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weka.experiment.ExplicitTestsetResultProducer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.experiment;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Vector;
import weka.core.AdditionalMeasureProducer;
import weka.core.Environment;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.Option;
import weka.core.OptionHandler;
import weka.core.RevisionHandler;
import weka.core.RevisionUtils;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.core.WekaException;
import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource;
* Loads the external test set and calls the
* appropriate SplitEvaluator to generate some results.
* The filename of the test set is constructed as follows:
* <dir> + / + <prefix> + <relation-name> + <suffix>
* The relation-name can be modified by using the regular expression to replace
* the matching sub-string with a specified replacement string. In order to get
* rid of the string that the Weka filters add to the end of the relation name,
* just use '.*-weka' as the regular expression to find.
* The suffix determines the type of file to load, i.e., one is not restricted
* to ARFF files. As long as Weka recognizes the extension specified in the
* suffix, the data will be loaded with one of Weka's converters.
* Valid options are:
* -D
* Save raw split evaluator output.
* -O <file/directory name/path>
* The filename where raw output will be stored.
* If a directory name is specified then then individual
* outputs will be gzipped, otherwise all output will be
* zipped to the named file. Use in conjuction with -D.
* (default:
* -W <class name>
* The full class name of a SplitEvaluator.
* eg: weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator
* -R
* Set when data is to be randomized.
* -dir <directory>
* The directory containing the test sets.
* (default: current directory)
* -prefix <string>
* An optional prefix for the test sets (before the relation name).
* (default: empty string)
* -suffix <string>
* The suffix to append to the test set.
* (default: _test.arff)
* -find <regular expression>
* The regular expression to search the relation name with.
* Not used if an empty string.
* (default: empty string)
* -replace <string>
* The replacement string for the all the matches of '-find'.
* (default: empty string)
* Options specific to split evaluator weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator:
* -W <class name>
* The full class name of the classifier.
* eg: weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes
* -C <index>
* The index of the class for which IR statistics
* are to be output. (default 1)
* -I <index>
* The index of an attribute to output in the
* results. This attribute should identify an
* instance in order to know which instances are
* in the test set of a cross validation. if 0
* no output (default 0).
* -P
* Add target and prediction columns to the result
* for each fold.
* Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR:
* -D
* If set, classifier is run in debug mode and
* may output additional info to the console
* All options after -- will be passed to the split evaluator.
* @author Len Trigg ([email protected] )
* @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
* @version $Revision: 10203 $
public class ExplicitTestsetResultProducer implements ResultProducer,
OptionHandler, AdditionalMeasureProducer, RevisionHandler {
/** for serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2613585409333652530L;
/** the default suffix. */
public final static String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "_test.arff";
/** The dataset of interest. */
protected Instances m_Instances;
/** The ResultListener to send results to. */
protected ResultListener m_ResultListener = new CSVResultListener();
/** The directory containing all the test sets. */
protected File m_TestsetDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
/** The prefix for all the test sets. */
protected String m_TestsetPrefix = "";
/** The suffix for all the test sets. */
protected String m_TestsetSuffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX;
/** The regular expression to search for in the relation name. */
protected String m_RelationFind = "";
/** The string to use to replace the matches of the regular expression. */
protected String m_RelationReplace = "";
/** Whether dataset is to be randomized. */
protected boolean m_randomize = false;
/** The SplitEvaluator used to generate results. */
protected SplitEvaluator m_SplitEvaluator = new ClassifierSplitEvaluator();
/** The names of any additional measures to look for in SplitEvaluators. */
protected String[] m_AdditionalMeasures = null;
/** Save raw output of split evaluators --- for debugging purposes. */
protected boolean m_debugOutput = false;
/** The output zipper to use for saving raw splitEvaluator output. */
protected OutputZipper m_ZipDest = null;
/** The destination output file/directory for raw output. */
protected File m_OutputFile = new File(new File(
System.getProperty("user.dir")), "");
/** The name of the key field containing the dataset name. */
public static String DATASET_FIELD_NAME = "Dataset";
/** The name of the key field containing the run number. */
public static String RUN_FIELD_NAME = "Run";
/** The name of the result field containing the timestamp. */
public static String TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NAME = "Date_time";
protected transient Environment m_env;
* Returns a string describing this result producer.
* @return a description of the result producer suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String globalInfo() {
return "Loads the external test set and calls the appropriate "
+ "SplitEvaluator to generate some results.\n"
+ "The filename of the test set is constructed as follows:\n"
+ " + / + + + \n"
+ "The relation-name can be modified by using the regular expression "
+ "to replace the matching sub-string with a specified replacement "
+ "string. In order to get rid of the string that the Weka filters "
+ "add to the end of the relation name, just use '.*-weka' as the "
+ "regular expression to find.\n"
+ "The suffix determines the type of file to load, i.e., one is "
+ "not restricted to ARFF files. As long as Weka recognizes the "
+ "extension specified in the suffix, the data will be loaded with "
+ "one of Weka's converters.";
* Returns an enumeration describing the available options..
* @return an enumeration of all the available options.
public Enumeration listOptions() {
Vector result = new Vector ();
result.addElement(new Option("Save raw split evaluator output.", "D", 0,
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe filename where raw output will be stored.\n"
+ "\tIf a directory name is specified then then individual\n"
+ "\toutputs will be gzipped, otherwise all output will be\n"
+ "\tzipped to the named file. Use in conjuction with -D.\n"
+ "\t(default:", "O", 1,
"-O "));
result.addElement(new Option("\tThe full class name of a SplitEvaluator.\n"
+ "\teg: weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator", "W", 1,
"-W "));
result.addElement(new Option("\tSet when data is to be randomized.", "R",
0, "-R"));
result.addElement(new Option("\tThe directory containing the test sets.\n"
+ "\t(default: current directory)", "dir", 1, "-dir "));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tAn optional prefix for the test sets (before the relation name).\n"
+ "(default: empty string)", "prefix", 1, "-prefix "));
.addElement(new Option("\tThe suffix to append to the test set.\n"
+ "\t(default: " + DEFAULT_SUFFIX + ")", "suffix", 1,
"-suffix "));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe regular expression to search the relation name with.\n"
+ "\tNot used if an empty string.\n" + "\t(default: empty string)",
"find", 1, "-find "));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe replacement string for the all the matches of '-find'.\n"
+ "\t(default: empty string)", "replace", 1, "-replace "));
if ((m_SplitEvaluator != null)
&& (m_SplitEvaluator instanceof OptionHandler)) {
result.addElement(new Option("", "", 0,
"\nOptions specific to split evaluator "
+ m_SplitEvaluator.getClass().getName() + ":"));
result.addAll(Collections.list(((OptionHandler) m_SplitEvaluator)
return result.elements();
* Parses a given list of options.
* Valid options are:
* -D
* Save raw split evaluator output.
* -O <file/directory name/path>
* The filename where raw output will be stored.
* If a directory name is specified then then individual
* outputs will be gzipped, otherwise all output will be
* zipped to the named file. Use in conjuction with -D.
* (default:
* -W <class name>
* The full class name of a SplitEvaluator.
* eg: weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator
* -R
* Set when data is to be randomized.
* -dir <directory>
* The directory containing the test sets.
* (default: current directory)
* -prefix <string>
* An optional prefix for the test sets (before the relation name).
* (default: empty string)
* -suffix <string>
* The suffix to append to the test set.
* (default: _test.arff)
* -find <regular expression>
* The regular expression to search the relation name with.
* Not used if an empty string.
* (default: empty string)
* -replace <string>
* The replacement string for the all the matches of '-find'.
* (default: empty string)
* Options specific to split evaluator weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator:
* -W <class name>
* The full class name of the classifier.
* eg: weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes
* -C <index>
* The index of the class for which IR statistics
* are to be output. (default 1)
* -I <index>
* The index of an attribute to output in the
* results. This attribute should identify an
* instance in order to know which instances are
* in the test set of a cross validation. if 0
* no output (default 0).
* -P
* Add target and prediction columns to the result
* for each fold.
* Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR:
* -D
* If set, classifier is run in debug mode and
* may output additional info to the console
* All options after -- will be passed to the split evaluator.
* @param options the list of options as an array of strings
* @throws Exception if an option is not supported
public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
String tmpStr;
setRawOutput(Utils.getFlag('D', options));
setRandomizeData(!Utils.getFlag('R', options));
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('O', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0) {
setOutputFile(new File(tmpStr));
tmpStr = Utils.getOption("dir", options);
if (tmpStr.length() > 0) {
setTestsetDir(new File(tmpStr));
} else {
setTestsetDir(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")));
tmpStr = Utils.getOption("prefix", options);
if (tmpStr.length() > 0) {
} else {
tmpStr = Utils.getOption("suffix", options);
if (tmpStr.length() > 0) {
} else {
tmpStr = Utils.getOption("find", options);
if (tmpStr.length() > 0) {
} else {
tmpStr = Utils.getOption("replace", options);
if ((tmpStr.length() > 0) && (getRelationFind().length() > 0)) {
} else {
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('W', options);
if (tmpStr.length() == 0) {
throw new Exception(
"A SplitEvaluator must be specified with the -W option.");
// Do it first without options, so if an exception is thrown during
// the option setting, listOptions will contain options for the actual
// SE.
setSplitEvaluator((SplitEvaluator) Utils.forName(SplitEvaluator.class,
tmpStr, null));
if (getSplitEvaluator() instanceof OptionHandler) {
((OptionHandler) getSplitEvaluator()).setOptions(Utils
* Gets the current settings of the result producer.
* @return an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions
public String[] getOptions() {
Vector result;
String[] seOptions;
int i;
result = new Vector();
seOptions = new String[0];
if ((m_SplitEvaluator != null)
&& (m_SplitEvaluator instanceof OptionHandler)) {
seOptions = ((OptionHandler) m_SplitEvaluator).getOptions();
if (getRawOutput()) {
if (!getRandomizeData()) {
if (getTestsetPrefix().length() > 0) {
if (getRelationFind().length() > 0) {
if (getRelationReplace().length() > 0) {
if (getSplitEvaluator() != null) {
if (seOptions.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < seOptions.length; i++) {
return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
* @param instances a value of type 'Instances'.
public void setInstances(Instances instances) {
m_Instances = instances;
* Set a list of method names for additional measures to look for in
* SplitEvaluators. This could contain many measures (of which only a subset
* may be produceable by the current SplitEvaluator) if an experiment is the
* type that iterates over a set of properties.
* @param additionalMeasures an array of measure names, null if none
public void setAdditionalMeasures(String[] additionalMeasures) {
m_AdditionalMeasures = additionalMeasures;
if (m_SplitEvaluator != null) {
System.err.println("ExplicitTestsetResultProducer: setting additional "
+ "measures for split evaluator");
* Returns an enumeration of any additional measure names that might be in the
* SplitEvaluator.
* @return an enumeration of the measure names
public Enumeration enumerateMeasures() {
Vector result = new Vector();
if (m_SplitEvaluator instanceof AdditionalMeasureProducer) {
Enumeration en = ((AdditionalMeasureProducer) m_SplitEvaluator)
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
String mname = en.nextElement();
return result.elements();
* Returns the value of the named measure.
* @param additionalMeasureName the name of the measure to query for its value
* @return the value of the named measure
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the named measure is not supported
public double getMeasure(String additionalMeasureName) {
if (m_SplitEvaluator instanceof AdditionalMeasureProducer) {
return ((AdditionalMeasureProducer) m_SplitEvaluator)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExplicitTestsetResultProducer: "
+ "Can't return value for : " + additionalMeasureName + ". "
+ m_SplitEvaluator.getClass().getName() + " "
+ "is not an AdditionalMeasureProducer");
* Sets the object to send results of each run to.
* @param listener a value of type 'ResultListener'
public void setResultListener(ResultListener listener) {
m_ResultListener = listener;
* Gets a Double representing the current date and time. eg: 1:46pm on
* 20/5/1999 -> 19990520.1346
* @return a value of type Double
public static Double getTimestamp() {
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
double timestamp = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 10000
+ (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) * 100 + now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
+ now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) / 100.0 + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
/ 10000.0;
return new Double(timestamp);
* Prepare to generate results.
* @throws Exception if an error occurs during preprocessing.
public void preProcess() throws Exception {
if (m_SplitEvaluator == null) {
throw new Exception("No SplitEvalutor set");
if (m_ResultListener == null) {
throw new Exception("No ResultListener set");
* Perform any postprocessing. When this method is called, it indicates that
* no more requests to generate results for the current experiment will be
* sent.
* @throws Exception if an error occurs
public void postProcess() throws Exception {
if (m_debugOutput) {
if (m_ZipDest != null) {
m_ZipDest = null;
* Gets the keys for a specified run number. Different run numbers correspond
* to different randomizations of the data. Keys produced should be sent to
* the current ResultListener
* @param run the run number to get keys for.
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs while getting the keys
public void doRunKeys(int run) throws Exception {
if (m_Instances == null) {
throw new Exception("No Instances set");
// Add in some fields to the key like run number, dataset name
Object[] seKey = m_SplitEvaluator.getKey();
Object[] key = new Object[seKey.length + 2];
key[0] = Utils.backQuoteChars(m_Instances.relationName());
key[1] = "" + run;
System.arraycopy(seKey, 0, key, 2, seKey.length);
if (m_ResultListener.isResultRequired(this, key)) {
try {
m_ResultListener.acceptResult(this, key, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Save the train and test datasets for debugging purposes?
throw ex;
* Generates a new filename for the given relation based on the current setup.
* @param inst the instances to create the filename for
* @return the generated filename
protected String createFilename(Instances inst) {
String result;
String name;
name = inst.relationName();
if (getRelationFind().length() > 0) {
name = name.replaceAll(getRelationFind(), getRelationReplace());
result = getTestsetDir().getPath() + File.separator;
result += getTestsetPrefix() + name + getTestsetSuffix();
// substitute the run number (and any other variables)
// if specified
try {
result = m_env.substitute(result);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return result;
* Gets the results for a specified run number. Different run numbers
* correspond to different randomizations of the data. Results produced should
* be sent to the current ResultListener
* @param run the run number to get results for.
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs while getting the results
public void doRun(int run) throws Exception {
if (getRawOutput()) {
if (m_ZipDest == null) {
m_ZipDest = new OutputZipper(m_OutputFile);
if (m_Instances == null) {
throw new Exception("No Instances set");
// Add in some fields to the key like run number, dataset name
Object[] seKey = m_SplitEvaluator.getKey();
Object[] key = new Object[seKey.length + 2];
key[0] = Utils.backQuoteChars(m_Instances.relationName());
key[1] = "" + run;
System.arraycopy(seKey, 0, key, 2, seKey.length);
if (m_ResultListener.isResultRequired(this, key)) {
// training set
Instances train = new Instances(m_Instances);
if (m_randomize) {
Random rand = new Random(run);
if (m_env == null) {
m_env = new Environment();
m_env.addVariable("RUN_NUMBER", "" + run);
// test set
String filename = createFilename(train);
File file = new File(filename);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new WekaException("Test set '" + filename + "' not found!");
Instances test =;
// can we set the class attribute safely?
if (train.numAttributes() == test.numAttributes()) {
} else {
throw new WekaException("Train and test set (= " + filename + ") "
+ "differ in number of attributes: " + train.numAttributes() + " != "
+ test.numAttributes());
// test headers
if (!train.equalHeaders(test)) {
throw new WekaException("Train and test set (= " + filename + ") "
+ "are not compatible:\n" + train.equalHeadersMsg(test));
try {
Object[] seResults = m_SplitEvaluator.getResult(train, test);
Object[] results = new Object[seResults.length + 1];
results[0] = getTimestamp();
System.arraycopy(seResults, 0, results, 1, seResults.length);
if (m_debugOutput) {
String resultName = ("" + run + "."
+ Utils.backQuoteChars(train.relationName()) + "." + m_SplitEvaluator
.toString()).replace(' ', '_');
resultName = Utils.removeSubstring(resultName, "weka.classifiers.");
resultName = Utils.removeSubstring(resultName, "weka.filters.");
resultName = Utils.removeSubstring(resultName,
m_ZipDest.zipit(m_SplitEvaluator.getRawResultOutput(), resultName);
m_ResultListener.acceptResult(this, key, results);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Save the train and test datasets for debugging purposes?
throw e;
* Gets the names of each of the columns produced for a single run. This
* method should really be static.
* @return an array containing the name of each column
public String[] getKeyNames() {
String[] keyNames = m_SplitEvaluator.getKeyNames();
// Add in the names of our extra key fields
String[] newKeyNames = new String[keyNames.length + 2];
newKeyNames[0] = DATASET_FIELD_NAME;
newKeyNames[1] = RUN_FIELD_NAME;
System.arraycopy(keyNames, 0, newKeyNames, 2, keyNames.length);
return newKeyNames;
* Gets the data types of each of the columns produced for a single run. This
* method should really be static.
* @return an array containing objects of the type of each column. The objects
* should be Strings, or Doubles.
public Object[] getKeyTypes() {
Object[] keyTypes = m_SplitEvaluator.getKeyTypes();
// Add in the types of our extra fields
Object[] newKeyTypes = new String[keyTypes.length + 2];
newKeyTypes[0] = new String();
newKeyTypes[1] = new String();
System.arraycopy(keyTypes, 0, newKeyTypes, 2, keyTypes.length);
return newKeyTypes;
* Gets the names of each of the columns produced for a single run. This
* method should really be static.
* @return an array containing the name of each column
public String[] getResultNames() {
String[] resultNames = m_SplitEvaluator.getResultNames();
// Add in the names of our extra Result fields
String[] newResultNames = new String[resultNames.length + 1];
newResultNames[0] = TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NAME;
System.arraycopy(resultNames, 0, newResultNames, 1, resultNames.length);
return newResultNames;
* Gets the data types of each of the columns produced for a single run. This
* method should really be static.
* @return an array containing objects of the type of each column. The objects
* should be Strings, or Doubles.
public Object[] getResultTypes() {
Object[] resultTypes = m_SplitEvaluator.getResultTypes();
// Add in the types of our extra Result fields
Object[] newResultTypes = new Object[resultTypes.length + 1];
newResultTypes[0] = new Double(0);
System.arraycopy(resultTypes, 0, newResultTypes, 1, resultTypes.length);
return newResultTypes;
* Gets a description of the internal settings of the result producer,
* sufficient for distinguishing a ResultProducer instance from another with
* different settings (ignoring those settings set through this interface).
* For example, a cross-validation ResultProducer may have a setting for the
* number of folds. For a given state, the results produced should be
* compatible. Typically if a ResultProducer is an OptionHandler, this string
* will represent the command line arguments required to set the
* ResultProducer to that state.
* @return the description of the ResultProducer state, or null if no state is
* defined
public String getCompatibilityState() {
String result;
result = "";
if (getRandomizeData()) {
result += " -R";
result += " -dir " + getTestsetDir();
if (getTestsetPrefix().length() > 0) {
result += " -prefix " + getTestsetPrefix();
result += " -suffix " + getTestsetSuffix();
if (getRelationFind().length() > 0) {
result += " -find " + getRelationFind();
if (getRelationReplace().length() > 0) {
result += " -replace " + getRelationReplace();
if (m_SplitEvaluator == null) {
result += " ";
} else {
result += " -W " + m_SplitEvaluator.getClass().getName();
return result + " --";
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String outputFileTipText() {
return "Set the destination for saving raw output. If the rawOutput "
+ "option is selected, then output from the splitEvaluator for "
+ "individual train-test splits is saved. If the destination is a "
+ "directory, "
+ "then each output is saved to an individual gzip file; if the "
+ "destination is a file, then each output is saved as an entry "
+ "in a zip file.";
* Get the value of OutputFile.
* @return Value of OutputFile.
public File getOutputFile() {
return m_OutputFile;
* Set the value of OutputFile.
* @param value Value to assign to OutputFile.
public void setOutputFile(File value) {
m_OutputFile = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String randomizeDataTipText() {
return "Do not randomize dataset and do not perform probabilistic rounding "
+ "if true";
* Get if dataset is to be randomized.
* @return true if dataset is to be randomized
public boolean getRandomizeData() {
return m_randomize;
* Set to true if dataset is to be randomized.
* @param value true if dataset is to be randomized
public void setRandomizeData(boolean value) {
m_randomize = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String rawOutputTipText() {
return "Save raw output (useful for debugging). If set, then output is "
+ "sent to the destination specified by outputFile";
* Get if raw split evaluator output is to be saved.
* @return true if raw split evalutor output is to be saved
public boolean getRawOutput() {
return m_debugOutput;
* Set to true if raw split evaluator output is to be saved.
* @param value true if output is to be saved
public void setRawOutput(boolean value) {
m_debugOutput = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String splitEvaluatorTipText() {
return "The evaluator to apply to the test data. "
+ "This may be a classifier, regression scheme etc.";
* Get the SplitEvaluator.
* @return the SplitEvaluator.
public SplitEvaluator getSplitEvaluator() {
return m_SplitEvaluator;
* Set the SplitEvaluator.
* @param value new SplitEvaluator to use.
public void setSplitEvaluator(SplitEvaluator value) {
m_SplitEvaluator = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String testsetDirTipText() {
return "The directory containing the test sets.";
* Returns the currently set directory for the test sets.
* @return the directory
public File getTestsetDir() {
return m_TestsetDir;
* Sets the directory to use for the test sets.
* @param value the directory to use
public void setTestsetDir(File value) {
m_TestsetDir = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String testsetPrefixTipText() {
return "The prefix to use for the filename of the test sets.";
* Returns the currently set prefix.
* @return the prefix
public String getTestsetPrefix() {
return m_TestsetPrefix;
* Sets the prefix to use for the test sets.
* @param value the prefix
public void setTestsetPrefix(String value) {
m_TestsetPrefix = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String testsetSuffixTipText() {
return "The suffix to use for the filename of the test sets - must contain "
+ "the file extension.";
* Returns the currently set suffix.
* @return the suffix
public String getTestsetSuffix() {
return m_TestsetSuffix;
* Sets the suffix to use for the test sets.
* @param value the suffix
public void setTestsetSuffix(String value) {
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
m_TestsetSuffix = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String relationFindTipText() {
return "The regular expression to use for removing parts of the relation "
+ "name, ignored if empty.";
* Returns the currently set regular expression to use on the relation name.
* @return the regular expression
public String getRelationFind() {
return m_RelationFind;
* Sets the regular expression to use on the relation name.
* @param value the regular expression
public void setRelationFind(String value) {
m_RelationFind = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property.
* @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
* explorer/experimenter gui
public String relationReplaceTipText() {
return "The string to replace all matches of the regular expression with.";
* Returns the currently set replacement string to use on the relation name.
* @return the replacement string
public String getRelationReplace() {
return m_RelationReplace;
* Sets the replacement string to use on the relation name.
* @param value the regular expression
public void setRelationReplace(String value) {
m_RelationReplace = value;
* Gets a text descrption of the result producer.
* @return a text description of the result producer.
public String toString() {
String result = "ExplicitTestsetResultProducer: ";
result += getCompatibilityState();
if (m_Instances == null) {
result += ": ";
} else {
result += ": " + Utils.backQuoteChars(m_Instances.relationName());
return result;
* Returns the revision string.
* @return the revision
public String getRevision() {
return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 10203 $");