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weka.gui.beans.ModelPerformanceChart Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), a machine
learning workbench. This is the stable version. Apart from bugfixes, this version
does not receive any other updates.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2004-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
package weka.gui.beans;
import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.DenseInstance;
import weka.core.Environment;
import weka.core.EnvironmentHandler;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.PluginManager;
import weka.gui.Logger;
import weka.gui.visualize.PlotData2D;
import weka.gui.visualize.VisualizePanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.EventSetDescriptor;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContext;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
* Bean that can be used for displaying threshold curves (e.g. ROC curves) and
* scheme error plots
* @author Mark Hall
* @version $Revision: 12409 $
public class ModelPerformanceChart extends JPanel implements
ThresholdDataListener, VisualizableErrorListener, Visible,
UserRequestAcceptor, EventConstraints, Serializable, BeanContextChild,
HeadlessEventCollector, BeanCommon, EnvironmentHandler {
/** for serialization */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4602034200071195924L;
protected BeanVisual m_visual = new BeanVisual("ModelPerformanceChart",
BeanVisual.ICON_PATH + "ModelPerformanceChart.gif", BeanVisual.ICON_PATH
+ "ModelPerformanceChart_animated.gif");
protected transient PlotData2D m_masterPlot;
/** For rendering plots to encapsulate in ImageEvents */
protected transient List m_offscreenPlotData;
protected transient List m_thresholdSeriesTitles;
protected transient OffscreenChartRenderer m_offscreenRenderer;
/** Name of the renderer to use for offscreen chart rendering */
protected String m_offscreenRendererName = "Weka Chart Renderer";
* The name of the attribute to use for the x-axis of offscreen plots. If left
* empty, False Positive Rate is used for threshold curves
protected String m_xAxis = "";
* The name of the attribute to use for the y-axis of offscreen plots. If left
* empty, True Positive Rate is used for threshold curves
protected String m_yAxis = "";
* Additional options for the offscreen renderer
protected String m_additionalOptions = "";
/** Width of offscreen plots */
protected String m_width = "500";
/** Height of offscreen plots */
protected String m_height = "400";
protected transient JFrame m_popupFrame;
protected boolean m_framePoppedUp = false;
/** Events received and stored during headless execution */
protected List m_headlessEvents;
* Set to true when processing events stored during headless execution. Used
* to prevent sending ImageEvents to listeners a second time (since these will
* have been passed on during headless execution).
protected transient boolean m_processingHeadlessEvents = false;
protected ArrayList m_imageListeners = new ArrayList();
protected List m_listenees = new ArrayList();
* True if this bean's appearance is the design mode appearance
protected boolean m_design;
* BeanContex that this bean might be contained within
protected transient BeanContext m_beanContext = null;
private transient VisualizePanel m_visPanel;
* The environment variables.
protected transient Environment m_env;
* BeanContextChild support
protected BeanContextChildSupport m_bcSupport = new BeanContextChildSupport(
public ModelPerformanceChart() {
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
} else {
m_headlessEvents = new ArrayList();
* Global info for this bean
* @return a String
public String globalInfo() {
return "Visualize performance charts (such as ROC).";
protected void appearanceDesign() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(m_visual, BorderLayout.CENTER);
protected void appearanceFinal() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
protected void setUpFinal() {
if (m_visPanel == null) {
m_visPanel = new VisualizePanel();
add(m_visPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
protected void setupOffscreenRenderer() {
if (m_offscreenRenderer == null) {
if (m_offscreenRendererName == null
|| m_offscreenRendererName.length() == 0) {
m_offscreenRenderer = new WekaOffscreenChartRenderer();
if (m_offscreenRendererName.equalsIgnoreCase("weka chart renderer")) {
m_offscreenRenderer = new WekaOffscreenChartRenderer();
} else {
try {
Object r = PluginManager.getPluginInstance(
"weka.gui.beans.OffscreenChartRenderer", m_offscreenRendererName);
if (r != null && r instanceof weka.gui.beans.OffscreenChartRenderer) {
m_offscreenRenderer = (OffscreenChartRenderer) r;
} else {
// use built-in default
m_offscreenRenderer = new WekaOffscreenChartRenderer();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// use built-in default
m_offscreenRenderer = new WekaOffscreenChartRenderer();
* Display a threshold curve.
* @param e a ThresholdDataEvent
public synchronized void acceptDataSet(ThresholdDataEvent e) {
if (m_env == null) {
m_env = Environment.getSystemWide();
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
if (m_visPanel == null) {
m_visPanel = new VisualizePanel();
if (m_masterPlot == null) {
m_masterPlot = e.getDataSet();
try {
// check for compatable data sets
if (!m_masterPlot.getPlotInstances().relationName()
.equals(e.getDataSet().getPlotInstances().relationName())) {
// if not equal then remove all plots and set as new master plot
m_masterPlot = e.getDataSet();
} else {
// add as new plot
} catch (Exception ex) {
.println("Problem setting up visualization (ModelPerformanceChart)");
} else {
if (m_imageListeners.size() > 0 && !m_processingHeadlessEvents) {
// configure the renderer (if necessary)
if (m_offscreenPlotData == null
|| !m_offscreenPlotData.get(0).relationName()
.equals(e.getDataSet().getPlotInstances().relationName())) {
m_offscreenPlotData = new ArrayList();
m_thresholdSeriesTitles = new ArrayList();
List options = new ArrayList();
String additional = "-color=/last";
if (m_additionalOptions != null && m_additionalOptions.length() > 0) {
additional = m_additionalOptions;
try {
additional = m_env.substitute(additional);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String[] optsParts = additional.split(",");
for (String p : optsParts) {
String xAxis = "False Positive Rate";
if (m_xAxis != null && m_xAxis.length() > 0) {
xAxis = m_xAxis;
try {
xAxis = m_env.substitute(xAxis);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String yAxis = "True Positive Rate";
if (m_yAxis != null && m_yAxis.length() > 0) {
yAxis = m_yAxis;
try {
yAxis = m_env.substitute(yAxis);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String width = m_width;
String height = m_height;
int defWidth = 500;
int defHeight = 400;
try {
width = m_env.substitute(width);
height = m_env.substitute(height);
defWidth = Integer.parseInt(width);
defHeight = Integer.parseInt(height);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
List series = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < m_offscreenPlotData.size(); i++) {
Instances temp = new Instances(m_offscreenPlotData.get(i));
// set relation name to scheme name
BufferedImage osi = m_offscreenRenderer.renderXYLineChart(defWidth,
defHeight, series, xAxis, yAxis, options);
ImageEvent ie = new ImageEvent(this, osi);
} catch (Exception e1) {
* Display a scheme error plot.
* @param e a VisualizableErrorEvent
public synchronized void acceptDataSet(VisualizableErrorEvent e) {
if (m_env == null) {
m_env = Environment.getSystemWide();
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
if (m_visPanel == null) {
m_visPanel = new VisualizePanel();
m_masterPlot = e.getDataSet();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
.println("Problem setting up visualization (ModelPerformanceChart)");
} else {
m_headlessEvents = new ArrayList();
if (m_imageListeners.size() > 0 && !m_processingHeadlessEvents) {
// configure the renderer (if necessary)
m_offscreenPlotData = new ArrayList();
Instances predictedI = e.getDataSet().getPlotInstances();
if (predictedI.classAttribute().isNominal()) {
// split the classes out into individual series.
// add a new attribute to hold point sizes - correctly
// classified instances get default point size (2);
// misclassified instances get point size (5).
// WekaOffscreenChartRenderer can take advantage of this
// information - other plugin renderers may or may not
// be able to use it
ArrayList atts = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < predictedI.numAttributes(); i++) {
atts.add((Attribute) predictedI.attribute(i).copy());
atts.add(new Attribute("@@size@@"));
Instances newInsts = new Instances(predictedI.relationName(), atts,
for (int i = 0; i < predictedI.numInstances(); i++) {
double[] vals = new double[newInsts.numAttributes()];
for (int j = 0; j < predictedI.numAttributes(); j++) {
vals[j] = predictedI.instance(i).value(j);
vals[vals.length - 1] = 2; // default shape size
Instance ni = new DenseInstance(1.0, vals);
// predicted class attribute is always actualClassIndex - 1
Instances[] classes = new Instances[newInsts.numClasses()];
for (int i = 0; i < newInsts.numClasses(); i++) {
classes[i] = new Instances(newInsts, 0);
Instances errors = new Instances(newInsts, 0);
int actualClass = newInsts.classIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < newInsts.numInstances(); i++) {
Instance current = newInsts.instance(i);
classes[(int) current.classValue()].add((Instance) current.copy());
if (current.value(actualClass) != current.value(actualClass - 1)) {
Instance toAdd = (Instance) current.copy();
// larger shape for an error
toAdd.setValue(toAdd.numAttributes() - 1, 5);
// swap predicted and actual class value so
// that the color plotted for the error series
// is that of the predicted class
double actualClassV = toAdd.value(actualClass);
double predictedClassV = toAdd.value(actualClass - 1);
toAdd.setValue(actualClass, predictedClassV);
toAdd.setValue(actualClass - 1, actualClassV);
for (Instances classe : classes) {
} else {
// numeric class - have to make a new set of instances
// with the point sizes added as an additional attribute
ArrayList atts = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < predictedI.numAttributes(); i++) {
atts.add((Attribute) predictedI.attribute(i).copy());
atts.add(new Attribute("@@size@@"));
Instances newInsts = new Instances(predictedI.relationName(), atts,
int[] shapeSizes = e.getDataSet().getShapeSize();
for (int i = 0; i < predictedI.numInstances(); i++) {
double[] vals = new double[newInsts.numAttributes()];
for (int j = 0; j < predictedI.numAttributes(); j++) {
vals[j] = predictedI.instance(i).value(j);
vals[vals.length - 1] = shapeSizes[i];
Instance ni = new DenseInstance(1.0, vals);
List options = new ArrayList();
String additional = "-color=" + predictedI.classAttribute().name()
+ ",-hasErrors";
if (m_additionalOptions != null && m_additionalOptions.length() > 0) {
additional += "," + m_additionalOptions;
try {
additional = m_env.substitute(additional);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String[] optionsParts = additional.split(",");
for (String p : optionsParts) {
// if (predictedI.classAttribute().isNumeric()) {
// }
String xAxis = m_xAxis;
try {
xAxis = m_env.substitute(xAxis);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String yAxis = m_yAxis;
try {
yAxis = m_env.substitute(yAxis);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String width = m_width;
String height = m_height;
int defWidth = 500;
int defHeight = 400;
try {
width = m_env.substitute(width);
height = m_env.substitute(height);
defWidth = Integer.parseInt(width);
defHeight = Integer.parseInt(height);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
BufferedImage osi = m_offscreenRenderer.renderXYScatterPlot(defWidth,
defHeight, m_offscreenPlotData, xAxis, yAxis, options);
ImageEvent ie = new ImageEvent(this, osi);
} catch (Exception e1) {
* Notify all text listeners of a TextEvent
* @param te a ImageEvent
private void notifyImageListeners(ImageEvent te) {
ArrayList l;
synchronized (this) {
l = (ArrayList) m_imageListeners.clone();
if (l.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
* Get the list of events processed in headless mode. May return null or an
* empty list if not running in headless mode or no events were processed
* @return a list of EventObjects or null.
public List retrieveHeadlessEvents() {
return m_headlessEvents;
* Process a list of events that have been collected earlier. Has no affect if
* the component is running in headless mode.
* @param headless a list of EventObjects to process.
public void processHeadlessEvents(List headless) {
// only process if we're not headless
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
m_processingHeadlessEvents = true;
for (EventObject e : headless) {
if (e instanceof ThresholdDataEvent) {
acceptDataSet((ThresholdDataEvent) e);
} else if (e instanceof VisualizableErrorEvent) {
acceptDataSet((VisualizableErrorEvent) e);
m_processingHeadlessEvents = false;
* Set the visual appearance of this bean
* @param newVisual a BeanVisual
public void setVisual(BeanVisual newVisual) {
m_visual = newVisual;
* Return the visual appearance of this bean
public BeanVisual getVisual() {
return m_visual;
* Use the default appearance for this bean
public void useDefaultVisual() {
m_visual.loadIcons(BeanVisual.ICON_PATH + "ModelPerformanceChart.gif",
BeanVisual.ICON_PATH + "ModelPerformanceChart_animated.gif");
* Describe enumerateRequests
method here.
* @return an Enumeration
public Enumeration enumerateRequests() {
Vector newVector = new Vector(0);
if (m_masterPlot != null) {
newVector.addElement("Show chart");
newVector.addElement("?Clear all plots");
return newVector.elements();
* Add a property change listener to this bean
* @param name the name of the property of interest
* @param pcl a PropertyChangeListener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(String name, PropertyChangeListener pcl) {
m_bcSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(name, pcl);
* Remove a property change listener from this bean
* @param name the name of the property of interest
* @param pcl a PropertyChangeListener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl) {
m_bcSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(name, pcl);
* Add a vetoable change listener to this bean
* @param name the name of the property of interest
* @param vcl a VetoableChangeListener
public void addVetoableChangeListener(String name, VetoableChangeListener vcl) {
m_bcSupport.addVetoableChangeListener(name, vcl);
* Remove a vetoable change listener from this bean
* @param name the name of the property of interest
* @param vcl a VetoableChangeListener
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(String name,
VetoableChangeListener vcl) {
m_bcSupport.removeVetoableChangeListener(name, vcl);
* Set a bean context for this bean
* @param bc a BeanContext
public void setBeanContext(BeanContext bc) {
m_beanContext = bc;
m_design = m_beanContext.isDesignTime();
if (m_design) {
} else {
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
* Return the bean context (if any) that this bean is embedded in
* @return a BeanContext
public BeanContext getBeanContext() {
return m_beanContext;
* Describe performRequest
method here.
* @param request a String
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if an error occurs
public void performRequest(String request) {
if (request.compareTo("Show chart") == 0) {
try {
// popup visualize panel
if (!m_framePoppedUp) {
m_framePoppedUp = true;
final javax.swing.JFrame jf = new javax.swing.JFrame(
"Model Performance Chart");
jf.setSize(800, 600);
jf.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
jf.getContentPane().add(m_visPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
jf.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {
m_framePoppedUp = false;
m_popupFrame = jf;
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
m_framePoppedUp = false;
} else if (request.equals("Clear all plots")) {
m_visPanel = null;
m_masterPlot = null;
m_offscreenPlotData = null;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(request
+ " not supported (Model Performance Chart)");
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("Usage: ModelPerformanceChart ");
} r = new
Instances inst = new Instances(r);
final javax.swing.JFrame jf = new javax.swing.JFrame();
jf.getContentPane().setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
final ModelPerformanceChart as = new ModelPerformanceChart();
PlotData2D pd = new PlotData2D(inst);
ThresholdDataEvent roc = new ThresholdDataEvent(as, pd);
jf.getContentPane().add(as, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
jf.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {
jf.setSize(800, 600);
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Set a custom (descriptive) name for this bean
* @param name the name to use
public void setCustomName(String name) {
* Get the custom (descriptive) name for this bean (if one has been set)
* @return the custom name (or the default name)
public String getCustomName() {
return m_visual.getText();
* Stop any processing that the bean might be doing.
public void stop() {
* Returns true if. at this time, the bean is busy with some (i.e. perhaps a
* worker thread is performing some calculation).
* @return true if the bean is busy.
public boolean isBusy() {
return false;
* Add an image listener
* @param cl a ImageListener
public synchronized void addImageListener(ImageListener cl) {
* Remove an image listener
* @param cl a ImageListener
public synchronized void removeImageListener(ImageListener cl) {
* Set a logger
* @param logger a Logger
public void setLog(Logger logger) {
* Returns true if, at this time, the object will accept a connection via the
* supplied EventSetDescriptor
* @param esd the EventSetDescriptor
* @return true if the object will accept a connection
public boolean connectionAllowed(EventSetDescriptor esd) {
return connectionAllowed(esd.getName());
* Returns true if, at this time, the object will accept a connection via the
* named event
* @param eventName the name of the event
* @return true if the object will accept a connection
public boolean connectionAllowed(String eventName) {
return eventName.equals("thresholdData")
|| eventName.equals("visualizableError");
* Notify this object that it has been registered as a listener with a source
* for recieving events described by the named event This object is
* responsible for recording this fact.
* @param eventName the event
* @param source the source with which this object has been registered as a
* listener
public void connectionNotification(String eventName, Object source) {
if (connectionAllowed(eventName)) {
* Notify this object that it has been deregistered as a listener with a
* source for named event. This object is responsible for recording this fact.
* @param eventName the event
* @param source the source with which this object has been registered as a
* listener
public void disconnectionNotification(String eventName, Object source) {
* Returns true, if at the current time, the named event could be generated.
* Assumes that supplied event names are names of events that could be
* generated by this bean.
* @param eventName the name of the event in question
* @return true if the named event could be generated at this point in time
public boolean eventGeneratable(String eventName) {
if (m_listenees.size() == 0) {
return false;
boolean ok = false;
for (Object o : m_listenees) {
if (o instanceof EventConstraints) {
if (((EventConstraints) o).eventGeneratable("thresholdData")
|| ((EventConstraints) o).eventGeneratable("visualizableError")) {
ok = true;
return ok;
public void setEnvironment(Environment env) {
m_env = env;
* Set the name of the attribute for the x-axis in offscreen plots. This
* defaults to "False Positive Rate" for threshold curves if not specified.
* @param xAxis the name of the xAxis
public void setOffscreenXAxis(String xAxis) {
m_xAxis = xAxis;
* Get the name of the attribute for the x-axis in offscreen plots
* @return the name of the xAxis
public String getOffscreenXAxis() {
return m_xAxis;
* Set the name of the attribute for the y-axis in offscreen plots. This
* defaults to "True Positive Rate" for threshold curves if not specified.
* @param yAxis the name of the xAxis
public void setOffscreenYAxis(String yAxis) {
m_yAxis = yAxis;
* Get the name of the attribute for the y-axix of offscreen plots.
* @return the name of the yAxis.
public String getOffscreenYAxis() {
return m_yAxis;
* Set the width (in pixels) of the offscreen image to generate.
* @param width the width in pixels.
public void setOffscreenWidth(String width) {
m_width = width;
* Get the width (in pixels) of the offscreen image to generate.
* @return the width in pixels.
public String getOffscreenWidth() {
return m_width;
* Set the height (in pixels) of the offscreen image to generate
* @param height the height in pixels
public void setOffscreenHeight(String height) {
m_height = height;
* Get the height (in pixels) of the offscreen image to generate
* @return the height in pixels
public String getOffscreenHeight() {
return m_height;
* Set the name of the renderer to use for offscreen chart rendering
* operations
* @param rendererName the name of the renderer to use
public void setOffscreenRendererName(String rendererName) {
m_offscreenRendererName = rendererName;
m_offscreenRenderer = null;
* Get the name of the renderer to use for offscreen chart rendering
* operations
* @return the name of the renderer to use
public String getOffscreenRendererName() {
return m_offscreenRendererName;
* Set the additional options for the offscreen renderer
* @param additional additional options
public void setOffscreenAdditionalOpts(String additional) {
m_additionalOptions = additional;
* Get the additional options for the offscreen renderer
* @return the additional options
public String getOffscreenAdditionalOpts() {
return m_additionalOptions;