.MAX_VALUE
    set(value) = if (value) maxHeight = Double.MAX_VALUE else Unit

var Region.useMaxSize: Boolean
    get() = maxWidth == Double.MAX_VALUE && maxHeight == Double.MAX_VALUE
    set(value) = if (value) {
        useMaxWidth = true; useMaxHeight = true
    } else Unit

var Region.usePrefWidth: Boolean
    get() = width == prefWidth
    set(value) = if (value) setMinWidth(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE) else Unit

var Region.usePrefHeight: Boolean
    get() = height == prefHeight
    set(value) = if (value) setMinHeight(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE) else Unit

var Region.usePrefSize: Boolean
    get() = maxWidth == Double.MAX_VALUE && maxHeight == Double.MAX_VALUE
    set(value) = if (value) setMinSize(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE, Region.USE_PREF_SIZE) else Unit

fun point(x: Number, y: Number) = Point2D(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble())
fun point(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number) = Point3D(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), z.toDouble())
infix fun Number.xy(y: Number) = Point2D(toDouble(), y.toDouble())

fun TableView.resizeColumnsToFitContent(resizeColumns: List> = contentColumns, maxRows: Int = 50, afterResize: () -> Unit = {}) {
    val doResize = {
        try {
            val resizer = skin.javaClass.getDeclaredMethod("resizeColumnToFitContent",,
            resizer.isAccessible = true
            resizeColumns.forEach {
                if (it.isVisible)
                    try {
                        resizer(skin, it, maxRows)
                    } catch (ignored: Exception) {
        } catch (ex: Throwable) {
            // Silent for now, it is usually run multiple times
//            log.warning("Unable to resize columns to content: ${columns.joinToString{ it.text }}")
    if (skin == null) skinProperty().onChangeOnce { doResize() } else doResize()

fun  TreeTableView.resizeColumnsToFitContent(resizeColumns: List> = contentColumns, maxRows: Int = 50, afterResize: () -> Unit = {}) {
    val doResize = {
        try {
            val resizer = skin.javaClass.getDeclaredMethod("resizeColumnToFitContent",,
            resizer.isAccessible = true
            resizeColumns.forEach {
                if (it.isVisible)
                    try {
                        resizer.invoke(skin, it, maxRows)
                    } catch (ignored: Exception) {
        } catch (ex: Throwable) {
            // Silent for now, it is usually run multiple times
//            log.warning("Unable to resize columns to content: ${columns.joinToString{ it.text }}")
    if (skin == null) skinProperty().onChangeOnce { doResize() } else doResize()

fun  TableView.selectWhere(scrollTo: Boolean = true, condition: (T) -> Boolean) {
    items.asSequence().filter(condition).forEach {
        if (scrollTo) scrollTo(it)

fun  ListView.selectWhere(scrollTo: Boolean = true, condition: (T) -> Boolean) {
    items.asSequence().filter(condition).forEach {
        if (scrollTo) scrollTo(it)

fun  TableView.moveToTopWhere(backingList: ObservableList = items, select: Boolean = true, predicate: (T) -> Boolean) {
    if (select) selectionModel.clearSelection()
    backingList.filter(predicate).forEach {
        backingList.add(0, it)
        if (select)

fun  TableView.moveToBottomWhere(backingList: ObservableList = items, select: Boolean = true, predicate: (T) -> Boolean) {
    val end = backingList.size - 1
    if (select) selectionModel.clearSelection()
    backingList.filter(predicate).forEach {
        backingList.add(end, it)
        if (select)


val  TableView.selectedItem: T?
    get() = this.selectionModel.selectedItem

val  TreeTableView.selectedItem: T?
    get() = this.selectionModel.selectedItem?.value

fun  TableView.selectFirst() = selectionModel.selectFirst()

fun  TreeTableView.selectFirst() = selectionModel.selectFirst()

val  ComboBox.selectedItem: T?
    get() = selectionModel.selectedItem

fun  TableView.onSelectionChange(func: (S?) -> Unit) =
        selectionModel.selectedItemProperty().addListener({ observable, oldValue, newValue -> func(newValue) })

fun  TreeTableView.bindSelected(property: Property) {
    selectionModel.selectedItemProperty().onChange {
        property.value = it?.value

fun  TreeTableView.bindSelected(model: ItemViewModel) = this.bindSelected(model.itemProperty)

class TableColumnCellCache(private val cacheProvider: (T) -> Node) {
    private val store = mutableMapOf()
    fun getOrCreateNode(value: T) = store.getOrPut(value) { cacheProvider(value) }

fun  TableColumn.cellDecorator(decorator: TableCell.(T) -> Unit) {
    val originalFactory = cellFactory

    cellFactory = Callback { column: TableColumn ->
        val cell =
        cell.itemProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue ->
            if (newValue != null) decorator(cell, newValue)

fun  TreeTableColumn.cellFormat(formatter: (TreeTableCell.(T) -> Unit)) {
    cellFactory = Callback { column: TreeTableColumn ->
        object : TreeTableCell() {
            private val defaultStyle = style
            // technically defined as TreeTableCell.DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "tree-table-cell", but this is private
            private val defaultStyleClass = listOf(*styleClass.toTypedArray())

            override fun updateItem(item: T, empty: Boolean) {
                super.updateItem(item, empty)

                if (item == null || empty) {
                    text = null
                    graphic = null
                    style = defaultStyle
                } else {
                    formatter(this, item)

enum class EditEventType(val editing: Boolean) {
    StartEdit(true), CommitEdit(false), CancelEdit(false)

 * Execute action when the enter key is pressed or the mouse is clicked

 * @param clickCount The number of mouse clicks to trigger the action
 * *
 * @param action The action to execute on select
fun  TableView.onUserSelect(clickCount: Int = 2, action: (T) -> Unit) {
    val isSelected = { event: InputEvent -> && !selectionModel.isEmpty

    addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) { event ->
        if (event.clickCount == clickCount && isSelected(event))

    addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { event ->
        if (event.code == KeyCode.ENTER && !event.isMetaDown && isSelected(event))

fun Node.onDoubleClick(action: () -> Unit) {
    setOnMouseClicked {
        if (it.clickCount == 2)

fun Node.onLeftClick(clickCount: Int = 1, action: () -> Unit) {
    setOnMouseClicked {
        if (it.clickCount == clickCount && it.button === MouseButton.PRIMARY)

fun Node.onRightClick(clickCount: Int = 1, action: () -> Unit) {
    setOnMouseClicked {
        if (it.clickCount == clickCount && it.button === MouseButton.SECONDARY)

 * Execute action when the enter key is pressed or the mouse is clicked

 * @param clickCount The number of mouse clicks to trigger the action
 * *
 * @param action The action to execute on select
fun  TreeTableView.onUserSelect(clickCount: Int = 2, action: (T) -> Unit) {
    val isSelected = { event: InputEvent -> && !selectionModel.isEmpty

    addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) { event ->
        if (event.clickCount == clickCount && isSelected(event))

    addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { event ->
        if (event.code == KeyCode.ENTER && !event.isMetaDown && isSelected(event))

val  TableCell.rowItem: S get() = tableView.items[index]
val  TreeTableCell.rowItem: S get() = treeTableView.getTreeItem(index).value

fun  ListProperty.asyncItems(func: FXTask<*>.() -> Collection) =
        task { func(this) } success { value = (it as? ObservableList) ?: observableArrayList(it) }

fun  ObservableList.asyncItems(func: FXTask<*>.() -> Collection) =
        task { func(this) } success { setAll(it) }

fun  SortedFilteredList.asyncItems(func: FXTask<*>.() -> Collection) =
        task { func(this) } success { items.setAll(it) }

fun  TableView.asyncItems(func: FXTask<*>.() -> Collection) =
        task(func = func).success { if (items == null) items = observableArrayList(it) else items.setAll(it) }

fun  ComboBox.asyncItems(func: FXTask<*>.() -> Collection) =
        task(func = func).success { if (items == null) items = observableArrayList(it) else items.setAll(it) }

fun  TableView.onUserDelete(action: (T) -> Unit) {
    addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, { event ->
        if (event.code == KeyCode.BACK_SPACE && selectedItem != null)

 * Did the event occur inside a TableRow, TreeTableRow or ListCell?
fun EventTarget.isInsideRow(): Boolean {
    if (this !is Node)
        return false

    if (this is TableColumnHeader)
        return false

    if (this is TableRow<*> || this is TableView<*> || this is TreeTableRow<*> || this is TreeTableView<*> || this is ListCell<*>)
        return true

    if (this.parent != null)
        return this.parent.isInsideRow()

    return false

 * Access BorderPane constraints to manipulate and apply on this control
inline fun  T.borderpaneConstraints(op: (BorderPaneConstraint.() -> Unit)): T {
    val bpc = BorderPaneConstraint(this)
    return bpc.applyToNode(this)

class BorderPaneConstraint(node: Node,
                           override var margin: Insets? = BorderPane.getMargin(node),
                           var alignment: Pos? = null
) : MarginableConstraints() {
    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        margin.let { BorderPane.setMargin(node, it) }
        alignment?.let { BorderPane.setAlignment(node, it) }
        return node

 * Access GridPane constraints to manipulate and apply on this control
inline fun  T.gridpaneConstraints(op: (GridPaneConstraint.() -> Unit)): T {
    val gpc = GridPaneConstraint(this)
    return gpc.applyToNode(this)

class GridPaneConstraint(node: Node,
                         var columnIndex: Int? = null,
                         var rowIndex: Int? = null,
                         var hGrow: Priority? = null,
                         var vGrow: Priority? = null,
                         override var margin: Insets? = GridPane.getMargin(node),
                         var fillHeight: Boolean? = null,
                         var fillWidth: Boolean? = null,
                         var hAlignment: HPos? = null,
                         var vAlignment: VPos? = null,
                         var columnSpan: Int? = null,
                         var rowSpan: Int? = null

) : MarginableConstraints() {
    var vhGrow: Priority? = null
        set(value) {
            vGrow = value
            hGrow = value
            field = value

    var fillHeightWidth: Boolean? = null
        set(value) {
            fillHeight = value
            fillWidth = value
            field = value

    fun columnRowIndex(columnIndex: Int, rowIndex: Int) {
        this.columnIndex = columnIndex
        this.rowIndex = rowIndex

    fun fillHeightWidth(fill: Boolean) {
        fillHeight = fill
        fillWidth = fill

    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        columnIndex?.let { GridPane.setColumnIndex(node, it) }
        rowIndex?.let { GridPane.setRowIndex(node, it) }
        hGrow?.let { GridPane.setHgrow(node, it) }
        vGrow?.let { GridPane.setVgrow(node, it) }
        margin.let { GridPane.setMargin(node, it) }
        fillHeight?.let { GridPane.setFillHeight(node, it) }
        fillWidth?.let { GridPane.setFillWidth(node, it) }
        hAlignment?.let { GridPane.setHalignment(node, it) }
        vAlignment?.let { GridPane.setValignment(node, it) }
        columnSpan?.let { GridPane.setColumnSpan(node, it) }
        rowSpan?.let { GridPane.setRowSpan(node, it) }
        return node

inline fun  T.vboxConstraints(op: (VBoxConstraint.() -> Unit)): T {
    val c = VBoxConstraint(this)
    return c.applyToNode(this)

inline fun  T.stackpaneConstraints(op: (StackpaneConstraint.() -> Unit)): T {
    val c = StackpaneConstraint(this)
    return c.applyToNode(this)

class VBoxConstraint(node: Node,
                     override var margin: Insets? = VBox.getMargin(node),
                     var vGrow: Priority? = null

) : MarginableConstraints() {
    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        margin?.let { VBox.setMargin(node, it) }
        vGrow?.let { VBox.setVgrow(node, it) }
        return node

class StackpaneConstraint(node: Node,
                          override var margin: Insets? = StackPane.getMargin(node),
                          var alignment: Pos? = null

) : MarginableConstraints() {
    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        margin?.let { StackPane.setMargin(node, it) }
        alignment?.let { StackPane.setAlignment(node, it) }
        return node

inline fun  T.hboxConstraints(op: (HBoxConstraint.() -> Unit)): T {
    val c = HBoxConstraint(this)
    return c.applyToNode(this)

class HBoxConstraint(node: Node,
                     override var margin: Insets? = HBox.getMargin(node),
                     var hGrow: Priority? = null
) : MarginableConstraints() {

    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        margin?.let { HBox.setMargin(node, it) }
        hGrow?.let { HBox.setHgrow(node, it) }
        return node

var Node.hgrow: Priority?
    get() = HBox.getHgrow(this)
    set(value) {
        HBox.setHgrow(this, value)
var Node.vgrow: Priority?
    get() = VBox.getVgrow(this)
    set(value) {
        VBox.setVgrow(this, value)
        // Input Container vgrow must propagate to Field and Fieldset
        if (parent?.parent is Field) {
            VBox.setVgrow(parent.parent, value)
            if (parent.parent?.parent is Fieldset)
                VBox.setVgrow(parent.parent.parent, value)

inline fun  T.anchorpaneConstraints(op: AnchorPaneConstraint.() -> Unit): T {
    val c = AnchorPaneConstraint()
    return c.applyToNode(this)

class AnchorPaneConstraint(
        var topAnchor: Number? = null,
        var rightAnchor: Number? = null,
        var bottomAnchor: Number? = null,
        var leftAnchor: Number? = null
) {
    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        topAnchor?.let { AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(node, it.toDouble()) }
        rightAnchor?.let { AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(node, it.toDouble()) }
        bottomAnchor?.let { AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(node, it.toDouble()) }
        leftAnchor?.let { AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(node, it.toDouble()) }
        return node

inline fun  T.splitpaneConstraints(op: SplitPaneConstraint.() -> Unit): T {
    val c = SplitPaneConstraint()
    return c.applyToNode(this)

class SplitPaneConstraint(
        var isResizableWithParent: Boolean? = null
) {
    fun  applyToNode(node: T): T {
        isResizableWithParent?.let { SplitPane.setResizableWithParent(node, it) }
        return node

abstract class MarginableConstraints {
    abstract var margin: Insets?
    var marginTop: Double
        get() = margin?.top ?: 0.0
        set(value) {
            margin = Insets(value, margin?.right ?: 0.0, margin?.bottom ?: 0.0, margin?.left ?: 0.0)

    var marginRight: Double
        get() = margin?.right ?: 0.0
        set(value) {
            margin = Insets(margin?.top ?: 0.0, value, margin?.bottom ?: 0.0, margin?.left ?: 0.0)

    var marginBottom: Double
        get() = margin?.bottom ?: 0.0
        set(value) {
            margin = Insets(margin?.top ?: 0.0, margin?.right ?: 0.0, value, margin?.left ?: 0.0)

    var marginLeft: Double
        get() = margin?.left ?: 0.0
        set(value) {
            margin = Insets(margin?.top ?: 0.0, margin?.right ?: 0.0, margin?.bottom ?: 0.0, value)

    fun marginTopBottom(value: Double) {
        marginTop = value
        marginBottom = value

    fun marginLeftRight(value: Double) {
        marginLeft = value
        marginRight = value

inline fun  TableColumn.makeEditable() = apply {
    tableView?.isEditable = true
    isEditable = true
    when (S::class.javaPrimitiveType ?: S::class) {
        Int::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(IntegerStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Integer::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(IntegerStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Integer::class.javaPrimitiveType -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(IntegerStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Double::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(DoubleStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Double::class.javaPrimitiveType -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(DoubleStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Float::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(FloatStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Float::class.javaPrimitiveType -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(FloatStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Long::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(LongStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Long::class.javaPrimitiveType -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(LongStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Number::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(NumberStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        BigDecimal::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(BigDecimalStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        BigInteger::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(BigIntegerStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        String::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(DefaultStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        LocalDate::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(LocalDateStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        LocalTime::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(LocalTimeStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        LocalDateTime::class -> cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(LocalDateTimeStringConverter() as StringConverter)
        Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType -> {
            (this as TableColumn).useCheckbox(true)
        else -> throw RuntimeException("makeEditable() is not implemented for specified class type:" + S::class.qualifiedName)

fun  TableView.regainFocusAfterEdit() = apply {
    editingCellProperty().onChange {
        if (it == null)

fun  TableColumn.makeEditable(converter: StringConverter): TableColumn = apply {
    tableView?.isEditable = true
    cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(converter)

fun  TreeTableView.populate(itemFactory: (T) -> TreeItem = { TreeItem(it) }, childFactory: (TreeItem) -> Iterable?) =
        populateTree(root, itemFactory, childFactory)

 * Add children to the given item by invoking the supplied childFactory function, which converts
 * a TreeItem<T> to a List<T>?.
 * If the childFactory returns a non-empty list, each entry in the list is converted to a TreeItem<T>
 * via the supplied itemProcessor function. The default itemProcessor from TreeTableView.populate and TreeTable.populate
 * simply wraps the given T in a TreeItem, but you can override it to add icons etc. Lastly, the populateTree
 * function is called for each of the generated child items.
fun  populateTree(item: TreeItem, itemFactory: (T) -> TreeItem, childFactory: (TreeItem) -> Iterable?) {
    val children = childFactory.invoke(item)

    children?.map { itemFactory(it) }?.apply {
        forEach { populateTree(it, itemFactory, childFactory) }

    (children as? ObservableList)?.addListener(ListChangeListener { change ->
        while ( {
            if (change.wasPermutated()) {
                val permutated = change.list.subList(change.from, { itemFactory(it) }
                item.children.addAll(change.from, permutated)
                permutated.forEach { populateTree(it, itemFactory, childFactory) }
            } else {
                if (change.wasRemoved()) {
                    val removed = change.removed.flatMap { removed -> item.children.filter { it.value == removed } }
                if (change.wasAdded()) {
                    val added = { itemFactory(it) }
                    item.children.addAll(change.from, added)
                    added.forEach { populateTree(it, itemFactory, childFactory) }

 * Return the UIComponent (View or Fragment) that owns this Parent
inline fun  Node.uiComponent(): T? = properties[UI_COMPONENT_PROPERTY] as? T

 * Return the UIComponent (View or Fragment) that represents the root of the current Scene within this Stage
inline fun  Stage.uiComponent(): T? = scene.root.uiComponent()

 * Find all UIComponents of the specified type that owns any of this node's children
inline fun  Parent.findAll(): List = childrenUnmodifiable
        .map { it.uiComponent() }

 * Find all UIComponents of the specified type that owns any of this UIComponent's root node's children
inline fun  UIComponent.findAll(): List = root.findAll()

 * Find the first UIComponent of the specified type that owns any of this node's children
inline fun  Parent.lookup(noinline op: T.() -> Unit = {}): T? = findAll().getOrNull(0)?.also(op)

 * Find the first UIComponent of the specified type that owns any of this UIComponent's root node's children
inline fun  UIComponent.lookup(noinline op: T.() -> Unit = {}): T? = findAll().getOrNull(0)?.also(op)

fun EventTarget.removeFromParent() {
    when (this) {
        is UIComponent -> root.removeFromParent()
        is DrawerItem -> drawer.items.remove(this)
        is Tab -> tabPane?.tabs?.remove(this)
        is Node -> {
            (parent?.parent as? ToolBar)?.items?.remove(this) ?: parent?.getChildList()?.remove(this)
        is TreeItem<*> -> this.parent.children.remove(this)

 * Listen for changes to an observable value and replace all content in this Node with the
 * new content created by the onChangeBuilder. The builder operates on the node and receives
 * the new value of the observable as it's only parameter.
 * The onChangeBuilder is run immediately with the current value of the property.
fun  S.dynamicContent(property: ObservableValue, onChangeBuilder: S.(T?) -> Unit) {
    val onChange: (T?) -> Unit = {
        onChangeBuilder(this@dynamicContent, it)

const val TRANSITIONING_PROPERTY = "tornadofx.transitioning"
 * Whether this node is currently being used in a [ViewTransition]. Used to determine whether it can be used in a
 * transition. (Nodes can only exist once in the scenegraph, so it cannot be in two transitions at once.)
internal var Node.isTransitioning: Boolean
    get() {
        val x = properties[TRANSITIONING_PROPERTY]
        return x != null && (x !is Boolean || x != false)
    set(value) {
        properties[TRANSITIONING_PROPERTY] = value

 * Replace this [Node] with another, optionally using a transition animation.
 * @param replacement The node that will replace this one
 * @param transition The [ViewTransition] used to animate the transition
 * @return Whether or not the transition will run
fun Node.replaceWith(replacement: Node, transition: ViewTransition? = null, sizeToScene: Boolean = false, centerOnScreen: Boolean = false, onTransit: () -> Unit = {}): Boolean {
    if (isTransitioning || replacement.isTransitioning) {
        return false
    if (this == scene?.root) {
        val scene = scene!!

        require(replacement is Parent) { "Replacement scene root must be a Parent" }

        // Update scene property to support Live Views
        replacement.uiComponent()?.properties?.put("tornadofx.scene", scene)

        if (transition != null) {
  , replacement) {
                scene.root = it as Parent
                if (sizeToScene) scene.window.sizeToScene()
                if (centerOnScreen) scene.window.centerOnScreen()
        } else {
            scene.root = replacement
            if (sizeToScene) scene.window.sizeToScene()
            if (centerOnScreen) scene.window.centerOnScreen()
        return true
    } else if (parent is Pane) {
        val parent = parent as Pane
        val attach = if (parent is BorderPane) {
            when (this) {
       -> {
                    { it: Node -> = it }
                parent.right -> {
                    { parent.right = it }
                parent.bottom -> {
                    { parent.bottom = it }
                parent.left -> {
                    { parent.left = it }
       -> {
                    { = it }
                else -> {
                    { throw IllegalStateException("Child of BorderPane not found in BorderPane") }
        } else {
            val children = parent.children
            val index = children.indexOf(this);
            { children.add(index, it) }

        if (transition != null) {
  , replacement, attach)
        } else {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

@Deprecated("This will go away in the future. Use the version with centerOnScreen parameter", ReplaceWith("replaceWith(replacement, transition, sizeToScene, false)"))
fun Node.replaceWith(replacement: Node, transition: ViewTransition? = null, sizeToScene: Boolean, onTransit: () -> Unit = {}) =
        replaceWith(replacement, transition, sizeToScene, false)

fun Node.hide() {
    isVisible = false
    isManaged = false

fun {
    isVisible = true
    isManaged = true

fun Node.whenVisible(runLater: Boolean = true, op: () -> Unit) {
    visibleProperty().onChange {
        if (it) {
            if (runLater) Platform.runLater(op) else op()

inline fun  Node.findParent(): T? = findParentOfType(T::class)

fun  Node.findParentOfType(parentType: KClass): T? {
    if (parent == null) return null
    parentType.safeCast(parent)?.also { return it }
    val uicmp = parent.uiComponent()
    parentType.safeCast(uicmp)?.also { return it }
    return parent?.findParentOfType(parentType)

val Region.paddingTopProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingTopProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { }) {
            Insets(it, value.right, value.bottom, value.left)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingBottomProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingBottomProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { value.bottom }) {
            Insets(, value.right, it, value.left)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingLeftProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingLeftProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { value.left }) {
            Insets(, value.right, value.bottom, it)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingRightProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingRightProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { value.right }) {
            Insets(, it, value.bottom, value.left)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingVerticalProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingVerticalProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { paddingVertical.toDouble() }) {
            val half = it / 2.0
            Insets(half, value.right, half, value.left)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingHorizontalProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingHorizontalProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { paddingHorizontal.toDouble() }) {
            val half = it / 2.0
            Insets(, half, value.bottom, half)
    } as DoubleProperty

val Region.paddingAllProperty: DoubleProperty
    get() = properties.getOrPut("paddingAllProperty") {
        proxypropDouble(paddingProperty(), { paddingAll.toDouble() }) {
            Insets(it, it, it, it)
    } as DoubleProperty

// -- Node helpers
 * This extension function will automatically bind to the managedProperty of the given node
 * and will make sure that it is managed, if the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.managedWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = managedWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will automatically bind to the managedProperty of the given node
 * and will make sure that it is managed, if the given [predicate] an observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.managedWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

 * This extension function will automatically bind to the visibleProperty of the given node
 * and will make sure that it is visible, if the given [predicate] an observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.visibleWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

 * This extension function will automatically bind to the visibleProperty of the given node
 * and will make sure that it is visible, if the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.visibleWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = visibleWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will make sure to hide the given node,
 * if the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.hiddenWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = hiddenWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will make sure to hide the given node,
 * if the given [predicate] an observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.hiddenWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {
    val binding = if (predicate is BooleanBinding) predicate.not() else predicate.toBinding().not()

 * This extension function will automatically bind to the disableProperty of the given node
 * and will disable it, if the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.disableWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = disableWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will automatically bind to the disableProperty of the given node
 * and will disable it, if the given [predicate] observable boolean value equals true.
 * @see
fun  T.disableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

 * This extension function will make sure that the given node is enabled when ever,
 * the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.enableWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = enableWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will make sure that the given node is enabled when ever,
 * the given [predicate] observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.enableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {
    val binding = if (predicate is BooleanBinding) predicate.not() else predicate.toBinding().not()

 * This extension function will make sure that the given node will only be visible in the scene graph,
 * if the given [expr] returning an observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.removeWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue): T = removeWhen(expr())

 * This extension function will make sure that the given node will only be visible in the scene graph,
 * if the given [predicate] observable boolean value equals true.
fun  T.removeWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {
    val remove = booleanBinding(predicate) { predicate.value.not() }

fun TextInputControl.editableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

fun ComboBoxBase<*>.editableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

fun TableView<*>.editableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

fun TreeTableView<*>.editableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

fun ListView<*>.editableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = apply {

 * This extension function will make sure that the given [onHover] function will always be calles
 * when ever the hoverProperty of the given node changes.
fun  T.onHover(onHover: (Boolean) -> Unit) = apply {
    hoverProperty().onChange { onHover(isHover) }

// -- MenuItem helpers
fun MenuItem.visibleWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue) = visibleWhen(expr())

fun MenuItem.visibleWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = visibleProperty().cleanBind(predicate)
fun MenuItem.disableWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue) = disableWhen(expr())
fun MenuItem.disableWhen(predicate: ObservableValue) = disableProperty().cleanBind(predicate)
fun MenuItem.enableWhen(expr: () -> ObservableValue) = enableWhen(expr())
fun MenuItem.enableWhen(obs: ObservableValue) {
    val binding = if (obs is BooleanBinding) obs.not() else obs.toBinding().not()

fun EventTarget.svgicon(shape: String, size: Number = 16, color: Paint = Color.BLACK, op: SVGIcon.() -> Unit = {}) = SVGIcon(shape, size, color).attachTo(this, op)

class SVGIcon(svgShape: String, size: Number = 16, color: Paint = Color.BLACK) : Pane() {
    init {
        addClass("icon", "svg-icon")
        style {
            shape = svgShape
            backgroundColor += color
            minWidth = size.px
            minHeight = size.px
            maxWidth = size.px
            maxHeight = size.px

internal class ShortLongPressHandler(node: Node) {
    var holdTimer = PauseTransition(700.millis)
    var consume: Boolean = false
    lateinit var originatingEvent: MouseEvent

    var shortAction: ((MouseEvent) -> Unit)? = null
    var longAction: ((MouseEvent) -> Unit)? = null

    init {
        holdTimer.setOnFinished { longAction?.invoke(originatingEvent) }

        node.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {
            originatingEvent = it
            if (consume) it.consume()

        node.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) {
            if (holdTimer.status == Animation.Status.RUNNING) {
                if (consume) it.consume()

internal val Node.shortLongPressHandler: ShortLongPressHandler
    get() = properties.getOrPut("tornadofx.shortLongPressHandler") {
    } as ShortLongPressHandler

fun  T.shortpress(consume: Boolean = false, action: (InputEvent) -> Unit) = apply {
    shortLongPressHandler.apply {
        this.consume = consume
        this.shortAction = action

fun  T.longpress(threshold: Duration = 700.millis, consume: Boolean = false, action: (MouseEvent) -> Unit) = apply {
    shortLongPressHandler.apply {
        this.consume = consume
        this.holdTimer.duration = threshold
        this.longAction = action

 * Create, cache and return a Node and store it within the owning node. Typical usage:
 * ```
 * listview(people) {
 *     cellFormat {
 *         graphic = cache {
 *             hbox {
 *                 label("Some large Node graph here")
 *             }
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * Used within a Cell, the cache statement makes sure that the node is only created once per cell during the cell's life time.
 * This greatly reduces memory and performance overhead and should be used in every situation where
 * a node graph is created and assigned to the graphic property of a cell.
 * Note that if you call this function without a a unique key parameter, you will only ever create a single
 * cached node for this parent. The use case for this function is mostly to cache the graphic node of a cell,
 * so for these use cases you don't need to supply a cache key.
 * Remember that you can still update whatever you assign to graphic below it on each `cellFormat` update item callback.
 * Important: Make sure to not cache hard coded data from the current item this cell represents, as this will change
 * when the cell is reused to display another item. Either bind to the itemProperty with select, or use `cellCache` instead.
fun  Node.cache(key: Any = "tornadofx.cachedNode", op: EventTarget.() -> T) = properties.getOrPut(key) {
} as T

 * Filter the input of the text field by passing each change to the discriminator
 * function and only applying the change if the discriminator returns true
 * To only allow digits for example, do:
 * filterInput { it.controlNewText.isInt() }
 * You can also access just the changed text in `it.text` to validate just the new input.
fun TextInputControl.filterInput(discriminator: (TextFormatter.Change) -> Boolean) {
    textFormatter = TextFormatter(CustomTextFilter(discriminator))

 * Custom text filter used to supress input values, for example to
 * only allow numbers in a textfield. Used via the filterInput {} builder
class CustomTextFilter(private val discriminator: (TextFormatter.Change) -> Boolean) : UnaryOperator {
    override fun apply(c: TextFormatter.Change): TextFormatter.Change =
            if (discriminator(c)) c else c.clone().apply { text = "" }

val Node.indexInParent: Int get() = parent?.childrenUnmodifiable?.indexOf(this) ?: -1

 * Create a subscene and attach it to the current container as a child. The root node of the SubScene will be whatever is built inside the `op` builder parameter.
 * If no height or width is given, the size property will be bound to it's parent size.
fun EventTarget.subscene(depthBuffer: Boolean = false, antiAlias: SceneAntialiasing = SceneAntialiasing.DISABLED, width: Number? = null, height: Number? = null, op: SubScene.() -> Unit = {}) =
        SubScene(StackPane(), width?.toDouble() ?: 0.0, height?.toDouble() ?: 0.0, depthBuffer, antiAlias).apply {
            val builderParent = this@subscene as? Region
            if (builderParent != null) {
                if (width == null)

                if (height == null)
        }.attachTo(this, op)