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] > 0 113 114 ArffLoader weka/gui/beans/templates/iris.arff false true 1 273 114 ClassAssigner last 2 473 114 CrossValidationFoldMaker false 1 10 3 393 314 ClassifierPerformanceEvaluator 2 4 673 314 TextViewer true TextViewer weka/gui/beans/icons/DefaultText.gif weka/gui/beans/icons/DefaultText_animated.gif TextViewer 5 153 314 ModelPerformanceChart ModelPerformanceChart weka/gui/beans/icons/ModelPerformanceChart.gif weka/gui/beans/icons/ModelPerformanceChart_animated.gif Weka Chart Renderer 400 ModelPerformanceChart true 500 6 120 187 Double click to configure me with an ARFF file -1 7 287 197 Double click to specify the class attribute -1 8 441 197 10-fold CV by default. Double click to alter the number of folds. -1 9 681 403 Performance results reported here. Right-click and choose "show results" -1 10 157 406 Right-click and select "show chart" to see scatter plot and misclassified points. -1 11 673 114 J48 false -C 0.25 -M 2 false 2 12 377 30 <html><b>NOTE: this flow is configured to run out of the box.</b> It loads an ARFF file as a resource from the classpath. If you want to use your own data, edit the ArffLoader.</html> -1 0 1 dataSet false 1 2 dataSet false 3 4 text false 3 5 visualizableError false 2 11 trainingSet false 2 11 testSet false 11 3 batchClassifier false