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weka.core.packageManagement.DefaultPackageManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), a machine
learning workbench. This version represents the developer version, the
"bleeding edge" of development, you could say. New functionality gets added
to this version.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.core.packageManagement;
import weka.core.Defaults;
import weka.core.Environment;
import weka.core.Settings;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
* A concrete implementation of PackageManager that uses Java properties
* files/class to manage package meta data. Assumes that meta data for
* individual packages is stored on the central repository (accessible via http)
* in properties files that live in a subdirectory with the same name as the
* package. Furthermore, each property file is assumed to be named as the
* version number of the package in question with a ".props" extension. A
* "Latest.props" file should exist for each package and should always hold meta
* data on the latest version of a package.
* @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
* @version $Revision: 52515 $
public class DefaultPackageManager extends PackageManager {
/** buffer size for copying files */
protected static final int BUFF_SIZE = 100000;
/** buffer used in copying files */
protected static final byte[] m_buffer = new byte[BUFF_SIZE];
protected static final String INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CACHE_FILE =
protected static List s_installedPackageList;
/** Timeout to use for comms */
protected int m_timeout = DefaultPMDefaults.SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
/** Key for the socket timeout property */
protected static final String TIMEOUT_PROPERTY =
* Constructor
public DefaultPackageManager() {
// set timeout based on property (if set)
String timeout = System.getProperty(TIMEOUT_PROPERTY);
if (timeout != null && timeout.length() > 0) {
try {
m_timeout = Integer.parseInt(timeout);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// ignore quietly
* Get the default settings for the default package manager
* @return the default settings
public Defaults getDefaultSettings() {
return new DefaultPMDefaults();
* Apply settings.
* @param settings the settings to apply
public void applySettings(Settings settings) {
m_timeout =
* Default settings for the default package manager implementation
protected static final class DefaultPMDefaults extends Defaults {
protected static final String APP_ID = "defaultpackagemanager";
protected static final Settings.SettingKey SOCKET_TIMEOUT_KEY =
new Settings.SettingKey(APP_ID + ".timeout",
"Timeout (in ms) for socket " + "comms", "");
/** Default timeout for socket connections (5 seconds) */
protected static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 5000;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1428588514991146709L;
public DefaultPMDefaults() {
* protected File downloadPackage2(URL packageURL, PrintStream... progress)
* throws Exception { String packageArchiveName = packageURL.toString();
* packageArchiveName =
* packageArchiveName.substring(packageArchiveName.lastIndexOf('/'),
* packageArchiveName.length()); packageArchiveName =
* packageArchiveName.substring(0, packageArchiveName.lastIndexOf('.'));
* // make a temp file to hold the downloaded archive File tmpDownload =
* File.createTempFile(packageArchiveName, ".zip");
* for (int i = 0; i < progress.length; i++) { progress[i].println(
* "[Package Manager] Tmp file: " + tmpDownload.toString()); }
* System.err.println("Here in downloadPackage..."); URLConnection conn =
* null;
* // setup the proxy (if we are using one) and open the connect if
* (setProxyAuthentication()) { conn = packageURL.openConnection(m_httpProxy);
* } else { conn = packageURL.openConnection(); }
* if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) { System.err.println(
* "We have a http url conn."); }
* BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
* InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
* String line = null;
* while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.err.println(line); }
* br.close();
* return null; }
protected File downloadArchive(URL packageURL, String fileExtension,
PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
String packageArchiveName = packageURL.toString();
packageArchiveName =
packageArchiveName.lastIndexOf("." + fileExtension) + 3);
packageArchiveName =
packageArchiveName.substring(0, packageArchiveName.lastIndexOf('.'));
packageArchiveName =
// make a temp file to hold the downloaded archive
File tmpDownload =
File.createTempFile(packageArchiveName, "." + fileExtension);
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] Tmp file: "
+ tmpDownload.toString());
URLConnection conn = getConnection(packageURL);
BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
BufferedOutputStream bo =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpDownload));
// download the archive
int totalBytesRead = 0;
while (true) {
synchronized (m_buffer) {
int amountRead =;
if (amountRead == -1) {
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] downloaded "
+ (totalBytesRead / 1000) + " KB");
bo.write(m_buffer, 0, amountRead);
totalBytesRead += amountRead;
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("%%[DefaultPackageManager] downloaded "
+ (totalBytesRead / 1000) + " KB");
return tmpDownload;
* Get package information on the package at the given URL.
* @param packageURL the URL to the package.
* @return a Package object encapsulating the package meta data
* @throws Exception if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
public Package getURLPackageInfo(URL packageURL) throws Exception {
File downloaded = downloadArchive(packageURL, "zip");
// return the package info
return getPackageArchiveInfo(downloaded);
* Get package information on the named package from the repository. If
* multiple versions of the package are available, it assumes that the most
* recent is required.
* @param packageName the name of the package to get information about.
* @return a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
* @throws Exception if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
public Package getRepositoryPackageInfo(String packageName) throws Exception {
return getRepositoryPackageInfo(packageName, "Latest");
* Get a list of available versions of the named package.
* @param packageName the name of the package to get versions.
* @return a list of available versions (or null if not applicable)
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong while trying to retrieve the list
* of versions.
public List getRepositoryPackageVersions(String packageName)
throws Exception {
if (getPackageRepositoryURL() == null) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] No package repository set!!");
String versionsS =
m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName + "/" + "versions.txt";
URL packageURL = new URL(versionsS);
URLConnection conn = getConnection(packageURL);
BufferedReader bi =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
ArrayList versions = new ArrayList();
String versionNumber;
while ((versionNumber = bi.readLine()) != null) {
return versions;
* Get package information on the named package from the repository.
* @param packageName the name of the package to get information about.
* @param version the version of the package to retrieve (may be null if not
* applicable).
* @return a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
* @throws Exception if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
public Package getRepositoryPackageInfo(String packageName, Object version)
throws Exception {
if (getPackageRepositoryURL() == null) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] No package repository set!!");
if (version == null) {
version = "Latest";
String packageS =
m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName + "/"
+ version.toString() + ".props";
URL packageURL = new URL(packageS);
URLConnection conn = getConnection(packageURL);
BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
Properties packageProperties = new Properties();
return new DefaultPackage(m_packageHome, this, packageProperties);
private Package getPackageArchiveInfo(File packageArchive) throws Exception {
return getPackageArchiveInfo(packageArchive.getAbsolutePath());
* Get package information from the supplied package archive file.
* @param packageArchivePath the path to the package archive file
* @return a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
* @throws Exception if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
public Package getPackageArchiveInfo(String packageArchivePath)
throws Exception {
ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(new File(packageArchivePath));
for (Enumeration e = zip.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith("Description.props")) {
InputStream is = zip.getInputStream(entry);
Properties packageProperties = new Properties();
packageProperties.load(new BufferedInputStream(is));
DefaultPackage pkg =
new DefaultPackage(m_packageHome, this, packageProperties);
return pkg;
throw new Exception("Unable to find Description file in package archive!");
* Get package information on the named installed package.
* @param packageName the name of the package to get information about.
* @return a Package object encapsulating the package meta data or null if the
* package is not installed.
* @throws Exception if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
public Package getInstalledPackageInfo(String packageName) throws Exception {
File packageDescription =
new File(m_packageHome.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + packageName
+ File.separator + "Description.props");
if (!packageDescription.exists()) {
return null;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(packageDescription);
Properties packageProperties = new Properties();
DefaultPackage pkg =
new DefaultPackage(m_packageHome, this, packageProperties);
return pkg;
* Checks to see if the package home exists and creates it if necessary.
* @return true if the package home exists/was created successfully.
protected boolean establishPackageHome() {
if (m_packageHome == null) {
return false;
if (!m_packageHome.exists()) {
// create it for the user
if (!m_packageHome.mkdir()) {
System.err.println("Unable to create packages directory ("
+ m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath() + ")");
return false;
return true;
public static void deleteDir(File dir, PrintStream... progress)
throws Exception {
// get the contents
File[] contents = dir.listFiles();
if (contents.length != 0) {
// process contents
for (File f : contents) {
if (f.isDirectory()) {
} else {
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
.println("[DefaultPackageManager] removing: " + f.toString());
if (!f.delete()) {
System.err.println("[DefaultPackageManager] can't delete file "
+ f.toString());
// delete this directory
if (!dir.delete()) {
System.err.println("[DefaultPackageManager] can't delete directory "
+ dir.toString());
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] removing: " + dir.toString());
* Uninstall a package.
* @param packageName the package to uninstall.
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @throws Exception if the named package could not be removed for some
* reason.
public void uninstallPackage(String packageName, PrintStream... progress)
throws Exception {
File packageToDel =
new File(m_packageHome.toString() + File.separator + packageName);
if (!packageToDel.exists()) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] Can't remove " + packageName
+ " because it doesn't seem to be installed!");
deleteDir(packageToDel, progress);
// invalidate cache
s_installedPackageList = null;
* Install a package from an archive on the local file system.
* @param packageArchivePath the path to the package archive file.
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @return the name of the package installed
* @throws Exception if the package can't be installed for some reason.
public String installPackageFromArchive(String packageArchivePath,
PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
Properties packageProps =
(Properties) getPackageArchiveInfo(packageArchivePath)
String packageName = packageProps.getProperty("PackageName");
String additionalLibs = packageProps.getProperty("AdditionalLibs");
String[] additionalLibURLs = null;
if (additionalLibs != null && additionalLibs.length() > 0) {
additionalLibURLs = additionalLibs.split(",");
if (packageName == null) {
throw new Exception("Unable to find the name of the package in"
+ " the Description file for " + packageArchivePath);
installPackage(packageArchivePath, packageName, progress);
if (additionalLibURLs != null) {
installAdditionalLibs(packageName, additionalLibURLs, progress);
return packageName;
* Installs additional library jar files (as specified in the AdditionalLibs
* entry in the Description.props file).
* @param packageName the name of the package that will receive the downloaded
* libraries into its lib directory
* @param additionalLibURLs an array of urls to the libraries to download
* @param progress for progress reporting
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void installAdditionalLibs(String packageName,
String[] additionalLibURLs, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to install additional libraries"
+ " because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
for (String libU : additionalLibURLs) {
libU = libU.trim();
if (libU.trim().length() > 0) {
URL libURL = new URL(libU.trim());
File libPath = downloadArchive(libURL, "jar", progress);
String destName = libU.substring(0, libU.lastIndexOf("." + "jar") + 3);
destName = destName.substring(0, destName.lastIndexOf('.'));
destName =
destName.substring(destName.lastIndexOf('/'), destName.length());
destName += ".jar";
File destDir =
new File(m_packageHome, packageName + File.separator + "lib");
if (!destDir.mkdir()) {
// hopefully failure is because the directory already exists
File destPath = new File(destDir, destName);
InputStream input =
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(libPath));
OutputStream output =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destPath));
copyStreams(input, output);
* Installs all the packages in the supplied list.
* @param toInstall a list of Packages to install.
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong during the installation process.
public void installPackages(List toInstall, PrintStream... progress)
throws Exception {
File[] archivePaths = new File[toInstall.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < toInstall.size(); i++) {
Package toDownload = toInstall.get(i);
if (toDownload.isInstalled()) {
for (PrintStream p : progress) {
p.println("[DefaultPackageManager] cleanining installed package: "
+ toDownload.getName());
uninstallPackage(toDownload.getName(), progress);
archivePaths[i] =
downloadArchive(toDownload.getPackageURL(), "zip", progress);
// OK, all downloaded successfully, now install them
for (File archivePath : archivePaths) {
installPackageFromArchive(archivePath.getAbsolutePath(), progress);
* Checks a given package's list of dependencies for any conflicts with the
* packages in the supplied Map. Any packages from this packages dependency
* list that are not in the Map are simply added and checkDependencies is
* called recursively for each.
* @param toCheck the package to check.
* @param lookup a Map of package name, Dependency pairs to check against.
* @param conflicts a list of Dependency objects for any conflicts that are
* detected.
* @return true if no conflicts are found.
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs when checking for conflicts.
protected static boolean checkDependencies(PackageConstraint toCheck,
Map lookup, Map> conflicts)
throws Exception {
boolean ok = true;
// get the dependencies for the package to check
List deps = toCheck.getPackage().getDependencies();
for (Dependency p : deps) {
String depName =
if (!lookup.containsKey(depName)) {
// just add this package to the lookup
lookup.put(depName, p);
// check its dependencies
ok = checkDependencies(p.getTarget(), lookup, conflicts);
} else {
// we have to see if the version number for this package is compatible
// with the one already in the lookup
Dependency checkAgainst = lookup.get(depName);
PackageConstraint result =
if (result != null) {
lookup.put(depName, checkAgainst);
} else {
// there is a conflict here
List conflictList = conflicts.get(depName);
ok = false;
return ok;
* Gets a full list of packages (encapsulated in Dependency objects) that are
* required by directly and indirectly by the named target package. Also
* builds a Map of any packages that are required by more than one package and
* where there is a conflict of some sort (e.g. multiple conflicting
* versions). The keys of this map are package names (strings), and each
* associated value is a list of Dependency objects.
* @param target the package for which a list of dependencies is required.
* @param conflicts will hold any conflicts that are discovered while building
* the full dependency list.
* @return a list of packages that are directly and indirectly required by the
* named target package.
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs while building the dependency list.
public List getAllDependenciesForPackage(Package target,
Map> conflicts) throws Exception {
// start with the target package's list of dependencies
List initialList = target.getDependencies();
// load them into a map for quick lookup
Map lookup = new HashMap();
for (Dependency d : initialList) {
.toString(), d);
ArrayList deps = new ArrayList();
// Pre-load a conficts Map
.toString(), deps);
// now process each of these to build the full list
for (Dependency d : initialList) {
checkDependencies(d.getTarget(), lookup, conflicts);
List fullList = new ArrayList(lookup.values());
// Prune packages from conflicts Map that only have one
// item in their list (i.e. these ones have no conflicts)
ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList();
Iterator keyIt = conflicts.keySet().iterator();
while (keyIt.hasNext()) {
String key =;
List tempD = conflicts.get(key);
if (tempD.size() == 1) {
// remove this one
for (String s : removeList) {
return fullList;
* Install a package sourced from the repository.
* @param packageName the name of the package to install
* @param version the version of the package to install (may be null if not
* applicable).
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @throws Exception if the package can't be installed for some reason.
public void installPackageFromRepository(String packageName, Object version,
PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
Package toInstall = getRepositoryPackageInfo(packageName, version);
if (toInstall.isInstalled()) {
for (PrintStream p : progress) {
p.println("[DefaultPackageManager] cleanining installed package: "
+ toInstall.getName());
uninstallPackage(toInstall.getName(), progress);
String urlString =
URL packageURL = new URL(urlString);
installPackageFromURL(packageURL, progress);
* Install a package sourced from a given URL.
* @param packageURL the URL to the package.
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @return the name of the package installed
* @throws Exception if the package can't be installed for some reason.
public String installPackageFromURL(URL packageURL, PrintStream... progress)
throws Exception {
File downloaded = downloadArchive(packageURL, "zip", progress);
return installPackageFromArchive(downloaded.getAbsolutePath(), progress);
private static void copyStreams(InputStream input, OutputStream output)
throws IOException {
int count;
byte data[] = new byte[1024];
while ((count =, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
output.write(data, 0, count);
* Installs a package from a zip/jar archive.
* @param packageArchivePath the full path to the archived package to install.
* @param packageName the name of the package to install.
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @throws Exception if the package can't be installed for some reason.
protected void installPackage(String packageArchivePath, String packageName,
PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to install " + packageArchivePath
+ " because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
File destDir = new File(m_packageHome, packageName);
if (!destDir.mkdir()) {
* throw new Exception("Unable to create package directory " +
* destDir.getAbsolutePath());
// hopefully failure is because the directory already exists
InputStream input = null;
OutputStream output = null;
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(packageArchivePath);
Enumeration enumeration = zipFile.entries();
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry zipEntry = (ZipEntry) enumeration.nextElement();
if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) {
new File(destDir, zipEntry.getName()).mkdirs();
} else {
File temp = new File(destDir, zipEntry.getName()).getParentFile();
if (temp != null && !temp.exists()) {
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] Installing: "
+ zipEntry.getName());
input = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry));
File destFile = new File(destDir, zipEntry.getName());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
output = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
copyStreams(input, output);
// invalidate the cache
s_installedPackageList = null;
private URLConnection getConnection(String urlString) throws IOException {
URL connURL = new URL(urlString);
return getConnection(connURL);
private URLConnection getConnection(URL connURL) throws IOException {
URLConnection conn = null;
// setup the proxy (if we are using one) and open the connect
if (setProxyAuthentication(connURL)) {
conn = connURL.openConnection(m_httpProxy);
} else {
conn = connURL.openConnection();
// Set a timeout for establishing the connection
return conn;
private void transToBAOS(BufferedInputStream bi, ByteArrayOutputStream bos)
throws Exception {
while (true) {
synchronized (m_buffer) {
int amountRead =;
if (amountRead == -1) {
bos.write(m_buffer, 0, amountRead);
private void writeZipEntryForPackage(String packageName, ZipOutputStream zos)
throws Exception {
ZipEntry packageDir = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/");
ZipEntry z = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/Latest.props");
ZipEntry z2 = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/Latest.html");
URLConnection conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName
+ "/Latest.props");
BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName
+ "/Latest.html");
bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
// write the versions.txt file to the zip
z = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/versions.txt");
conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName
+ "/versions.txt");
bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
// write the index.html to the zip
z = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/index.html");
conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName
+ "/index.html");
bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
// Now process the available versions
List versions = getRepositoryPackageVersions(packageName);
for (Object o : versions) {
conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName + "/"
+ o.toString() + ".props");
z = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/" + o.toString() + ".props");
bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
conn =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + packageName + "/"
+ o.toString() + ".html");
z = new ZipEntry(packageName + "/" + o.toString() + ".html");
bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi, bos);
* Gets an array of bytes containing a zip of all the repository meta data and
* supporting files. Does *not* contain any package archives etc., only a
* snapshot of the meta data. Could be used by clients to establish a cache of
* meta data.
* @return a zip compressed array of bytes.
public byte[] getRepositoryPackageMetaDataOnlyAsZip(PrintStream... progress)
throws Exception {
if (getPackageRepositoryURL() == null) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] No package repository set!!");
try {
String repoZip = m_packageRepository.toString() + "/";
URLConnection conn = null;
conn = getConnection(repoZip);
BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
int totalBytesRead = 0;
while (true) {
synchronized (m_buffer) {
int amountRead =;
if (amountRead == -1) {
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] downloaded "
+ (totalBytesRead / 1000) + " KB");
bos.write(m_buffer, 0, amountRead);
totalBytesRead += amountRead;
for (PrintStream progres : progress) {
progres.println("[DefaultPackageManager] downloaded "
+ (totalBytesRead / 1000) + " KB");
return bos.toByteArray();
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Unable to download repository zip archve " + "("
+ ex.getMessage() + ") - trying legacy routine...");
return getRepositoryPackageMetaDataOnlyAsZipLegacy(progress);
* Gets an array of bytes containing a zip of all the repository meta data and
* supporting files using the legacy approach. Does *not* contain any package
* archives etc., only a snapshot of the meta data. Could be used by clients
* to establish a cache of meta data.
* @return a zip compressed array of bytes.
public byte[] getRepositoryPackageMetaDataOnlyAsZipLegacy(
PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
if (getPackageRepositoryURL() == null) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] No package repository set!!");
String packageList = m_packageRepository.toString() + "/packageList.txt";
String packageListWithVersion =
m_packageRepository.toString() + "/packageListWithVersion.txt";
URLConnection conn = null;
conn = getConnection(packageList);
BufferedReader bi =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
// Process the packages
String packageName;
while ((packageName = bi.readLine()) != null) {
for (PrintStream p : progress) {
p.println("Fetching meta data for " + packageName);
writeZipEntryForPackage(packageName, zos);
// include the package list (legacy) in the zip
conn = getConnection(packageList);
ZipEntry z = new ZipEntry("packageList.txt");
BufferedInputStream bi2 = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
ByteArrayOutputStream bos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi2, bos2);
// include the package list with latest version numbers
conn = getConnection(packageListWithVersion);
z = new ZipEntry("packageListWithVersion.txt");
bi2 = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi2, bos2);
// Include the top level images
String imageList = m_packageRepository.toString() + "/images.txt";
conn = getConnection(imageList);
bi = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String imageName;
while ((imageName = bi.readLine()) != null) {
// System.err.println("Processing " + imageName);
z = new ZipEntry(imageName);
URLConnection conn2 =
getConnection(m_packageRepository.toString() + "/" + imageName);
bi2 = new BufferedInputStream(conn2.getInputStream());
bos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi2, bos2);
// include the image list in the zip
conn = getConnection(imageList);
z = new ZipEntry("images.txt");
bi2 = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
bos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
transToBAOS(bi2, bos2);
return bos.toByteArray();
* Get all packages that the system knows about (i.e. all packages contained
* in the repository).
* @param progress optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied is expected
* to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
* @return a list of all packages.
* @throws Exception if a list of packages can't be determined.
public List getAllPackages(PrintStream... progress) throws Exception {
ArrayList allPackages = new ArrayList();
if (getPackageRepositoryURL() == null) {
throw new Exception("[DefaultPackageManager] No package repository set!!");
String packageList = m_packageRepository.toString() + "/packageList.txt";
URL packageListURL = new URL(packageList);
URLConnection conn = getConnection(packageListURL);
BufferedReader bi =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String packageName;
while ((packageName = bi.readLine()) != null) {
Package temp = getRepositoryPackageInfo(packageName);
return allPackages;
* Get a list of packages that are not currently installed.
* @return a list of packages that are not currently installed.
* @throws Exception if a list of packages can't be determined.
public List getAvailablePackages() throws Exception {
List allP = getAllPackages();
List available = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < allP.size(); i++) {
if (!allP.get(i).isInstalled()) {
return available;
* Get a list of installed packages.
* @return a list of installed packages.
* @throws Exception if a list of packages can't be determined.
public List getInstalledPackages() throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to get list of installed packages "
+ "because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
if (s_installedPackageList != null) {
return s_installedPackageList;
s_installedPackageList = loadInstalledPackageCache();
if (s_installedPackageList != null) {
return s_installedPackageList;
List installedP = new ArrayList();
File[] contents = m_packageHome.listFiles();
for (File content : contents) {
if (content.isDirectory()) {
File description =
new File(content.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator
+ "Description.props");
if (description.exists()) {
try {
Properties packageProperties = new Properties();
BufferedInputStream bi =
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(description));
bi = null;
DefaultPackage pkg =
new DefaultPackage(m_packageHome, this, packageProperties);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore if we can't load the description file for some reason
s_installedPackageList = installedP;
return installedP;
protected void deleteInstalledPackageCacheFile() throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to delete installed package cache file "
+ "because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
File cache = new File(m_packageHome, INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CACHE_FILE);
if (cache.exists()) {
if (!cache.delete()) {
System.err.println("Unable to delete installed package cache file '"
+ cache.toString() + "'");
* Save the supplied list of Packages to the installed package cache file
* @param cacheToSave the list of packages to save
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void saveInstalledPackageCache(List cacheToSave)
throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to save installed package cache file "
+ "because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
try {
oos =
new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
new File(m_packageHome, INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CACHE_FILE))));
} finally {
if (oos != null) {
* Load the serialized installed package cache file
* @return a list of installed packages (loaded from the cache file)
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected List loadInstalledPackageCache() throws Exception {
if (!establishPackageHome()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to load installed package cache file "
+ "because package home (" + m_packageHome.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") can't be established.");
List installedP = null;
if (new File(m_packageHome, INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CACHE_FILE).exists()) {
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
try {
ois =
new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(
new File(m_packageHome.toString(), INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CACHE_FILE))));
installedP = (List) ois.readObject();
} finally {
if (ois != null) {
if (installedP != null) {
for (Package p : installedP) {
if (p instanceof DefaultPackage) {
((DefaultPackage) p).setPackageManager(this);
return installedP;
* Pads a string to a specified length, inserting spaces on the left as
* required. If the string is too long, characters are removed (from the
* right).
* @param inString the input string
* @param length the desired length of the output string
* @return the output string
protected static String padLeft(String inString, int length) {
return fixStringLength(inString, length, false);
* Pads a string to a specified length, inserting spaces on the right as
* required. If the string is too long, characters are removed (from the
* right).
* @param inString the input string
* @param length the desired length of the output string
* @return the output string
protected static String padRight(String inString, int length) {
return fixStringLength(inString, length, true);
* Pads a string to a specified length, inserting spaces as required. If the
* string is too long, characters are removed (from the right).
* @param inString the input string
* @param length the desired length of the output string
* @param right true if inserted spaces should be added to the right
* @return the output string
private static/* @pure@ */String fixStringLength(String inString, int length,
boolean right) {
if (inString.length() < length) {
while (inString.length() < length) {
inString = (right ? inString.concat(" ") : " ".concat(inString));
} else if (inString.length() > length) {
inString = inString.substring(0, length);
return inString;
* public void printPackageInfo(String packagePath) throws Exception {
* Properties packageProps = (Properties)getPackageArchiveInfo(packagePath);
* Enumeration> e = packageProps.propertyNames(); while
* (e.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); String value
* = packageProps.getProperty(key); System.out.println(padLeft(key, 11) +
* ":\t" + value); } }
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
URL url = new URL(args[0]);
DefaultPackageManager pm = new DefaultPackageManager();
pm.downloadArchive(url, args[1], System.out);
} catch (Exception ex) {