weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderReduceTask Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* CSVToARFFHeaderReduceTask.java
* Copyright (C) 2013 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.distributed;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.core.stats.ArffSummaryNumericMetric;
import weka.core.stats.NominalStats;
import weka.core.stats.NumericAttributeBinData;
import weka.core.stats.NumericStats;
import weka.core.stats.QuantileCalculator;
import weka.core.stats.Stats;
import weka.core.stats.StringStats;
import weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.HeaderAndQuantileDataHolder;
import weka.filters.Filter;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove;
import com.clearspring.analytics.stream.quantile.TDigest;
* Reduce task for ARFF header and summary attribute creation.
* @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
* @version $Revision: 11582 $
public class CSVToARFFHeaderReduceTask implements Serializable {
* For serialization
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2626548935034818537L;
* Performs aggregation over a list of header and quantile data holder
* objects. Produces a final aggregated heaer with quantile and histogram data
* + normal stats for numeric attributes.
* @param toAggregate the list of header and quantile data holders to
* aggregate over
* @return a final aggregated header with normal stats plus quantiles and
* histograms for numeric attributes
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static Instances aggregateHeadersAndQuartiles(
List toAggregate)
throws DistributedWekaException {
// do the headers first
List headerList = new ArrayList();
for (HeaderAndQuantileDataHolder h : toAggregate) {
Instances aggregatedHeader = aggregate(headerList);
ArrayList newAtts = new ArrayList();
Instances noSummary = stripSummaryAtts(aggregatedHeader);
// add in the normal attributes first
for (int i = 0; i < noSummary.numAttributes(); i++) {
newAtts.add((Attribute) noSummary.attribute(i).copy());
// now do the quantile estimators (if any) attribute by attribute
for (int i = 0; i < noSummary.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (noSummary.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
String name = noSummary.attribute(i).name();
List toMerge = new ArrayList();
// now loop over the quantile estimators for this attribute
for (HeaderAndQuantileDataHolder h : toAggregate) {
try {
TDigest decoded = h.getQuantileEstimator(name);
if (decoded != null) {
} else {
.println("[CSVReducer] Partial quantile estimator for attribute '"
+ name + "' is null!");
} catch (DistributedWekaException ex) {
// just report to sys error here because there
// may be data splits with all missing values or something
.println("[CSVReducer] No partial quantile estimator for attribute '"
+ name + "'");
Attribute summary =
(Attribute) aggregatedHeader.attribute(
+ noSummary.attribute(i).name()).copy();
if (toMerge.size() > 0) {
TDigest mergedForAtt =
TDigest.merge(toMerge.get(0).compression(), toMerge);
NumericStats newStats = NumericStats.attributeToStats(summary);
// add the updated attribute with quantiles and histogram
} else {
} else {
// get this summary attribute unchanged
Attribute summary =
(Attribute) aggregatedHeader.attribute(
+ noSummary.attribute(i).name()).copy();
if (summary != null) {
Instances newHeader =
new Instances(aggregatedHeader.relationName(), newAtts, 0);
return newHeader;
* Aggregates a list of Instances (headers) into a final Instances object.
* @param headers a list of headers to aggregate
* @return a unified header as an Instances object
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static Instances aggregate(List headers)
throws DistributedWekaException {
if (headers.size() == 0) {
throw new DistributedWekaException("Nothing to aggregate!");
// basic checks first - all instances have the same number of attributes
// with
// the same names and types in the same order
// use the first as the master
Instances master = headers.get(0);
Instances masterHeaderCheck = stripSummaryAtts(master);
Map masterNumericNominalMismatch =
new HashMap();
for (int i = 1; i < headers.size(); i++) {
Instances toCheck = headers.get(i);
toCheck = stripSummaryAtts(toCheck);
if (toCheck.numAttributes() != masterHeaderCheck.numAttributes()) {
System.err.println("Master:\n\n" + masterHeaderCheck);
System.err.println("\nTo aggregate # " + (i + 1) + ":\n\n" + toCheck);
throw new DistributedWekaException(
"Number of attributes differ between headers to aggregate!");
for (int j = 0; j < masterHeaderCheck.numAttributes(); j++) {
if (!toCheck.attribute(j).name()
.equals(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).name())) {
System.err.println("Master:\n\n" + masterHeaderCheck);
System.err.println("\nTo aggregate # " + (i + 1) + ":\n\n" + toCheck);
throw new DistributedWekaException(
"Attribute names differ in headers to aggregate: att (master) '"
+ masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).name()
+ "' != att (to aggregate) '" + toCheck.attribute(j).name()
+ "' at pos " + (j + 1));
if (toCheck.attribute(j).type() != masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j)
.type()) {
System.err.println("Master:\n\n" + master);
System.err.println("\nTo aggregate # " + (i + 1) + ":\n\n" + toCheck);
// We might have a chunk of data that has had all missing values
// for this particular attribute. In this case, the default is
// to create a numeric attribute. It's corresponding summary
// stats attribute (if we're creating them) will show a missing
// count > 0 and a count == 0.
boolean throwException = false;
if (masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).isNumeric()) {
if (toCheck.attribute(j).isNominal()
|| toCheck.attribute(j).isString()) {
masterNumericNominalMismatch.put(new Integer(j),
} else {
throwException = true;
} else if (toCheck.attribute(j).isNumeric()) {
if (!masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).isNominal()
&& !masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).isString()) {
throwException = true;
} else {
throwException = true;
if (throwException) {
throw new DistributedWekaException(
"Types differ in headers to aggregate: att (master) '"
+ masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j).name() + "' ("
+ Attribute.typeToString(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(j))
+ ") != att (to aggregate) '" + toCheck.attribute(j).name()
+ "' (" + Attribute.typeToString(toCheck.attribute(j))
+ ") at pos " + (j + 1));
if (masterNumericNominalMismatch.size() > 0) {
ArrayList fixedAtts = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < masterHeaderCheck.numAttributes(); i++) {
Attribute a = (Attribute) masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).copy();
if (masterNumericNominalMismatch.get(new Integer(i)) != null) {
Attribute target = masterNumericNominalMismatch.get(new Integer(i));
if (target.isNominal()) {
// replace this with a dummy nominal one
ArrayList dummyVals = new ArrayList();
a = new Attribute(a.name(), dummyVals);
} else {
// string
a = new Attribute(a.name(), (List) null);
masterHeaderCheck = new Instances(master.relationName(), fixedAtts, 0);
// now aggregate
ArrayList attribs = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < masterHeaderCheck.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).isNominal()) {
ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
for (Instances h : headers) {
Attribute toAgg = h.attribute(i);
// check for numeric type here...
if (toAgg.isNumeric()) {
// this data chunk must have seen all missing values
// for this attribute
} else {
for (int z = 0; z < toAgg.numValues(); z++) {
if (!vals.contains(toAgg.value(z))) {
attribs.add(new Attribute(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).name(), vals));
} else if (masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).isString()) {
attribs.add(new Attribute(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).name(),
(java.util.List) null));
} else if (masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).isDate()) {
attribs.add(new Attribute(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).name(),
} else if (masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).isRelationValued()) {
Instances masterR = masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).relation();
// scan across the headers for inconsistent relational att
for (int j = 1; j < headers.size(); j++) {
Instances toCheck = headers.get(j);
Instances checkR = toCheck.attribute(i).relation();
String problem = masterR.equalHeadersMsg(checkR);
if (problem != null) {
throw new DistributedWekaException("Relational attribute '"
+ master.attribute(i).name()
+ "' differs in structure amongs the headers to be aggregated!");
attribs.add(new Attribute(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).name(),
new Instances(masterR, 0)));
} else {
// numeric
attribs.add(new Attribute(masterHeaderCheck.attribute(i).name()));
// Any summary stats atts?
List summaryStats =
aggregateSummaryStats(headers, masterHeaderCheck);
for (Attribute a : summaryStats) {
return new Instances(master.relationName(), attribs, 0);
* Utility method that returns a header Instances object without any summary
* attributes.
* @param insts the header to remove summary attributes from
* @return a new Instances object that does not contain any summary attributes
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static Instances stripSummaryAtts(Instances insts)
throws DistributedWekaException {
int startOfSummary = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < insts.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (insts.attribute(i).name()
startOfSummary = i + 1;
if (startOfSummary > 0) {
Remove r = new Remove();
r.setAttributeIndices("" + startOfSummary + "-" + "last");
try {
insts = Filter.useFilter(insts, r);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DistributedWekaException(ex);
return insts;
* Updates a header that contains summary attributes with quartiles and
* histogram data. Assumes the header does not already contain these.
* @param trainingHeaderWithSummary header with first pass summary data
* @param quartiles QuartileCalculator containing quartiles to add to the
* header
* @param histograms Map (keyed by attribute index) of histogram data for
* numeric attributes to add to the header
* @return an updated header
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static Instances updateSummaryAttsWithQuartilesAndHistograms(
Instances trainingHeaderWithSummary, QuantileCalculator quartiles,
Map histograms)
throws DistributedWekaException {
Instances trainingHeader = stripSummaryAtts(trainingHeaderWithSummary);
// have to construct a new Instances header
ArrayList atts = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < trainingHeader.numAttributes(); i++) {
atts.add((Attribute) trainingHeader.attribute(i).copy());
for (int i = 0; i < trainingHeader.numAttributes(); i++) {
String name = trainingHeader.attribute(i).name();
Attribute summary =
+ name);
if (trainingHeader.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
NumericStats stats = NumericStats.attributeToStats(summary);
// add in the quantiles
try {
double[] quantiles = quartiles.getQuantiles(name);
stats.getStats()[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()] =
stats.getStats()[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()] =
stats.getStats()[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()] =
NumericAttributeBinData hist = histograms.get(i);
if (!hist.getAttributeName().equals(name)) {
throw new DistributedWekaException("Histogram data at index " + i
+ "(" + hist.getAttributeName()
+ ") does not match quantile data (" + name + ")!");
stats.setHistogramData(hist.getBinLabels(), hist.getBinFreqs());
Attribute updatedSummary = stats.makeAttribute();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Print out error, but don't cause job to stop (could be
// the case that we haven't seen more than 5 non-missing
// values for this attribute (quantile estimator requires at
// least five values)
// just add in the old stats in this case
} else {
if (summary != null) {
atts.add((Attribute) summary.copy());
// make the new instances
Instances updatedHeader = new Instances("Updated with quartiles", atts, 0);
return updatedHeader;
* Returns true if the supplied header contains numeric attributes
* @param headerWithSummary a header (with summary attributes) to check
* @return true if the header contains numeric attributes
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static boolean headerContainsNumericAttributes(
Instances headerWithSummary) throws DistributedWekaException {
Instances headerNoSummary =
boolean hasNumeric = false;
for (int i = 0; i < headerNoSummary.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (headerNoSummary.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
hasNumeric = true;
return hasNumeric;
* Returns true if the supplied header already has quartile infomration
* calculated and there are numeric attributes in the data
* @param headerWithSummary the header to check
* @return true if the supplied header has quartile information
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
public static boolean headerContainsQuartiles(Instances headerWithSummary)
throws DistributedWekaException {
Instances headerNoSummary =
boolean hasQuartiles = false;
for (int i = 0; i < headerNoSummary.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (headerNoSummary.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
Attribute summary =
+ headerNoSummary.attribute(i).name());
if (!Utils.isMissingValue(ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE
.valueFromAttribute(summary))) {
hasQuartiles = true;
return hasQuartiles;
* Return the numeric stats for a given summary attribute as an array
* @param a the summary attribute to get stats from
* @return an array of stats
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a problem occurs
protected static double[] attributeToStatsArray(Attribute a)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
NumericStats ns = NumericStats.attributeToStats(a);
return ns.getStats();
* Aggregates the summary statistics from all the headers
* @param headers the headers to aggregate
* @param masterHeaderCheck the reference header with final types determined
* @return a list of aggregated Stats objects
* @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs
protected static List aggregateSummaryStats(
List headers, Instances masterHeaderCheck)
throws DistributedWekaException {
List aggregated = new ArrayList();
Map aggStats =
new LinkedHashMap();
int index = -1;
// scan for the start index of summary attributes
for (Instances h : headers) {
for (int i = 0; i < h.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (h.attribute(i).name()
index = i;
if (index < 0) {
return aggregated;
for (Instances h : headers) {
for (int i = index; i < h.numAttributes(); i++) {
Attribute current = h.attribute(i);
Attribute original =
if (original == null) {
throw new DistributedWekaException(
"Can't find corresponding original attribute for "
+ "summary stats attribute '" + current.name() + "'");
if (original.isNumeric()) {
double[] currentStats = attributeToStatsArray(current);
// ensure derived stats and quantiles are set to missing
for (int k = ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEAN.ordinal(); k < currentStats.length; k++) {
currentStats[k] = Utils.missingValue();
NumericStats ns =
(NumericStats) aggStats.get(original.name());
if (ns == null) {
ns = new NumericStats(original.name());
aggStats.put(original.name(), ns);
} else {
for (ArffSummaryNumericMetric m : ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values()) {
if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUM
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUMSQ
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING) {
ns.getStats()[m.ordinal()] += currentStats[m.ordinal()];
} else if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN) {
if (currentStats[m.ordinal()] < ns.getStats()[m.ordinal()]) {
ns.getStats()[m.ordinal()] = currentStats[m.ordinal()];
} else if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX) {
if (currentStats[m.ordinal()] > ns.getStats()[m.ordinal()]) {
ns.getStats()[m.ordinal()] = currentStats[m.ordinal()];
} else if (original.isNominal()) {
// nominal original attribute
NominalStats ns =
(NominalStats) aggStats.get(original.name());
if (ns == null) {
ns = new NominalStats(original.name());
aggStats.put(original.name(), ns);
// Is the current attribute actually an numeric stats one?
// Could happen if a data chunk had all missing values for
// this attribute. In this case the default (in the case
// where the user has not explicitly provided types)
// is to assume numeric.
// check number of values and the name of a few labels
if (current.numValues() == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length
&& current.value(ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT.ordinal())
&& current.value(ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.ordinal())
.startsWith(ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.toString())) {
// OK - copy over the missing count
double missing =
ns.add(null, missing);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < current.numValues(); j++) {
String v = current.value(j);
String label = v.substring(0, v.lastIndexOf("_"));
String freqCount =
v.substring(v.lastIndexOf("_") + 1, v.length());
try {
double fC = Double.parseDouble(freqCount);
if (label
.equals(NominalStats.MISSING_LABEL)) {
ns.add(null, fC);
} else {
ns.add(label, fC);
} catch (NumberFormatException n) {
throw new DistributedWekaException(n);
} else if (original.isString()) {
StringStats currentStringStats =
StringStats ss =
(StringStats) aggStats.get(original.name());
if (ss == null) {
// ss = new CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.StringStats(original.name());
aggStats.put(original.name(), currentStringStats);
} else {
for (ArffSummaryNumericMetric m : ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values()) {
if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUM
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUMSQ
|| m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING) {
ss.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] +=
ss.getWordCountStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] +=
} else if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN) {
if (currentStringStats.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m
.ordinal()] < ss.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m
.ordinal()]) {
ss.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] =
ss.getWordCountStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] =
} else if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX) {
if (currentStringStats.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m
.ordinal()] > ss.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m
.ordinal()]) {
ss.getStringLengthStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] =
ss.getWordCountStats().getStats()[m.ordinal()] =
for (Map.Entry e : aggStats
.entrySet()) {
Stats stats = e.getValue();
if (stats instanceof NumericStats) {
// derived stats
((NumericStats) stats).computeDerived();
} else if (stats instanceof StringStats) {
((StringStats) stats).computeDerived();
Attribute newAtt = stats.makeAttribute();
return aggregated;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
List headerList = new ArrayList();
for (String h : args) {
if (h != null && h.length() > 0) {
Instances aHeader =
new Instances(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(h)));
aHeader = new Instances(aHeader, 0);
if (headerList.size() > 0) {
CSVToARFFHeaderReduceTask task = new CSVToARFFHeaderReduceTask();
Instances aggregated = task.aggregate(headerList);
System.out.println("Aggregated header\n\n" + aggregated.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
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