weka.core.Optimization Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), a machine
learning workbench. This is the stable version. Apart from bugfixes, this version
does not receive any other updates.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Optimization.java
* Copyright (C) 2003 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.core;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Field;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Type;
* Implementation of Active-sets method with BFGS update to solve optimization
* problem with only bounds constraints in multi-dimensions. In this
* implementation we consider both the lower and higher bound constraints.
* Here is the sketch of our searching strategy, and the detailed description
* of the algorithm can be found in the Appendix of Xin Xu's MSc thesis:
* Initialize everything, incl. initial value, direction, etc.
* LOOP (main algorithm):
* 1. Perform the line search using the directions for free variables
* 1.1 Check all the bounds that are not "active" (i.e. binding variables)
* and compute the feasible step length to the bound for each of them
* 1.2 Pick up the least feasible step length, say \alpha, and set it as
* the upper bound of the current step length, i.e.
* 0<\lambda<=\alpha
* 1.3 Search for any possible step length<=\alpha that can result the
* "sufficient function decrease" (\alpha condition) AND "positive
* definite inverse Hessian" (\beta condition), if possible, using
* SAFEGUARDED polynomial interpolation. This step length is "safe" and
* thus is used to compute the next value of the free variables .
* 1.4 Fix the variable(s) that are newly bound to its constraint(s).
* 2. Check whether there is convergence of all variables or their gradients.
* If there is, check the possibilities to release any current bindings of
* the fixed variables to their bounds based on the "reliable" second-order
* Lagarange multipliers if available. If it's available and negative for
* one variable, then release it. If not available, use first-order
* Lagarange multiplier to test release. If there is any released
* variables, STOP the loop. Otherwise update the inverse of Hessian matrix
* and gradient for the newly released variables and CONTINUE LOOP.
* 3. Use BFGS formula to update the inverse of Hessian matrix. Note the
* already-fixed variables must have zeros in the corresponding entries
* in the inverse Hessian.
* 4. Compute the new (newton) search direction d=H^{-1}*g, where H^{-1} is the
* inverse Hessian and g is the Jacobian. Note that again, the already-
* fixed variables will have zero direction.
* A typical usage of this class is to create your own subclass of this class
* and provide the objective function and gradients as follows:
* class MyOpt extends Optimization {
* // Provide the objective function
* protected double objectiveFunction(double[] x) {
* // How to calculate your objective function...
* // ...
* }
* // Provide the first derivatives
* protected double[] evaluateGradient(double[] x) {
* // How to calculate the gradient of the objective function...
* // ...
* }
* // If possible, provide the index^{th} row of the Hessian matrix
* protected double[] evaluateHessian(double[] x, int index) {
* // How to calculate the index^th variable's second derivative
* // ...
* }
* }
* When it's the time to use it, in some routine(s) of other class...
* MyOpt opt = new MyOpt();
* // Set up initial variable values and bound constraints
* double[] x = new double[numVariables];
* // Lower and upper bounds: 1st row is lower bounds, 2nd is upper
* double[] constraints = new double[2][numVariables];
* ...
* // Find the minimum, 200 iterations as default
* x = opt.findArgmin(x, constraints);
* while(x == null){ // 200 iterations are not enough
* x = opt.getVarbValues(); // Try another 200 iterations
* x = opt.findArgmin(x, constraints);
* }
* // The minimal function value
* double minFunction = opt.getMinFunction();
* ...
* It is recommended that Hessian values be provided so that the second-order
* Lagrangian multiplier estimate can be calcluated. However, if it is not
* provided, there is no need to override the evaluateHessian()
* function.
* REFERENCES (see also the getTechnicalInformation()
* The whole model algorithm is adapted from Chapter 5 and other related
* chapters in Gill, Murray and Wright(1981) "Practical Optimization", Academic
* Press. and Gill and Murray(1976) "Minimization Subject to Bounds on the
* Variables", NPL Report NAC72, while Chong and Zak(1996) "An Introduction to
* Optimization", John Wiley & Sons, Inc. provides us a brief but helpful
* introduction to the method.
* Dennis and Schnabel(1983) "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
* and Nonlinear Equations", Prentice-Hall Inc. and Press et al.(1992) "Numeric
* Recipe in C", Second Edition, Cambridge University Press. are consulted for
* the polynomial interpolation used in the line search implementation.
* The Hessian modification in BFGS update uses Cholesky factorization and two
* rank-one modifications:
* Bk+1 = Bk + (Gk*Gk')/(Gk'Dk) + (dGk*(dGk)'))/[alpha*(dGk)'*Dk].
* where Gk is the gradient vector, Dk is the direction vector and alpha is the
* step rate.
* This method is due to Gill, Golub, Murray and Saunders(1974) ``Methods for
* Modifying Matrix Factorizations'', Mathematics of Computation, Vol.28,
* No.126, pp 505-535.
* @author Xin Xu ([email protected])
* @version $Revision: 1.9 $
* @see #getTechnicalInformation()
public abstract class Optimization
implements TechnicalInformationHandler, RevisionHandler {
protected double m_ALF = 1.0e-4;
protected double m_BETA = 0.9;
protected double m_TOLX = 1.0e-6;
protected double m_STPMX = 100.0;
protected int m_MAXITS = 200;
protected static boolean m_Debug = false;
/** function value */
protected double m_f;
/** G'*p */
private double m_Slope;
/** Test if zero step in lnsrch */
private boolean m_IsZeroStep = false;
/** Used when iteration overflow occurs */
private double[] m_X;
/** Compute machine precision */
protected static double m_Epsilon, m_Zero;
static {
while(1.0+m_Epsilon > 1.0){
m_Epsilon /= 2.0;
m_Epsilon *= 2.0;
m_Zero = Math.sqrt(m_Epsilon);
if (m_Debug)
System.err.print("Machine precision is "+m_Epsilon+
" and zero set to "+m_Zero);
* Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing
* detailed information about the technical background of this class,
* e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
* @return the technical information about this class
public TechnicalInformation getTechnicalInformation() {
TechnicalInformation result;
TechnicalInformation additional;
result = new TechnicalInformation(Type.MASTERSTHESIS);
result.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "Xin Xu");
result.setValue(Field.YEAR, "2003");
result.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Statistical learning in multiple instance problem");
result.setValue(Field.SCHOOL, "University of Waikato");
result.setValue(Field.ADDRESS, "Hamilton, NZ");
result.setValue(Field.NOTE, "0657.594");
additional = result.add(Type.BOOK);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "P. E. Gill and W. Murray and M. H. Wright");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1981");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Practical Optimization");
additional.setValue(Field.PUBLISHER, "Academic Press");
additional.setValue(Field.ADDRESS, "London and New York");
additional = result.add(Type.TECHREPORT);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "P. E. Gill and W. Murray");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1976");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Minimization subject to bounds on the variables");
additional.setValue(Field.INSTITUTION, "National Physical Laboratory");
additional.setValue(Field.NUMBER, "NAC 72");
additional = result.add(Type.BOOK);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "E. K. P. Chong and S. H. Zak");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1996");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "An Introduction to Optimization");
additional.setValue(Field.PUBLISHER, "John Wiley and Sons");
additional.setValue(Field.ADDRESS, "New York");
additional = result.add(Type.BOOK);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "J. E. Dennis and R. B. Schnabel");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1983");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations");
additional.setValue(Field.PUBLISHER, "Prentice-Hall");
additional = result.add(Type.BOOK);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "W. H. Press and B. P. Flannery and S. A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vetterling");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1992");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Numerical Recipes in C");
additional.setValue(Field.PUBLISHER, "Cambridge University Press");
additional.setValue(Field.EDITION, "Second");
additional = result.add(Type.ARTICLE);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "P. E. Gill and G. H. Golub and W. Murray and M. A. Saunders");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1974");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Methods for modifying matrix factorizations");
additional.setValue(Field.JOURNAL, "Mathematics of Computation");
additional.setValue(Field.VOLUME, "28");
additional.setValue(Field.NUMBER, "126");
additional.setValue(Field.PAGES, "505-535");
return result;
* Subclass should implement this procedure to evaluate objective
* function to be minimized
* @param x the variable values
* @return the objective function value
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected abstract double objectiveFunction(double[] x) throws Exception;
* Subclass should implement this procedure to evaluate gradient
* of the objective function
* @param x the variable values
* @return the gradient vector
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected abstract double[] evaluateGradient(double[] x) throws Exception;
* Subclass is recommended to override this procedure to evaluate second-order
* gradient of the objective function. If it's not provided, it returns
* null.
* @param x the variables
* @param index the row index in the Hessian matrix
* @return one row (the row #index) of the Hessian matrix, null as default
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected double[] evaluateHessian(double[] x, int index) throws Exception{
return null;
* Get the minimal function value
* @return minimal function value found
public double getMinFunction() {
return m_f;
* Set the maximal number of iterations in searching (Default 200)
* @param it the maximal number of iterations
public void setMaxIteration(int it) {
* Set whether in debug mode
* @param db use debug or not
public void setDebug(boolean db) {
m_Debug = db;
* Get the variable values. Only needed when iterations exceeds
* the max threshold.
* @return the current variable values
public double[] getVarbValues() {
return m_X;
* Find a new point x in the direction p from a point xold at which the
* value of the function has decreased sufficiently, the positive
* definiteness of B matrix (approximation of the inverse of the Hessian)
* is preserved and no bound constraints are violated. Details see "Numerical
* Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations".
* "Numeric Recipes in C" was also consulted.
* @param xold old x value
* @param gradient gradient at that point
* @param direct direction vector
* @param stpmax maximum step length
* @param isFixed indicating whether a variable has been fixed
* @param nwsBounds non-working set bounds. Means these variables are free and
* subject to the bound constraints in this step
* @param wsBdsIndx index of variables that has working-set bounds. Means
* these variables are already fixed and no longer subject to
* the constraints
* @return new value along direction p from xold, null if no step was taken
* @throws Exception if an error occurs
public double[] lnsrch(double[] xold, double[] gradient,
double[] direct, double stpmax,
boolean[] isFixed, double[][] nwsBounds,
DynamicIntArray wsBdsIndx)
throws Exception {
int i, k,len=xold.length,
fixedOne=-1; // idx of variable to be fixed
double alam, alamin; // lambda to be found, and its lower bound
// For convergence and bound test
double temp,test,alpha=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,fold=m_f,sum;
// For cubic interpolation
double a,alam2=0,b,disc=0,maxalam=1.0,rhs1,rhs2,tmplam;
double[] x = new double[len]; // New variable values
// Scale the step
for (sum=0.0,i=0;i stpmax){
for (i=0;i 0
if(m_Slope > m_Zero){
for(int h=0; h test) test=temp;
if(test>m_Zero) // Not converge
alamin = m_TOLX/test;
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Zero directions for all free variables -- "+
"Min. found with current fixed variables"+
" (or all variables fixed). Try to release"+
" some variables now.");
return x;
// Check whether any non-working-set bounds are "binding"
for(i=0;i alpi){ // Fix one variable in one iteration
alpha = alpi;
fixedOne = i;
else if((direct[i]>m_Epsilon) && !Double.isNaN(nwsBounds[1][i])){//Not feasible
alpi = (nwsBounds[1][i]-xold[i])/direct[i];
if(alpi <= m_Zero){ // Zero
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Fix variable "+i+
" to upper bound "+ nwsBounds[1][i]+
" from value "+ xold[i]);
x[i] = nwsBounds[1][i];
isFixed[i]=true; // Fix this variable
alpha = 0.0;
nwsBounds[1][i]=Double.NaN; //Add cons. to working set
else if(alpha > alpi){
alpha = alpi;
fixedOne = i;
if (m_Debug){
System.err.println("alamin: " + Utils.doubleToString(alamin,10,7));
System.err.println("alpha: " + Utils.doubleToString(alpha,10,7));
if(alpha <= m_Zero){ // Zero
m_IsZeroStep = true;
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Alpha too small, try again");
return x;
alam = alpha; // Always try full feasible newton step
if(alam > 1.0)
alam = 1.0;
// Iteration of one newton step, if necessary, backtracking is done
double initF=fold, // Initial function value
hi=alam, lo=alam, newSlope=0, fhi=m_f, flo=m_f;// Variables used for beta condition
double[] newGrad; // Gradient on the new variable values
for (k=0;;k++) {
System.err.println("\nLine search iteration: " + k);
for (i=0;inwsBounds[1][i])){
x[i] = nwsBounds[1][i]; //Rounding error
m_f = objectiveFunction(x); // Compute fnew
throw new Exception("Objective function value is NaN!");
while(Double.isInfinite(m_f)){ // Avoid infinity
System.err.println("Too large m_f. Shrink step by half.");
alam *= 0.5; // Shrink by half
if(alam <= m_Epsilon){
System.err.println("Wrong starting points, change them!");
return x;
for (i=0;i= m_BETA*m_Slope){ // Beta condition: ensure pos. defnty.
System.err.println("Increasing derivatives (beta condition): ");
if((fixedOne!=-1) && (alam>=alpha)){ // Has bounds and over
if(direct[fixedOne] > 0){
x[fixedOne] = nwsBounds[1][fixedOne]; // Avoid rounding error
nwsBounds[1][fixedOne]=Double.NaN; //Add cons. to working set
x[fixedOne] = nwsBounds[0][fixedOne]; // Avoid rounding error
nwsBounds[0][fixedOne]=Double.NaN; //Add cons. to working set
System.err.println("Fix variable "
+fixedOne+" to bound "+ x[fixedOne]+
" from value "+ xold[fixedOne]);
isFixed[fixedOne]=true; // Fix the variable
return x;
else if(k==0){ // First time: increase alam
// Search for the smallest value not complying with alpha condition
double upper = Math.min(alpha,maxalam);
System.err.println("Alpha condition holds, increase alpha... ");
while(!((alam>=upper) || (m_f>fold+m_ALF*alam*m_Slope))){
lo = alam;
flo = m_f;
alam *= 2.0;
if(alam>=upper) // Avoid rounding errors
for (i=0;i= m_BETA*m_Slope){
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Increasing derivatives (beta condition): \n"+
"newSlope = "+Utils.doubleToString(newSlope,10,7));
if((fixedOne!=-1) && (alam>=alpha)){ // Has bounds and over
if(direct[fixedOne] > 0){
x[fixedOne] = nwsBounds[1][fixedOne]; // Avoid rounding error
nwsBounds[1][fixedOne]=Double.NaN; //Add cons. to working set
x[fixedOne] = nwsBounds[0][fixedOne]; // Avoid rounding error
nwsBounds[0][fixedOne]=Double.NaN; //Add cons. to working set
System.err.println("Fix variable "
+fixedOne+" to bound "+ x[fixedOne]+
" from value "+ xold[fixedOne]);
isFixed[fixedOne]=true; // Fix the variable
return x;
hi = alam;
fhi = m_f;
break kloop;
System.err.println("Alpha condition holds.");
hi = alam2; lo = alam; flo = m_f;
break kloop;
else if (alam < alamin) { // No feasible lambda found
if(initF= Double.MAX_VALUE){
numerator = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (m_Debug)
System.err.print("-b+sqrt(disc) too large! Set it to MAX_VALUE.");
if (m_Debug)
System.err.print("Cubic interpolation: \n" +
"a: " + Utils.doubleToString(a,10,7)+ "\n" +
"b: " + Utils.doubleToString(b,10,7)+ "\n" +
"disc: " + Utils.doubleToString(disc,10,7)+ "\n" +
"tmplam: " + tmplam + "\n" +
"alam: " + Utils.doubleToString(alam,10,7)+ "\n");
if (tmplam>0.5*alam)
tmplam=0.5*alam; // lambda <= 0.5*lambda_old
alam=Math.max(tmplam,0.1*alam); // lambda >= 0.1*lambda_old
throw new Exception("Sth. wrong in lnsrch:"+
"Lambda infeasible!(lambda="+alam+
", alpha="+alpha+", upper="+tmplam+
", m_f="+m_f+", fold="+fold+
", slope="+m_Slope);
} // Endfor(k=0;;k++)
// Quadratic interpolation between lamda values between lo and hi.
// If cannot find a value satisfying beta condition, use lo.
double ldiff = hi-lo, lincr;
System.err.println("Last stage of searching for beta condition (alam between "
+Utils.doubleToString(lo,10,7)+" and "
"Quadratic Interpolation(QI):\n"+
"Last newSlope = "+Utils.doubleToString(newSlope, 10, 7));
lincr = -0.5*newSlope*ldiff*ldiff/(fhi-flo-newSlope*ldiff);
System.err.println("fhi = "+fhi+"\n"+
"flo = "+flo+"\n"+
"ldiff = "+ldiff+"\n"+
"lincr (using QI) = "+lincr+"\n");
if(lincr<0.2*ldiff) lincr=0.2*ldiff;
alam = lo+lincr;
if(alam >= hi){ // We cannot go beyond the bounds, so the best we can try is hi
for (i=0;ifold+m_ALF*alam*m_Slope){
// Alpha condition fails, shrink lambda_upper
ldiff = lincr;
fhi = m_f;
else{ // Alpha condition holds
newGrad = evaluateGradient(x);
for(newSlope=0.0,i=0; i test) test = tmp;
if(test < m_Zero){
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("\nDeltaX converge: "+test);
finish = true;
// Check zero gradient
grad = evaluateGradient(x);
double denom=0.0, dxSq=0.0, dgSq=0.0, newlyBounded=0.0;
for(int g=0; g test) test = tmp;
if(test < m_Zero){
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Gradient converge: "+test);
finish = true;
// dg'*dx could be < 0 using inexact lnsrch
// dg'*dx = 0
if(Math.abs(denom+newlyBounded) < m_Zero)
finish = true;
int size = wsBdsIndx.size();
boolean isUpdate = true; // Whether to update BFGS formula
// Converge: check whether release any current constraints
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Test any release possible ...");
if(toFree != null)
oldToFree = (DynamicIntArray)toFree.copy();
toFree = new DynamicIntArray(wsBdsIndx.size());
for(int m=size-1; m>=0; m--){
int index=wsBdsIndx.elementAt(m);
double[] hessian = evaluateHessian(x, index);
double deltaL=0.0;
if(hessian != null){
for(int mm=0; mm= constraints[1][index]) // Upper bound
L1 = -grad[index];
else if(x[index] <= constraints[0][index])// Lower bound
L1 = grad[index];
throw new Exception("x["+index+"] not fixed on the"+
" bounds where it should have been!");
// L2 = L1 + deltaL
L2 = L1 + deltaL;
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Variable "+index+
": Lagrangian="+L1+"|"+L2);
//Check validity of Lagrangian multiplier estimate
boolean isConverge =
(2.0*Math.abs(deltaL)) < Math.min(Math.abs(L1),
if((L1*L2>0.0) && isConverge){ //Same sign and converge: valid
if(L2 < 0.0){// Negative Lagrangian: feasible
finish=false; // Not optimal, cannot finish
// Although hardly happen, better check it
// If the first-order Lagrangian multiplier estimate is wrong,
// avoid zigzagging
if((hessian==null) && (toFree != null) && toFree.equal(oldToFree))
finish = true;
if(finish){// Min. found
if (m_Debug)
System.err.println("Minimum found.");
m_f = objectiveFunction(x);
throw new Exception("Objective function value is NaN!");
return x;
// Free some variables
for(int mmm=0; mmm=0)&&isZero[j]){result[j]=0.0; j--;} // go to the last row
result[j] = b[j]/t.getElement(j,j);
for(; j>=0; j--){
double numerator=b[j];
for(int k=j+1; k
* When coeff > 0, we use C1 algorithm, and otherwise we use C2 algorithm described
* in ``Methods for Modifying Matrix Factorizations''
* @param L the unit triangle matrix L
* @param D the diagonal matrix D
* @param v the update vector v
* @param coeff the coeffcient of update
* @param isFixed which variables are not to be updated
protected void updateCholeskyFactor(Matrix L, double[] D,
double[] v, double coeff,
boolean[] isFixed)
throws Exception{
double t, p, b;
int n = v.length;
double[] vp = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i0.0){
t = coeff;
for(int j=0; j
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