weka.gui.treevisualizer.PlaceNode2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* PlaceNode2.java
* Copyright (C) 1999-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.gui.treevisualizer;
import java.util.Vector;
* This class will place the Nodes of a tree.
* It will place these nodes so that they fall at evenly below their parent. It
* will then go through and look for places where nodes fall on the wrong side
* of other nodes when it finds one it will trace back up the tree to find the
* first common sibling group these two nodes have And it will adjust the
* spacing between these two siblings so that the two nodes no longer overlap.
* This is nasty to calculate with , and takes a while with the current
* algorithm I am using to do this.
* @author Malcolm Ware ([email protected])
* @version $Revision: 10222 $
public class PlaceNode2 implements NodePlace {
/** The space each row will take up. */
private double m_yRatio;
/** An array that lists the groups and information about them. */
private Group[] m_groups;
/** An array that lists the levels and information about them. */
private Level[] m_levels;
/** The Number of groups the tree has */
private int m_groupNum;
/** The number of levels the group tree has */
private int m_levelNum;
* The Funtion to call to have the nodes arranged.
* @param r The top node of the tree to arrange.
public void place(Node r) {
// note i might write count groups into the node class as well as
// it may be useful too;
m_groupNum = Node.getGCount(r, 0); // i could swap over to the node class
// group count,but this works os i'm not gonna
m_groups = new Group[m_groupNum];
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
m_groups[noa] = new Group();
m_groups[noa].m_gap = 3;
m_groups[noa].m_start = -1;
m_levelNum = Node.getHeight(r, 0);
m_yRatio = 1 / (double) (m_levelNum + 1);
m_levels = new Level[m_levelNum];
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_levelNum; noa++) {
m_levels[noa] = new Level();
// ok now i just have to untangle then scale down
// note instead of starting with coords between 1 and 0 i will
// use ints then scale them down
// i will scale them down either by all relative to the largest
// line or by each line individually
// scaleByInd();
* private void thinner() { //what this function does is it retains the
* symmetry of the // parent node about the children but the children are no
* longer evenly //spaced this stops children from being pushed too far to the
* sides //,note this algorithm may need the method altered as it may //
* require heavy optimisation to go at any decent speed
* Node r,s; Edge e; double parent_x; for (int noa = group_num - 1;noa >=
* 0;noa--) { Vector shifts = new Vector(20,10); shifts.addElement(0); int
* g_num = 0;//this is the offset from groups.m_start to get the right 1 r =
* groups[noa].m_p; parent_x = r.getCenter(); for (int nob = 1;(e =
* r.getChild(nob)) != null;nob++) { double margin; s = e.getTarget(); margin
* = s_getCenter - r.getChild(nob - 1).getTarget().getCenter-1 -
* shift.elementAt(nob-1); if (margin > 0) { margin =
* check_down(s,g_num,margin); if (margin > 0) { shift.addElement(-margin); }
* else { shift.addElement(0); } } else { shift.addElement(0); } if
* (s.getChild(0) != null) { g_num++; } } } }
* private double check_down(Node r,int gn,double m) { //note i need to know
* where the children of the //other changers are to properly overlap check
* //to do this i think the best way is to go up the other group //parents
* line and see if it goes through the current group //this means to save time
* i need to know the level that is being //worked with along with the group
* Edge e; for (int noa = 0;(e = r.getChild(noa)) != null;noa++) {
* } }
* This will set initial places for the x coord of the nodes.
* @param start The `number for the first group to start on (I think).
private void xPlacer(int start) {
// this can be one of a few x_placers (the first)
// it will work by placing 1 space inbetween each node
// ie the first at 0 the second at 1 and so on
// then it will add to this value the place of the parent
// node - half of the size
// i will break this up into several functions
// first the gap setter;
// then the shifter
// it will require a vector shift function added to the node class
// i will write an additional shifter for the untangler
// for its particular situation
Node r;
Edge e;
if (m_groupNum > 0) {
for (int noa = start; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
int nob, alter = 0;
double c = m_groups[noa].m_gap;
r = m_groups[noa].m_p;
for (nob = 0; (e = r.getChild(nob)) != null; nob++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
e.getTarget().setCenter(nob * c);
} else {
m_groups[noa].m_size = (nob - 1 - alter) * c;
* This will shift a group of nodes to be aligned under their parent.
* @param n The group number to shift
private void xShift(int n) {
Edge e;
Node r = m_groups[n].m_p;
double h = m_groups[n].m_size / 2;
double c = m_groups[n].m_p.getCenter();
double m = c - h;
m_groups[n].m_left = m;
m_groups[n].m_right = c + h;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
* This scales all the x values to be between 0 and 1.
private void scaleByMax() {
// ammendment to what i may have commented before
// this takes the lowest x and highest x and uses that as the scaling
// factor
double l_x = 5000, h_x = -5000;
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
if (l_x > m_groups[noa].m_left) {
l_x = m_groups[noa].m_left;
if (h_x < m_groups[noa].m_right) {
h_x = m_groups[noa].m_right;
Edge e;
Node r, s;
double m_scale = h_x - l_x + 1;
if (m_groupNum > 0) {
r = m_groups[0].m_p;
r.setCenter((r.getCenter() - l_x) / m_scale);
// System.out.println("from scaler " + l_x + " " + m_scale);
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
r = m_groups[noa].m_p;
for (int nob = 0; (e = r.getChild(nob)) != null; nob++) {
s = e.getTarget();
if (s.getParent(0) == e) {
s.setCenter((s.getCenter() - l_x) / m_scale);
* This untangles the nodes so that they will will fall on the correct side of
* the other nodes along their row.
private void untangle2() {
Ease a;
Edge e;
Node r, nf = null, ns = null, mark;
int l = 0; // ,times = 0; NOT USED
int f, s, tf = 0, ts = 0, pf, ps;
while ((a = overlap(l)) != null) {
// times++; NOT USED
// System.out.println("from untang 2 " + group_num);
f = a.m_place;
s = a.m_place + 1;
while (f != s) {
tf = f;
ts = s;
f = m_groups[f].m_pg;
s = m_groups[s].m_pg;
l = a.m_lev;
pf = 0;
ps = 0;
r = m_groups[f].m_p;
mark = m_groups[tf].m_p;
nf = null;
ns = null;
for (int noa = 0; nf != mark; noa++) {
nf = r.getChild(noa).getTarget();
mark = m_groups[ts].m_p;
for (int noa = pf; ns != mark; noa++) {
ps++; // the number of gaps between the two nodes
ns = r.getChild(noa).getTarget();
// m_groups[f].gap =
// Math.ceil((a.amount / (double)ps) + m_groups[f].gap);
// note for this method i do not need the group gap ,but i will leave
// it for the other methods;
Vector o_pos = new Vector(20, 10);
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
Double tem = new Double(e.getTarget().getCenter());
double inc = a.m_amount / ps;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
ns = e.getTarget();
if (ns.getParent(0) == e) {
if (noa > pf + ps) {
} else if (noa > pf) {
ns.adjustCenter(inc * (noa - pf));
nf = r.getChild(0).getTarget();
inc = ns.getCenter() - nf.getCenter();
m_groups[f].m_size = inc;
m_groups[f].m_left = r.getCenter() - inc / 2;
m_groups[f].m_right = m_groups[f].m_left + inc;
inc = m_groups[f].m_left - nf.getCenter();
double shift;
int g_num = 0;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
ns = e.getTarget();
if (ns.getParent(0) == e) {
shift = ns.getCenter() - o_pos.elementAt(noa).doubleValue();
if (ns.getChild(0) != null) {
moveSubtree(m_groups[f].m_start + g_num, shift);
// ns.adjustCenter(-shift);
// zero_offset(r);
// x_placer(f);
* This will recursively shift a sub there to be centered about a particular
* value.
* @param n The first group in the sub tree.
* @param o The point to start shifting the subtree.
private void moveSubtree(int n, double o) {
Edge e;
Node r = m_groups[n].m_p;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
m_groups[n].m_left += o;
m_groups[n].m_right += o;
if (m_groups[n].m_start != -1) {
for (int noa = m_groups[n].m_start; noa <= m_groups[n].m_end; noa++) {
moveSubtree(noa, o);
* This will find an overlap and then return information about that overlap
* @param l The level to start on.
* @return null if there was no overlap , otherwise an object containing the
* group number that overlaps (only need one) how much they overlap
* by, and the level they overlap on.
private Ease overlap(int l) {
Ease a = new Ease();
for (int noa = l; noa < m_levelNum; noa++) {
for (int nob = m_levels[noa].m_start; nob < m_levels[noa].m_end; nob++) {
a.m_amount = m_groups[nob].m_right - m_groups[nob + 1].m_left + 2;
// System.out.println(m_groups[nob].m_right + " + " +
// m_groups[nob+1].m_left + " = " + a.amount);
if (a.m_amount >= 0) {
a.m_lev = noa;
a.m_place = nob;
return a;
return null;
* private int count_m_groups(Node r,int l) { Edge e; if (r.getChild(0) !=
* null) { l++; } for (int noa = 0;(e = r.getChild(noa)) != null;noa++) { l =
* count_groups(e.getTarget(),l); }
* return l; }
* This function sets up the height of each node, and also fills the levels
* array with information about what the start and end groups on that level
* are.
private void yPlacer() {
// note this places the y height and sets up the levels array
double changer = m_yRatio;
int lev_place = 0;
if (m_groupNum > 0) {
m_levels[0].m_start = 0;
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
if (m_groups[noa].m_p.getTop() != changer) {
m_levels[lev_place].m_end = noa - 1;
m_levels[lev_place].m_start = noa;
changer = m_groups[noa].m_p.getTop();
m_levels[lev_place].m_end = m_groupNum - 1;
* This will set all of the children node of a particular node to their
* height.
* @param r The parent node of the children to set their height.
private void nodeY(Node r) {
Edge e;
double h = r.getTop() + m_yRatio;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
if (!e.getTarget().getVisible()) {
// System.out.println("oh bugger");
* This starts to create the information about the sibling groups. As more
* groups are created the for loop in this will check those groups for lower
* groups.
* @param r The top node.
private void groupBuild(Node r) {
if (m_groupNum > 0) {
m_groupNum = 0;
m_groups[0].m_p = r;
// note i need to count up the num of groups first
// woe is me
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_groupNum; noa++) {
groupFind(m_groups[noa].m_p, noa);
* This is called to build the rest of the grouping information.
* @param r The parent of the group.
* @param pg The number for the parents group.
private void groupFind(Node r, int pg) {
Edge e;
boolean first = true;
for (int noa = 0; (e = r.getChild(noa)) != null; noa++) {
if (e.getTarget().getParent(0) == e) {
if (e.getTarget().getChild(0) != null && e.getTarget().getCVisible()) {
if (first) {
m_groups[pg].m_start = m_groupNum;
first = false;
m_groups[pg].m_end = m_groupNum;
m_groups[m_groupNum].m_p = e.getTarget();
m_groups[m_groupNum].m_pg = pg;
// m_groups[m_groupNum].m_id = m_groupNum; //just in case I ever need
// this info NOT USED
// note these three classes are only to help organise the data and are
// inter related between each other and this placer class
// so don't mess with them or try to use them somewhere else
// (because that would be a mistake and I would pity you)
* Inner class for containing the level data.
private class Level {
/** The number for the group on the left of this level. */
public int m_start;
/** The number for the group on the right of this level. */
public int m_end;
/** These two params would appear to not be used. */
// public int m_left; NOT USED
// public int m_right; NOT USED
* Inner class for containing the grouping data.
private class Group {
/** The parent node of this group. */
public Node m_p;
/** The group number for the parent of this group. */
public int m_pg;
/** The gap size for the distance between the nodes in this group. */
public double m_gap;
/** The leftmost position of this group. */
public double m_left;
/** The rightmost position of this group. */
public double m_right;
/** The size of this group. */
public double m_size;
/** The start node of this group. */
public int m_start;
/** The end node of this group. */
public int m_end;
/** The group number for this group. (may not be used!?). */
// public int m_id; NOT USED
* An inner class used to report information about any tangles found.
private class Ease {
/** The number of the group on the left of the tangle. */
public int m_place;
/** The distance they were tangled. */
public double m_amount;
/** The level on which they were tangled. */
public int m_lev;