weka.gui.knowledgeflow.StepTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* StepTree.java
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.gui.knowledgeflow;
import weka.core.PluginManager;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.core.WekaException;
import weka.core.WekaPackageClassLoaderManager;
import weka.gui.GenericObjectEditor;
import weka.gui.GenericPropertiesCreator;
import weka.gui.HierarchyPropertyParser;
import weka.gui.knowledgeflow.VisibleLayout.LayoutOperation;
import weka.knowledgeflow.steps.KFStep;
import weka.knowledgeflow.steps.Step;
import weka.knowledgeflow.steps.WekaAlgorithmWrapper;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* Subclass of JTree for displaying available steps.
* @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
* @version $Revision: $
public class StepTree extends JTree {
/** Property file that lists built-in steps */
protected static final String STEP_LIST_PROPS =
* For serialization
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3646119269455293741L;
/** Reference to the main knowledge flow perspective */
protected MainKFPerspective m_mainPerspective;
/** Lookup for searching text of global info/tip texts */
protected Map m_nodeTextIndex =
new HashMap();
* Constructor
* @param mainPerspective the main knowledge flow perspective
public StepTree(MainKFPerspective mainPerspective) {
m_mainPerspective = mainPerspective;
DefaultMutableTreeNode jtreeRoot = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Weka");
// populate tree
InvisibleTreeModel model = new InvisibleTreeModel(jtreeRoot);
setCellRenderer(new StepIconRenderer());
DefaultTreeSelectionModel selectionModel = new DefaultTreeSelectionModel();
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)
|| e.isAltDown()) {
TreePath p = StepTree.this.getSelectionPath();
if (p != null) {
if (p.getLastPathComponent() instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode tNode =
(DefaultMutableTreeNode) p.getLastPathComponent();
if (tNode.isLeaf()) {
Object userObject = tNode.getUserObject();
if (userObject instanceof StepTreeLeafDetails) {
try {
StepVisual visual =
((StepTreeLeafDetails) userObject).instantiateStep();
if (m_mainPerspective.getDebug()) {
System.err.println("Instantiated " + visual.getStepName());
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Populates the tree from the given root
* @param jtreeRoot the root to populate
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void populateTree(DefaultMutableTreeNode jtreeRoot)
throws Exception {
Properties GOEProps = initGOEProps();
// builtin steps don't get added to the plugin manager because,
// due to the package loading process, they would get added after
// any plugin steps. This would stuff up the ordering we want in
// the design palette
InputStream inputStream =
Properties builtinSteps = new Properties();
inputStream = null;
String stepClassNames =
String[] s = stepClassNames.split(",");
Set stepImpls = new LinkedHashSet();
populateTree(stepImpls, jtreeRoot, GOEProps);
// get any plugin steps here
Set stepClasses =
if (stepClasses != null && stepClasses.size() > 0) {
// filtering here because the LegacyFlowLoader adds all builtin
// steps to the PluginManager. This is really only necessary if
// a KnowledgeFlowApp is constructed a second time, as the first
// time round StepTree gets constructed before the LegacyFlowLoader
// class gets loaded into the classpath (and thus populates the
// PluginManager). We can remove this filtering when LegacyFlowLoader
// is no longer needed.
Set filteredStepClasses = new LinkedHashSet();
for (String plugin : stepClasses) {
if (!stepClassNames.contains(plugin)) {
populateTree(filteredStepClasses, jtreeRoot, GOEProps);
* Populate the tree from the given root using a set of step classes
* @param stepClasses the set of step classes to go into the tree
* @param jtreeRoot the root of the tree
* @param GOEProps generic object editor properties
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void populateTree(Set stepClasses,
DefaultMutableTreeNode jtreeRoot, Properties GOEProps) throws Exception {
for (String stepClass : stepClasses) {
try {
Step toAdd =
// (Step) Beans.instantiate(getClass().getClassLoader(), stepClass);
(Step) WekaPackageClassLoaderManager.objectForName(stepClass);
// check for ignore
if (toAdd.getClass().getAnnotation(StepTreeIgnore.class) != null
|| toAdd.getClass().getAnnotation(weka.gui.beans.KFIgnore.class) != null) {
String category = getStepCategory(toAdd);
DefaultMutableTreeNode targetFolder =
getCategoryFolder(jtreeRoot, category);
if (toAdd instanceof WekaAlgorithmWrapper) {
populateForWekaWrapper(targetFolder, (WekaAlgorithmWrapper) toAdd,
} else {
StepTreeLeafDetails leafData = new StepTreeLeafDetails(toAdd);
DefaultMutableTreeNode fixedLeafNode = new InvisibleNode(leafData);
String tipText =
leafData.getToolTipText() != null ? leafData.getToolTipText() : "";
m_nodeTextIndex.put(stepClass.toLowerCase() + " " + tipText,
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Populates a target folder in the tree for a particular class of weka
* algorithm wrapper step
* @param targetFolder the folder to populate
* @param wrapper the {@code WekaAlgorithmWrapper} implementation
* @param GOEProps generic object editor properties
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void populateForWekaWrapper(DefaultMutableTreeNode targetFolder,
WekaAlgorithmWrapper wrapper, Properties GOEProps) throws Exception {
Class wrappedAlgoClass = wrapper.getWrappedAlgorithmClass();
String implList = GOEProps.getProperty(wrappedAlgoClass.getCanonicalName());
String hppRoot = wrappedAlgoClass.getCanonicalName();
hppRoot = hppRoot.substring(0, hppRoot.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (implList == null) {
throw new WekaException(
"Unable to get a list of weka implementations for " + "class '"
+ wrappedAlgoClass.getCanonicalName() + "'");
Hashtable roots =
for (Map.Entry e : roots.entrySet()) {
String classes = e.getValue();
HierarchyPropertyParser hpp = new HierarchyPropertyParser();
hpp.build(classes, ", ");
processPackage(hpp, targetFolder, wrapper);
* Processes a package from the {@code HierarchPropertyParser}
* @param hpp the property parser to use
* @param parentFolder the folder to populate
* @param wrapper the {@code WekaAlgorithmWrapper} implementation to use for
* the class of algorithm being processed
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected void processPackage(HierarchyPropertyParser hpp,
DefaultMutableTreeNode parentFolder, WekaAlgorithmWrapper wrapper)
throws Exception {
String[] primaryPackages = hpp.childrenValues();
for (String primaryPackage : primaryPackages) {
if (hpp.isLeafReached()) {
String algName = hpp.fullValue();
Object wrappedA =
// Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), algName);
if (wrappedA.getClass().getAnnotation(StepTreeIgnore.class) == null
&& wrappedA.getClass().getAnnotation(weka.gui.beans.KFIgnore.class) == null) {
WekaAlgorithmWrapper wrapperCopy =
* (WekaAlgorithmWrapper) Beans.instantiate(this.getClass()
* .getClassLoader(), wrapper.getClass().getCanonicalName());
(WekaAlgorithmWrapper) wrapper.getClass().newInstance();
StepTreeLeafDetails leafData = new StepTreeLeafDetails(wrapperCopy);
DefaultMutableTreeNode wrapperLeafNode = new InvisibleNode(leafData);
String tipText =
leafData.getToolTipText() != null ? leafData.getToolTipText() : "";
m_nodeTextIndex.put(algName.toLowerCase() + " " + tipText,
} else {
DefaultMutableTreeNode firstLevelOfMainAlgoType =
new InvisibleNode(primaryPackage);
processPackage(hpp, firstLevelOfMainAlgoType, wrapper);
* Get a folder for a particular category from the tree. Creates the category
* folder if it doesn't already exist
* @param jtreeRoot the root of the tree
* @param category the name of the category to get the folder for
* @return return the folder
protected DefaultMutableTreeNode getCategoryFolder(
DefaultMutableTreeNode jtreeRoot, String category) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode targetFolder = null;
Enumeration children = jtreeRoot.children();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
Object child = children.nextElement();
if (child instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
if (((DefaultMutableTreeNode) child).getUserObject().toString()
.equals(category)) {
targetFolder = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) child;
if (targetFolder == null) {
targetFolder = new InvisibleNode(category);
return targetFolder;
* Gets the category that the supplied step belongs to. Uses the info in the
* {@code KFStep} annotation; otherwise the default "Plugin" category is used.
* @param toAdd the step to get the category for
* @return the category name
protected String getStepCategory(Step toAdd) {
String category = "Plugin";
Annotation a = toAdd.getClass().getAnnotation(KFStep.class);
if (a != null) {
category = ((KFStep) a).category();
return category;
* Initializes generic object editor properties
* @return a properties object
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
protected Properties initGOEProps() throws Exception {
Properties GOEProps = GenericPropertiesCreator.getGlobalOutputProperties();
if (GOEProps == null) {
GenericPropertiesCreator creator = new GenericPropertiesCreator();
if (creator.useDynamic()) {
GOEProps = creator.getOutputProperties();
} else {
GOEProps = Utils.readProperties("weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props");
return GOEProps;
* Get tool tip text for the step closest to the mouse location in the
* {@code StepTree}.
* @param e the {@code MouseEvent} containing the pointer location
* @return the tool tip for the closest step in the tree
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) {
if ((getRowForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY())) == -1) {
return null;
TreePath currPath = getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
if (currPath.getLastPathComponent() instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node =
(DefaultMutableTreeNode) currPath.getLastPathComponent();
if (node.isLeaf()) {
StepTreeLeafDetails leaf = (StepTreeLeafDetails) node.getUserObject();
return leaf.getToolTipText();
return null;
* Turn on or off tool tip text popups for the steps in the tree
* @param show true if tool tip text popups are to be shown
public void setShowLeafTipText(boolean show) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) getModel().getRoot();
Enumeration e = root.depthFirstEnumeration();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) e.nextElement();
if (node.isLeaf()) {
((StepTreeLeafDetails) node.getUserObject()).setShowTipTexts(show);
* Get the global info/tool tip text index
* @return the global info/tool tip text index
protected Map getNodeTextIndex() {
return m_nodeTextIndex;
protected static class StepIconRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
/** Added ID to avoid warning. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4488876734500244945L;
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, sel, expanded, leaf, row,
if (leaf) {
Object userO = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) value).getUserObject();
if (userO instanceof StepTreeLeafDetails) {
Icon i = ((StepTreeLeafDetails) userO).getIcon();
if (i != null) {
return this;
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