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org.opencv.core.Rect Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.opencv.core;


template class CV_EXPORTS Rect_

* *

// C++ code:

* * *


* *

typedef _Tp value_type;

* *

//! various constructors

* *


* *

Rect_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _width, _Tp _height);

* *

Rect_(const Rect_& r);

* *

Rect_(const CvRect& r);

* *

Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& org, const Size_<_Tp>& sz);

* *

Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt1, const Point_<_Tp>& pt2);

* *

Rect_& operator = (const Rect_& r);

* *

//! the top-left corner

* *

Point_<_Tp> tl() const;

* *

//! the bottom-right corner

* *

Point_<_Tp> br() const;

* *

//! size (width, height) of the rectangle

* *

Size_<_Tp> size() const;

* *

//! area (width*height) of the rectangle

* *

_Tp area() const;

* *

//! conversion to another data type

* *

template operator Rect_<_Tp2>() const;

* *

//! conversion to the old-style CvRect

* *

operator CvRect() const;

* *

//! checks whether the rectangle contains the point

* *

bool contains(const Point_<_Tp>& pt) const;

* *

_Tp x, y, width, height; //< the top-left corner, as well as width and height * of the rectangle

* *


* *

Template class for 2D rectangles, described by the following parameters: *

  • Coordinates of the top-left corner. This is a default interpretation * of Rect_.x and Rect_.y in OpenCV. Though, in your * algorithms you may count x and y from the * bottom-left corner. *
  • Rectangle width and height. *
* *

OpenCV typically assumes that the top and left boundary of the rectangle are * inclusive, while the right and bottom boundaries are not. For example, the * method Rect_.contains returns true if

* *

x <= pt.x < x+width,<BR>y <= pt.y < y+height

* *

Virtually every loop over an imageROI in OpenCV (where ROI is specified by * Rect_) is implemented as:

* *

// C++ code:

* *

for(int y = roi.y; y < roi.y + rect.height; y++)

* *

for(int x = roi.x; x < roi.x + rect.width; x++)

* * *


* * *

In addition to the class members, the following operations on rectangles are * implemented:

  • rect = rect +- point (shifting a rectangle by a certain * offset) *
  • rect = rect +- size (expanding or shrinking a rectangle by a * certain amount) *
  • rect += point, rect -= point, rect += size, rect -= size * (augmenting operations) *
  • rect = rect1 & rect2 (rectangle intersection) *
  • rect = rect1 | rect2 (minimum area rectangle containing * rect2 and rect3) *
  • rect &= rect1, rect |= rect1 (and the corresponding * augmenting operations) *
  • rect == rect1, rect != rect1 (rectangle comparison) *
* *

This is an example how the partial ordering on rectangles can be established * (rect1subseteq rect2):

* *

// C++ code:

* *

template inline bool

* *

operator <= (const Rect_<_Tp>& r1, const Rect_<_Tp>& r2)

* * *

return (r1 & r2) == r1;

* * *

For your convenience, the Rect_<> alias is available:

* *

typedef Rect_ Rect;

* * @see org.opencv.core.Rect_ */ public class Rect { public int x, y, width, height; public Rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } public Rect() { this(0, 0, 0, 0); } public Rect(Point p1, Point p2) { x = (int) (p1.x < p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x); y = (int) (p1.y < p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y); width = (int) (p1.x > p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x) - x; height = (int) (p1.y > p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y) - y; } public Rect(Point p, Size s) { this((int) p.x, (int) p.y, (int) s.width, (int) s.height); } public Rect(double[] vals) { set(vals); } public void set(double[] vals) { if (vals != null) { x = vals.length > 0 ? (int) vals[0] : 0; y = vals.length > 1 ? (int) vals[1] : 0; width = vals.length > 2 ? (int) vals[2] : 0; height = vals.length > 3 ? (int) vals[3] : 0; } else { x = 0; y = 0; width = 0; height = 0; } } public Rect clone() { return new Rect(x, y, width, height); } public Point tl() { return new Point(x, y); } public Point br() { return new Point(x + width, y + height); } public Size size() { return new Size(width, height); } public double area() { return width * height; } public boolean contains(Point p) { return x <= p.x && p.x < x + width && y <= p.y && p.y < y + height; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(height); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(width); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(x); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(y); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof Rect)) return false; Rect it = (Rect) obj; return x == it.x && y == it.y && width == it.width && height == it.height; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + x + ", " + y + ", " + width + "x" + height + "}"; } }

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